I’m going to post this everyday until you like it

I’m going to post this everyday until you like it.

Attached: E92F8C1B-D143-4814-A0E8-BF6AE1EACDF6.jpg (525x549, 74K)

I already like it, blyat.

Attached: 19.jpg (300x100, 25K)

Attached: every day until you like it bun.png (460x615, 180K)

It's not the same.

I hate it.

>mobile posting sakurafish
This is just insulting.

I miss the fish.

It’s the easiest way to be able to post it without having my IP banned
>inb4 nigger learn to ban evade
Nah, if you’re so good at it you make the thread yourself

OP: shockingly not a faggot for once

It is not day, it is night, stupid.


he used the wrong image

Attached: 1556540616104.png (1484x720, 375K)

Because he's a ban evading mobileposting turbofaggot.

I still hate it. I will always hate it.

>mobile posting
How can you tell?

check the filename. iPhones connected to an iCloud account have that kind of filenames (UUID).

but what if it's mac

That’s just a bigger phone for stupid phoneposters

not him, but you can change the filename on macs
t. macfag

Attached: ur mom is gay.png (614x424, 51K)


Attached: Sakura 31331313131313131333.png (566x697, 195K)

It is in Hawaii

Attached: hawaiifish.png (1280x720, 510K)

I thought I lost my fish

Attached: xztwlrpylzaj.png (627x606, 238K)

Friendly reminder that they've never once banned this spammer in his 6-month daily crusade against Yea Forums.

Attached: 33.png (912x941, 420K)


>No trips

The mods like it

Just change your IP if you get banned. It takes one minute.


I’m actually incredibly illiterate when it comes to technology so you’ll have to be patient with me
I only figured out what IP Addresses are just the other month

OP here
This guy isn’t me I don’t know what the fuck he’s spouting

These two are both imposters. I'm the real OP and I've been too busy sucking cocks to respond.

No, I am the Sakura


Attached: 1555370911021.png (182x240, 33K)


no user, mods will kill the fish

I thought I wanted to do it once.

Attached: hiroyuki.png (554x599, 475K)

Did mods kill the fish because it was already loved?

They did it because they're faggot newfags who want to dilute the culture so normalfags can feel at home.

Well it aint't working because the board is slow as shit
And i love it


I miss it.

Attached: ohana room fish fairy.jpg (943x552, 79K)

I still hate it.