Shuumatsu no Valkyrie

This is Jack, the Ripper. Say something to him.

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What is it with Japs and their obsession with making Jack the Ripper a hero?

He killed whores

Pretty sure he's actually supposed to be the unsympathetic character this time around. He counters Herc-anisama's lawful stupid.

"Hero" is stretching it.

They call him a piece of shit and the human side is cheering for Herc.

Papa didn't die for you to cheer for the gods

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>killed women
>not a hero

>the true identity of the hacker known as Yea Forums revealed

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I'm still mad.

>Humans are actually cheering for the gods this round
Jack's gonna win 100%

>infamous whore killer incel
Truly a battle of legends

Weren't those gods?

>Surely my DEX

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At least dump.


Looks cool as fuck.

TL BRO Where you at

What if this jack and the one from jojo were swapped? How fucked would Jonathan have been?

Fun fact, some of the faces like the one Musashi makes for when Sasaki begins his dual wield form is from Jojo.

Let me try.

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>in front of that impossible reality
>the gods just...

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>responded with silence

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>wh... who could have expected that ending...
>in the third round, humanity
>has defeated the gods for the win

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>Lord Poseidon... for something like that to happen
>we... we did it...
>we did iiiiit!!

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>Kojiro!! Kojiro!!
>phew... it's really noisy
>it's my first win...
>can you not do it for too long?
>that look in the gods' eyes...

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>this is... the power of humanity
>no way... did a god really lose to a *human*?

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He’s got a fucking robot eye. Is the cover out?

>this... is no longer a joke
>seems like I have to walk back home... but it's still better than rowing a boat
>as expected... I'm really tired

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>Kojiro... hang on
>Are you all right?
>haha... sorry for everything, miss
>big sister Hrist!!

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Nobody on either side is actually a ‘hero’ at the end of the day. If anything, those on the human side are just tools used by the Valkyrie’s to fuck over the Gods.

>blah blah you're too loud, kid
>take a look, Geir
>I'm sure you get it
>great... sister Hrist is back to her usual self
>this is really great

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>but, humans beat the gods...
>there's still...
>six more to go...
>big sis...
>really wants to win against the gods
>castle of the gods

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>Zeus' room
>did you get your head together?
>stop playing dumb
>old man

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You're a good man, user. A damn good man.

>brother Poseidon was killed...
>isn't that enough?
>well, that man was stronger than Poseidon
>that's not all
>and... if you were watching, you would understand, what this fight is like.

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>let's admit it, first...
>humans... are strong
>it seems like that little war maiden seriously wants to kill the gods
>if that's the case
>we're going to have to fight for real

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>alright, I've decided...
>I'm going next
>we can't let humanity go any further than this
>then, if that's the case
>what is it now!?
>sorry, it's just that...
A little clarification, TLanon, is that all that Shiva really says?

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>this is the first time [humans vs gods final battle: on the road edition] has been implemented
>but doesn't the gods' fighter realize this would put humanity's fighter at an advantage?
>so why?
>he's playing around with you humans
>and giving himself a handicap
>the request was made to big brother, and he accepted right away
>I was sure he would accept
>brother is too kind
>now, what kind of battle awaits us at this stage...
>humanity's representative for the 4th round
>there he is...
>august 31st, 1888 AD, the moster
>suddenly appeared in the scary darkness
>with his sharp fangs, he cut to pieces
>and took the lives of 5 prostitues
>in the meantime, 3 million people in the city were trembling in fear
>an evil among evils
>feeding the pitch black darkness in his heart
>his name is...
>humanity's most famous murderer
>Jack the ripper!?
>what is this?
>are you serious... is this real!?
>the biggest mystery in criminal history has come out to the public
>humanity's representative
>why is he a murderer!?
>I see, so that's how it is...
>as per usual...
>what a nasty guy
>after the gods' insulting defeat by the humans
>a perfect victory without a scratch
>to make such a challenge
>the nemean lion, the three headed watchdog of hell, Cerebros
>the brave hero who defeated it with his bare hands
>completed the 12 labors he was given
>a demigod who ascended to godhood
>the one who brings light to the heaven and the earth
>the messenger of justice
>his bravery
>is unparalleled
>lord Hercules!
>so cool!!
>goo, lord hercules
>don't lose to the bad guys
>our eternal hero
>good luck!
>justice vs evil
>evil vs justice

>Greece has a debt, are you not going to let us pay it back?

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>I see...
>you guys can't wait, huh?
>amphitheater corridor
>the gods won't allow a second defeat due to their pride
>for the gods, the next fight is an absolute must-win
>I'm sure it's going to be quite the fight
>who the is it going to be this time

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pay denbts

>it's me
>...this pressure

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By fucking over the gods, you mean stopping them from destroying humanity?

>Joke character tries to do something

>big brother Hercules
>you've gotten bigger, Geir

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>long time no see...
>brother Hercules
>long time no see, Hild
>tomboyish as ever, aren't ya?
>you look the same as always, brother Herucles
>have you become stronger?
>by the way
>what was that thing you wanted to say eariler

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>tfw Jack is actually a really nice guy and gets Hercules even more willing to surrender himself

Not like this, bros...

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>ah... in the next bout
>it'll be me
>I'm in no position to be saying this, but...

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i don't give a damn about humanity, please don't kill more valkyries

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>I wish you luck
>haha... and to humanity

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Yeah, the gods were the ones cheering for Hercules. During the fight, humans might come around to like Herc too, but not yet. They despise Jack, though, at least the Brit cops and probably his victims if they ever appear.

>I saaw you
>Hercules-chan is good friends with the valkyries
>ah, I see
>it's not like Greece and Scandinavia are much different
>there's the same...

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>isn't it hard?
>humans are a worthy foe
>even though I'm a representative of the gods... I'm still a warrior, and I'm not ashamed of that.
>let me tell you this

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Hilde's face can barely hold her smugness

>I'm against
>ending mankind
>since the final battle between the humans and the gods has started, I can't lose
>as one of the representatives of the gods
>I'll win this one without a taking a scratch

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>and after
>I'll ask for the salvation of mankind
>you're still the same as ever
>which side are you on?
>I'm always

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>an ally to the righteous
>the righteous... eh?
>the Akashic records room

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>ally to the righteous
his defeat will hit so hard, I can already see it bros

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Don't bully Geir, she'll be a badass on her fight and prove you wrong

>so... brother Hercules is our opponent for the forth round
>which one should I support... I have no idea...
>hehe... this is really...
>in the first, who can even go up against big brother Heracles?
>my brother's opponent was decided from the start

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>the most hated of all humans
>a piece of a shit among pieces of shit, that guy is a real son of a bitch
Anyone notice Loki's verbal tics?

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What the hell did you do to my wife, Loki?

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I don't want meme the ripper to win. I hate Japs so much.

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>the final battle between the gods and humans
>round 4
>gods have won 2, the humans have 1 win
>and now, please welcome
>the strategic point of this stage

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When did they have a chance to meet and agree on the battlefield?


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how did Brynhildr herself not notice this? where was she?

Why do Japs care about shit the ripper again?

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>amazing, it's so big
>this is the biggest arena yet
>this time we have to watch the fight through monitors
>the entire city is a stage
>how do you fight in a place like that?
>the one that has been reproduced here is 19th century london
>humanity's representative wanted to fight in this place,
>and the gods' representative was kind enough to accept

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So the most righteous of gods is fighting the most despicable of humans. Surely this will only cause discord and mayhem when Herc tries to talk it out only to be brutally murdered by Jack. Fuck Loki

>this is the first time [humans vs gods final battle: on the road edition] has been implemented
>but doesn't the gods' fighter realize this would put humanity's fighter at an advantage?
>so why?
>he's playing around with you humans
>and giving himself a handicap
>the request was made to big brother, and he accepted right away
>I was sure he would accept
>brother is too kind

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>Akashic Records room
The room every chuuni wants to visit.

>now, what kind of battle awaits us at this stage...
>humanity's representative for the 4th round

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Now I'm not sure if Herc is actually going to lose. Olympians are very keen on saving face, and having two consecutive losses would just put them in a worse position. They still have Apollo, which sounds like he would fight Simo, and I don't see him losing which means that he's destined to job. If Herc also jobs, that would be 3 losses for Greeks. Also, Hercules losing would mean that gods and humans are tied, it doesn't sound like something that would happen for the 4th fight, unless it's used to motivate the other pantheons to tell the Greeks to fuck off.

It's incredible how the best part of this manga is theorizing who would win based on meta facts like which result would have a better payoff for the plot.

Because it's fun for them to say it.

>verbal tics
You mean the tilde at the end of those sentences~?

>there he is...
>august 31st, 1888 AD, the moster
>suddenly appeared in the scary darkness

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That's it?

I don't know, but if I was Japanese, I'd be abusing that name too.

>with his sharp fangs, he cut to pieces
>and took the lives of 5 prostitues
>in the meantime, 3 million people in the city were trembling in fear
>an evil among evils

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You mean how he elongates every word with tildes? Yeah, something definitely ain't right with Hilde. She's not using any netspeak either.

>It's incredible how the best part of this manga is theorizing who would win based on meta facts like which result would have a better payoff for the plot.
that will ruin later fights as we learn to predict the author
for him to be unpredictable at the end he will need to play his cards stright probably

>The infamous hacker Yea Forums only killed 5 prostitutes

>feeding the pitch black darkness in his heart
>his name is...
>humanity's most famous murderer

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Is there a chance that Loki is possessing Brunhilde instead of taking her appearance? It seems hard to have switched places with her with Geir being right next to her all the time, unless it was super fast when Geir ran to greet Herc.

There are so many wallpaper worthy panels from this manga

Where the fuck did this guy get popcorn? Anyways,

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Shit the ripper has a pitiful amount of kills. We've had guys with more kills that he would blush at since then.

>where was she?
tied up in the gods' basement


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You do have a point, but i feel making Loki able to possess people would be a bit too broken unless he has some sort of limit to it.
>inb4 Hilde has to get exorcised in order to snap out the possession

Oops, forgot TL.

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>Jack the ripper!?
>what is this?
>are you serious... is this real!?
>the biggest mystery in criminal history has come out to the public
>humanity's representative
>why is he a murderer!?
>I see, so that's how it is...
>as per usual...

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>what a nasty guy
>after the gods' insulting defeat by the humans
>a perfect victory without a scratch
>to make such a challenge

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Jack will win and Hercules gonna learn not to underestimate humanity.

>the nemean lion, the three headed watchdog of hell, Cerebros
>the brave hero who defeated it with his bare hands
>completed the 12 labors he was given
>a demigod who ascended to godhood

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Wow, 5 people! And not any people, poor women from the bottom of the social ladder, people that surely would have society and the police very worried about giving them safety and justice! Amazing achievement, dude. I'm sure that one of the whores he killed could beat Tesla.

>the one who brings light to the heaven and the earth
>the messenger of justice

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Even if he creates a set of expectations, he can play against those in the future

So they're going for a tactical win? Hoping for Jack's knowledge on the setting and possible stealth skills to secure the win on Herc?
I like the design but he's a dumb choice for humanity's best honestly

>his bravery
>is unparalleled

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> Heracles

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>killed the the Nemean lion, the Lernaean Hydra, the Erymanthian Boar, the Ceryneian Hind, the Stymphalian birds, the Girdle of Hippolyta, the Augean stables, the Cretan Bull and the Mares of Diomedes
>Jack the ripper
>killed 5 whores

I actually personally dislike hercs thinking that he could definitely win

Yeah, it's mostly because I'm afraid of how would the author explain Loki doing the switcheroo. He could have while they were greeting Herc, with some illusions and teleportation, and Geir might be retarded enough to not notice, but that would still bring the problem of where is the real one.

>lord Hercules!
>so cool!!
>goo, lord hercules
>don't lose to the bad guys
>our eternal hero
>good luck!

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damn it, I love their entrances, it's like watching WWE

>Pringles duck face

>Even the baby gods are cheering him on

He's fucked isn't he

>Actually siding with a shitter who just killed 5 whores.

Welp, guess we're gonna have to wait til next month to get our answer.

I don't think he's 100% sure, but it's not like he would enter the arena thinking what will he do if he loses

It's going to be bad

Hopefully not. Or else I might have to drop this manga.

>justice vs evil
>evil vs justice
Last page is all yours TLanon. The one you didn't TL yet.

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> Killed the most terrifying creatures from his time
> Loses to a guy who killed 5 thots

Entering a fight without arrogance allows you to plan further and react better. Because your mind isn't clouded by just "I'll just win".

If he didn't underestimate humanity he'd realize this was dangerous, and would be thinking ahead more, thinking that this could potentially be a fight among equals.

At this point, Herc's loss sounds so predictable that I'm starting to think that he will win, but change his mind about humanity. Also, I feel that Jack winning would set a precedent for gods not letting humans pick a battlefield, while if he wins, when Simo asks to fight in the coldest tundra these motherfuckers can create, they can't say no.

>Pimp cane
>Guy Fawkes mask
>Killed whores
Is he, dare I say it, /ourguy/?


Hey, Herc also killed his wife. By the way, I wonder if Megara is watching among the humans.


Herc met Loki right after Hild. Whatever Loki could do after that is up to him. Even possessing Hild

he is, and it makes me really sad

The entire reason he did the labors is because regretted killing his wife and children.

you see, thats quit tricky to do whitout it feeling like a cope out or like the author is trying just to "Subvert expectations" ignoring plot elements and such
i still want to see this to the end, maybe the author will be able to surprice us, but i really thing that playing the cards stright is the better outcome

>Hating on the OG Thot Patroller
We need a man like Jack these days.

It's entirely possible that the Loki that Herc met was an illusion, so Hercules wouldn't suspect what he did. I think he could do that. Or yes, he did it afterwards and Geir is so retarded that she didn't notice anything.

>At this point, Herc's loss sounds so predictable that I'm starting to think that he will win

We're still early on so I have a hard time guessing how predictable shit will go. The only real upset in terms of both story and straight wins was Adam and I REALLY feel like the fact that was the second fight rather than the penultimate fight was a very fast "gotta have something cool as shit to make sure this doesn't get axed". If you ignore that anomaly then Thor and Pussydian are both pretty standard fights by themselves.

Really a coin flip here.

What do you think Loki's endgame is? Human victory or God victory?
Why did he pick Jack too? Did he assume Jack would be an easy victory for Hercules, or perhaps he wants Hercules to die?

Yeah, I'm not saying that he should go full Game of Thrones retarded, and as much as he wanted to fight the expectations, he still has to make the plot work so some things are unavoidable.

>We need a man like Jack these days.
We have plenty of serial murderers:
Guys with way more kill counts than Jack.

>Incel raging against chad

No one wins. If Jack wins, it's going to be gruesome and both humans and gods will be disgusted. If Herc wins, he wants to appeal to the gods, but he may change his mind after seeing how awful Jack is, thus destroying everything Herc stands for.

denser than a black hole

Plenty of those serial murderers killed the women you hate.

They do it offscreen i guess? Good idea so we dont waste any pages and get onto the fights

If we're right, either he wants to mindbreak Herc into not supporting humans anymore, or just have him die a noble death against a shitty enemy so maybe gods cancel the tournament. After all, he looked like he shat on his pants after Poseidon's loss. Maybe he's working in tandem with Odin because both want to cop out.

He probably wants to fuck around and have fun. Someone like Jack who is considered and is evil/twisted would be amusing against someone like old Herc who is heroic. Had it been some unga bunga warrior like Sakata with his axe or Raiden with his sumo, then Herc would end up enjoying it rather than face someone who he would most likely detests.

Yeah, well from what I knew he didn't even killed because he wanted to kill them, he killed them because Hera made him crazy

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killing kids =/= killing prostitutes

>Nicknamed "The Butcher"; Robert Pickton was a Canadian serial killer who killed 49 women and disposed of their bodies by feeding them to his pigs. He was convicted of only 6 murders but charged for his proven 49 victims. Unfortunately, much to the anger of the victims families, the remaining 43 charges were stayed or dropped.
From Canada. All women.

Where are you TLanon to TL the last page?

Maybe the dumb twist for this round is that he actually murdered thousands of people worldwide or something like that.

Is bare manchest the male or female fantasy? Or maybe both?

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It's not all about the numbers, it's about the fear, the mystique, the legacy. It's why Michael Myers had more of an impression than The Collector did despite killing like 600+ people in a single scene.


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What other serial killers were within 10 years of Jack's appeareance? Jack was never found so maybe the author will say after he killed his 5th prostitute in london he moved to another country and started killing there, rinse and repeat so he was never caught.

That sounds boring. I'm a numbers guy.

>shougane na
>you guys can’t wait, huh?
If you don’t know what it means then don’t try translating

>killed the Augean stables

Killed 99.9% of germs

Killing thots is community service

This guy must be a bigger hero to you then.

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so why in hell does Zeus look so much older than Poseidon, when he was the younger brother?

Zeus treats his body like shit, Adamus, and that's without even considering what shapeshifting into real animals would do.

why have I not heard of this Luis Garavito before?

I'm just reposting the TLs.

Hmmm it makes sense. Zeus turns into animals and fucked with everything that crossed his way, while Poseidon kept his seed on his body, besides that time when he raped Medusa.

that not loki, your wife was always mental


Rematch, babeh. Reincarnation Pandora can't save Herc now!

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Shit the ripper winning anything will always feel forced.


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is this the herc that killed his own wife or not? jack could just trigger some ptsd on him or something

All Hercs killed their wife. The entire reason he went through the twelve labors was to repent for it.

It can BARELY be accepted in the Fate series. Assassins are capable of killing other classes, despite losing 99% of the time by default for being joke characters. Otherwise, I fully agree on having the joke villain actually win.

"It took you Twelve Labor to become famous. I only needed Five."

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Assassins in the fate series are better at killing masters than directly confronting the servant.

It's part of his myth, so I doubt it goes unaddressed. It might be one of the reason for him to be against killing humanity

Disney's Hercules didn't kill her, though she died because of him so maybe it counts anyway.

He was already famous before the twelve labors. I guess that means the Columbine shooters are the strongest by your logic.

>spitting on Guy Fawkes legacy with a fakeout

Fucking based.

>Jack jumps into the audience and finds Herc's wife

> I guess that means the Columbine shooters are the strongest by your logic.
They probably would have won this entire tournament by now.

Is Simo's volund going to be the gun, or one random bullet that he needs to hit?

I can't tell what they're saying but it feels so freaking chuuni

Why isn't Red Baron part of the human heroes again? He is way more famous than most of the human chucklefucks.

What a god. Even the government agreed and let him out early

depends, how bulletproof are this gods?

Their powers have virtually nothing to do with the actual gods dumbo. Shiva's being treated like a punk here even though he's supposed to be a motherfucker out of Bastard!! or something

Who would they put him against? Ziz?

>Jack the Ripper vs Goddess
His special move is going to be MUHH DICKK

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Don't worry, Jack! All you need to do is put a shirt on this guy and he'll lose!

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Is he another hero who ascended to godhood like Herc?

He's the son of Zeus, brother of Hercules, and father of aesthetics

Let him lose then them nippon gods win.

>I hope Herc turns you into a smear across the battlefield you sociopathic incel.

Despite what you just said, I'm sure papa still loves you

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>trying this hard

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Thought that was his tongue at first...


is this dude gonna be sylar

Unless Herc becomes a woman I can't see jack winning this.

jack gains power by sacrificing women
he sacrifices his valkyrie for a temporary boost in power exceeding herc's
rest in pieces, herc's ovaries

Either gonna be a nosin or submachine gun.

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Anyone care to translate the last page the TLanon left out? He seems to have up and gone

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the fighting is fun but god the character designs are so awful

Hope you're happy.

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What, you don't like british tophat gentleman with a mustache?

Imagine if Jack turns out to be a woman using a shitty fake mustache.

It's better than a loli, but still kinda meh. The gears on the hat should totally go away, and god, the mask, what was the author thinking. Not the same user, btw.

pls someone can translate this one?

No mythology reader worth their salt ever counts the Disney herc.

was a match (setting) like this ever happen before?
Ragnarok, 4th bout, begins!! (opening curtain)

Bumping cos all the burgers and spics ITT are sleeping.

What would the reaction been if Jack was a woman this whole time?

Even more Fate shitposting than there already is from this series also going with Herc vs Jack the ripper

It wouldn't have been bad as loli ripper. Madam Red at least was a good ripper based on motives.

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Heracles or Hercules?


The original Greek name is Heracles.

Who's the midget again?

So Is everyone from history that ever lived sitting in the stands. Imagine the smell

Seeing the Abrahamic God just chilling in the audience is pretty funny.

Why is he still on the gods side. Everything bad that happened to him is becuse of the gods

>kids are cheering for the genocide of humans
Lol fuck them.

>tfw he would reveal that he actually want to surrender and the humans to win not because of him being a kind hearted bro. But because of of his total hatred and vengeance towards Gods

>Meanwhile the Shuumatsu's thread on Godchan

Does Herc even give a shit about his wife after dying? She made him die a miserable and painful death because she was jealous and possessive.


>four Greek gods, including the top god who defeated humanity's ultimate champion
>only one Japanese god
When will the author stop with this fucking Greek wank and start pandering to the east?


Aren't there two japanese gods?
It's kinda funny, Zeus killed Dad and now Dad's children are gonna slaughter his family. Have fun watching, old fart.

I actually think that Jack is there to show that humans aren't the heroes of the story. That the gods are not completely wrong in destroying mankind if evil like Jack the Ripper existed. Anyways, it won't end well for poor Herc either way. He's either gonna die pitifully or forced to face the dark side of his beloved mankind. A shame. He's likely the nicest god on Heaven's side (still waiting for Buddha).

>no female fighter
So sexist

Zeus wouldn't risk Athena.

I wonder why would Bryn goes this far to save Mankind, Was Sigurd or Gunnar's dicks really that big ?

What about the Valkyrie?

>Author goes for the Nyarlathotep angle for Tesla

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>so many posts about Brun being Loki in disguise
Impossible, unless he was her from the beginning, Jack was made a participant long before the start of the tournament and Brun was already shown as pretty evil and vindictive when the gods are concerned. Personally, I think it would be funny if Jack turns out to be a better man than she thought, like Adam.

jack being a more or less nice guy would be cool
I kind of want rasputin to be the evil one
and dunk on the devil

Could someone please explain how Loki can mimic Bryn and snack on Pringles at the same time? Still, it's pretty strange to act so giddy if she really does like Heracles.

I hope herc lives so he can give geir headpats

>if she really does like Heracles
Geir does, Brynhilde was pretty formal around Herc-niisama like when she is around other gods. And to me it feels like her desire to save humanity isn't bigger than her desire to fuck the gods over.

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>tfw Jack actually regrets and wants to atone for all that he did in his life by at least giving the humanity a chance to survive.
That would either makes Hercules respect him or depressed by the fact that he denied someone's atonement

translated scans are out

>Jack being a piece of shit is supposed to be a big deal
>When half the gods are piece of shit

New Chapter in english is online, thanks to user for the translation:

geir a cute
who's going to be her husbando?

What the hell? Someone actually typesetted that godawful speed translation with bunch of oversimplification and errors without any kind of proofreading? even the typsetting in the mangadex chapter has errors, filled wrong dialogue bubbles and stuff.
It's not like Valhalla scan's TL is anything good, but at least it's proper.
Just be patient, dude.

nah, it's actually pretty good

>>Greece has a debt, are you not going to let us pay it back?

Attached: 1565817545065.png (256x256, 57K)

>generic english dude
the desigsn are bad as fuck

Valhalla fag detected!

Attached: 3g5k6.jpg (620x697, 36K)

I suppose that could be an actual point of similarity between them. Heracles went mad and killed his family because of Hera, and he might feel some sympathy for Jack if he also killed because he went mad.

‘Course, whether that’s played legit or not and it’s all a trick to get him to let down his guard is another matter.

It’s actually not. It’s serviceable, but some parts are wrong and one of the text boxes in the last pages outright doesn’t make any sense.

I remember some user had predicted Heracles would go against Jack the Ripper and the main theme would be good god vs evil human, and that Heracles would try to lose to spite the gods while Jack would attempt to lose in order to spite the humans. He was right that Heracles likes the humans, but I guess he'll fight seriously after all...

I'm the one who always posted the raws.
Just say so if you want to typeset Yea Forums TL, so I can at least correct some blatant mistakes and oversimplication. There are a lot of them in this chapter's TL.

tell me what need to be fixes and i'll fix it right now, english is not my first language,
i've only used the user translation as it was

this manga is fate but good

I realized there's no woman on the human's side.
They could have brought in Joan of Arc. Would have been pretty fun to see a "servant of God" forced to fight.

>english is not my first language,
>i've only used the user translation as it was
Well if that's how it is, you should know by now to ask for someone to proofread it then because the rough raw translations posted are never fit to be typeset as is.

I get why it's Jack the Ripper, but I really wish they'd have more niche people around, especially since the current combatant is supposed to be an awful murderer and a piece of shit
should've been Albert Fish, he even fits the look

Attached: fish.png (634x500, 340K)

I mean, Simo is not as huge as the other names on the list, so that's something, I guess.
And from a gaijin's standpoint, it was the first time I heard about that sumo dude.

pure, unadulterated, kosmkino


Simo Hayha is a pretty well known existence, I'm sure that even Japanese people heard about him, there are several manga related to him
as for Raiden Tameemon, I absolutely agree, dude isn't even anything big in his own modern culture, I mean, Okita Souji is pretty much a nobody and even he is in so many things

>historymeme without jannu
thanks gods, getting really tired of this stale cheerleader being everywhere

>who is Rasputin

Jesus i knew he cut them to pieces but never knew that he literally just cut hunks of flesh out of his victims like that.

This was actually the chance to give a spin on her personality, since she would be going directly against the Gods this time.

Servant of Satan, naturally.

Aniki will fight good for humanity.
>stage is a gim

It's clear the author just picked people he thought he would have the most fun making scenarios/fights for.

Of course he did. Why else woudl he write a manga like that? Powerlevel autists coming from shitty dbthreads can't understand this though.


Badass vs Badass
Father vs Leader
Loser vs Winner
Evil vs Justice

Well at least he's not a loli.



This fighht has the potential to make this manga decent again. Fuck me the Kojiro fight sucked. The only good one has been Adam vs Zeus.

or some say kos

Adam should have won

He probably would have if not for Zeus swapping in

I don't dislike the Kojiro fight, I think it's pretty much set that the fight rankings are
>Adam > Kojiro > Lu Bu

However, I think that this fight has a lot more potential because the stakes of this fight seem a lot better than the Kojiro fight. Poseidon was just too stoic for so long that by the time he got a personality he died, Kojiro alone couldn't carry the match. But here we have Hercules who is being framed as sympathetic to humanity but still duty bound to support the gods. So while he's still of the mindset that he has to win his match, he'll still plead on our behalf when it's all said and done.

Enter Jack the ripper, his general personality and traits are all unknown but I'd assume he is still going to be a bastard through and through despite his dandy appearance. Win or lose I expect that by the end of this fight he'll have broken Hercules high opinion of humanity and sense of justice but it's going to take some pretty charismatic prodding to accomplish such. Plus even the humans don't like him so if Jack does win it won't be something applauded like Kojiro's victory or Adam's defeat were.

So the potential is high here for another stellar fight.

>using low quality web scans/screenshots
>using quick TL that was never meant for typesetting
I mean, I hate Valhalla scans as much as the next guy, but this isn't any better (although no meme translations is always a plus)
he even mixed up some speech bubbles like the page where Kojiro says it's his first win and he put Bryn's inner monologue in his Kojiro's bubble.

Lu Bu fight felt shorter and had better art, and his entrence was also pretty cool. Kojiro made me drop the manga until I saw that Jack the ripper was going to fight.

They did throw out their likely strongest fighters in the first two rounds, so the quality was to be expected. Round 3 wasn't bad, but Sasaki had way too much backstory focus compared to the others. Still enjoyed him slicing Poseidon apart though.

Lu Bu vs Thor was so generic

Looks like Valhalla is still going through with their translation. Fuck wops.

I personally think that Poseidon has got plenty of personality, he was shown as a douchebag sitting on a very high horse in his first chapter and the latter chapters only reinforced that. Personally I agree with those who complained how instead of the God of the Seas he was more like a Too Deep For You God of the Tridents. I think it would have been better if he was shown doing something else like if the author showed that his whistling was something more than just him suddenly going faster/becoming less predictable. Thor was basically the mythical Thor only stronger (doesn't need the gloves to protect himself from the hammer but to protect the hammer from his grip and reportedly kills the World Serpent using his strongest move while in the myths their proper duel ends in a mutual kill) and Zeus used different techniques during the fight (and his lightning bolts are supposed to be weapons forged by the cyclops smiths anyway). Poseidon vs Kojiro wasn't bad but it wouldn't have hurt if the author juiced Poseidon's style up.

>Looks like Valhalla is still going through with their translation
That's a good thing.

He might go for human victory since he really hates the Norse gods, assuming he is true to his character in the Nordic myths

I bet i gonna be a draw

Yeah, I was talking about the giuseppes that tried to snipe.

Well, for better or worse, this might make them pull their shit together and not take 1-2 weeks to release a chapter. I always appreciate higher quality, but if you're going to take 10 days so you can find some cringe teen slang to use, you're going to be sniped eventually.

Wonder how Jack's gonna get along with his Valkyrie, considering.

Now the idea of Tesla revealing himself to be Nyarly seems great. Thanks user.

>wins the fight
>Valkyrie shows up to congrats
>kills her too

Fixed, thanks!

Fixed, thanks!

>are you a virgin
>then let's get along

Frankly Herc working with gods is retarded. While it could be explained during his life with him not knowing all the shit that gods did in the background right now he should be able to get all the stories straight. He once beat Thanatos black blue just cause that guy wanted to take the wife of his friend. Tell Herc that is was Hera and others who fucked with him to kill his own family... And you could very well get the recreation of God of War.

they're valkyries, not prostitutes

i wonder how ridiculous he'll make Jack's backstory

I doubt it can get dumber than Thor aka "Attack on Titan"

The prostitutes he was killing were honest-to-god Hellspawn that were about to plunge London and the whole British Empire into darkness but he stopped them and the Illuminati organisation behind their summoning.

I kinda hop someone in the crowd points this out whio someone on the God's crowd complained about Jack

>using the shitty Yea Forums tl without quality check
>not even posting it under Yea Forumsnonymous
Whoever did that shit needs to be gassed.

>The first incel versus the OG chad.

You are implying he was Killer of Demons and had a little cynical angel at his side?

why is there big ben and the houses of parliament in the arena
jack did all his killing in whitechapel
is it just because he's an english character therefore big ben must feature somewhere?

>is it just because he's an english character therefore big ben must feature somewhere?
Yes, also the cogs are there on his hat and monocle because steam punk is English too I guess

clearly he has an ability with a specific time limit and he needs the bongs to tell him how long the fight has lasted so far

So wait, Kojiro is just gonna disappear now? I kinda wish humanity's winners would hang around and comment on the other fights like the gods do.

After their departure from the arena Thor and Zeus made their reappearance only in the previous chapter.

When does Tesla come into the arena?

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>inb4 Jack was an assassin killing prostitutes who had dirt on politicians disguising it as bloody psychotic murder.
> inb4 his attacks were used as a huge news point to detract from lots of political issues and overshadow them.

My big problem with the fight was his flashback. Making up a god just to sell Poseidon as being super strong and super scary to his peers didn't work here. With all the fiction added on top of these myths it's strange they chose that approach. Even Shingeki no Asgard was more interesting to read.

The reason Jack was never caught is because he's a master of disguise. The dapper gentlemen is his public face. During the battle Heracles will mess up his makeup and Jack will show his true face which is more like pic related.

Attached: face.jpg (1084x1144, 644K)

>yfw geir has to be jack's weapon against hercules

Attached: Geir.png (261x561, 213K)

how often have they really portrayed him as a hero?

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we'll when simo takes the field

>tfw he gets Geir
>tfw he intentionally hurts Geir
>tfw Heracles get absolutely assblasted about that and can't think properly
>tfw Heracles also can't attack properly because he doesn't want to hurt Geir
>tfw It was Brunhilde's plan all along

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>Say something to him.
He did great work in bringing attention to the fearful living conditions of London's working class of that time.

I can absolutely see this happening, especially if the hilde = loki thing is true
but if it does happen I'd like jack to turn out to not be a complete asshole
geir deserves a nice husbando

I think Posseidon's flashback was foreshadowing for a future plot twist. Posseidon killed an unknown god called Adamas and Zeus had a power up called Adamas. It's too weird to be random. My theory is that Zeus devoured Adamas. In myths and legends, Gods are immortal and cannot be permanently killed by mere violence, but they are often imprisoned (in a cave, in an urn, thrown in hell) or alternatively, in many cases, they are defeated and devoured by another god. I think the Posseidon flashback was incomplete. Posseidon defeated Adamas who started regenerating immediately, then the sea god dragged the regenerating corpse to Zeus, who condemned Adamas for his treason and devoured him whole. That kinda stuff runs in his family. It's an interesting detail that Geir doesn't exactly say "What, there were 13 gods of the Olympus?" but rather she says "what, a god killed another god?". She doesn't think it's possible for a god to be killed. In that setting, gods eating other gods is taboo and censored. Why would the gods refuse to discuss what happened to Adamas? He was a little shit that nobody respected, they should mock him for eternity. In truth they don't discuss him because of his ultimate fate, which is taboo. All instances of a god vanishing has been covered up in their history. I wouldn't be surprised if in a future battle a god used a transformation power up called Posseidon. The trident god certainly wasn't killed by a sword, so if he's not shown anymore in the manga then something is up. It makes sense that to pay for his failure he was devoured to give strength to another godly contestant. He might already have been eaten by Heracles for all we know.

Attached: 13_992017_1427_2048.jpg (1427x2048, 1.04M)
From hell movie.

Based Sasaki.

but we saw him disintegrate

If the thing about Loki having kidnapped hilde is true, why would he makes things difficult for Heracles? I think people mistook that panel. She's not being possessed. She acted weird and hid her excitement because she's obviously exploiting Heracles onii-san's kindness and sense of justice, so it'd be reasonable to not show her excitement and plan to Geir.

>why would he makes things difficult for Heracles?
>why would the trickster god try to make things difficult for someone else
because he can
Kevin Sorbo?

personally, I think it's a bullshit theory and hilde is just crazy. still would though
that said, the trickster god would absolutely make things difficult for someone else just for giggles

But this is not a joke anymore, user.

Attached: 1566613725894.jpg (982x640, 235K)

What if Loki isn't just impersonating Hilde, what if Loki has always been Hilde? Have we ever seen them in the same scene, in the same panel? Loki can teleport at will in this story, he can easily be another person with a combination of teleporting and transformation. Isn't it Loki's entire thing to fuck with the gods and cause the apocalypse? Every single time it's always him doing this shit.

Attached: loki.jpg (900x2520, 1003K)

Loki is only a half god as well. His morality is twisted to begin with and every time he tried to cut deals between his god and giant relatives the gods betrayed them. He even was one of the main causes of Ragnarok

I'm leaning towards Hilde not being possessed/replaced by Loki there, but the reason for Loki to pick Jack specifically would be pretty simple, he'd want Hercules to experience the evil side of humanity so he'd get the idea of pleading for their survival after the battle out of his head.

But gods can't be killed so he'll regenerate. Perhaps it takes time, perhaps he regenerates elsewhere, but can we really believe he's permanently dead? Of all the unbelievable things in this story, can we really believe that if you stab a god with a sword he'll die?

Posting Kratos vs Herc fight would uncool. So I won't do it... maybe.

He is god of jokes, anyway.

anyone else image heracles smashing loki's boipussi

Attached: x29.png (1047x1490, 632K)

with the way the other gods reacted, it seems like he's dead

>he'd want Hercules to experience the evil side of humanity so he'd get the idea of pleading for their survival after the battle out of his head
That actually makes sense.

We know for sure that one god died long ago (Adamas), so I don't know where you're getting from this "gods can't be killed".

>can we really believe that if you stab a god with a sword he'll die?
If that sword is made out of valkyrie? yes

Most of the gods are pagan gods, fuck those furries

no, heracles is married

>We know for sure that one god died long ago
read his previous post

I imagine him destroying Geir's tight vagina.

Kratos would just spank Loki and grounded him in his room while a sound of BOY resonates throughout the arena

Attached: boner visual metaphor.png (982x580, 231K)

he could preach the bible like a preacher
full of ecstasy and fire

absolutely based and imaginepilled

but geir is for her einherjar husbando

Yeah but it was the first one, very short and mostly served to introduce the plot. Adam vs Zeus was a tough act to follow.
>Remember, remember the fifth of November,: Gunpowder treason and plot,: I see no reason why gunpowder treason: Should ever be forgot.

>imagine being Heracles
>imagine having your sweet imouto Geir being stolen by a scumbag english cringe motherfucker
>imagine the NTR

He only needs to have a teapot on his pocket, on a chain

>yfw geir becomes a knife and jack licks her

Attached: 1535573304799.jpg (321x322, 24K)

They are fighting not in material world. Humans are ghosts or astral projecting. Same as gods.

>Geir will be the weapon that will kill hercules.
Fucking kino

If Hilde wasn't replaced, her reason could be that she just knows that the other gods wouldn't care about Herc's pleading, even less after seeing him win, so they have to win, and a piece of shit like Jack can exploit his good heart. It might be a tragedy where Hilde's pick ends up backfiring. If she was captured we're in trouble because idk who could realize the truth.

She is a spear.

Attached: geireh.png (417x282, 87K)

Maybe Jack the Ripper is a spear user. Maybe he killed all those prostitutes by taping a knife to a stick.

>she becomes a spear
>he breaks it and keeps only the tip, effectively using it as a knife

We had Hilde throwing heavy glances at him across the arena when he first appeared, user. And again, the theory of him being her ONLY makes sense if it was from the very beginning. I don't buy it anyway.

it could be a knife hidden in the tip of his cane, which would effectively be a spear

Plot twist. Jack the Ripper is a good guy. The women he killed were secret agents, trained deadly warriors from a doomsday conspiracy cult. The corrupted police said the corpses belonged to prostitutes to hide the fact they had no background and that no family claimed them, and to cause an manhunt for Jack, who is a hero and a martyr.

Meanwhile, the battle will reveal that Heracles has a twisted and rotten personality, with many atrocities hidden in his past. In his flashback, each of his 12 labours will turn out to be a crime against humanity.

Bring dad back

I hope they don't do that. Heracles seems to be a bro.

Isn't Loki a pure giant? He is just a blood-oathbound brother to Odin or something like that. And his wife is a full giant cutie too.

>In myths and legends, Gods are immortal and cannot be permanently killed by mere violence
Yeah, but we've already established that Volund allows humans to wield weapons on the same level of the Gods. And there's no precedence in this story that God's are immune to death as in other myths it's very much possible to kill a diety. Zeus sharing a name with his brother is one thing, but we have no concept to when or why Zeus made that form and named it as such. It could equally just have been a tribute to his fallen brother and nothing more. Plus in your theory Adamas starts to regenerate immediately but in here Poseidon is dust now. Not exactly the same thing.

I think the story is going to treat death for both sides as final. Otherwise from a narrative level what's the point of humans actually winning if their opponent can just show back up in the bleachers after the next round while every human loser is ashes?

Why is Loki always drawn as a twink when he's a giant?

because he's only a giant down there

because the translation of jötunn simply as giant aka "very large person" is not really correct

>big dick twink

Attached: 1555971764582.png (680x378, 389K)

Either Kenny Ackermann or Gentle Criminal

Probably because we say giant, but a Jotuhn isn't necessarily a giant. I mean, his three kids with his Jotuhn wife are Jormungand the World Serpent, Fenrir the Giant Wolf and Hel whose descriptions seem to vary greatly, I've read that she is a beautiful girl/woman from the waist up and a skeleton from the waist down and that she is ugly/beautiful woman with her skin being as red as meat on one side and as blue as a corpse on the other. I think I've read another description where the red side is red because it's literally meat showing.

holy shit how did I forgot about this

screencaped in case

that really was "why didn't he do that immediately"

Fuck the Gods.

Jotun aren't all or even mostly giants, they are not analogous too, but aren't all that different from the Titans in Greek Myth.

He was lifting at the gym when the giants attacked, don't worry, he rescued every eaten person by gutting the giants, we weren't shown that because saving angels from giant bowels isn't as pretty as blowing giants the fuck out.

> And there's no precedence in this story that God's are immune to death as in other myths it's very much possible to kill a diety
it says in the page posted in that Geir has never heard of a god killing another god. It makes sense that she has also never heard of a human killing a god either. God killing is new to her. Unless Geir skipped on history class, god killing isn't something normal in that setting, and the Adamas story line shows us that it's a taboo subject.

>It could equally just have been a tribute to his fallen brother
[x] doubt

the gods killed father
kill all those niggers

Possible, it has been a while since I read the myths

Albert Fish doesn’t have the mysterious background or fame of Jack the Ripper, even if he is a disgusting monster. H.H Holmes would at least have the gimmick of a stage that’s a hotel death trap, hidden rooms and all, but for the same reasons as Fish, he wouldn’t work. Only other big mystery serial killer would be the Zodiac Killer and he’s most likely too modern or not big enough of a name.

the sumo guy and the secret police samurai seem really redundant
especially police samurai
what the fuck is he going to do that kojiro didn't

>that Geir has never heard of a god killing another god
The fact that it's a taboo subject is the exact reason why she doesn't know. She's also framed as one of the youngest of the Valkyries so why would she actually know about something that happened before her time?

Plus even the Adamas thing does make some sense because Zeus took his Father's move as his own and as far as presented Zeus didn't lock his dad up but crushed his head and that's the last mention of Cronus. Likewise Adamas was killed by Poseiden and that's the end of him. I don't see how regeneration played out here.

His spirit will be dying of ghost tuberculosis and the Valkyries will have to swap him for some European knight or the Mayo dancho.

I'm interested to see what weapon Jack will use. He's a fucked up individual
I don't want to see a death of valkyrie.

reading Albert's letter made me realize my grandpa wasn't bullshitting about the army forcing them to eat Vietnamese boys during the war.

What do these murals mean? They could be important!

>great looking PS1 game with good sprite work and well textured 3D backgrounds and pre-rendered backgrounds as well
>modern devs repeat this idea but fuck it up with oddly contrasting foreground and poorly rendered backgrounds
Fuck me sideways

Anyone hear thinks that there will be 13 battles instead and the 12th battle would be a tie so that all 13 valkyries would be involved?

I love how Mars is just trying really hard to look like a tough guy here.

am I a pervert for picturing them fucking?

well, four more are going to die
so you know
be ready for that

I am going to bet that this whole tournament is going off the rails at some point in the middle. We won't see many of the fighters in their match.

Wish the writer would stop wanking Norse and Greek gods so hard

Attached: 44DB7593-41F8-449B-A6D4-1D66B9BA01D1.jpg (1280x720, 84K)

Who's gonna be the 13th fighter then? Jesus?


Attached: Valkyrie.Profile.full.893577.jpg (500x704, 201K)

Which side would Jesus fight for?

what are the akashic records? are they a japanese meme or some historical mumbo jumbo?

He would fight himself and in the end crucify himself to make the gods forgive our sins.

Not a Japanese invention, I can tell you that. I think Akasha means World in some language.

god I wish Loki would sit like that on my cock

>akashic records
Future present and past. Google it.


basically a compendium of all human knowledge, experiences, thoughts and feelings etc that exists in the etheric plane

Nah jack will win in some disgusting way that even the humams will start to root for the ragnorak to wipe us out

>H.H Holmes would at least have the gimmick of a stage that’s a hotel death trap, hidden rooms and all, but for the same reasons as Fish, he wouldn’t work

definitely, I don't see a god falling for traps inside a hotel

Being assholes is part of human nature. Thats why punishment and redeeming exist.

For the other gods it was a problem, for him it was just like being called downstairs to kill cockroaches

>Islamic god is a god of all
You can't create a fair fight with that.
>Taoist gods
Too many to count. Too annoying to research.

more like being called downstairs to deal with a fox that's killing your chickens

Loki clearly has some kind of plan going on behind the scenes. But, from what we have seen from him until now, a very likely motivation is convince the Gods to stop the tournament before his fight, since he clearly shat himself with Poseidon's death. If Herc, the idol of the gods, is killed treacherously by a human piece of shit, the Gods may very well say fuck the tournament, flush them all.

besides, from Adam's story, we can assume that the judeochristian God is either an amalgamation of the council of the gods, or literally just an old dude that made Adam and called a day. Considering that he has to coexist with other gods that created man, like Prometheus or Quetzalcoatl, I would lean towards monotheistic absolute gods not existing, but being the representation of the collective will of gods (that bearded generic guy on the gods' stands notwhistanding)

>Characters introduced first have been the ones to win so far.
Will Hercs actually win?

There are many easy to research Amerindian gods, Ancient Middle Eastern Gods like Ishtar, Marduk, Ashur, Subsaharan African gods - literal thousands of those. I know why the author went with what they did, but it is still disappointing.

Because jap loves their detective novels and Conan movies.

>or literally just an old dude that made Adam and called a day
He's there, just not in charge for the same reason Shiva got punked by Zeus

Attached: RoR_God.jpg (1198x731, 339K)

Isn't Zeus omnipotent and omniscient in this manga?

Oh right, Ishtar would be good.

>(that bearded generic guy on the gods' stands notwhistanding)
He looks exactly like the God in the manga's recreation of the Creation of Adam painting, so he's probably meant to be him.

>Subsaharan gods

no one wants to see that shit. Agree that mesoamerican and mesopotamian gods would be cool though

Haha it depends on Odin. Odin can cast eternal lust on valkyries. And no virgins on midgard, anymore.

Fuck I hope so

anubis being the only egyptian god kinda sucks

>Loki's motive
>Hilde's plan too
>Why Jack the ripper
I'm actually quite excited. The way this match was set up took my full attention. I feel like whether that was loki in disguise or not, the plan was to use jack regardless.


To be fair to Shiva, maybe he really just respects Zeus enough to not try to beat him up or thinks that the outcome would lead to the victor being in no shape for the fight they would be fighting for. Even after he saw what Adam had done to Zeus he said that he should have been the one to go.

it's a pretty generic look for a god, anyway

In terms of strength according to the conversation of the gods, wouldn't it be
Thor > Poseidon > Shiva >= Zeus

There are some very interesting Sub-Saharan African gods, Mwindo is a sort of African Heracles but a bit more than that.

It's generic because the iconography of the Christian God historically made him look that way and it's ingrained in world culture. The author has been taking liberties in the designs of the important gods, but if you look at the ones in the crowd, most simply look like they were lifted more or less directly from their sources.

By 'important' I mean 'important to the story', not in general. Of course the Christian God should be more important than being crowd filler, but in this story, he is.

Zeus is clearly stronger than Poseidon.

Sigurd all the way. The guy is basically Norse King Arthur in terms of power level and fame in his home region. And the story's focus on Brynhildr hints at this.

but there's already going to be 13 battles?
there doesn't have to be a tie for the 13th to take place
just 6 wins and losses apiece

What the gods said about Poseidon was basically a polite and encouraging way of calling someone the biggest snob in the house.

Lancelot is canonicaly stronger

Pls don't kill Geir. I got the feeling either Hilde or Geir would die to provide a twist where the main characters aren't safe.

>Greek gods send in Herc to avenge Poseidon
>he loses too
>mad as fuck, they send in Apollo next and tell him to not fuck around
>he uses his chariot to fly around and snipe his enemy
>gets shot down by Tesla or Simo and loses in a single chapter
>even if humanity loses, the greek gods will be regarded as huge jobbers

>first chapter Shiva says something about trying to evolve a new species after humanity is wiped out
>yet we see that Adam was created as the first human exactly in the Gods image
What the hell, is the translation for chapter one wrong then?

>>yet we see that Adam was created as the first human exactly in the Gods image
we don't see that, we see a recreation of the creation of adam and a quote from the old testament
doesn't mean that that is what actually happened in-universe

>People still think Hercs could win this match that is clearly set up specifically against him.
>Especially after raising plenty of death flags.
Herc gonna die. Geir gonna start questioning human rights.

Hope they don't remove Shiva's Ice powers as they did with Zeus's lighting and Poseidon's water desu

they will

100% going to win. Hercules raises so many flags xD. The people cheering for him, while no one actually cheers when a serial killer enters the other side... hercules being called hero this hero that, the face of justice... He's 100% dying

He can't kill 2 Greeks gods in a row

the loser doesn't HAVE to die, right?

I can see Nikola vs Shiva. Pretty sure our human otaku is saving him for that match.
Also I feel like Nikola could have been the choice against poseidon if kojiro did not interrupt.

>He can't kill 2 Greeks gods in a row
That's exactly why he will because people wouldn't expect it. Also the interesting situation of the evil human winning over the good natured God

Who says that, grecian jobber?

ngl jack the ripper doesnt rlly seem like filth the way they protrayed him, he just seems like a cool british dude who's bout to beat up a god.

Keep on hoping.

I guess that you can surrender, though no one took that possibility. Kojiro might have accepted Poseidon's surrender, but Poseidon would have killed Kojiro on the spot if he had surrendered. Thor might have accepted Lu Bu's surrender, if it meant being able to fight him again in the future, but both of them wouldn't be satisfied with anything more than a fight to the death. Besides, with the stakes that we have, it doesn't make sense for humans to give up. They would be erased anyway with the rest of humanity.

Name a more predictable matchup than Simo Hayha and Apollo.

>people actually want heracles to win
Disgusting race traitors. Heracles isnt all that good. He killed his own kids and probably raped someone along the way. While jack killed 5 people

Considering that there's still Apollo and he really sounds like a jobber, killing another Greek now would put humans on par with the gods and make Greeks into irredeemable jobbers, unless Apollo manages to really subvert expectations and be a great opponent and character. Besides that, Heracles seems a prime candidate for gruesome death, and I guess that the fight could end in such a tone where Heracles' victory was almost guaranteed but Jack wins with a dirty trick.

jack didn't kill people, he killed prostitutes

I just realized that Jack is actually a good match for Heracles. He had countless lovers, both male and female, he was the ultimate thot.

rasputin vs beelzebub

You could actually try and mention something bad that he didn't do under Hera's curse of insanity.

didn't he force some amazons to marry to one of his virgin friends?

user and small smooth brain.

I would have expected him to fight Loki if he weren't getting so shaped as some bigger bad. Loki, or Anubis, unkillable man vs god of death. In fact, Apollo the god of plagues vs Rasputin the mystical healer doesn't sound that bad.

Since the fights are going for a theme that's not necessarily associated to the fighter's combat style, we may get something else. Kojiro became the greatest loser, which is an exxageration since he lost against Musashi but was considered one of the best swordsmen of his time, I doubt he hadn't beaten anyone before. But it contrasted against the god that never lost a fight and even got away with murdering another god. I don't know which human quality might Simo represent, Kojiro was the spirit of "learning from your losses", Simo might represent the relentless and constant effort, the spirit of not giving up and keep killing an unkillable and unbeatable foe, a soldier at a time. He might be paired against a god that never made any effort, though I don't know who from that list could fit that criteria.

OP and lust for dicks

Heracles should have fought Rasputin, and instead of having a match of strenght, they should have fought with their cocks. Form a line of mortal women for Herc, and a line of goddesses for Rasputin, and the first one that gets exhaused loses. Or the one that gets more orgasms from their audience.

Loki vs Tesla (Crawling chaos)

Also who the hell is Nostradamus gonna fight? Buddha? It's a given that Susanoo is gonna fight a Jap no isn't it?

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>Susanoo is gonna fight a Jap
>nip God vs nip human
>after getting mutual respect for each other, they get a mutual kill, each one giving a win to their teams
>nippon banzai fag is mad forever

>Susanoo is the final fight against a fellow nip
>Both do ritual suicide
>Tournament ends in a tie
>Both sides eternally butthurt
>Brunhilde popping veins everywhere
>Anons also seething in anger
Would be kino to be honest.

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>not susanoo vs tesla

>nippon banzai fag is mad forever
What if nip humies and gods keep being as good as Kojiro and by the end of the manga niphater gets defeated by yamato damashi?

The biggest twist will be that Jack is actually a girl, and herc can't kill her because it would be unhonorable

>Also who the hell is Nostradamus gonna fight?
He might also be a good rival for Apollo, since Apollo was god of prophecies or heavily associated with prophecies at least, and I totally expect Nostradamus to go full "I can predict your movements" during his fight.

but "I can read your movements" was kojiro's thing

The final fight is so awesome that Gods and humans become friends, they cross to each other's stands and huge each other, all the dead are revived and Amaterasu is voted to be on charge of the council, instead of Zeus

that was also Adam's thing

he was more see + copy
Kid Icarus trop, huh.

Nostradamus' fight is gonna end with him losing but saying some cryptic bullshit before he dies that somehow unnerves both humans and gods.

Attached: Russian loli.png (800x800, 265K)

>It's better than a loli,
Get out of my Yea Forums.

Which is what Kojiro did at the end of the fight

What? It goes

Zeus > Thor > Poseidon

No clue where Shiva is at but probably above Thor.

Buddha appeared in the first chapter, he was on the gods side.

So...where's the victory sex between Kojiro and Hrist?

kojiro is showing her the power of his golden age

Attached: this is my golden age.png (1441x2048, 1.97M)

Lolis are trash and you have trash taste.

Just started binging this manga. All I have to say is
>the part about Adam and Eve and the goddamn trial was cringy
>was Sasaki's win a muh nakama moment?
Literally can't take this seriously after the Eve and serpent moment. But can say that Sasaki was a cool guy

Say something to Hrist.

Attached: EAn1PJyU8AAdbO-.jpg (1536x2048, 596K)

smells like a fucking baka in here

I wish her happiness with her new husband

Attached: 1557855089923.jpg (450x443, 61K)

Would you prefer a calm or angry Hrist?

Attached: EAFGeSZVUAAH5rB.jpg (613x590, 102K)

>twice mommy for the buck

Attached: 1564513667721.png (480x469, 248K)

literally why not both


I refuse to believe this. Herc has to know that sickos like Jack exist, I don't believe that he'd give up on humanity just because of one sociopath being sociopathic.

I don't take orders

Attached: noitsyou.jpg (222x227, 9K)

of course herc knows that
he WAS one of those sickos when hera fucked with him

Mexicans don't count

my eyes

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I don't see an issue

> jack will somehow immobalize hercules then as herc is surrendering jack will slowly walk to him and cut his torso open, disecting herc taking his organs, And as he notices herc is finally a cold corpse, he will quickly cut his limbs for everybody to see.
Thoughts on jacks finishing move?

poseidon was hot

everything is blurry dude

but herc isn't a prostitute

I want to manhandle Geir's unsually tiny toned tomboyish body!

I can't see it, not against JACKU.

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I see something, like the outlines of the characters. Why would you even touch the pages if the raws look better than the finished (as in destroyed in this case) product?

kojiro is hot
poseidon was just an edgelord

I want to kiss geir's toned tummy and watch her warrior's face go red

Predicting movements is super popular in fighting manga. Adam copied his enemy, Kojiro's scan was about learning how to counter, though at the end he was able to copy human swordsmanship. They both had something else, and the prediction wasn't the main thing. I imagine Apollo firing countless projectiles from heaven could lend itself to be fought by someone that can only dodge through prediction, and that can only attack him because he can divine his position.

Who will Loki fight against?

Attached: Loki.jpg (337x353, 77K)

>inb4 Herc does a face-heel turn and is ACTUALLY evil/shitty/a cunt

I can see it from a mile away

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