Ghost in the shell series sequel - future timeline

Will we ever get a sequel to ghost in the shell? What I mean is will we ever see the world of ghost in the shell beyond the 2020s and early 2030s?
I want thr universe to expand into the future. Say the 2080s.
Is the major still around? Baoto? Etc.

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Anyone? Guess everyone here has shit tier taste.

No, I hope they stop making GitS. The two Oshii movies and SAC are already perfect and all the new shit is just getting worse with each iteration.

GitS is fucking garbage though. Normalfags eat it up because they think it's "totally super serious not moeshit" but the manga is decent and anime is awful

Normal fags only know about gits becsuse of the the film and its literally not moeshit.
Far better than most of the garbage that gets posted on this board.

Correct, this board needs help

You're pretty delusional if you think liking fucking GitS makes you have good taste

Again, far far better than the absolute hot garbage that’s posted on this board.
Oh wow another thread on ny favorite anime tiddies

>GitS isn't hot garbage
I don't follow. Also it's obvious you only know the anime, possibly only the first movie.
The manga is written by one of the horniest guys in the business, it's clear you haven't actually read it

I know about the fucking manga and the lesbian orgies.
I’m not talking about the manga.

If you aren't talking about the manga then you can't be talking about the anime, because the anime is fucking horrible.
And if you aren't talking about manga or anime why are you on Yea Forums?

Go back to watching your seasonal garbage on crunchy roll.

But the only people who even use crunchyroll are normalfags who love GitS and "don't really like anime but"

You’re right, the neets here pirate their seasonal anime garbage or dick girl anime porn.

Have you ever read the manga? Because there is a direct sequel.

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What the fuck are you talking about? Are you seething anime has fanservice or something?
You normalfags need to get it through your fucking skulls there are places you aren't allowed

Lol is there a worse case of friendzoning in anime than batou?

I wanted to buy the physical edition but apparently it’s censored?

There are two manga sequels, user
Stand Alone complex exists.
Come the fuck on

Do they take place in the future? Did you even read the op? No?
Come the fuck on.

Shut up, both of you. Take your retarded faggot brawl to Yea Forums or wherever. No one here cares about your precious tastes and opinions.

Sorry for discussing anime and manga on the anime and manga board