How did she lose house?
How did she lose house?
It was taken from her (by me).
She couldn't keep it at herbal tea, with germany and the netherlands at the doorstep, all the harddrugs come flowing in.
She lost more than her house.
By me.
Sank all her money into the FX.
but she doesn't even own a house though?
Because when sxarp wasn't looking I took (rabbit) house!
kyoani lost studio
sxarp lost hymen
By who?
Is there a tiny chino to go with this?
But what's the song
Please I need to know
Chino is my wife, say something nice about her.
I'm sorry Ponoka-senpai but I personally prefer the pink wojak
Rize accidentally firebombed it.
It’s what happens when you try to become a devil’s bride.
She fell in Tippy jewish tricks
My wife Chino is so cute
Kind of. Its a tiny paper model kit and iirc comes with a tiny Chino cutout.
Is there a papercraft of Sxarp's house?
Paper cut outs of everyone who works at rabbit house.
My paper cut out Chino is so cute