> There are people on Yea Forums right now who don't like OHAYO SEKAI GOOD MORNING WORLD!
Lets be honest, you hate it because its popular right? If not, explain yourself.
> There are people on Yea Forums right now who don't like OHAYO SEKAI GOOD MORNING WORLD!
Lets be honest, you hate it because its popular right? If not, explain yourself.
Other urls found in this thread:
>And that's the power of math, people!
His hair looks stupid. What's the name of this faggot?
I havnt watch it yet but i gotta it looks cringy and trash lmfao
both the OP and ED are pretty catchy in a non-gay way. Glad I started watching this.
Feels like a bad anime adaption though, and I haven't read the manga. The pacing was a little insane in the earlier episodes and theres a lot of >implied character development to justify reactions, which I'm assuming was lengthy content in the manga.
I like it just fine, OP.
I like it.
>because its popular right
>Dr. stone
>it's popular
Dr. Flopfags, everyone.
The fact that you even come in here to bait us says otherwise.
I only come to laugh at your pitiful sales.
It's clearly for little kids. Like, it's literally just Bill Nye disguised as a shonen to teach dumb jap kiddies basic science. It's not bad, but I don't know how anyone could seriously argue it's a good show.
I doubt you know anything in the show, unless you studied and majored in chemistry or physics. I doubt most people (except science buffs or majors) will know anything in this show. It's not all just "basic science" shit. Some of it is college level shit that only chemistry majors would probably know.
How you fags this retarded and cringey?
Why would you care about sales if you aren't a Jew?
Are you a jew?
He is not going to gas the Dreadlock chad is he? I mean that would take care of that problem really fast
This dude has the most "I'm an anime character" hair since Yugi.
I don't know what this is, nor do I care. I assume some new HxH clone or something.
I think this series might actually outcringe BC and MHA
>Lets be honest, you hate it because its popular right?
Why stonefags are this delusional?
It already did.
>10 billion percent
>onion hair
kek you name it
Its amazing and it was surprise to me since i length dont expect to be interested in any shounen.
same kind of boat, but I think it's only alright. looked obnoxious and is a shounen, but it's enjoyable. the whole civilization starting from scratch premise has its charm.
You are probably baiting but this show started using concept from quantum mechanics then everyone will call it a pretentious garbage, me included.
It's fine as it is high IQ user.
>its popular right
....It's popular?
>lets teach little kids to do black poulder
Lyrics fit the show and the song doesn't assault the ears. My only real complaint with the OP is there's a good amount of dead air with Senku next to floating junk that could be filled with something more interesting.
First thing I would do is invent the longbow. How is that not the first thing he does? Honestly wtf.
He literally loses to a deer in a contest of stamina, and in the middle of spring (warm) weather. That deer's heart should have exploded long before Senku ran out of stamina. Guy has no idea how to be a human.
a longbow would take some skill to use which they don't have I assume
The anime is a pretty mediocre adaptation. Especially that OP. The manga's pretty good tho.
Most of the war is won through wololo instead of combat.
Who tries to close in on a buck with a sharp stick, when spear chucking is totally OP and deer can EASILY kill you when cornered.
You wouldn't fuck a gorilla, would you?
No, that is the beauty of the longbow, it is extremely simple to use.
Senku invents black powder, and he has a distillery we know because he uses alcohol, but somehow he doesn't have methanol (literally just wood grain alcohol) which is a super energetic fuel, similar to gasoline.
We know he doesn't have methanol because he spends a whole day pumping a windbag to bake iron using only wood as fuel for the flame. Why
Can Senku get enough draw strength with his wimpy arms? Gathering+trapping would probably be less exhausting since he also has to juggle his time with de-stoning research arid various constructions like getting his earthenware right.
I hate the art style. Can't get over it.
Senku should have invented the microscope, the telescope, methanol powered generators, and the RPG7 by now.
With proper form he should be able to fully draw a 60lb bow, which is more than enough to mortally wound a deer. Gathering and trapping are actually very labor intensive per acquired kilocalorie of food. By comparison, hunting deer is way more efficient.
>brainlet science writing
you have to be under 5 to suspend belief
The idiom is "suspend disbelief"
When is Senku going to fuck her?
I hate it because it makes me cringe. Got it?
Senku is just kind of a disappointment to be honest. The whole show is a disappointment. The pacing is set for a series with 10+ seasons before Senku accomplishes his goal of a space faring civilization. At this rate, we will be lucky if Senku reaches the agricultural revolution by the end of the season.
When he rebuilds civilization to not bring kids into this stone world shithole
You're in for a surprise. Antibiotics by ep 18.
Agriculture is invented at chapter 90ish when people start bitching to him how hungry they are.
Woah, easy there tough guy, don't want to get crazy here
Is this show just 12 episodes?
Well technology needs manpower. With a small amount of manpower they can only do so much, with the backing of the village they get to do more and when they beat the unga kingdom they can afford to do bigger picture stuff.
Agriculture will be around Season 3. I'm guessing this season won't go far into the whole stonewar arc. Season 3 will end when they set out with their boat.
I love how he gives Suika warm smiles
Can anyone explain how he survived after having his vertebrae fractured or spine severed or whatever? I get that removing the rock heals the surrounding area etc. What I don't get is how the rest of his organs (mostly his brain) go back to being normal after being deprived of oxygen for a while. Seems like an ass pull and took me out of the whole SCIENCE LMAO mood
the "science" is all over the place because apparently a human can one punch an adult male lion
Good morning world
The depetrification process returns the body into its mostvoptimal state
I don't hate it, but I don't like it either.
>a "smart" show written by a not so smart author
>one note characters
>revolves around impressing stupid characters and cavemen
>sloppily structured narrative
>lots of convenient writing (not asspulls, but often bordering on it)
There's just stuff I'd rather watch over it.
Isn't it something around September in the show? I don't remember the timeline exactly but I remember having that impression. If that's true then they have more pressing issues than growing food.
Wrong. The science is on point, Tsukasa is just fantastically strong. Same way Senkuu has maxed INT and Taiju maxed END, Tsukasa has maxed STR. The question you should be wondering is just how much stronger than a normal human Tsukasa is to exert enough force to kill a lion and which part of its body to target for the least amount of needed force.
Love how it went from
>smart show by retard
>smart show by idiot
>smart show by not so smart
It's growing on you
>Wrong. The science is on point, Tsukasa is just fantastically strong.
Didn't he cut a tree in half or some shit with a crude flint weapon? Scientifically it's a feat he could never ever achieve as a human.
People have killed bears with their bare hands you know. A really hard punch to a vital would kill it
I'd like to believe that, but from what it seems that only applies to the first full body depetrification, like when the bitch had rocky toes and they fixed it she said that just her toe felt better if I recall. Could be wrong but then my question just becomes how does removing a small piece of rock bring so much oxygen into all the tissue etc. I get I should enjoy it for what it is but it's hard when they really over explain certain things and then fuck up other stuff.
By next ep it will be 1 year and four months since Senkuus revival. He revived on april 1st.So August.
It was even worse in the manga, that tree has a thick as fuck trunk and Tsukasa rips a huge ass chunk thats enough for it to topple over. Its best to treat this manga as a fun fictional what if using creative scientific applications to solve problems rather than outbattling it.
>It's growing on you
No, I already dropped it. I typically give non-shit shows roughly 5 eps to prove themselves.
The writer simply isn't smart enough for the kind of series he's writing. He does some research sure, but he applies it in sometimes dumb ways and the writing itself is fairly low-brow.
Before I droppped it I'd probably rate it around 6/10 or something.
all the males have well placed eyes
why does Boichi make the women look like inbred uguu garbage?
Again, the characters are superhuman ubermenschen. Laws of physics still apply. Tsukasa is just a monster. It's another fantasy vs reality gimmick. Idk wh, y youre not having fun trying to measure his power and see by how many orders of magnitude he surpasses a normal person.
The thing about this series is that everything is gradually explained, you just keep connecting the pieces. Like the recent episode explains how Senkuu got lost even with his sextant. But if you don't like it, that's ok too. It's just not your type of storytelling.
Because it makes the series a joke. They treat some parts of science super seriously while some they do whatever the fuck they want with.
It's impossible for Tsukasa's muscles, body mass, and weapon to be able to achieve that feat. Scientifically impossible.
So the only way to get enjoyment out of this series is to treat it as the joke it actually is. To completely shut your brain off. Which is a wierd disconnect when it paints itself as being a brainy series.
Because he likes early 00 anime pinups. Also cause editor told him to. Unless you prefer sunkenrock girls (which a lot of people here don't)
Does it ever explain how his tissue is reoxygenated though, or why the bad guy is reasonably smart and also VERY strong? those are my biggest gripes with the show at the moment, and the awful hair and E=mc^2 shit with the MC. There doesn't seem like pieces to connect with these issues, it just seems like ass pulls
The main characters are superhuman, that's it. And the petrification is sci-fi until further explained. But if you don't like this kind of woven plot, that's fine too. I understand not everyone will like it, still it's not shit.
These don't seem* I am dumb
Like I said, it's sci fi until further notice. Currently anime is dealing with another arc. Taiju, Yuzuriha and Tsukasa fuck off to make an uunga boonga empire and Senkuu meets some primitive people and needs to bedazzle them with reinventing modern inventions to solve their problems, to get them on his side to face uunga boonga empire. The emcand healing effects is the last bit of explanation for a while and is again addressed post chapter 100 in the manga.
So how do the healing properties work post ch 100 my man?
it is very much an anime. its not catered to any specific audience. its not trying to be rick and morty. its very much a shounen anime.
Senku wrote E=mc^2 to remind himself of the unsolved question for how he broke out of stone, and to think about what exactly was keeping him alive and conscious for 3700 years. The energy to keep him alive must have come from somewhere, but it seems like total animu magic shit if you ask me.
There are far more pseudo-intellectual animes than Dr.Stone, such as most gundam/mech anime that desperately try to portray the engineering of their mechs mechanical parts as 'practical' or 'real'. Dr.Stone straight up teaches you how to make a real bomb followed by a SWIM/"do not actually do this lol" warning as if that somehow makes it ok. Kinda weird how that got in but whatever. Most of the contraptions and plans in Dr.Stone are instead practical instead of pseudo-intellectual; but even still it's not an educational show, it's just another shounen anime with comedic scenes and skits and badasses fighting.
I tried reading the manga.
Dropped it.
I doubt the anime is any better.
It's a largly disarmed nation
No shit people are gonna want to teach kids how to make their own weapons so when the chinks take over they can fight back
The healing properties aren't adressed yet. They meet another civ that managed to get a hold of smaller versions of the petrification, like flashbombs with limited radius. Then from a freak occurance we find out that even if a small part of your body is exposed or in the radius of the light, the petrification spreads across your body. Currently they're trying to steal this flashgranade for further experimenting.
I never said anything about rick and morty though, plus I don't think it being very "anime" or "shonen" gives ti a free pass from bullshit. I get why he wrote E=mc^2, it just looks so fucking corny along with the hair etc. It's not aesthetically pleasing despite the background reasons, which wasn't that compelling. I don't really find what he explains practical, when will you or I need to know how to make bombs? If I really need to I can find much better info. I did enjoy that part of the show but those seem like the bright spots while the rest is meh to me. I wouldn't really compare it to mech anime either, where the purpose of explanations is more world building than it is based on real natural laws, not to say there isn't ass pulls there too.
So there's still no explanation for reoxygenating your entire body post mortem and fixing brain damage, etc. after a small part of the rock is removed, over 100 chapters in? This does not sound good.
>aesthetically pleasing
*gets wild Yea Forums cut/uncut flashbacks.
You're just a prude user, it's ok, you just don't want it to grow on you.
>"I want all explanations RIGHT NOW"
I think we're done here, dropping it was a good call for you.
What about my other issues? I don't really see how the green onion hair looks good man.
That's not what I said though, you're just using hyperbole to avoid this. I don't think it's unreasonable to have a major plot device explained slightly sooner than post 100 chapters.
I would probably dislike the show if every other show wasnt dogshit this season
I'm absolutely indifferent to it and really don't care.
It's not quite at that level of cringe in the delivery but yea i see what youre saying.
>to be fair you need quite a high iq to get the show
I suppose you're not used to reading shounen. These types of questions are always gradually spoonfed to you. I don't understand how you can't postpone thepetrification for now and focus on them making sulfa drugs.
Honestly I don't like the green gradient either, it's not as prominent in the manga, but I've dealt with it.
I'm not even saying it's the best thing ever, but I'm having a lot of fun with it. It's not a documentary and has over the top comedy, but it atries to stay true to itself. I'd also rate the prologue 6/10and the arc that is currently running 8.5/10 (if i wanted to be critical)
Fair enough, again I just don't feel like something like this should be withheld that long without seemingly any additional info. That said you totally have the right to enjoy it and there's parts that are fine, I just get bugged by that a part lot for reasons already mentioned.
the guaranteed reply shitpost baits are
>whats wrong with their eyes
>look at this dudes hair
do not be seriously swayed by these. It's just poking fun.
Dr.Stone is actually pretty good.
but seriously just look at this dude
Yea Forums is the worst board and Yea Forums tourists ruin other boards.
I think you should just stop watching it and leave the threads forever
Just think of it as sci fi elements frosting on a cake if it helps. The fact you rated it a 6, makes me think you should try again, causebwe share the prologue rating. And thats the weakest asc
I didn't rate it a 6, that was someone else. I just watched the anime with buddies and we could't stop laughing because
>look at this dude
Then when the bad guy punched the lions to death and things got wackier we got a lot less invested since it seemed like the fun balance between shonen/science/magic rock shit was fucked up. I watched a more recent episode and it's fine, but that's cause they're fucking around having fun trying to make iron and not punching lions to death or coming back alive by pouring etching agent on their necks.I could see it being enjoyable but I don't think it hits that balance well for me.
Not him but if you liked that part then you will most likely enjoy the rest of the show. It's all about gathering materials and making stuff from now on
Go be a nigger somewhere else, no board was ever good and your bazinga show is shit too
Yea Forums is shit its like the entire board only knows how to communicate through insults and taunts and bait and shitposts.
This kind of mentality is unique to Yea Forums.
REALLY, that does sound like a huge improvement. I just can't enjoy the villain or the conflicts that have surrounded him so far. If it's mostly them building shit I'm fine with it. Them making ramen was funny.
Yea Forums and much more importantly /3/
>ignorant of /pol/ , Yea Forums and Yea Forums
It's not unique , you need to lurk more, Yea Forums has always had this mentality and it's site wide because anywhere else moderation would try and contain it.
Yea Forums is the cancer killing Yea Forums.
modern videogaming as a hobby is something that is mostly done by complete social idiot autistics, so the vast majority of people posting on Yea Forums are complete social idiot autistics.
literally a retard containment board.
Current arc is about crafting, Senkuu gets better friends and Tarzan fucks off
>modern videogaming as a hobby is something that is mostly done by complete social idiot autistics
>Anime doesn't also fall under this description
I dunno man /pol/ alone seems worse for what it's done to the site like said, not to mention other shit boards. Not that Yea Forums is great but I'd say it's not the worst nor the sole source of the problem
The longbow is made of a very particular tree found on britain
I enjoy seeing the cast come together to make these projects. There's over the top comedy, but it's fine cause it's mostly about the cast being exhausted.
Welp shit, I'll look into it, thanks anons. So long as tarzan fucks off.
its fun to shitpost about but really its a good show and manga
It's more like a retard abuse board. You rile one up and they all get riled up, then they bleed into neighbor threads and rile others up. It's a trainwreck of a board that doesn't actually pertain to videogames in the same way like /vr/ does, and instead Yea Forums ends up looking like a combination of /pol/+/vr/+/h/. Twitter screenshot threads are guaranteed replies, internet link opinion blogpost threads are guaranteed replies, and every day is repost day. It's a vicious cycle perpetuating shitposting to an inane degree.
/pol/ is about politics. whether you disagree with them or not doesn't change the fact its a politically charged board.
Yea Forums is random. it can be anything. you can't claim it's something it shouldn't be.
Yea Forums is barely relevant to videogame discussion, and instead is highly charged with shitposting, social politics, transgender discussion, 'gamergirl' discussion, arguments, softcore porn threads, baiting, and every logical fallacy under the sun.
He'll be reintroduced, but Senkuu will have enough means to keep him and his ooga boogas from chimping out too hard. It's going tovbe civ vs civ.
anime is a spectator thing, while video games are an active and often competitive thing. They really are different.
/l/ was kino
That's not the point trying to be made. It's just that videogames aren't the only autistic hobby, anime fits that bill very well.
That sounds fun, watching mechs take down chimps
The longbow is hard as fuck to master. He should just make crossbows when he can smelt iron.
Anyway guns should still be top priority weapons wise.
The thing about Senkuu is that he doesn't progress at a civ games pace, but makes modern inventions based on their current need. So example, 100 chapters in and everyone is still designated and have caveman clothes, but also have a foundry and some electronics.
>/pol/ stays on topic
you are dumb, /fit/ and Yea Forums don't stay on topic either, again its based on moderation, Yea Forums mods try on some things and yet allow yuri spam to reach bump limit
>/l/ was kino
Unlucky buddy ask whatshisname to bring it back
then I think a better point to make is how Yea Forums and Yea Forums deal with autism.
anime is a show, you sit down and watch it. It keeps you relaxed and calm and occupied.
If you had a room full of autistic children, would you want them going fucking hysterical having fits while screaming and tossing shit, or would you rather they be sitting tidy.
you give them anime, they sit tidy and watch the tv.
you give them videogames, they start screaming and freaking out and letting the beast inside take over as their frustrations and inabilities get the better of them.
The kind of "culture" that Yea Forums breeds through frequent visitation is exceedingly unique to Yea Forums, and is an insanity of hatred. If you see it pop up on other boards, that poster is probably actually a Yea Forums regular.
People on Yea Forums complain about /pol/ and other boards spilling into it though. I seems like it's mostly just annoying teens/university kids who only know how to shitpost that came post election and happen to play videogames and post there as well as other shitty boards. The board is absolutely swamped with shit though, it's majority bait/shitposts anytime you refresh and should get nuked. That said shitposting spilling over doesn't seem to be a solely Yea Forums
/fit/ has been really shat on by /pol/ and /r9k/ which is a shame.
>t. Gen
That hypothetical is ridiculous man. You can have kids or anyone loose it over an anime or any visual media, just like you can people quietly enjoy a game or lose their shit. If you don't like agency in your entertainment that's fine but the hypothetical you pose is weak. You see people act autistic over anime on this board all the time. Video games are just more popular and thus Yea Forums draws in more (retarded) users so it's way easier to see examples of it and shit on it but it's not mutually exclusive at all. Fuck I laughed at the idea of playing some anime to some upset kids as a way to calm them down though, that idea is autistic.
Your right, I'm basically making sulfonimides each week for my masters in University. Different procedure but all the same.
Though i don't know how they avoid impurities and any side reactions without using column chromatography.
the kind of people on Yea Forums who complain about /pol/ spilling in are unironically the same kind of people described in
>social politics, transgender discussion, 'gamergirl' discussion
All it takes is someone saying they don't want to play as a homosexual character in their game, and suddenly a psychotranny from twitter rains slander down on them telling them to go back to /pol/.
I spent years on Yea Forums and I still don't know how best to describe it. It's like a slightly more worksafe version of all the other boards combined, and people don't get along cause everyone is technically talking about different things rather than what you would find on other boards dedicated to a single, defined topic theme.
nothing is going to calm down an autistic hysterics fit other than the autism just wearing itself out.
giving calm autistics some tv to watch is going to keep them calmer longer than giving calm autistics some video games to play.
Neat, I like the idea of a mish mash of inventions.
I like it but I can't stand the main character
[citation needed]
Couldn't I argue that an engaging game would actually help an autistic person focus and not freak out depending on it's content? Why hold on to this hypothetical?
/pol/ after 2016 has so much cancer that it is everywhere , similar to Yea Forums in the past, /ptg/ faggots should be gassed, it will get even worse now that infinity was nuked because q-tards will also spread. /r9k/ has a tranny and faggot issue because growing a pussy or getting dick is easier than getting pussy, that has spilled over too. That being said, there is just more shit because the site has more traffic, it's not worse shit, Yea Forumsnons have the least to complain about
Can't hate it since i can't give a single fuck about this boring turd.
Pretty sure that they (author/editors?) were unsure the series would succeed as a science manga so they had to have the "actual plot" bait in there right from the beginning. Once it had "some degree" of footing they could afford to mess around (although they still had to settle the Tsukasa plotline eventually.)
The worst thing about this show is how much science it GETS FUCKING WRONG
Every other
>fun fact kids!
Senku spouts off is laced with at least one incorrect statement, miscommunicated or misleading attribution (BRUH Einstein was the father of all physics BRUH), visual inconsistency, or
>muh 10 billion perceeeeent lmao
Fuck this show, it could have been good if they had taken the premise more seriously instead of trying to be haha funny xd and dumbing everything down to a point where it won't even help the brainlets it's trying to teach.
Seems like an issue you have with Yea Forums and how some people do or don't care if a character is a fag or not. I don't think it should even be on there to begin with since it adds to the trash but that's my take
Yup, the massive influx just means more retards
TBBT is all about spouting geek memes while vaguely mentioning scientific stuff sometimes.
At least Dr Stone explains what they are doing.
if a game is engaging, its probably an old game, and probably something that'd be better discussed on /vr/.
Most modern games (even a few japanese games) are designed around psychological manipulation for money gouging consumers or popularity, or a combination of the two. Both are designed to take you out of the experience of the game and get involved with the 'meta' through social engineering or being reliant on multiplayer, which is directing autistic kids to be autistic to each other, pissing each other off and creating hysterics.
4 autistic kids can all be in their own completely different fantasy world while watching an anime. 4 autistic kids playing a multiplayer videogame is suddenly pulling them out of their shells and upon each other, which causes autistic meltdown shitshows.
Yea Forums is like a psyche ward in that sense. autism can be overcome and lived with if surrounded by normal people or not encouraged to socially engage, but modern videogames lending themselves to Yea Forums is like a psyche ward environment where mentally deranged people are surrounded by other mentally deranged people, just waiting for someone to rock the boat and start the domino effect.
He's a sweetheart. You'll love him, he saves smiles with science, but he downplays it and tries to act logical even tho he cares. That's the reason he scored #1 in every popularity poll.
It's hard to describe what Yea Forums really is, but at the same time its easy to identify the posting behavior of someone as being from Yea Forums when you're on another board.
What does it get wrong? so far everything has been right without being needlessly complex. Some stuff had been changed to avoid people replicating it though
>if a game is engaging, its probably an old game, and probably something that'd be better discussed on /vr/.
But what if it's not old and still engaging? Doesn't your whole point become moot? I get you're trying to connect this to loot-box trash etc. but like any major industry there's flaws. I could point to garbage seasonal anime, moe-trash, all the useless merch produced to get people to buy in. Ironically the anime/phone tie in games are the worst of both evils. Why are you still fixated on this hypothetical autistic scenario when really someone could just play some DBZ and have all the kids go nuts. Even grown ass men do so I still don't see the point of your hypothetical when it's got this many holes. Of course you can make some autistic person lose their cool with a stimulus of a certain medium, just be selective with the stimulus itself. Trying to generalize entire mediums is also autistic though. It just seems like you don't like modern games or Yea Forums and wanna whine about it.
just occurred to me that you're a Yea Forums poster. This was never a discussion to begin with.
You're trying to dodge an argument cause you've got nothing my man.
>Oh shit I am retarded
>No wait I'm not....
Yea Forums sucks and is autistic, by you fit right in and you hate it for that reason. You literally use Yea Forums tactics to get out of saying anything in response.
You forgot
>man punches a lion to death
sore loser
>> There are people on Yea Forums right now who don't like OHAYO SEKAI GOOD MORNING WORLD!
it's the worst OP of any series I'm watching this season (although all the others have god tier OPs)
Does anyone actually sit through the OP/ED? Any OP/ED for that matter
I like the fire force OP sometimes, but usually no
>Lets be honest, you hate it because its popular right?
Pretty much Yea Forums in a nutshell
>FATE, One Piece, Eva, Madoka, Monogatari and KonoSuba threads praising them all over
>Hur Dur my show is ''popular'' and is hated because of that
Dr Flop is not popular and that is some serious cope
>>Yea Forums
Try harder doublenigger I don't post on Yea Forums, cope more
They have people that can punch lions to death. Currently they're doing fine just hunting and gathering.
They start farming once they have around 150 people.
>typical Yea Forums lingo
It's over, go back
>typical cope
Can't downvote here, seethe more
>he's trying this hard to fit in
>the "science" is all over the place
A lot of this could be solved if people used more precise language.
The "overt scientific explanations" so far are sound.
The "underlying science behind much of the plot" is fantasy.
But we combine the two concepts into "science" for convenience and people argue.
Dr Flop chapter 1 went from 198 to rank 20 Wednesday. Cope harder Dr Flop niggers.
I'm wondering why, it's a mystery. If anime had to do with it it was due to the girls, but vol 1 is a sausagefest.
>he thinks his cope will make dr flop good
No matter what you do or say it will remain shit
It's 100+ again, check shoseki
That's the power of a really good episode.
The effect will be cumulative from here forward.
He already made a crossbow.
>he doesn't like it
My science teacher said to my I'm a failure, that I'll never amount to anything. I scoffed at him. Shocked, my teacher asked what's so funny, my future is on the line. "Well...you see professor" I say as the teacher prepares to laugh at my answer, rebuttal at hand. "I am one ten Billion percent certain I watch Dr Stone." The class is shocked, they merely watch pleb shows like the Steins:Gate to feign intelligence, not grasping the true scientific intellectual stimulation. "...how? I can't even understand it's sheer nuance and high level science" "Well you see...Let me teach you, big Oaf….!" One student laughs in the back, I turn to see a who this fellow genius is. It's none other than Neil deGrasse Tyson.
Based, plebs BTFO
Judging by these threads and sales you are in the minority
>he is still trying
Here's a (You)
>he gave up after all that cope
it's about time
>social politics, transgender discussion, 'gamergirl' discussion
These three things ARE highly relevant to videogaming today and no amount of whining is going to change that
You people who complain that Yea Forums doesn't talk about games themselves aren't even looking hard because their is plenty of that as well, even if mods are often giant fags and delete perfectly good vidya threads
>Yea Forums doesn't have softcore porn threads
Ok retard
>Yea Forumsnons have the least to complain about
Except having some of the worst mods on the site
Look how massive a boost kimetsu no yaiba got after episode 19, it was a massive twitter trend and everything
[gorilla nosebleed]
It's cheesy as hell.
You have no idea what really terrible mods are like , threads still get deleted here, pepe and wojack get deleted, irl posting sometimes too, I have been banned a few times for not staying on topic. Spend some time on other boards, Yea Forums has better mods than 90% of the site
it's cringe
the anime isn't exactly great, but i really like the ost
At least you have mods
Yeah that's why it got dumped for firearms right?
Proper use of a bow required years of training.
>2007 was 12 years ago
The problem is excessive moderation not overly lax moderation you retard
Yea Forums has a bit of a mix of over and under moderation but on Yea Forums it is entirely a problem of overmoderation
Nothing ever changes
I feel sorry for /vg/ with mods refusing to shut down generals that have devolved into nothing but waifu and blog posting
>12 years from now people will be shitting on whatever new popular series is and talking about how the good old days of black clover/hero academia were amazing
I can't wait.
I don't like how singer sounds in this song.
I hate it because MC wouldn't bang Kohaku.
The fucking catalog always has threads that shouldn't exist, this thread would have half its posts nuked if it was over moderation
I hope to experience the sweet kiss of death before that but God will not grant us such a reprieve
>I hope to experience the sweet kiss of death before that but God will not grant us such a reprieve
I plan to find a cause worth dying for soon because I will never have anything in life worth living for but knowing my fucking luck i will come out victorious and survive in the end
Meh, at least we have anime and manga to pass the time. It could be worse, as for a cause, Madoka showed us that the universe will eventually be empty thanks to entropy, everything will perish, no one or thing will be remembered, no cause matters, so pop on your favourite show and wait for time to run out
Yeah I don't really enjoy it either. I think the ED is way better
Dr. Stone had a massive marketing campaign in the west. It's popular now but won't have the staying power of BnHA. Meanwhile Boruto is dying.
I wish deku would fuck off with it's staying power
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand dr flop......
What a brainlet tier post. This is your average Dr Chad shitposter.
>Some of it is college level shit that only chemistry majors would probably know.
This. This cliche that person who is smart can not be physically capable is retarded. Truly smart person knows how important is exercise.
Dr.reddit is not as smart as he seems be to. Who would've thought ?
Why is crunchyroll not on switch yet?
not that I would use it, I would apreciate netflix switch though
Stop replying to yourself, shitposter-kun
>believing dr flop is so loved it needs samefagging to accumulate hate
That is so much cope it's become sad
Says the faggot insisting on his little pathetic discord raid
The manga is a lot better. Just make sure you're reading good scans, the art is too good to ruin with muddied ones.
Guess what faggot, I don't use plebbit nor fucking discord, your shit show gets daily hatred threads because it is shit. Now go punch a lion and die copenigger
>imagine getting this mad over being called out
>inb4 he says nigger again
Once you realize and accept that Dr. Stone is not a story about science, but a story about adventure with science as the primary driving force behind it, it becomes far more enjoyable.
There are other woods capable of substituting for English yew. In point of fact, the Welsh used elm, which was touted as being just as strong and flexible as yew, just uglier to look at.
Could you find that in Japan? Also I assume you need a bit of practice with it.
The manga has pretty much the same pacing. Lots of stuff happens in quick montages or off screen.
You sure you dont want to throw in an oof or yikes, maybe shout incel a bit? Go back to the safe spaces where nip rick and morty is loved, you don't belong here
i have normie friends who barely watch anything talking about it and the dub hasn't even started airing on TV yet, though it will after tonight.
Wait, I remember you, you're that user who kept defending that shed building youtuber.
Dropped it ep 3
Albert Einstein
>Mentions yet another site
Can you really not think of a better strategy? If everyone is calling you a nigger maybe you should just make peace with it.
I'm neither of you morons but which shed building youtuber is this?
Yet you're the one talking about other sites. It seems I was correct, you are that user.
The user triggered was in the last thread screaming how the primitive technology guy does the real science. Then a few other people made fun of survivalists and I guess he took that to heart.
>accuses others of e-celeb defence and discord raids
>n-no you
dr flop fans everyone , real high IQ shit
Go build another shed Primitive Survival
After first two episodes I speed readed 8 volumes and lost any interest in it.
You are such a fucking brainlet, I have no idea wtf that is
You have a personal vendetta against a cartoon
>the primitive technology guy does the real science.
I get the connection though. Primitive Technology takes things too slowly and deliberately for a shounen maybe (although, I've said this before, I'm sure there's an audience that would watch 3 episodes of Einstein Jr. growing potatoes), but Dr. Stone does kind of skip ahead too fast with architecture/tools that are impractical without tech he hasn't acquired yet.
Stuff like the vessel he used for alcohol distillation being basically modern with a custom-made platform over a fire instead of just an earthwork bugged me, as does their ability to gather huge quantities of everything and waste it by fucking up (like with the gunpowder) instead of trying smaller-scale experiments.
The realism/fantasy balance is debatable, but survivalists seem totally relevant to the discussion imo
>he's pretending now
>has to start avatarfagging again
No I get that, I understand the difference between the 2, but that raging user just has an irrational hateboner. It seems like this is the same guy every thread. I don't know how Dr.Stone insulted him.
Shit taste being called out is the very point of this board, I have shit taste and so do you , it's okay
>thousands of anonymous posters
>mistakes one for another
This is some strange autism, are you having a stroke?
If you weren't the user from last time, then why do you keep getting baited? I'm actually curious, you like that survival guy, but what did Dr.Stone do wrong, advanced too fast?
No, but he will literally put him on ice.
I wouldnt fuck a gorilla, but i would fuck a Gorilla with 3700 years of inbreeding in it.
Good taste
yeah these threads seem like a cesspool of highschoolers who know enough science to be annoying and nitpicky about shit they don't actually understand particularly well
this show fucks up a few things, but it also rations out some of its realism for dramatic purpose and I wish anons could discriminate between the two
>Fuck off back to R3ddit,you cuck loving nigger. Dr.Stone is a great show from this season better than fireflop.
I am dead serious what fucking survival guy, who the fuck is that? Not once have I said anything about the technology in dr flop nor do I give a fuck about it, the uguu eyes are funny, the e=mc bullshit is cringe and the one punch lion death is bullshit, not to mention the defenders of this show saying it was going to beat fireshit and be super popular and its shit. You need to work on your reading comprehension numbnuts
The way the gimmick works (in my opinion) having these ubermenschen work on a project is the equivalent of a full production team, so naturally it would be completed faster. Some menial steps are taken out to save panelspace and the inventions while being based on reality work a bit better than advertised. The fun I feel is going over it and comparing the process to irl. But instead of screaming about it, you enjoy the pace.
Who are you quoting? I don't know which is "better", if you like it, watch it, it's not a contest.
So brainlet shitposter nitpicks? Good to know
>he doesn't give a fuck about it
>lists everything that left an impression on him
>is visibly upset
It's fine if you like the primitive technology guy, if you can calm down we can have a fun discussion about it.
Love that one
Kohaku is pretty cute
I think that's true to a degree (although I think only monkey boy is meant to qualify as ubermensch), in that I think there are a lot of time skips with them spending days collecting materials etc.
However that really only compounds the problem of them being unscientific by not doing small-scale tests.
Procedural stuff like the architecture and anachronistic apparatuses seem like more of an issue of research on the part of the author, though.
It's pretty easy to find examples of simplified ancient earthworks used for different kinds of refining tasks and junk. Having them make modern equipment out of clay is some silly Gilligan's Island shit for sure.
That said I suspect that the cringe factor of literally everything related to the overblown MC might be a deliberate way of unconventionally saying "relax"
>cringiest possible way to start an OP
ok retard
yes, exactly that, glad we cleared it up. It's fun for me and yet maybe shouldn't let it be such a bother.
>this is a discord raid
>go back to reddt, no youtube just stop insulting my show!
>haha you got baited I was only pretending
You "stonechads" dindu nuffin. Where is all the bravado from the start of the season, try a little harder at, this cope bullshit is pathetic.
Also this stop acting like the victims, you ask for this, this thread is for shitposting, fuck off if you don't like it
I know a lot of people hate the artstyle, but I find it unique and after years of following the series, cute.
The real ubermensch we're all sleeping on is Kaseki. Remembering things is one thing. Punching hard is the trait thaz's most noteworthy but I still think Kaseki surpasses that.
It isn't my favorite show I've been watching this season, but it isn't too bad unless you're the type to look way too far into things. The science they use isn't consistent, and makes me feel like I am watching something made by a young adult with some great googling skills. The characters lack a lot of depth, and are pretty one-note like other anons mentioned. Now, it's early in the show so they have time to get some development in there.
I think the curiosity of how the story will play out and the humor is the only things keeping me watching right now. I haven't read the manga. But I hope things get more interesting later. The artstyle is fine but sometimes I feel like it is distracting with the character designs being bland on some characters, but way over the top on others. I think it would be easier to see Senku as "human" if he didn't look like a vegetable.
In any case, I am still enjoying it enough despite my nitpicking.
I think you were baited user, no manga reader ever went around screaming Dr.Stone will sell the best or be the best thing ever. We just like it and we keep it in our threads. Everything that leaks out are falseflags
>implying you don't know about this
Still, this thread was made as bait, your manga threads are peaceful I believe , I certainly don't shitpost in them, there's no fun to be had. HxH and BnHA threads are also often bait threads purely to dump shit in, anons shouldn't be upset, if they want better discussions they need more moderation and upvotes from kind strangers.
All shonen are for kids you redundant brainlet. Shonen literally translates to juvenile or boy from Japanese.
I don't know about you, but I'm interested to hear what anime onlies think. My judgement might be different cause I was introduced to it from a different medium. I'll accept criticism, but shitposting just feels useless. Let's talk about it at least.
For example, I hear a lot about the lion punching. That was in the manga too, but there was no running down board or fetching birds from the sky. Tsukasa was introduced in ep 3-4 which gave it a good perception on the way the series works ie. everyone has 1 trait maxed (the highschool ubermensch gimmick) so Tsukasa was digested easier.
I would be worried if there were unironically people saying "ohayo sekai good morning world" isn't cringeporn.
No idea, haven't watched a second of it, more like shitpostonly.
I must investigate this, sounds great
This niggas voice just sounds retarded
Progress doesn't go in the order you might expect.
No, it's because the songs vocal style pisses me off. Only OP I've skipped in a while.
so is the relationship between senku and the strong guy explored at all in any greater detail?
It felt really fucking bizarre that Senku created his plan of "we'll smash things and make it look like we ran away, but really we're going to travel west to make weapons of modern science". then the strong guy shows up a couple scenes later, sees everything is smashed and notices scurried footprints, then says to himself "did they run away? ... no, senku would never run. They are heading west to make weapons of modern science".
It implied that the two characters understood each other a lot better than their 1~2 episodes of screentime together would have let on.
I get he caught on that Senku originally defined 4 uses for ground clamshells which he later retracted to 3, but everything after that had to have been a leap of faith considering they didn't spend much time together to form any kind of communication or relationship, so the assumption that "they're heading west to make weapons of modern science" seemed like a complete shitpull from nowhere.
I want to fuck this watermelon.
No, it's just THAT bad and cringy.
>Dr. Overreact
gotta say that it forces itself a bit too much in this department but I gotta say that shit got a little more interesting when Senku reached the village.
as of now I can honestly say that MHA can't touch Dr. Cringe in better writing.
a good reason enough to continue with this show of a guy with onion-shaped hair.
Senkuu took Tsukasa for a fool. Imagine yourself in Tsukasas shoes arriving there, knowing how smart Senkuu is he probably has a plan. He already tried a crossbow, he'll want rnged weapons cause he's a wimp. Sulfur is a commonly known element, everyone that has been a bit interested in science (like Tsukasa, but his childhood forced him to abandon said interest) knows the basic gunpowder recipe. They're still in the real world so sulfur is found around a hot springs area. Closest is Hakone. It's just deductive reasoning. If this series gets a second season we'll see his backstory which helps explain his situation. In an extra there was a graph portraying how well characters would do in school, Tsukasa just a tiny bit behind Senkuu. Tsukasa is smart and Senkuu underestimated him round 1.
>Descend from 6 astronauts
>3700 years later there are only 40 peoples in stone age
What is wrong with gorillas?
They are dependant on food supply and don't have heating, one bad winter and rip 2/3's of pop.
No farming and they were sedentary. They lived of what they could hunt and gather in the area.
Granted they do have watermelon patches
>What is wrong with gorillas?
A famine culled a couple of years back. And they aren't the only descendants of the original six.
>1 jap, 2 yanks and 3 ivans
>Jap is the language of their descendants.
I have good taste and enjoy Dr. Stone quite a bit. Convinced most of you shit on it cause it's popular. It's actually pretty enjoyable and that's all it really needs to be.
>I can't stand the best character
He's humbled constantly and even he realises the importance of those around him
If passionate people urk you then fucking run because everyone else is equally insane as him.
>people will shittalk MVP Kaseki
Friendlt reminder that Dr Stone IS an isekai show
If it was it'd sell better
Shitposters BTFO
it's a fact that Yea Forums and Yea Forums have different cultures.
actually its a fact that Yea Forums and any other board has different cultures, while every other board has a similar culture largely dedicated to their board's topic.
Yea Forums doesn't have this kind of sense. Yea Forums is about on-topic as googling the words "video game" and trudging up every possible mention regardless of context.
Yea Forums basically gives off the gist of being raided by Yea Forums every day, and truth be told Yea Forums and Yea Forums didn't use to be so different back in the day - but there's a point after you've spent enough time on Yea Forums that you realize it's not really a video game board, and that the actual video game board is /vr/.
The issue isn't so much that Yea Forums is a crossboarding cesspool or that it can't be defined by a set of topics strictly about video games rather than merely "related" to video games. The issue is that people cannot get along over there because of the comparatively huge amount of trolls, aka people rocking the autism boat trying to stir shit up.
even Yea Forums doesn't have as many softcore porn threads as Yea Forums does, and why would it when /e/ and /h/ exist as alternative anime boards for porn.
Yea Forums doesn't have 'alternate' boards for this kind of retarded shit, so it just goes on Yea Forums. What's more, the porn that is posted is usually anime-hentai fanart which would better belong on an anime board, or screenshots of 3d porn games which would better belong on a 3D board - so even softcore porn threads on Yea Forums are technically not even on-topic.
again, /vr/ is the actual literal video game board, while Yea Forums is just a den of angry retards and liars. lying about opinions to stir shit up, lying about the board being focused on video games, lying about this that and the other, using every possible logical fallacy to trigger negativity. It's easy to identify if a poster frequents Yea Forums or not, because Yea Forums is the only off-topic anti-hobby board that breeds negative anti-social traits and irrational arguments.