this is some comfy shit
This is some comfy shit
what is the appeal of african women
i don't understand
is it just low standards?
Why didnt he shed his clothes and frolic with her and the wolf dog?
Some good, old-fashion nudity would have cured what ailed him.
I could fuck a dog though and it would feel better because tighter and the higher body temperature feels amazing on the penis.
Why an african woman?
Don't bother trying to understand. It's a hetero thing.
I hate nigs so I guess I'm not reading this. Suicide Island is pretty cool though and it should be fully scanlated within the next year or so
Less hair
It's like a dolphin, but with compromises.
wtf I'm horny for brown now
Literally samefagging...
ITT: poltards
Libertine mentality.
The freedom of beating her and not having to worry about lawsuits and outraged landwhales.
Black tribal women are usually hot and fit.
They can probably chuck a spear at a lion so you don't have to.
We got a good native isekai in prehistoric age and you faggots complain that you don't like a gyaru winning the MCbowl? My god, look at all of your trash tastes
>Black tribal women are usually hot and fit.
They are ugly, fat, and have saggy misshapen tits.
Correction. Young black tribal women that haven't had 20 children are usually hot and fit.
Look at this homo
Underrated manga. Same with suicide island.
> inb4 hurr durr they are too indecisive
>We got a good native isekai in prehistoric age and you faggots complain that you don't like a gyaru winning the MCbowl?
Name of the manga?
Seriously BUMP for name of source
I agree.
>that art
This has been pretty interesting so far.
Could have just moved the speech bubble a bit instead of that weird censour bar.
Sousei no Taiga
it's women. It have vagina. Muh dick.
Have sex
Just wait for the next volume, OP. Your dreams will be crushed.
No appeal. They're just easy pussy and men are wired to fuck as many as they can.
>wired to fuck as many as they can
>still a virgin
Sad to be you
You know something we don't, user?
Fuck, now I want to read a manga where the potential love interest of the MC is a brown, fit huntress. Fuck you, OP: where the heck am I supposed to find something like that?
I'm a white dude from a Latin American country. You do the math.
Ten sexo, preferiblemente con mujeres
Bump for tribal cuties
Need a romance manga where the two lovers can't even undrerstand each other but simply fall in love through wordless interactions.
>dude starts a thread with romance manga with a black chick in the pic
>poltards immediately lash out
Every time
They can't control themselves. They probably sperg out like this in real life. Many such cases.Sad!
This. Girls like in the OP are always the one who dies and gives way to the typical bland housewife girl.
Last bump
And goodnight
i actually added that to post on blue board
original just has nipple
Tell me more, I am interested.
idk i'm expecting MC's friends to be enslaved by the cast of vinland saga so
author probably wont go that far
fuck off, nigger
Chocolate with juicy lips.
>Doesn't like black women
>Wouldn't even consider dating, fucking, or marrying one and makes it known that they want nothing to do with them.
>Notices OP's thread and jumps in just to shit on black women.
Why do white men and black men who only date whites and Asians do this? If you are so comfortable with who you are and who you are attracted to, why do you go through so much trouble to shit on black women?
Every race has women that are ugly as fuck and not every black women you have seen is ugly.
It's disturbing how angry people get when a black woman is considered viable for dating or having sex with when they don't want them in the first place. Reminds me of how people won't leave Megan Markle the fuck alone.