What is megumin best attribute?
What is megumin best attribute?
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I dunno, here's 126 of them.
You saved this from the mid-riff thread, didn't you ;)
Her ability to draw all the plebs in and leave the other actually good girls in the show for anyone with taste.
To draw in those with a wide range of exquisite taste.
Her funniness.
Her age
Prime loli
her brain
This is some next level advanced autism here
Her cu**y
god i just wanna bury my face on her stomach till i past out then do it all over again
makes Aqua look better by comparison
Her passion for explosions.
Her tiny and light body.
By me.
Her underage pussy
I'm going to assume it's the one with an entire extra digit. That's a big deal.
She's prime rape material whenever she passes out.
Not as good as the potato version, desu.
It's not that high really, only 231
That's at the beginning of the series. She's about 50 levels higher now.
I like how she's the smartest character but she's also a a stupid chuuni.
If I was being poetic I would say some bullshit about contrast and juxtaposition but really I just like eugenics so im only attracted to smart girls but I still need to trick them into the back of my van somehow.
It's actually just copying Yuuanon from Girl's Last Tour threads
Pretty sure she is like 17, way too old to be considered a loli
Still slightly too old to be cute and funny
is at least right that she is the prime age though
Have a 13
That's not even on her
Didn’t he kill himself?
>it's a megumin movie
And the start of Kazumin.
Whose hair did she make a skipping-rope out of?
not as good as the the Girls last tour Yuuri Poster. That dude is at over 200 at this point
I hope megumin gets to cast the biggest explosion spell ever in the climax of this movie.
Making her whole village proud of her. (and making them hate her because she nuked the whole village)
Can somebody post the full version of this picture?
He didn't post in last tkmiz thread, I'm worried
she won't but she will
You don't want it bro, I liked that picture less after finding the sauce, you will too unless you like fatties
this is pathetic even for this boards standards.
Sure, real waifu worship lists begin at 500 items, but getting over 100 is still okay.
she's just chunny now. is that good or bad?
He lives in our hearts.
all the characters are like that.
Kazuma has one in a billion luck but constantly gets pulled into shitty situations Aqua is a god with maxed out stats but is too stupid to ever be useful beyond party tricks. its a running theme in the series.
Her glowing eyes. They not only turn red, they actually glow in the dark and the glow grows more intense the more excited she is. Which means during sex, even if the lights are turned off, you'll have two passionate red lights in front of you growing brighter and brighter as you reach the climax with her.
Wait, what? He did?
Man, now i have a boner, take responsibility.
She's 15 now.
Despite her being cute, I honestly like her personality.
If I remember correctly there was a thread by him where he basically said he was gonna kill himself. this was a long time ago, dunno if he went through with it or not but I never saw him on Yea Forums again after that.
All of these. Not a perverted board at all, r-right user?
She's ok, but inferior to the original.
>That doujin of megumin sucking old man smegma.
It's tied between being cute and being funny.
Too long of a list. Does this include DFC/Loli/Would fuck?
Being friends with Darkness.
Waifubaiting all waifufags so that the author can sell his shitty LN
her explosive kicks to my dick
>someone thought out. typed out all those points and made an image out of them.
Hopes for the movie?
I'm ok, that thread occured during the night and ended around noon.
I was at work and I was unable to post.
>open ms paint
>make a text box
>write like 120 reasons as a joke
>save as: 126.jpg
>make faggots like you seethe
it's worth it