7 billion people on Earth

>7 billion people on Earth
>only 5 people that are like oga san exist

Attached: 2jpLlhy.png (888x1600, 531K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Well, now that the fatfags are on vacation, we can focus on the fact that the manga is about FUCKING WEIGHT LOSS

People with horns?

Attached: 66200510_p3.png (849x1421, 192K)

Based Meth
Also, thread was killed, I blame the fatfags

Attached: 1566500371954.jpg (1789x1500, 334K)

who are they?

You can always feel the thread's energy fucking plummet once they're gone, though

>weight loss

Attached: BD50ADA0-BB5E-4361-A460-08E348D45AEB.jpg (400x267, 8K)

How long until they finally lose the weight?

Don't care, all they do is spam Yea Forums shit

Reminder Meth lurks these threads, Manjuu Elf REDEEMED.

Attached: 1566583190135.jpg (2943x2000, 616K)

Meth took pity on Kuro by not showing Erufuda's ass

Which is the women losing weight and becoming thin and healthy, right?

The thread might be killed, but my disgust shall never be.

Attached: Yikes.jpg (188x282, 21K)


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Suck my vomit

Your being triggered by this thread amuses me.

Uh-oh, the faggot's triggered

I hope the fatfags come back, just to spite you

And once again, mods are faggots.

It's just not the same without you.
Also, was the story of puking elf ever translated?


>dat hitomi butt
>dat kuroeda butt and thighs
>dat dragon underbutt and maximum cleavage
jesus christ man. where these from, twitter?

Yeah, they are celebratory drawings for the 5th volume release.


Yes he posted these in this week

Attached: 76428867_p0.jpg (1100x1200, 829K)

Auntie and Manjuu best elves. Potato a shit.

Fish is FRESH

Attached: mero.png (502x587, 544K)

Well too bad fucko, she is the main girl.

Attached: 1552689284202.png (483x419, 303K)

Meth always slows down when a new tankoubon comes out so my guess is that he did last chapter as a quickie before going dormant for a bit.

I love fatter girls but I wished our resident fatfags would stick to girls the size of max weight Erufuda or the other bigger Meth girls. Mods seem to be okay with that.

Attached: scan_034.jpg (733x1071, 268K)

Garbage taste

Oga is perfection incarnate

Erufuda is a fantastic female MC, I don't get the hate.

Attached: 63433417_p3.png (899x1400, 264K)

And even then, it's a gag chapter.
Burnt waste taste.

Attached: 1539491887035.png (936x722, 510K)

Thats not max weight efruda.

I think meth drew a Efruda around this size. Its still smaller than the blob girls being posted in the nuked thread.

Attached: 470ED413-C99C-4B50-ADE6-EA90B422658B.jpg (2256x2047, 620K)

Post the puffy

Maybe but Meth seems to genuinely like it.
Like when he did Nagato and this other girl.

Attached: 53724064_p2.jpg (1062x1500, 593K)

Attached: EBNxYsyU0AAXQfn.jpg (1480x1200, 142K)

>that dragon
Chunky AF

Picture 0 better feature Oku, Plant and Fish.

I'm not in the spammer's side but come on, this was never a WL manga.

i want auntie to step on me

>now that the fatfags are on vacation
That's where you're wrong, kiddo.

Attached: 1563478190343m.jpg (1024x783, 50K)

So this is popular in Japan right?

>my dick right now

It feels like the art suddenly got tons better since the yoga chapter.

Considering the author's making celebratory pics because the manga is selling, i'd say yes.

Attached: 53724064_p0.jpg (936x1500, 326K)

Attached: Potato Elf - Clash of Titans.jpg (1146x1650, 612K)

We need more of this, no more playing around with kiddie shit.

>only 5 people that are like oga san exist

Plus, it's being translated to like eight languages.
Even if it were a complete bomb in Japan the overseas sales would keep it alive and going.

>Amazon trope
>right amount of thickness
>right amount of softness
>balance between tone body and fat
what other reasons is oga best girl?

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If only her mother tendency didn't get flanderized.

Attached: Dr75A4bUwAAG2qA.jpg (800x600, 74K)

BASED architect poster

Attached: 1558022654865.jpg (272x272, 12K)

Russian accent, and capable of kaiju transformation.

did you just say Russian accent?

Attached: 1116967.jpg (1048x794, 98K)

Looking at Meth's twitter, he posted this pic a while ago and I don't think Yea Forums even noticed, I sure haven't seen it posted here like his other twitter images. Though to be fair, it's a response rather than a main twit.

Attached: D70jCjgV4AEEmm6.jpg (1069x1500, 191K)

>hes seen my request for a cat girl
GIVE IT TO ME MEEETTHHHH, AHHHH. Stop with that stinky inferior doggo that can't even get enough food for her pack!!!

Attached: R8.jpg (956x558, 244K)

idk who this is but lurkers might know

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I get turned on by thick anime girls but this is disgusting for some reason.

>If only her mother tendency didn't get flanderized
She really wants to be a mama and that empty oven was heating up for a very long time

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Hey, not everyone can be an enlightened thiccfag.

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mein gott

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>he says this with a shota literally on the background

This is more bulk-core, the more I think about it.

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Meth loves that dynamic.

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Attached: ;).png (400x487, 257K)

Still wonder what she does in her freetime. Also a difference between strong maternal instinct and shota wanting.

Fuck, Oku is so perfect.

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we all do

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I don't know man.
Erufuda has both great titties AND a huge butt.

but no muscles
and can't be your big mommy gf

Attached: 1b8.png (600x889, 596K)

Muscles are for men anyways.

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Don't we all?

Attached: 795603082126077952_CwqLqh6UQAE7RD-.jpg (1061x1500, 205K)

muscles are for men with their taste placed on the highest pillar

Attached: based.png (680x435, 159K)

eh, its okay
Im a pretty tall guy so I cant relate or self insert or whatever
still hot art though

>called Cliff Hanger because you never knew if he would ever make it off that cliff
I feel robbed. Also, when's my wife gonna show up again?

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I'm so jelly.

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My wife Hitome is looking cute!

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I don't have twitter so give him a live/retweet for me
she's the best elf-san character by far, If Raika got a chapter she shouldn't be too far behind.

Sorry I'm late guys. What's up?

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off-topic stop posting this stuff in the threads

I hope he gives her another gimmick like he did with Fish and Flower.

Wait, is she fatter here?

cope harder fatfag

What would fun gimmicks to give to the characters? Ideas, lads?

Every post you don't like is a fatfag now?

frick jannies

Attached: Kill all jannies.jpg (1024x837, 78K)

Hitome is the actual best girl

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I was so sure her hair would be light red or orange when I first saw her