Okay, so, Yea Forums the first for the and I watched Serially Experimental Lain for the time...

Okay, so, Yea Forums the first for the and I watched Serially Experimental Lain for the time. Como the Wow! Cool Lain! Such a Cool anistic and musical epherace. I especially Liked the Vapowave aeiou. But: Just hacer a question. Does Lain (SEL (SEL)) entail ANISCHERALISM?

I mean I hod very into the show and EVEN It seemed to me like this was mostly the case?

1. She doesn't doesn't at school and even prevents that the dead cloacamate does her friend and TALKS TO HER from beyond the grape.

2. She's porecient at the Wired (did anybone else notice that WIRED is an acronym for WIERD?) to the point at well known on anischeral centers such as Anonymous.

3. She's enclothing aesthetic is very poor. It truly is SEL (Serial Experiment's Lain's) indicative of Anischerales when she bares soot.

4. Serial Lain's father, the FATHER (not Jesus). Not only is he embice into the Wired but shows the same such tenacities as Lain down to the same abcession of digital taims. Also indiced in the Housing Aesthetic as the House Leader, he Decorates in a very poor aesthetic of simple and barren furnice.

5. The Sesterial Aldogenitor as indiced by the descent into prevend like the Phone and the Episode with the Naked Sky Lain (NSL).

6. The OVERACTION and UNDERACTION in various scenaries. Four instants, In episode of death of the Bar Tender ("Drugs Kill"), she is unPHASED, also in the episode of death of the Suicide Girl ("What Goes Up Must Come Down"). But When the sootmen simply POINT LASERS at HER she MURDERS THEM in COLD BLOOD, and when the silence train she TELLS THEM TO SILENCE from the non-noise.

7. The way she intracts with Jesus and kills him after his resurrection (Antichristical, can't be a coincidence).

8. The parallels to Christian through the Alien wearing the Christian sweater which REVEALED to be lain.

8. The Lack of personalspace Lain Grants to Alisu (her friend) as shows a lack of boundries.

Attached: 220px-Serial_Experiments_Lain_DVD_vol_1.jpg (220x318, 28K)

Lain is a program

This is peak strokeposting

Forget about this lelsodeepshit
Niea_7 where it at.

Both are good.

Attached: [a4e]NieA_7_06[divx5.03].ogm_snapshot_11.57_[2018.05.14_17.09.27].jpg (640x480, 32K)

Good to know that still exists somewhere.

I didn't always acquire better copies of everything later, and generally kept the first versions saved too.

Is this the nightly Lain thread?

Yoshii best girl.

Attached: abe_049.jpg (225x350, 29K)

Most old fansubs are gone from the internet.
Not that i give a shit after learning moon, but in a way i don't want that shit to disappear from the internet completely.

Too much has been lost thinking someone else would have a copy somewhere in the future.

Attached: Serial Experiments Lain - Layer 13 Ego.avi_snapshot_11.20_[2019.08.24_02.03.02].png (400x320, 50K)

It's worst than that user
Rather than lost because someone else will save it, it's lost because it didn't really matter, the fansubs were always shit, it just happened to be the only thing available.
I'll still save as many as i can if only for the memories.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] YuruYuri S3 - 04 [720p].mkv_snapshot_07.48_[2015.10.27_00.59.01].jpg (1280x720, 55K)

what language is this?

Attached: Lain_chibi.gif (1005x742, 2.53M)

A cybeprunk remake of the gnostic parable of the Last Temptation of Christ with a Japanese schoolgirl. Jesus Christ. Really?

Attached: last-temptation_large.jpg (225x209, 15K)

Niea_7 is weaponized boredom holy shit

I'll let you in on a secret user, after enough chinese cartoons you'll understand the only thing (other than lolis) nips know how to do right is ambience and you'll learn to appreciate SoL

Are you having a stroke?

nice blog

>no autistic.jpg
You could at least try, dumb poser.

It's an user with schizophrenia who really likes Lain, what he's posting is called word salad

Lain is great, but I think OP needs immediate medical treatment

Attached: lainvangelion.jpg (637x358, 35K)

I-i don't know how to react to this post,
I guess I've finally gone crazy and hace ya tiempo que me lo imaginaba

Attached: hr-18.jpg (1280x720, 75K)

I spilt my chocolate milk because of you

Attached: 58505972-0287-4CFC-A3AE-62026EA3A04D.gif (320x384, 2.23M)

or is he just receiving too much information from the global ECCO network and can't process it all

Attached: screencaps-02008.jpg (1520x1080, 545K)

Why haven't you opened up to the global neuronal network, user? Start talking to dolphins and connect to the wired through the collected subconscious as it becomes manifested in the digital age of the new millennium. And if you hook up with dolphins while you're at it, all the better.

Attached: screencaps-02007.jpg (1520x1080, 571K)

Who is this handsome man??

Attached: John_C_Lilly_004.jpg (487x450, 57K)

I remember this one damn

Damn, this gave me whiplash. I remember this post from a few years ago. Good shit user

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