This is nene, she has achieved much more professionally and personally than your neet in your whole life

This is nene, she has achieved much more professionally and personally than your neet in your whole life

Attached: flat,1000x1000,075,f.u3.jpg (1000x563, 101K)

Other urls found in this thread:

And look what it got her. An early death. Killed in Aoba's office shooting.

Attached: dedecchi.png (401x649, 421K)

What distro does she use?

Is just paintball burguer adicted to school shootings


Visual Studio, the only C++ gaming distro

>implying everyone in Yea Forums is a hikkineet
>tfw im actually 1 semester way from graduating from cs and trying my luck with nippon's mext postgraduate scholarship
actually no she hasnt but i do self insert as her, therefore she is my best girl

Attached: rzcvFIr.png (1351x1079, 998K)

Sure neckbeard

Attached: 39c05a8625f704914c7efcc716d4c8c5.jpg (720x736, 50K)

That's nice. What does rubbing it in my face accomplish? Same situation, but now my feelings are hurt.

>bragging on Yea Forums
what a faggot.

Attached: 364.jpg (371x353, 13K)

you jelly of me going to nippon for free and getting payed 80,000 neetbux a month

Attached: qChtQy7.png (939x938, 592K)


If you aren't a hikiNEET you shouldn't be on Yea Forums.

but what if i like anime, vidya and films but hate mal, resetera and reddit? besides i was a hikkineet at some point?

Attached: cPVTwlJ.png (981x981, 831K)

>Implying I don't have an upper level management position at my dad's business

>implying actual pro gamedevs don't browse Yea Forums

>Not getting a postdoctoral fellowship in MIT
Still got a long way to go user

Sure neckbeard x2

Attached: maxresdefault (24).jpg (1280x720, 123K)

>implying the smart choice is getting shot in muttland instead of going to animeland
im beyond your level fag

Attached: q0GWbdf.png (1001x1001, 735K)

You need to be over 18 to use this board.

>le get shot maymay
That's a meme, not an actual argument against getting a real education.

tfw no nene gf

Attached: 1531168793376.png (1280x720, 976K)

But there are lots of smokers in Nippon, and second hand is more dangerous than guns.

Praise the cake overlord!

Attached: C9.png (900x800, 396K)

But I'm an accomplished Java enterprise developer, I couldn't give two shits about some dipshit girl dealing with manual memory management in the current year while I rake in the dough.

Attached: fuck you.jpg (1280x720, 86K)

You rake in way more dough if you're a programmer who knows how to do things like manual memory management than if you're a Java code monkey.

>Java enterprise developer
My condolences.

Am I the only one who thinks that this dude self-inserting as a girl is weird?
Or is this guy actually a chick?

Debian (Lesbian)

On Yea Forums?
You are the weird one, more than half the people here self inserts as cute and funny characters.

Any Java developer will at least knows at a basic level how to do it manually, and if he works for example with Channels and Direct Buffers he will have some knowledge on how manage memory, the fact is that Web Development is the highest paying shit right now and everything is business oriented, the customer doesn't want to wait until you write your own JVM and manage how memory is allocated in it, you make the system using existing tools, fix business logic/UI bugs on the way and ship it and get your money that's how the real world works. Sepples is niche and also trash in my personal opinion because of its obnoxious error messages and the lack of unified string support out of the box. So no, I'd rather have that enterprise money that deal with fucking sepples.

Post-docs all the way down. Academia's rigged.

Justify it all you want, you're a hack stapling other people's code together instead of an actual developer. The fact that you think C++ error messages are worse than fucking Java's and don't know about the existence of smart pointers is all the evidence anyone needs that you don't know what you're talking about.

Blergh, philistine languages for pleb wagies. MIT professor tier accept only the language which embodies the abstract foundation of computation in Church's Lambda Calculus.

Attached: sicplain.png (496x400, 250K)

>The fact that you think C++ error messages are worse than fucking Java's
They are worse, are you serious? Javac/scalac will tell you exactly what is wrong with the code you typed up, MSVC/Clang or whatever bullshit you're using will tell you dog shit like error at address 0xfuckyoufaggot especially when it comes to linking errors and why do you bring up smart pointers what do they have to do with anything?

Based and lispilled

Sorry grandpa, but Yea Forums has been infested with mobile posting underage fags for years now.

C++ error messages are just fine at telling you what you did wrong and where. Error at address 0xwhatever is an obvious segfault where you look at the callstack and add a null check. It's really fucking simple if you actually know how a computer works.

Smart pointers are what get rid of all complaints about C++ memory management. If performance isn't a big concern, then just make_shared and you don't have to worry about it. Maybe don't bitch about C++ and memory management if you can't recognize a god damn segfault and don't know how C++ has been doing memory management for the past decade.

You sound like C++ developer who desperately tries to make his language not suck. C++ is powerful but it is crappy af in the same time

>Church's Lambda Calculus.
It is my dream job - to write dozens of weird monads and other shit just to create a simple rest application

I want to teach Nene about the wonders of advanced STL, generics, boost and smart pointers.

Attached: 1565072256939.png (719x718, 641K)

Segfault at compile time? Do YOU know how a computer works?

Lisp can do crazy things with the right enthusiasm. The first, landmark, computer algebra system is an immense lisp undertaking:

Many of those symbolab type math homework solvers use this old workhorse to do the work.

Attached: legujE.jpg (700x849, 280K)

C++ is simply performance over convenience.

I'd hope most other people that were hiki when they started here have got past it by now. ~15 years to get over it should be enough.

Attached: 006.jpg (1354x1920, 541K)

You described a segfault, retard.

No, I described a typical error message I've had on multiple occasions when trying to compile a rudimentary piece of sepples shit, you made it to be a segfault for some reason.

It's crappy for a beginner learning from Youtube tutorials, but good for a professional.

She's cursed.

Attached: 1565723311665.jpg (1280x720, 329K)

You've already outed yourself a dozen times as not having any fucking clue what you're talking about, doubling down on the lies isn't going to help. And if you think you're not lying, then you're being a tech illiterate who doesn't actually read the error messages and then complains that they're bad.

I can't think of anything other than a gaymen development to use it, there are much better alternatives, Go, rust. C++ has always been trash and I'm glad you don't have to know it to get a job, nowadays you need to know JS even if you're doing a back-end.

get out of my board

>nowadays you need to know JS
Honestly, it is hardly an improvement over C++

why are there no anime girls holding python books

Look at this retarded sepples fanboi. I've told your dumb ass at least 3 times already that sepples error messages when compiling are non-sensical and never point you to the source of the problem, they only spew bullshit about memory addresses but you started talking about segfaults at run time and calling me dumb for not having the time to learn all the ins and outs of manual memory management in 2019. I'm sorry sweetie, but in 2019 people shit on sepples and don't have the time to read your obscure compile time messages when there's a JVM that's faster than your piece of legacy bullshit, which is why enterprise uses languages on top of JVM and not your dog shit 100-yo sepples garbage, which is why I'm laughing all the time on my way to the bank every time I remember some sepples faggot from a muppet basket weaving forum calling me dumb for not being able to decypher cryptic sepples error messages.

Attached: 1516718239941.jpg (900x810, 52K)

the only people who like that show live that life.
that shit was my first year down to senior dev who likes airsoft too much.

>why are there no anime girls holding python
Way too lewd

C++ is the "this project needs to have really good performance" language. If you're not as concerned about it, use something else because C++ does have some extra dev time overhead. However, people seem to think of C++ of the worst of C++98 and the worst of C and the worst of bad programmers making their own lives hell when it's plenty usable.

But understand JS only needs a fraction of effort of understanding Rust and especially C++. In exchange, it's extremely hard to maintain large JS programs. But that's not because the language is hard, but because you're so busy being a dumb code monkey tracking down retarded choices by other programmers, that weren't contained by a proper type system.

She can hold my python any time.

Which is why you should use TS.

Reminds me of that old desktop app where you could use a hammer, torch, gun, ants to destroy a jpeg of your desktop.

Enterprise uses Java because a shitty code monkey can staple together a bunch of libraries to get something to work and the business folks can usually cash out before it collapses under it's own weight. You've made it abundantly clear that everything you know about C++ comes from second or third hand sources and barely know anything about how a computer works. Congratulations on finding a job that will let you get paid well despite having so little knowledge, though I'm starting to suspect it's made up.

>a shitty code monkey can staple together a bunch of libraries to get something to work
Well, this is because that's how programmers usually work. Most of the time you do not spend time inventing the wheel and just use something that is ready and stable

if you need a book to learn python you need to pick another job, ima have to reject your pull request bro. My first time touching the language was facerolling the keyboard actually drunk. Even java is unironically more concise in any project over a thousand lines.

Your post just made me age 10 years.

Attached: 1508169941735.jpg (600x600, 62K)

You keep talking about Java, but forget there are multiples languages that can be run on top of the JVM.
>can staple together a bunch of libraries to get something to work
That's how the real world works, you cannot do a project with any amount of significance unless you use external libraries, because without them, you'd have to support a shitton of more code.
>You've made it abundantly clear
You've made it abundantly clear that you've never had a real job, well good luck to you writing that fizzbuzz, hopefully one day you'll get a burger flipping job,so make sure to tell them how smart you are and how Java sucks and sepples is the shit.

>ITT: a wageslave attempts to rationalize wasting his life doing menial tasks for his corporate masters
Thanks for the autismbux though

Is your autismbux 200K a year with a stake in the company?

>You rake in way more dough if you're a programmer who knows how to do things like manual memory management than if you're a Java code monkey.
You absolutely don't. You want money, Java it is.

You gotta at least halve that to account for the cost of living in California.

Nah, I will never live in that shithole, I love my guns too much.

>he says this with an imgur filename

god I wish I had a hot black programming C++ gf.

Attached: 1566531967622.png (558x834, 379K)

user, user listen to me: She is not real.

S3 when?

Attached: [Doki] New Game!! - 06 (1280x720 Hi10P AAC) [D22BEC6B].mkv - 0005.jpg (1280x720, 107K)

There's using external libraries and then there's cobbling together a bloated mess that most Java enterprise code is. Keep crying mister "I segfaulted in the linker."


She write C++ on a paper sheet and wait for someone to compile it.

>your neet
Leave my son alone he will eventually make it!

when's nene quest 2

Compiling can't possibly give errors relating to addresses, retard.

Soo I hope

I hope you fail, this way my friend will get that phd position instead.

>more than half the people here self inserts as cute and funny characters
I envy your powers of self-delusion.
Man I wish there was a site with as much traffic as Yea Forums where more than half the users unironically love cute girl anime.

New Game should focus more on programmers
I know style and look is important but it programmers who make sure game actually is working game

It happens. It's called using AMD Ryzen.


Does having your name in credits of porn game localizations count as professional achievement?

>porn game localizations
If it's a good porn game and good localization then definitely yes

We need more programming in anime.

>this is nene

Attached: maxresdefault (2).jpg (1280x720, 112K)

I want something done in Shaft-like style that will visualize the inner struggles of programmers during their daily life

She's not black she's Okinawan

Nenecchi is a sex toy.

Attached: 1564994751515.jpg (1920x1080, 206K)

Yeah well fuck you OP, she's cute.

She has a high body count

Attached: new game nene sad holding gun.jpg (1280x720, 99K)

What's he best achievement? I'm sure I'm at least above a cute anime girl.

New chapter out

>Java enterprise developer
Any holes a goal

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I assume the job the mangaka was doing while he was working in games was more artistic and he's just writing about what he knows.

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i thought she OCRs it first before emailing it to Ahagon-san

Why would I cry if I make more than you ever will?

says the 16 year old

Did I hit a nerve? Can you even afford food, sepplesfag?

It doesn't look like anyone else here actually reads it.

Attached: B15.png (1268x1800, 526K)

This is wagecuck blogposting thread, don't bother

Instead of arguing about which language is the best, can we argue about which language tan is the cutest?

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I want to fondle them.

Attached: nene.jpg (850x1219, 156K)


>he makes errors in his C++ code
Sounds like you're just not smart enough for the job. You better stick with Java.

Do you also write your code in notepad and build it using a terminal?

doubt unless if we're from the same country cause each country has like a quota, its not worldwide

Attached: BOwtXDb.png (671x672, 475K)

Are you talking about the MEXT scholarship?

I want to make out with Hajime's armpits and butt hole

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yep, ive been preparing all my undergraduate for this shit, i know everything, ive even filled the forms and prepared for the interview for years now and started learning nihongo just to give me the edge when i finally do it for realz next year, on top off my field being stem. fuck humanityfags for clogging the applications

Attached: 0TeTLvb.jpg (1600x900, 95K)

Japanese isn't a factor if you're applying for scholarship in a tech-related field.

Just do it in her pussy you idiot. How else is she gonna have your baby.

i know that, it all technically comes down to the research proposal and not dropping your spaghetti during the interview, but tell me which candidate is more desirable: one that doesnt speak jack shit or someone that can? the answer is obvious, plus my competition arent native english speakers so i can shine there too!

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>he fell for the university meme
dude, just buy bitcoin

I wanna cum inside Nene as she codes. I heard it helps with programming.

Only if she's wearing programming socks.

sir please do the needful

Completely forgot to read volume 9. Just lost interest in this series, more or less.

Attached: 1566215237426.jpg (689x720, 67K)

It seemed a few people dropped it a few volumes ago, either due to the new characters or the new team setup, but I assumed we'd have a few more people happy to see the next volume turning up.

Attached: i-009.jpg (1354x1920, 582K)

But she’s probably really sweaty in those areas due to how physically active she is


NeneEngine will replace Unreal one day.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] New Game!! - 01 [720p].mkv_snapshot_09.34.jpg (1280x720, 238K)

>method names start with upper case
Shitty style.


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Nene is a treasure

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Attached: Doki20New20Game20-20Chapter209120-20Page2004.png (1268x1800, 2.85M)

Is it just me or is the art getting lewder and lewder

>show amazing project
>dismiss by pointing out unimportant details in coding style
Why are programmers always the same?

what skillset should i need if im going to apply for cs?

Have a good foundation in mathematics.
CS is basically just an math degree.

>Have a good foundation in mathematics.
fuck me
i'm a brainlet in math

Math is just memorization.

I still enjoy the manga and I am glad the translations arent dead.

Grind through Khan academy and don't despair just because a field is math heavy. Math is a tool that's easily forgotten in a year or two if you don't use it, you're not the only aspirant who feels like a brainlet.

Come on, do you really believe that?

I used to be that way as well.
I event failed college algebra twice.

After begging the dean to let me come back to school i basically spent ALL of my free time studying and grinding out math problems on Khan Academy and watched YouTube videos and now im passing all my math courses.

If a retard like me can do it with enough hard work, so can you user.

>resolvedDamage = debuf->ApplyToDamage(resolvedDamage);
line within the context of a loop over each debuff is the one thing I take issue with. It implicitly restricts what 'ApplyToDamage' could actually do without having the ordering the debuffs occur in affect the outcome, in which case you could explicitly use the basic operator that you actually want to use instead of hiding that within the function.

>college algebra

This is that American class for brainlets doing middle/high school math in university, right?

It's in my case, enough to pass CS anyway.

>method names start with upper case
I'm surprisingly OK with that. There are much greater offenses people are getting away with, such as having only doxygen documentation for API or shitty architecture.

What triggers me is the desire to write an engine from scratch. It's very hard to justify something like that in modern world, although it does pay off in some cases. I wonder if it's explained in the anime. Oh my rubber backlog.

Other than that the code looks good. I was slightly doubtful about the debuf objects, but now that I see how they are used it all makes sense.

>nene achieved more in one semester than I did in 2 years

Attached: 1550553472604.gif (597x630, 165K)

It's for people who didnt take Algebra already in Highschool or didnt score high enough on the math portion of the ACT/SAT.

Careful there good user. Now that you're in CS you'll encounter all kinds of new math. With memorization as foundation it won't be easy. Most things in math are actually graphical and it's way easier to think about them that way.

That's still a detail you can't even be sure about, user.

People do it for education and fun, 100% good reasons. Besides, people should NIH more and avoid dependency and bloat nightmares. Nowadays every game has to be bloated unity garbage.

To pass, as to finish not to pass exam into CS.

Yeah, unity is clearly a failure at this point.

Sometimes NIH makes sense, especially when it's done for fun. The biggest issue with that is platform-specificity, but it might just not matter for something small.

Did you only need to finish or should I wish you good luck?

>The biggest issue with that is platform-specificity,
This is annoying, but simple. For simple things you can get away with SDL+GL even.

True. And they seem to be making a 2D game, so that might just work for them. No Mac anymore, but fuck it.

Sorry bro, I fell off the wagon and now I have a stable job and good career prospects

Attached: 82.png (844x1200, 172K)

Why the fuck do they allow those people to go to college?

Her code is garbage

Your genetic code is garbage

Attached: 1473177750250.jpg (1920x1080, 780K)

Whenever I look at these threads, I feel like everybody's gotten great success achieved, whereas I'm barely an undergraduate CS student learning the basics of Python and trying to wrap my head around relatively low-level mathematics, unable to even think of any unique programs I'd wanna make later on.

Some people here will be at least 10 years older than you, so have had longer to achieve things.
New Game showing them achieving stuff before they're 20 feels worse.

Attached: Image073.jpg (2732x3922, 1.05M)

why didn't they tell her to use unity?

i would watch the show if the main character didnt look so fucking weird

It is time.

Attached: ƎИƎИ.jpg (1280x720, 95K)

>This is wagecuck blogposting thread
Knights of the Lambda Calculus have transcended such prosaic knavery.

Attached: scheme_lisp_SICP_anime_girl_27946.jpg (600x600, 108K)

She's perfect in every way.

Attached: aoba legs.webm (1280x720, 2.02M)

>yep, ive been preparing all my undergraduate for this shit, i know everything,
Really? Hope you are ready for actual entry exams just to get into a CS grad program there, rather than just a baby-tier GRE. This shit is nothing to those of us from the theoretical/math side of things but the typical "go to the stack for muh ansers", "coder" Pajeet-tier monkey that most of our CS programs put out would give up on the first question.

Note this is not unique to just exalted Todai, they all do this.

Good Luck.

I just wanted a New Game thread why is there nothing but blogposting faggots here?

Attached: 234089234089234.png (600x600, 441K)

Well shit son, start posting.

Attached: 1504020926408.jpg (4096x2949, 1.03M)

programmers are aspie tards who don't have friends. when they see an opportunity to talk about themselves to the detriment of everyone else they take it

After you are done with the math problems, here's some fun CS too:

If OP pic is Nene, thread is already ruined

Attached: mochizuki-momiji-suzukaze-aoba-Haribote.png (811x811, 668K)

Because college is a business and people like that help them make lots of money.

Attached: 1470174232609.jpg (2704x1920, 1.26M)

>already ruined
You mean saved

Now post the unedited version

This, enterprise java spring stack traces are what determine the men from the boys.

Attached: Small Java Stack Trace.png (5965x4473, 1.66M)


Attached: 1511943057114.jpg (4096x2952, 1.06M)

There is literally nothing impressive about this stacktrace. Most of it are just framework internals and business logic layer is thin

is it bad that my eyes gravitated to the two otaku's first?

I know hence why it's called small java stack trace.

The OP is programmer blog bait. I don't know what you expected.

Her girlfriend letting her play on the office computers isn't an "achievement".

>enemy has 3 debufs that don't change anything in ApplyToDamage()
>they take 3x the damage
>if one attack would be fatal, they trigger the death code 3 times, probably generating triple drops or something
Nice code, dork.

What a garbage dev community it must be to generate something like that.

bless this author

#include __FILE__

into a.cpp and compiling with g++ a.cpp will give you a 21300 lines long error message.

this ain't /g/ lad

Th guy said that C++ had sensible error messages. I gave the simplest possible counterexample, since I can't let such an obviously retarded statement stand.



ah yes the good ol let me show everyone im smart by pointing something out that doesn't make any sense.

I was more making a joke at the code tags.

>What a garbage dev community
It is nothing in comparison to JS technology stack

C++ is for subhumans.
The UNIX way is the only right way, C and whatever high level scripting language (Bash,Python,Ruby,etc) you fancy to glue things together.

no, he's definetely weird

>achieved more than I ever will in my entire life
>not even real

>simplest possible counterexample
Your example is absolutely cherry picked and does not fully support your point.
Firstly I don't disagree with the opinion that C++ error messages often are hard to understand, but in practice you will never encounter an error even close that that order of magnitude.
You deliberately chose something that will make the error printing go into a loop.
Secondly even if the error message is printed a thousand times, in this case it's pretty easy to see what you're doing wrong.

TIL Yea Forums isn't full of NEETs, it's just full of code monkeys who can't handle anything but web dev.

It's a pathetic circle jerk. Notice their failure to appreciate SICP, boasting about getting into a Japanese uni on scholarship when they probably couldn't even row-reduce a matrix, and assorted rambling about inane ephemera connected to web dev that will be outdated in 6 months.


Attached: 1565317502032.jpg (1280x720, 353K)

Genius only solution to fixing error message spam:
-scroll up to the first error message
-fix it
Do not attempt at home, this strategy is too complicated.

Terrifying. Imagine debugging this.

This. If you get her pregnant she's much more likely to stay around.

Someone explain this is easy words I am not smart help

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You are not a real programmer if you do not know and use over 50 (500+ in case of JavaScript) different libraries, tools and frameworks

ill be fine, literally nobody that got the mext scholarship has failed to pass the entrance exams since the lab sensai gets them in anyway on top of having 2 attempts at it

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