Shen Long

What would you wish for? This is pre-Dende, no more than one wish.

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For more Shen Long, but without the wish granting ability

I wish for panties!

I want to remove the monthly period from all females just to see if they act more like regular procreate organic beings without the drama.

>tips fedora

I see you want him as your wife.

Shen Long, please remove Dragon Ball Super from existence.

Cringe and Bluepilled

I'd wish for shen long to be a cute loli

for kid Goku to appear in front of me so I can be his friend and we can adventure together

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I wish that Goku never became the MC again after the Cell arc.

Among other things.

t. betahan fag

I wish to know how to triforce
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Have sex

kill toriko, fuck that shit forcing blue hair meme

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>Shenron, I wish that Bejita-sama kiss my wife

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odd spacing

Another manga that can compete with HxH

Ok Retard

>I want four more Super Saiyan stages instead of phasing out Saiyan faggotry!

Oh, I get it. He's called Shen Long because he's really long. Classic Toriyama humor.

I would ask him to give me the body of a saiyan with the highest possible latent battle power. Then I'd train gather the balls again and wish for immortality.

Remove the existence of Wan Piss and by extension Oda.

But I don't want to.

nice wish dude now we have more retard babies still borns and miscarriages


The ability to grant my own wishes

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I want a 12 inch cock

happiness for everybody, free, and let no one be left behind

You already have this ability user, you just have to work to make it happen.

Make shen longer

turn to dust everyone with an I.Q. below 110 plus all jews.

Make DBS good.

All women on Earth are pregnant.

At this point, honestly, I just wish anime never existed.

I wish to be eternally young and inmortal.

A good Fist of the North Star TV adaptation.

A big tiddy tall cousin gf who gets extra wet