Hunter x Hunter

Who was the best royal guard?

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Other urls found in this thread: x hunter digital

Reminder that people only hate Pouf bec he was a great villain.

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Pouf > Pitou > Youpi


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My wife Pitou

Attached: 43485422_p0.jpg (1000x1600, 260K)

Youpi of course
>became honorable
>killed zero people in his life
>is a chad and a bro


Based, only brainlets dislike Pouf, he is one of the best villains in manga, his obsessive loyalty was so well written, bravo Togashi.

Attached: 642988.png (820x308, 137K)


Youpi > Pouf > Pitou

>Kurapika Paladinknight
>Killua Freecss
>Illumi Morow
>Pariston Freecss
>Chrollo Morow
>Theta Hui Guo Rou
>Oito Kurta
>Vergei Krueger
>Cheadle Paladinknight
>Machi Morow
>Chrollo Kurta
>Kalluto Portor
*Drops mic

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This thread stinks of 2011FAGS

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OP here. I watched the 1999 in mid-2000's & read the manga after the anime.

Obligatory fuck all Pitoufags

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What's different about them in the manga

Said the fag who posted an image from tumblr….

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Nothing. user is just a retard.

Fuck off faggot we are allowed to use the amazing visuals from the anime adaptations as much as we want, take your disgusting elitist attitude somewhere else.

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Him, actually

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Togashi really hates Pitou.

Pitou Freecss
Tonpa Paladiknight
Killua Zoldyck-Zoldyck

Attached: 1536798982384.jpg (1125x2253, 528K)

>I'm allowed to like a thing
>b-but you're not allowed to dislike it because it hurts me fee-fees, you elitist!
Why are these threads filled with so many false-flaggers trying to make HxH fans look bad?

Leorio will have his own arc.

>amazing visuals from the anime

Attached: 49736911_356882868439550_2179205786821984256_n.png (242x242, 70K)

Gon Morrow
Pitou Paladinknight
Kurapika Lucifer

>reminder that Pitou is a trap and a boy and Gon kicked his face in to pulp
>Pitou is a murderous insect
>Your waifu is a male insect

Attached: ep131_24.png (875x492, 499K)

And him of course.

Attached: dont touch me.png (150x225, 10K)

It is known.

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Hisoka will die of old age.

Pouf because he's the one I wanted to fuck the most.

It is known.

If Leorio was in the CA arc he'd be trying to seduce Pitou.

Attached: Hunters bodyguards.png (1925x1586, 2.65M)

Reminder that while Kurapika is sacrificing his lifespan and is under immeasurable stress and could die at any moment, Leorio is fucking Cheadle raw doggy style.

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Pitou is best boy

Baymania is a spineless coward, who don't even do his job right. Meanhwhile look at Furykov being based.

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Do people like Leorio because they relate to him being an irrelevant nobody or what
he's not an outright bad character or anything but the character has a fanbase who irrationally makes him out to be amazing


Pouf is the best villain in the series.

Wasted trips.

Attached: Babimyna.png (253x279, 36K)

Babi was doing his job and following his mission at the other side at the time.

him punching Ging in the face is the funniest moment in the entire series

Based dubs

post the niggastream

Hisoka morirá de vejez.

Why is Togashi such a cruel god?

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If Youpi was protecting Kacho she would still be alive.

Next time, post the right one!

Attached: HiatusxHiatus.jpg (1323x586, 194K)

Gods are always cruel.


Pouf was the villain because he only cared about the idea of the king in his head than what the king is/became.

Another reason why Youpi shouldn't have died to add to the list of reasons why Youpi shouldn't have died.

Attached: stop.jpg (1280x720, 248K)

Nice pun

I just finished Greed Island (2011), can anyone tell me who Nigg is? He sounds awesome. Can someone post some art of Nigg?


>Pitou is a murderous insect
Who wanted to test his power, but changes when he encounters Netero. and later is able to empathize with Gon because knows that Gon has to die to protect the king.

>lifted his en
>gathered shit all in info
doing his job

Gon is not in the current arc despite being in every other arc because he would solo the Black Whale and the Dark Continent

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>asking spoilers
Leave the thread and continue watching.

kek & based

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How is that empathizing with Gon

Implying Gon's 2 braincells could be of any use to the Hunter's association during a mission of such importance.

How would he do that without nen?

She literally apologizes to him

Yes, Menthuthuyoupi is my favorite Royal Guard. How could you tell?

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When will Leorio get his own arc? When will Leorio get his own fucking arc with him as the fucking protagonist and with the be story centered about him?! This time Kurapika will be the sidekick while Leorio will be the pov protagonist!

Attached: Leorio Kurapika crazy times.png (364x408, 179K)

I just like him because I want to see if he develops into a stronger character

I find it funny that Killua is the one who didn't show up in Togashi's concept art of HxH yet Leorio is the one who got shafted.

Hype & Hiatus, it never goes well...

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What do you mean?

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Hiatus-Man was the best. Togashi debuted him 8 months ago and I’ve been on the edge of my seat since.

JK HxH is for gayfags

ignore the bait

Based edit

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And its going to be a comedy arc.


the best b8 has truth m8

Fuck Leorio.

Pouf. all the others are relatively boring

Youpi could solo the entire succession war.


Attached: Tserr PoV - HxH 385-387.jpg (1240x7472, 2M)

Togashi only gave Leorio two panels in the Boat Arc. Enough said.

Sshh Togashi is sleeping.

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>two panels
there was another?

Attached: Page 357.jpg (784x1145, 299K)

ok so let me get this straight Killua is gay for Gon but the only thing that makes Gon hard is fighting and getting his ass kicked?

Cheadle is fucking Leorio

Am I the only one who can't take this guy seriously bec of his name?

Opps. Went back and skimmed through. Guess I was wrong.

is guts gay for griffith?

I think there was one of a chibi Leorio when they showed the entire boat and where everyone was located.

>the only boat arc panel with Leorio also features Cheadle
What is Togashi trying to tell us?

Drama-Tragic-Comedy genre arc


Do they fuck any other way besides doggy style?

Attached: leorio x cheadle.jpg (717x1012, 83K)

Cheadle uses Leorio for "stress relief"


This one or that one in Kurapika's flashback doesn't count.

Youpi > Pitou > Pouf

He's a likable character who's been squandered, we're all hoping he gets his time to shine but inwardly we're suffering because this is Kurapika country.

Togashi knows people want more of him too but seemingly has no idea what to do with the guy.

Like a chew toy right?

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Yeah this one.

Don't tell me that he's also fucking Gel? A single man can't be that based.

Bullets travel faster than sound. This throwaway Chimera Ant was so fast he could catch bullets.

So when Netero came down from the mountains and had fists that were faster than sound, was that just a mistranslation? Because it's not actually impressive.

Attached: netero weaker than a bug.png (1635x918, 1.43M)

I think the problem is more once you past the speed of sound and/or light, there's not really a good way to measure differences in speed.

I always interpreted Netero as basically throwing out any one of his 100 attacks in an instant, and being able to switch to any other attack similarly quickly. A bullet may be as fast, or maybe not as fast, but only goes in one, expected direction.

>netero weaker than a bug
kys dumb bugmen

>Netero weaker than bug
>kid Gon beat that bug
So kid Gon > Netero?

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Netero didn't accept Hisoka's challenge in their interview during the hunter exam because he knew he would've lost against Hisoka.

this desu

>replying to himself

CHADren the Gray

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I meant it more in a sense of ''this fucking guy'' or ''get a load of this guy.'' To prevent some misunderstanding. between us user.


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Netero is stronger than both Hisoka & Chrollo.

Attached: netero.jpg (1000x1021, 389K)

Based Netero

what is an bugman and why are turks called roaches?

Dont even need to ask, obviously my wife, pitou.

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It is known

Idk about Chrollo

Last thread some anons were cogitating if Togashi would let someone else draw the manga for him. Well, couple of years ago he did a two-chapter manga with a rookie artist about a card game based in shogi mechanics, you can cleary see that this is his script. I still don't think he would trust somebody to do it for HxH tho, he seems too perfectionist, but there is this precedent here.

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>succession war

Insects are insects, no empathy is needed.

Leave that clown to me

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>multiple spouses
Hisoka really is a clown.

>Kurapika changes last name
>Her spouses still keep Kurta

Any Royal Guard solos the Troupe

I still like them all quite a bit

Hisoka will achieve immortality

While the thread exists, what are your opinions on the hunterxhunter movies phantom rogue and the last mission? Are they canon or not? Does the concept of 'ON' exist in the main story regardless of the movies canon? Did Gon inadvertently use it during his fight with Pitou?

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To be fair he gave Leorio a really simple motivation, to become a doctor. Leorio is already in medical school, and is personally being tutored by Cheadle in the Science Team. His character arc is basically already wrapped up.

>Oh yeah, while Gon and Killua were exploring with Kite they kind of just left for a day to return to Heaven's Arena where the jobber kid has gained the powers of an expert Hunter in a few months. They then discover dark nen and use it to defeat a man strong enough to trap Isaac Netero . This has no impact on the rest of the story of Hunter X Hunter
That movie is retarded man

Last Mission was fucking trash. The whole concept was completely retarded and fuck you for making me remember it exists. Phantom Rogue was merely bad.

Yeah, that's basically the biggest mistake Togashi made with his character. Everyone else's goals involve going places or doing interesting things indefinitely. Leorio was never going to get much time dedicated to his development unless HxH became a medical manga.

That said, I feel like he still could've been propped up as the team healer, which is a fairly standardized role he already does a great job subverting by being himself. He might not have a personal quest, but he could be given screen time and a personal arc that way.

As is, our only hope is for the Dark Continent to become Leorio's arc, which there's plenty of room for. He's the weakest of the main four in terms of combat so there's plenty of room for him to get in fights and grow while also doing medical stuff. Some shounen manga get power creep and right now Kurapika's pretty OP, but switching focus to Leorio would give him the perfect excuse to reset the power level of the "main" character.

Movies are totally awful writing wise but are visually nice. It's just passable schlock. They aren't canon.

Yea it's awful, but at it's core it still presents some ideas that Togashi himself could have put forth but never implemented in his work. Nen restrictions and such were going to be 'On' as represented by Gon-san's dark aura during his fight with Pitou and when he was healed by Nanika.

Those are some pretty good points. What do you think of the idea of Kurapika basically being on his deathbed at the end of this arc and Leorio going on a quest to sneak him some nitro rice? Or whatever it's called.

That'd work pretty well, actually.

My default assumption was he'd try to find some kind of medicine to give Gon his nen back. Please note: I don't actually WANT Gon to get his nen back, I like him losing his nen as a consequence of his decision, but I'm not sure if Togashi has the balls to leave Gon forever nen-less.

Yeah I'm not for Gon getting his nen back, that'd be lame.

I came here to post an intellectual answer but this user is right.

They're going to a new continent bound to contain foreign disease and new medicines, certainly seems like a good arc for a doctor character
Is the rice even at the same part of the continent that the ship is going to dock at?

If there's a small silver lining to HxH's release schedule, it's that Togashi needs to wrap it up eventually. At first I thought we'd get three more arcs (boat, continent, wrapping things up with Hisoka and the Spiders), and that Gon would get his nen back and Killua would return for the finale. Now that everyone's on the boat though, that's shortened down to two arcs, and if the story ends right after the Dark Continent then there's no point in giving Gon his nen back if he's not going to fight, making me hopeful Togashi will bite the bullet and keep him weak.

All this hinges upon Togashi actually completing anything of course and not dying.

What makes her a boy? Plenty of the of the chimera ants were female code-ed

>if the story ends right after the Dark Continent
>Togashi will bite the bullet and keep him weak
That would be very, very bad for Togashi's health.

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Hisoka and Chrollo (and Kurapika?) will settle things on the boat.


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I prefer the Cat

We all do

Who is the most /aesthetic/ character, Hunterchads/bros ?

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unironically Kurapika

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It's really too bad all the fanart involving Kurapika just makes my dick hard

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>Leorio was never going to get much time dedicated to his development unless HxH became a medical manga
"To cure Gon" would've been great if not for Alluka.

Loyal but logical and not overbearing and annoying as fuck. Immediately sacrificed herself for whatever the king wanted but butted out of his business when asked to.

Pouf was loyal but went against what the king wanted and was annoying as fuck.

Youpi was just a musclehead and let the king's enemy go. A good ant but not the best royal guard because of it.

>Youpi was just a musclehead

Doesn’t Japanese have a gender neutral pronoun or some shit that’s pretty much exclusively used for characters of ambiguous gender like Pitou?
And aren’t the ants all hermaphrodites anyway?

>And aren’t the ants all hermaphrodites anyway?
user, there's literally an ant referred to as "the queen" who does nothing but lay eggs and eat to provide nutrients to her offspring

quick somebody post more manga Chrollo

What era?

Why did he lose the headdress?

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Yeah, I remembered the bit about the chimera ants being able to become copycat Kings wrong.

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Me and my wife

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What was the point of the headdress anyway?

No we don't.

He will become the strongest character

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>most people are picking youpi
Based Youpibros

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Youpi dove into the nuclear hellfire instantly while Pouf was panicking. He's definitely the dumbest of the 3 but he's more than just muscle

It was a nice headress

Yes we do, Pitou is our queen.

As a fellow Youpi bro thats gonna be a YIKES from me dawg

They were all flawless servants, but from personal preference my dick says Pitou desu.

A thief who doesn't wear stolen jewelry is a cuckthief.

The headress comes from Phinks’s old country.

>name sounds like phinx
>eye of horus like necklace
Phinks is clearly Egyptian.

Attached: 4544975.jpg (1280x720, 58K)


>aryan Egyptian
I knew Togashi was based.

i think of the youpi fight(s) at least once a week
there's something about how it was all arranged that was perfect


some days you feel like a slav(e)
some days you feel like a kang

hes also leader of team rocket



Great writing, Togashi

every big bad villain from now on will just be a specialist won't they

Machi will kill Hisoka.

Attached: machi.jpg (1280x1601, 250K)

Yep, deep down in his heart Togashi wanted the devil fruit system so he can make characters do whatever he wants.

in a sense, hating him is a compliment

My favorite was Pouf. But Pitou was definitely the best.

What the fuck is this? Isn't that Royal guard dead because of radiation??? I'm confused

>His character arc is basically already wrapped up.
That's such a simplistic view of things. He is still a Hunter. You think a med student would normally become a Zodiac, the highest authority among Hunters and travel to the DC to get good grades?

If that's canon I'm glad I stopped after the election arc.

This has to be falseflagging. There's no way this level of retardation exists.

We both make great points Satan-kun.

But those kind of retards do exists right here in this board.

it's poison, not radiation

Phinks ain’t black

It's an edit retards

They exist. This is Yea Forums we're talking about.

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Tserr's first beast seems a bit weak as it allows you to lie at least once. Tserr doesn't even know about this ability, does he?

The more times it lets them lie, the more powerful the effect will be. And he isn't aware of the Guardian Spirit Beast's abilities, but they never really clarified how the situation with the blood was handled.

If I like One Piece, will I also enjoy Hunter Hunter?

Many who are fans of both series so probably.

Probably. Not because it is similar to One Piece but because it is good in its own right.

I don't see why not, it also feels like an adventure but the stakes are rarely as grand as in One Piece.

2019 I am forgotten

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well she is dead

Yes, yes you are moetrash.

How fucked is her Dad now?

I hope he recovered and is alive and well. I think he will save Kurapika and tale back control of his own family.

He's probably dead or in jail.

The former likely, the latter not so much.

you got it backwards. there are no stakes in wano or post-Ts in general

Not much stakes in OP since even secondary characters rarely die.

Okay thanks anons. Should I watch the anime (which version) or jump straight into the manga? I know this probably gets asked a lot, but please help a friend out. I want the best possibly experience

2011 anime and continue with the manga afterwards.

1. Watch the 2011 anime
2. Continue reading at Vol. 32 Chapter 339. (do not read mangastream shit scans)

v01-36: x hunter digital

Watch the first episode of the 1999 adaptation and then continue with the 2011 anime.
Anything else is just overdoing it..

Attached: 1566593481808.png (640x759, 563K)

Watch this first before starting 2011 anime. They skipped 1 part.

Thanks a lot anons, I will probably read the manga from the beginning if I really liked the anime. Cheers!

Nice thanks, will start with that now

In the end, we all bow down to the clown

>still no doujin of Kurapika pleasing Neon for Scarlet eyes

Attached: kurapika x neon.jpg (800x800, 72K)

Don't do this The 1999 adaptation has a ton of fillers in the first arc and the 2011 anime it's childish and has a lot of censorship. Read the manga up to ch 53 and then watch the 2011 anime (episode 31)

Don't listen to this guy The 2011 is better overall unless you want tons of fillers and quality like pic related.

Attached: shit 1999 quality.gif (400x279, 1.67M)

I don't wanna switch between different medium, it's either just manga or anime

Just stick with 2011. 1999 fags are obsessed with muh nostalgia.

Stop nitpicking over minor things.

>not spooning Kurapika instead
ysee thats the problem

The 1999 anime has tons of episode full of fillers.
The 2011 has none but there are 2 recap episodes you can skip.

>you need to start here, then switch to this at episode xx
This is why I never got into Fate. Keep it simple stupid.

>The 1999 anime has tons of episode full of fillers
>The 2011 has none
>has no fillers
Excuse me you lying fucking piece of trash.


>inb4 some extra character going left instead of right, or saying 1 more line is "filler"
Yeah I've seen your autistic compilation.

>thinks 2011 has no fillers
>thinks Fate is complicated to get into

The stupidity of 2011fags never ceases to amaze me

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Kek called it. Only Gon not meeting Kite was important which is why anons told him to watch Ep.1 of 1999 first.

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I remember 2011 added those NGL drug jobbers gunning ants down. That wasn't in the manga at all.

99fags are pathetic

Attached: 1550230707982.png (500x655, 296K)

>an extra monster shown for 1 sec is filler
>20 second recap at the start of an ep is filler
>a car driving on the hillside is filler
I could go on. Thanks for proving to us that 99fags are autistic.
If this is your standard for filler then all anime has filler.

Attached: 1563490388142.png (524x524, 141K)

You called it. This is why you don't use a 2011 image as the OP. It attracts these stupid newfags who claim their adaptation "has no fillers" (despite having never read the manga) into the thread.

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>if he doesn't agree with me he never read the manga
This is how you cope.

Reminder that 2011 named Kurapika's teacher "Mizuken" in their fillers then Togashi BTFO'd Badhouse by ignoring it and giving him a completely different name in the manga.

Attached: Izunavi.jpg (425x1961, 350K)

If he went up against Goku and used his power against him, how long do you think it would take until Goku's ki became sealed? You might say that it would take forever since Goku's power is always in the hundreds of millions and perhaps even beyond, but interest accumulates and a few percent of millions per cycle add up really quickly.

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Yeah but I liked those fillers. They were tolerabele.

Hunter x Hunter isn't formulaic, contrived crap like Wan Piss is, so I doubt you'll like it.

he'd just give up and job like he did against Youpi


1999 has better direction, the small amount of filler in it is some of the best I've seen and is on par with the source material.

user already left. 99fags drove him away.

God I hate his hair so much.
That pompadour & Komugi's snot are 2 things I could never get used to.

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I could never stand Kurapika’s earring, especially in the 2011 version.


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>not liking the delinquent style
grow some taste, zoomer

Why? It's cute.

Kurapika will fuck Tse raw.

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He only needs to convince him to hand over the eyes or trade something for it, if he can avoid confrontation and combat then he will.

kurapika is an absolute fapbait as well as waifu material to me. i cant take it seriously when people imply hes straight, although that would be a heartbreak

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It’s irritating and faggy

I want to creampie Kurapika

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He still has the headdress, what are you talking about?
A cultural thing and it was a nice headdress.
Yes or more likely his ancestors were.

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Kurapika made you that insecure about your sexuality ?

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Based. Who's the artist?

Here we go again.

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Only I was not the one who made nor posted that compilation, you dummy.


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The absolute state of 2011 tards, the post suggested to start with the manga and then move to 2011, it even explicitly tells you not to watch the old anime. I'm fucking serious, 90% of the faggots in here can't even read, this happens every day

I wished they were, getting to see more of the NGL and the chimera ants is always a plus to me.

11fag are retards

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He only gave up because the life of his mentor was at Youpi's mercy, you speedreading buffoon.

confession: i already like the current arc more than the CA in its entirety, it just feels more mature and less shonenish to me

Kys faggot.
I only dislike the earring part, i don't care if Kurapika is a boy or a girl.

2011 has no Maha in Yorkshin and no Kalluto infiltrating the spider's base to allow Hisoka and Illumi to switch places. They cut tons of stuff like this but they find time to add a shitty filler flashback about Canary that lasts half a episode. Pure retardation. Also, they skip the chapter about Meteor City (both anime), fucking disgrace. The only correct way to experience the story is the manga and if you choose one anime over the other because of fillers or more or less faithfulness to the source material then you're a subhuman brainlet, because the manga is the only faithful source when it comes to canon, if you're watching the anime to learn the events as they're supposed to have happened then you're in the wrong to begin with

Time to come out of the closet user..

Living with autism must be tough.

Manga > 1999 > 2011
The best order to start with HxH.

the truest redpill of them all, based veteran

I should ask you, user.

>left for 2 hrs
>returned & people still arguing about 1999 vs 2011
You all need to chill & just let it go.

Not me bro. Me? I like to watch both 99 & 11.
Both have their ups and downs and both are based on the manga!!


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>N-No u!!

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Based. You are a true hunterchad.

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If i started getting into HxH with 99 anime - would have dropped it in 3-4 episodes without knowing what masterpiece it is. Thanks to 11 anime for existing.

Attached: You Had Me In Checkmate From The Start.jpg (2007x1124, 817K)

It's about the order
First, Kurapika marries Oito -> Oito Kurta
Then Leorio marries Kurapika -> Kurapika Paladinknight, but Oito keeps her husband's name he had when they married

Togashi shouldn't have killed Youpi. There, i said it!

Based and proud of you!

In between, will Kurapika turn into a woman while he going to marry Leorio?

Pouf is avant-garde kino.

Attached: Absolute ideal.jpg (4074x3056, 1.41M)

Alot of that is pure kino


A lot of this changes are good.

If some drawfag could fix the top of his head this would be very based

What a god

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Characters anime fags don't know the existence of

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Male Kurapika = Best Kurapika

Attached: D3hJGv9U4AI9Obk.jpg (800x699, 92K)

She likes Chrollo.

Sorry, but Chrollo already has waifu

Attached: WaifuLucilfer.jpg (410x483, 110K)

Canary x Amane is cute and canon.

Attached: cc6c1082a6248efbc3a4a5a64fbc94d9.jpg (595x841, 54K)


you don't belong here.

Female Kurapika = Best Universal Kurapika

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Based and yuripilled

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I have a feeling that Leorio will join Beyond's squad and from there the Leorio arc will start with him being the POV character within the expedition group.

Attached: Leo P.jpg (752x1063, 132K)

They should brought him to the Dark Continent as well.

Attached: mercenary.jpg (225x350, 37K)

Attached: Dark Continent MCs.jpg (1550x2048, 701K)

If i understand this, from a outsiders perspective it would seem like Tse's body suddenly disappeared and instantly popped up in another location. Am i right?

Isn't that the guy who I see being traced in that one collage that exposes Togashi as a tracer?

It is known.

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I kinda like Leorio being a weakling, he's just a normal dude that wanted money to be a doctor, but one thing led to another and he got caugth up in a expedition to a uncharted continent filled with demigod creatures.

>Demigod creatures

Is YYH a 10/10 series like HxH?

I would say Ai has literally god powers

It's an 8/10 for me, feels like an actual classic shounen with an interesting main cast and well written antagonists.

I can't believe Neon is fucking dead....

Attached: Hunter X Hunter v11-044.jpg (2037x3056, 556K)

Not stated anywhere, AI's powers are headcanon and don't say Nanika because Nanika being AI is speculation.

It's only speculation if you have a two-digit iq.

Attached: D7qTbZ4WwAEj4yf.jpg (993x1035, 144K)

So they best friends soon?

Based retard


Attached: adKX1mB_700b.jpg (700x934, 126K)

From the Volume release.

Attached: 24335365.png (654x788, 434K)

It's a speculation because it's unconfirmed, you can only stop calling it a speculation once Togashi links the final points together and gives final confirmation, that's how shit works, and yes AI being Nanika is a plausible theory but still headcanon nonetheless.

He knows nen and is physically strong and top fit. I want Leorio to get some spotlight, character development and badass moments every now and then. I hope we get a Leorio arc. Leorio deserves his own arc.

Attached: leorio punch.png (1500x844, 1.94M)

Leorio & Kurapika after the Dark Continent arc when he brought the nitro rice to heal Kurapika's lost lifespans.

Attached: LeoPika.jpg (620x877, 66K)

He's still bottom of the barrel in the nen world. Besides we know he wants to focus on medical nen, not on fighting abilities.

Post your fav volume covers

Attached: Chrollo-HxHVolume11.png (397x600, 530K)

2019. I am forgotten.

Attached: gotoh.jpg (1280x720, 102K)

Attached: yes.jpg (233x532, 38K)

Just best bros giving each other a brotherly hug.


Attached: Hisoka_killing_Gotoh.png (250x141, 28K)

I like Vol. 14 & 28.

Attached: hxh volume covers.jpg (1611x1136, 901K)

And so am i.

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Attached: Kurapika eye smile.jpg (1002x735, 112K)

Attached: Hunter X Hunter v25-000.jpg (2037x3056, 696K)

It's a toss between pic related and Vol 24

forgot pic sorry

Attached: 45dd6755e4ec35b4ed88ed7351dd1e8f.png (386x608, 428K)

Is that Netero in his eyes? kek

Vol. 18

Attached: 81wopoAuEoL.jpg (1400x2100, 511K)

>That waist and hips ratio.
Best girl

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Someone explain Volume 13 to me.

Attached: volume13.jpg (2037x3056, 548K)

R.I.P bro, go easy now...

Attached: Furykov.png (230x282, 34K)

something something, a child's innocence, etc

I'll try
>Gon on a horse
Foreshadowing them riding horses in the CA arc
>Gon with a sword
Foreshadowing his Scissors technique
>Killua with a gun
Foreshadowing pic related

Attached: killuagangshit.jpg (531x644, 32K)

God I want to fuck her so bad

What's wrong with Chrollo in Volume 8 & 9?

Beta version

Same user

Attached: 14167478.png (675x1200, 499K)

I may be hours late, but youre right. It is something but Togashi has outright admitted he’s stubborn and would like to do hxh by his own hand(backgrounds are for his assistants). Even going so far as to say he would die with Hxh

Hunter x Haitus

my limitations on my powers would be that I could only use them on Kurapika desu




The best.

Attached: hunter-x-hunter-vol-28.jpg (1200x1800, 369K)



based, have my upvote

what have you been reading lately, /hxh/?

Attached: meruem books.jpg (1019x519, 220K)

Nice threesome.

Come on, he's a red Phinks

That was pretty based desu

So what? He may looks like Phinks but he is a all different character.

Boku no Hero Academia! Have you heard of it? It's just like Hunter x Hunter!

Actually, this screenshot is from the anime, not the manga, but I can't take screenshots of manga! :P

Attached: [Merchant] Boku no Hero Academia - 03 [720p].mkv - 00000.png (1280x720, 1M)

The one that actually did stuff

Attached: 65887784.gif (500x281, 1.54M)

based tbqh

Put down my leather bound "Einführung in die Metaphysik" by Heidegger to reply to this post.

Attached: 1532095173073.jpg (360x437, 23K)

based Yea Forumsfriend

Attached: jojoHALT.png (353x196, 134K)

I want to fuck Shizuku's tits.

>want to understand HxH
>Have to read books
>those books can't be understood without knowing other works
can't be bothered

Start with the Greeks, then read the German rationalists, and then Schopenhauer.
Then, and only then, start following this chart in order. Nietzsche is extremely valuable if you know to read him as the nearly erudite philologist and voracious reader that he was, engaged with an immense spectrum of the Western tradition. If you just jump straight into him all you will get out of it is meme self help bullshit.

After that you can get started with the HxH manga.

Attached: 1546886228805.jpg (1452x1348, 514K)

We know Kalluto

I need this

just can't do it, lad. Got a small brain, even if I read it all nothing would stick.

>expecting me to read all of this
before putting myself through this struggle, i would rather just look at pretty pictures and try to understand the series with the help of anons. but thanks

It's just a meme.

Disorder and Early Sorrow by Michael Mann and Essays, Moral, Political, and Literary by David Hume

Attached: Wang.jpg (500x500, 152K)

just watched the episode where he died today and actually a bit bummed about it, don't know why but I kind of liked him


Attached: Wang.jpg (257x334, 61K)

Thomas Mann* i mean. Michael Mann is a KINO director

Attached: 77834.png (227x242, 32K)

I did too. He was cool

I’m currently interested in Russia/Soviet relations.

What's his ability?

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Attached: 1550230707982.png (251x554, 117K)

In the stairwalking section of the exam, the manga examiner goes slowly to lower efficiency of energy for a given area while the anime examiner starts going faster.


Who did it better?

And if Gon's hair grew long because he aged 20 years why didn't his nails grow too

Attached: 1546873628526.png (1316x1070, 1.39M)

>Who did it better?
manga is more artistic but anime adds much more feeling with the voice actors
>why didn't his nails grow too
because it would look autistic

why didn't he go bald?

well he'd only be 33/34

>Reading Schopenhauer without understanding his relationship to Hegel (and his other contemporaries)

Shit recommendation here. Also,
>German rationalists
Haha no, Leibniz doesn't matter—just Descartes, Spinoza (neither of whom were German), and Kant will do for the rationalists before Schopenhauer.

pufu > pitou > yupi

probably something to do with his hygiene autism

>you have to read these before you read that
>all of these authors have like 100 books each

You say that like there haven’t already been multiple Nen users (Pitou, Machi, Biscuit, Bill) that have Nen powers that heal and give them an edge in combat.

the twink style from the manga suited him more imo. he was too bulk in the anime

machi's contrasting cunny muscles

how retarded do you have to be to think that's twink style in any way?

I see this shit in JoJo threads too. People think that anybody who isn't Fist of The North Star big is a twink, despite the fact that these characters would make Yea Forumsnons look like doughey little bitches.

>assigning sexuality to prepubertal chilren

Aren't they 15?

i started jacking off when i was 9

>Did stuff
You mean sitting the fuck down for the entire arc doing jack shit and getting mentally raped by a 13 years old?

Read the fucking manga

how do you think Kalluto manages to hide his erections in his dress

It's all relatively, you idiots. Here, I extra made this comparison so even you animeonlies can see what I meant.

Attached: twink gon vs bulk gon.png (990x1032, 1.09M)

Yes we can see he's less bulky in the manga user that doesn't mean you can call him a twink, you're not "relatively" twinky compared to someone buff if you're slightly less buff.

Are you just throwing shit at the wall and seeing what sticks? I've only read the manga, dickhead. You're still wrong about Gon being a twink, post body faggot.

Attached: 1511645297568.gif (379x387, 83K)

look at this thighs, his jawline, his upper arm, his calves and even his fucking shoulder, basically everything is just reducded to a minimum compared with the anime. so yes, in relative terms, gon in the manga looks like a twink compared to its adaptation. now cope and concede, faggots

spotted the mentally-ill tranny

Again that's not how the word twink works, the only one that needs coping here is (you)

Yea Forums is tsun for the ant cat

Attached: Pitou and Anon.png (3000x5431, 2.31M)

>by comparison
That's not how this works you faggot, twinks don't have any muscle, by DEFINITION. Go back to with your stale ass memes and cope.

We know what you mean but you could have worded it better.

nice counter arguments, get your eyes checked. maybe the word "twink" was a little bit exaggerated , but you should get my point via that picture. yes

I wasn't arguing whether he was smaller or not, he obviously is. I'm arguing that your use of twink is wrong.

We got the point, we're just calling you a retard that use words the wrong way.

i will call him leek with defined muscles next time so you animeonlies won't get offended next time, is that okay?

stop fighting

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Try to guess when will HxH return!

Attached: Hiatus chart.png (1247x577, 63K)

I've been reading Aiki and watching The Dota 2 International.

Attached: Aiki chapter 21 page 7.jpg (800x1133, 111K)

I vote September

I wish that you are right

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Thin Tserr could become one of the main characters?

Not main character, at best recurring character throughout the story.

Yeah, like Meruem

Apart from Machi, none of those use their healing powers in combat, and they're certainly not strong because of that, although you could argue Biscuit benefits from his power by recovering faster and being able to train more and better as a result

>most healer nen users are women
uhhhh sexism alert??

It’s been confirmed to be counteractive a la Cammy’s. Apparently he’s not the most knowledgeable about nen despite having natural talent, according to the wikis.

Trivia & chapter notes are always fun to read.


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Kurapika straight up says that mostly women have healing abilities when talking to Bill, not acknowledging that he has a healing ability himself. What do you think togashi is trying to tell us....

That Leorio is unironically a girl.

looking at the wiki at the princes and all their retainers I get shocked. I don't remember all these characters but most of them all get some kind of development. Insane how Togashi chooses to juggle this many characters at once. It could only work in manga I guess

>he'll be fine anyways
he doesn't seem fine to me tbqh

Attached: ClGWYJUUYAADwfP.jpeg.jpg (459x446, 87K)

Even if you ignore all the fodder it's impressive how many of them are relevant to the plot and how well though out this arc is.

This is your Silent Majority user, say something nice about him.

Attached: Mushaho_SC_Portrait.png (174x174, 15K)

Love how women are reduced to healers in all kinds of fantasy yet in the real world they suck at even that. It's kind of a shame how progressive and western a lot of manga are. i guess artists in general have that tendency.

With manga you can go back and forth to get info in case you forget something, and HxH has a lot to follow.

Why does a Majyu appears with the shape of Gotoh when Canary is mourning him? Did Silva order to conceal his death to the rest of the staff and have a fake replace him or is this supposed to say something else

He's ok

Attached: 15550994534.png (723x439, 342K)

what is wrong with his face

have sex

Attached: 1502054146861.jpg (1400x569, 347K)


Based and antipedoclownpilled

Mushaho Mushroom


getting close to death probably awakened a new power in Hisoka desu. Wouldn't be surprised if he has a nen beast now that they have been introduced

nothing wrong with speedreading nor being a speedreader.

First Bill's is not a healing ability, just a supportive one. Second Kurapika did acknowledge it, that's why he brings up the bit about women and men to begin with

>Pedoclown had to literally kills himself in order to be powerful enough to take on spiders

Attached: 750455643.jpg (297x324, 57K)

He has entered CHAD status


Attached: 30f33038a53de8182939a95c13807bc9a5e9b1f44b7970621a943e2ead46b605.png (728x1108, 557K)

I hope so

t. Beleraintefag

We don't actually have the details, but the general assumption is that they want to cover up Gotoh's murder so Killua or some other Zoldyck doesn't go apeshit.

But first a dance with the death

Attached: Hisoka on verge of death.png (591x645, 337K)

I really love how youpi actually developed as a character. I figured he was going to be the big guy who gets wacked to show how badass the smaller heroes are.

>Gon unchained vs Not Fucking around Pedo Clown
It would be legendary. Shame we'll be dead when it happens.

Why is he such a Chad?
He's a really great and likeable character. He's funny, slightly incompetent but tries his best and genuinely cares for the people around him.

Truly Togashi's genius doesn't know any limit.

What exactly did you like? Youpichads love to suck him off but I never see substantial reasoning

Kurapika Kurta

Attached: krpk krt.jpg (835x749, 107K)

Attached: DbnWcSfWAAAvzIX.jpg (1128x1504, 291K)


im not a youpifag but this page was pretty based

Attached: 0298-016.jpg (1066x1600, 440K)


Why do hunterchads want to bang boys?

That would be me.

Attached: 1566575753568.jpg (1024x768, 77K)

oh right I forgot he's a flipflopper

gay people love to let everyone know they're gay by posting fanart

My turn now to use this:

Kurapika Paladinknight

A fucking what not?!

Attached: Youpi.png (1096x1080, 1M)

Catching the bullets requires reaction time and durability. Throwing a punch involves strength and speed. So it’s not really comparable.

He's prolly my least favorite desu, I just have low expectations for big guys. Not a diss to youpi. It was nice to see him be like "mad bad" and change. And the orgy scene.

Attached: mereum and the boys.png (1920x1080, 2.19M)

luv blue/orange contrast me.If he kept his arse cleaned I'd give him a good bumming

desu. there is a reason why the Chinese do well in ping pong but are underrepresented in mma


pouf is the best royal guard, easily.

Attached: 0298-012.jpg (1066x1600, 391K)

The only reason Palm isn't in this arc is because she can solo the entire Black Whale and the DC.

Attached: Palm.jpg (831x1200, 523K)

Usually I wasn't following the leaks and raws for HxH but this time I decided to go along with it. I want to see how the full release experience is compared to just reading the chapter. And I will do so next month when HxH comes back.

Pouf >>> Youpi > Pitou
This is objectively right.

>And I will do so next month when HxH comes back.

Attached: 1556659617549.png (330x330, 29K)

>And I will do so next month when HxH comes back.
oh user...

The only correct opinion.

Youpi/Pouf >>> Pitou

>youpi is good
>youpi is good
>youpi is good
>youpi is good
>youpi is good
>Why is youpi good?
>because he is good
ok thanks

Hiatus x Hunter

next year*

I mean if "hunter" stands for Ging it ain't wrong

Based again

So you decided to do this while I did that?

Attached: 1438696767344.jpg (600x471, 51K)

Attached: 1566416801232.jpg (401x226, 14K)

oh no 2011 anime is shit then

benjamin's spirit beast a griffith reference?

Election arc thread next? Pariston needs some love.

Yes Pariston x Ging thread pls

Musse gets added to the list of nen users who have multiple components to their hatsu but we only got to see a couple of them.

Attached: 1538143936933.jpg (690x645, 107K)

Hey, Benjamin has his ability now so we might see more of it.

Nope, next thread would be either Dark Continent or Gyro possibilities arc. The thread after DC/Gyro would be Election arc thread.

>implying Benjamin won't have his hand full with all the other abilities he's getting in the future
So far he's got what's probably an emissions attack, 3 birds, a DIY playing card deck, and an unspecified ability from before this arc. I really don't know if Togashi is going to play nice and let us actually see all of them, he never does.

Machi literally uses the same strings she uses to sew people back together as a weapon. Additionally, all of the people on this list have multiple nen abilities. It isn't a stretch to assume that Leorio is going to get more abilities than being able to transfer force.

>and an unspecified ability from before this arc
Wouldn't that be the ability to inherit nen abilities.

I don't think his own ability counts as a star, and logically there would probably have been a first soldier who was chosen to test Benjamin's ability.

How does one fight a bloodthirsty magican who uses cheap tricks and illusions? Let alone defeating him?


Attached: 51137.png (528x427, 358K)

Once again a successful thread, well done Hunterchads.

Someone make a non-meme thread for Dark Continent or Gyro possibilities arc. I have no idea what to post.


we're never getting a new thread, are we. Fitting for hiatus x hunter

Don't forget to post the main DC image.

>Hiatus x Hunter

It's time

Attached: HxHDarkContinent.jpg (1780x1335, 1.5M)

I don't know which one you are reffering to

The one above you

Don't forget to put Hunter x Hunter in the title.

>Machi literally uses the same strings she uses to sew people back together as a weapon
Yeah and that's why I said apart from Machi, learn to read, I'm sick of faggots like you who can't even fucking read a couple of sentences, it happens every day lately, fanbase is getting shittier by the day. And no, neither Bill nor Machi have more than one ability that we know of, if you wanna count Biscuit's reversion as an ability, so it's not everyone in that list

Another 50 minutes atleast before this thread expires, I'm making two fused panels.

Take your time bro.

Attached: patience is a good thing.jpg (939x826, 233K)


Attached: 1561733857505.jpg (1919x440, 404K)

We don't how exactly that works, some fingers were covered, I don't think he has another ability from before the war started, it might simply be that all the fingers have stars but they light up only once he inherits the ability

I'm off to kill myself now, I've actually forgotten how to read.

Attached: 1539290723342.gif (268x210, 907K)

Different user but do we count different lotions as different abilities for Biscuit? Because she states there are many types she can make.

Two problems with that logic, Like you said given the context it's likely that glow is just to signify the addition of a new star and not the activation/sustained use of an ability related to that star. There hasn't been a point where the original star has lit up. So it's either a placeholder for his own ability, which seems redundant. Or it's another ability from a different soldier.

The 2nd problem is that even if he did have all his stars on his hand his ability makes it so that he can have a effectively uncapped number of stars on him given there is a steady stream of loyal soldiers that graduate from the academy. Plus at the very least he should have 14 stars on one hand, or spread between 2 hands. Unless you think they are all invisible until triggered which is still a possibility.