This is wrong
This is wrong
Other urls found in this thread:
Agreed, no man should suffer the fate of a manlet.
This is a poor excuse for an OP and I won't be surprised if you are deleted.
Imagine being manhandled with such a tiny body. She would just go around the house, looking for things to bend you over and fuck you on.
if it's wrong then I don't want to be right
yeah, het should be illegal
I know, that boy is way too tall!
How do I stop being a manlet? Should I just break both my legs then tie them to a pulling machine in order to increase the length?
>mfw 155cm
Man, i wish i can find a tall hot gf
Agreed. Truly a shame she cut her hair.
How is he supposed to give her standing cunnilingus at that height!?
wear high heeled boots
>tfw 185 cm
>tfw I will never be held safe and tight by a tall girl.
In exchange, they can do a standing paizuiri just fine.
Nah try the old rope from a tree trick. It'll make you taller if you let your body stretch down from up high.
man, imagine being under 175cm
>mfw 6'2"
>mfw have amazonian fetish
It's over.
Pfft, still taller even if she matched her father's height
Volleyball players. I have found some super tall girls who play competitive volleyball.
it's impossible without having them having weird proportions or being lanky and shit
Go on
I fucking hate little bitch male charcaters so fucking much.
If you're a manlet, at least ger jacked, fucking christ.
>little bitch
What's bitchy about him? Nice projection... jerk!
t. overcompensating buff manlet
>tfw 5'5
A-at least I'm not that short r-right guys
>when she came to escort them offstage
don't worry you're definitely still tall to some sub-5feet asian womanlets like me!
The good thing about being 5'6 is that I'm except from exercising or having a healthy diet so I can sleep and eat as much as I want.
That's my point, at least try to compensate.
You're right, I might be reading too much into it, but he acts so fucking unassetive and bashful, probably just horny, though.
That's not how it works, user.
Wrong and blogpostpilled. Blogposting is what's going to convince the janitor to delete this thread, so keep it up if you want that 404.
No, that's exactly how it works.
Doubtful given how the Dumbbell threads are 500 posts of /fit/ blogposting and the janitors don't do anything about them.
That's just called Angry Manlet Syndrome and makes you look pathetic. Just grow taller, dude. It's easy.
My body wasn't ready for this one
Well the plus side is no one will know your true height from your wheelchair.
>She's big
>That was part of my plan
This can't be happening, I'm in charge here
>tfw he stands on a rock instead of her taking off her damn shoes
I wanted this so badly
I'm not saying you should look like a midget Toguro, I'm saying you hsould get decently fit.
Like in that one doujin with the tall girl in the swimsuit fucking the manlet, that was cool.
Meant for
I was disappointed that she was just a homewrecker instead of something supernatural.
Still pretty hot.
>5'11" vs 6'
>ywn have a tall girl who will defend your honor
Sauce user?
Literally in the filename
>needing a girl to defend your honor
At this point I'm just yelling at clouds, I'll just go and masturbate.
Let me guess: You're a stupid fucking mobileposter who should be banned for being a stupid fucking mobileposter.
She would be very tall for a woman even in the U.S., in Japan she’d basically be a small titan.
And I can only dream of gf higher than me. I"m 187cm
I want to be wrong
>inb4 sauce request
I don't think there is a single country where the average female height is higher than 170cm. 195cm is tall for male standards and extremely tall for female standards.
>172 cm
>not disproportionately jacked nor fat, just a bit lanky but not really
>can get an IMAGINE gf (local) just as much as I can get a tall gf (local but rare or foreign)
>It’s all fucking 3DPD shit because I still haven’t found a goddamn way to jump into a 2D screen
Fuck this gay Earth
Another brain dead mostly off topic fetish thread and microblogging.
Well done Yea Forums
Can't imagine
I want her to kill me.
Yes hello, can I interest you in boxes?
is this the same guy that did those moth h manga
No, but he did do the really good hanging fly one. You can generally tell if it's his from the elongated proportions and extremely soft looking breasts or ass
I will never not enjoy reading this image then the images filename, thanks user.
user, manlet is a state of mind, and you embody it
Took way too long to notice.
She'd probably die of heart failure in her thirties or fourties.
where are the big girls
>This is wrong
This is hot
>Hey kiddo, wanna snu-snu?
If she's 1.95m then you'd need a 22-25cm dick for her to even notice you're inside.
>That webm
>implying tall girls are attracted to manlets
>not having a dwarven gangbang fetish
>implying tall girls can't be attracted to manlets
>men can be attracted to any kind of woman because men literally want just one thing and it's fucking disgusting
>women can only be attracted to the best male specimen with no exceptions and will never be happy with anything less
they're usually not super picky because so many men fall for the "I want a short girlfriend to manhandle" meme
mah nigga
>women can only be attracted to the best male specimen with no exceptions and will never be happy with anything less
and will never be happy.
There, I corrected it for you.
She looks so much like pic related, it's hard to jerk it off.
> 175cm
> Amazon fetish
Not as bad as your case, but there are very few woman taller than me. Manlets are constantly complaining about height, but they never look at the silver lining. I wish I was like 150cm so I could find nice tall girls.
>stopped at 5'0"
Is this a body horror manga?
>No huge imouto
Appearance is a copout, a way to avoid confronting that it's your personality that repels people. If you can say you don't get girls because of your height, you never have to think about the fact that the you inside (ie the real you and the choices you make) is the problem, which hurts more.
You almost certainly know shorter, uglier less fit people than yourself who are romantically successful. You know you do, don't look away from it.
my dad looks good as fuck but im slightly shorter so i dont know if i would look good jacked
So what about when women explicitly state their distate towards short men and tell them to kill themselves?
No implying you're wrong though, I definitely think manlets have attitude problems and all the bullying they recieve reinforces their insecurities.
I mean i'm 5'7 now (which is still kinda short but not far below average where I live) but when having a delayed puberty made me the target for everyone to pick on.
Guys would call me a hobbit and girls would even bat their eyes towards me, didn't help that I was already anti-social and struggled to manage my asperges.
Nowadays I don't trust my level of confidence to approach women.
be yourself and man up
But I'm perfectly aware of that. My ugly, small outer shell hides my immensely more monstrous inner self.
I've seen guys with deformed or burned faces holding hands and having a good time with their girlfriends, pretty ones even.
>be yourself
I don't know how to define that
>man up
I'm trying, still not totally sure what "manning up" entails.
A person who disqualifies someone because of height is never worth dating in the first place.
>I don't know how to define that
it's easy
spoiler: every male was born a chad.
just ask your inner chad what he'd do. he'd always know because he's chad.
Still makes me laugh
>less than 5 feet tall as a teenager
Isn't that almost approaching midget height? You would have to be seriously malnourished to be that short.
size difference best difference
He's Japanese.
Yeah but it still stings.
Also reduces your options.
That's kind of vague.
My "inner chad" doesn't tell me much.
the hottest thing about that is the thought the she could get even bigger
This exactly. Women aren't even worth thinking about, let alone actually spending time and money on.
That's because you're asking "inner doubting virgin" instead of inner chad. If you haven't had a consultation with inner chad in a long time, just practice some basic self awareness and gratitude.
you might find him again.
Chapter 1 has been translated, I read it earlier today.
I'm not really into the height shit but I like monster girls.
eventually maybe, but damn is wolf smug
I'm 169 and I have a fetish for tall, flat slender girls but I will probably end up with a short girl because highkey I hate girls taller or older than me
So yous a bitch
I'm 172 but I will probably end up with
That is quite fucking tall I must say.
I shouldn't spoonfeed you,but, nejikemono, but most aint translated yet
>literally in file name
>filename is just a bunch of jumbled letters and numbers
Do you think that and are unconnected, or are you just pretending to be stupid?
translated page
Jesus Christ I am fucking stupid. I forgot to check that one. Time to revoke my breathing license.
>girls shorter than me talk about tall guys all the time
> he doesn't know
I need it the name too, user, but stop spoonfeeding the retard.
You learned a lesson and acknowledged your error. There is hope for you. Godspeed, and enjoy the porn.
I know I know I shouldn't but I am feeling generous today
it can be pretty cute
I WILL remind them.
Thanks for reminding me that this anime is still in my backlog.
Watch it right now.
>tall girls
Hell ye-
>it's mostly /ss/
Hell no.
What a qt
who are some adult fully grown anime women under 5 feet?
That sounds way too good to be true.
That manga needs to be translated faster, I need more perverted whale lovin’
Is it worth watching or reading Saki for her?
Ayyy someone else reads this.
I like the other version better
found it thanks
cropped stuff hard to reverse
At that height, what do women go for in men? I find it believable because I have no clue myself.
Same reason why some men like short girls, they are cute.
Short boys can't be cute though... right?
/ss/ is the patrician's fetish
Super Robot Taisen OG Saga Endless Frontier
She uses her dancing to control a killer robot.
maybe for an amazonian woman.
>we have the monopoly on the 5'2" - 5'4" women
Feels good to control the market
What doujin, precisely? I want to know exactly what kind of man you want me to become and I need the doujin as reference
Neither can I
The midget height cutoff is 4'10"
That's because it's her who is IMAGINE'ing.
That's why you take care of her and give the best health precautions available
Prohect harder, my dude.
Remember your dick must be atleast 10% of the girls height or you are a failure.
the only thing relevant here is how big is his pp?
tits or fake and gay
Had a 185 chinese gf that was kinda embarrassed about her height. Cute.
I'm 190 though so that wasn't really a problem.
I really want this to be true but 6'7 is freak territory.
>200cm father
the only japs who'd be even close to that tall are fucking legends from the Minamoto era
Sauce? Saucenao, google and iqdb show nothing
good on you
i'm 178/179 and where i'm from women my height are uncommon but definitely not incredibly rare. at my last job there were like 5 women at least 185
tall girl wearing high heels is stupid, you're already tall, what's the point? are you trying to marry a giraffe?
>mf every time i see a manlet/height thread on Yea Forums as a 175cm asian male
Is this another Abe's plan to make Nippon great again?
6'4'' here. I feel you.
trade your limbs for a manlets.
Do you live in an asian country?
You wouldn't be far off from average then.
You have bigger things to worry about then.
like what?
You're average user, depending in which country/region you might even be a little above average.
It's all amerikeks flexing over nothing as always, irl almost no one gives a shit about height unless you're sub 160cm or something.
Even in Europe it's average, we don't care that much. Just don't go to Denmark
Literally everything user. Trannies, SJWs, jews, the climate, earthquake, the food
Pedophile rings from Hollywood.
>the food
explain? the rest of that stuff is sorta irrelevant to me
doesn't affect me
California has a the lowest quality of life out of any American state.
I just want to dominate one.
Mississippi and Louisiana.
This is what happens when you don't have calcium and Vitamin D. Japs really have that problem when they don't drink real dairy milk and always some sugar water like, not even real dairy after bath "yogurt milk". Most of their diet is a lack of essential calcium with limited options of calcium gained by sesame seeds, basedbeans, and seaweed. In fact Calcium and Vitamin D deficiency a problem globally for most women. Supplements are literally the only thing to save native Japanese people.
I want a girl to grow up big, strong and be with me.
Fuck bros, where can i find a tall gf?
I'm around 178cm, I'd prefer the difference to be significant
at least japs live long
To be fair it's actually a lot easier to be a pro bodybuilder at smaller heights.
>a big girl will never act smug and giggle as she lets you try and dominate her
>no furigana
>1 chapter (half) translated
Aren't scandis flat? i've only been to norway and that's my impression
>If you're a manlet, at least ger jacked, fucking christ.
t. manlet
You don't look tough, you look silly. Just wear a skirt and try to be cute, befitting of your size.
If being tall is so great, why are you posting here?
>the tallest girl I ever saw was about my height (without heels)
They're only dating CHAD titancocks.
Thanks for specifically cropping the frame so it can't be googled and giving it a random filename.
>tfw 5'7 with 6' gf
They live long but they have guaranteed back problems with the rapid loss of motor function before their expiration. The Asian Elderly in there 60's meme is real. My grampa that is still alive is in his 80's, has a pace maker but is still functional despite being white. Diet is one thing but getting essential nutrients out of it is a whole different level. Ironically overdosing on those energy drinks known to increase blood pressure to stay awake and lack of sleep of overworking is what kills them off more these days.
I'm gonna need a sauce my nigga, cmon.
>Have seen only a handful of women that are taller than me and all of them in TV/internet
Where the actual FUCK are all the tall women at wht the fuck
Listen here little baby. You're gonna get a lot of hurtful and degrading comments, but that ain't what I'm about. Let me just say, you are perfect the way you are. You hear me sugar? PERFECT. Don't ever change. You deserve anything and everything you want. Stay safe for me, baby girl.
>mfw thinking of you hurting
this is hot as fuck, I wish I was small
Holy shit I wasn't ready for this kek
Cursed image, delete.
Opaque is law
Is that supposed to be that tall in Japan?
>this random image with zero context gave me a dick twitch
You'll need to learn how to use reverse image searches. I can't always be around for you.
in the netherlands
Read the thread, user!
good one
>all these manlets with saying they have tall gfs
Don't give me hope anons, don't do that to me.
I'm going to say he's talking about the Methonium doujin. It's the only one not on ex.
That just a few centimeters short of my height. My biggest ambition is to land a hot gf of that height.
Full name ?
That's tall anywhere in the world. Dutch men, the tallest demographic, have an average height of 184 cm.
standing paizuri > standing face in oppai
Based regura strikes again
This is why I don't understand when people said now the life expectancy is higher and you should be happy, but why? I saw many people in their 60-70s already have many health problem and have trouble walking.
Did people who said that imagine you will retain your strength, agile and health in your old age?
t. South East Asian.
>without heels she is same height as me
>taller with heels
L/a/ds, I need her in my life...
not wanting a woman who can be your onee-san... it's like people want to be gay.
150 here
Man of culture
Because it's you shorty
Are you 197cm? Gtfo chad, this is a manlet thread.
what why? look I don't give a shit why are you so bothered?
actually own that one. trying to get the Moth ( who is reincarnated mom) one he did
shit taste, midge lover
I'm ugly and incredibly autistic and shy, so I'm far from a chad.
Regura makes some very good insect ladies
Chad is just a state of mind though, okay fine looks help somewhat. but if your a shit person who just looks hot, a woman is gonna get fairly sick of you soon enough.
Ruru. No, her human form doesn't count.
>but if your a shit person who just looks hot, a woman is gonna get fairly sick of you soon enough.
I'm just trying to land one atm, I think you're putting the cart ahead of the horse here.
i hate womanlets
could be wrong, Not that it matters anyway. I just came here for giant girl mangas I could read.
It will absolutely affect you when you try to apply to a position and get discriminated again due to affirmative action for being Asian.
If I can't grope her breasts while banging her, she's too tall.
Translations started again this week
>trying to get the Moth ( who is reincarnated mom) one he did
Which one is it? Not translated?
This one
Isn't 150cm already dwarf territory?
>tfw 157cm so just grew a beard and spent the last decade pub crawling as a drunk dwarf
Then I don't want to be right
If you're a manlet at least you can experience something like that, since I'm way too tall and I can't revert into a shota.
>extremely soft looking breasts or ass
How does he do it? Shit's like magic.
I'm a strongfat manlet with no neck. I have no chance.
I have no idea, but I want to rest my head on them and fall asleep.
Women whos higher than 175 is a freak.
t. insecure dwarf
How to i get a gf while being 5,6?
Literally every attempt was drown with 'fuck off small man'.
>be manlet
>have fetish for tall girls
>but hate when they are taller despite short guy
I do not feel sorry for you
>got bullied by manlets when I'm not even that tall
I have no pity left for them.
Have you tried blogposting? Women get crazy wet for blogposters.
Sauce? Saucenao and gimage give zero result
Haha! Look a giraffe.
Did hachimitsu make a manga now? I need to know.
is 5ft never happened to me, more men laugh at my height.
>Literally every attempt was drown with 'fuck off small man'.
I don't believe you.
tallflats are too good for you anyways
Imagine being hugged and your head is perfectly in the level of her tits and you are just engulfed in boobs
tallflats belong in rubbish cans
>tfw still taller than her
Based Urukabro
I see you are a fellow man of high culture
I generally consider myself a rational guy, but Touka is so hot I've completely disregarded all of the dangers
But she only saw you as a pet at best user. She's dangerous.
I find her unbelievably sexy, user. Probably the second or third sexiest girl I've seen in H-mangas. I'd absolutely be okay with dying horribly if it meant boning that prime bug butt multiple times a day
Yes, and?
I don't follow you, user.
suicidal anyway, at least maybe she would hold me.
You can't. You're subhuman.
That's not a swimsuit, which makes me suspect that it was Poseidon in the Locker.
So I'm fat, a manlet, not a virgin and never paid for sex. Am I better than nonmanlet virgins?
heh I bet you never even tried
no you're not pure anymore
>170 and want a tall gf to ensure my children aren’t midgets
What are your reasons for wanting Amazonian gf?
175 here
Women here are barely taller than me at best and make me feel bad about my height if anything.
Tfw no giantess gf
I find it very erotic
they make my peen the big peen
ive nutted at least 20 times to that doujin
Living the dream bros.
Is this manga some kind of weird twist to the beauty and the beast. I just don't understand how the MC is so accepting of all the shit.
Ah shit, I forgot to catch up with this after someone recommended it to me. How far is it now?
You ensure the death of your species with the climate change on food shortages.
>mfw 165
end this existance
That's unironically what k*rean models/kpoop stars do to get long, slender legs, though through proper plastic surgery methods
Given we're talking heights, if you were to do a story involving a harem and you have two foreign girls in it, how should each girl differ in height?
Because I hate short girls and don't want to create manlets if I ever reproduce.
IMAGINE being manhandled by her massive body.
I'm glad I'm not tall so I don't attract vapid shallow whores who'll cheat on you for the next 6 footer honestly, you're a vapid shallow whore too if you think you have to 'get jacked' to compensate for height. I want a girl who was with me when everything in my life was fucked and I was broke as all hell because then I know I've got something forever
>tfw 178 and constantly see women taller than me
Good stuff.
186cm here. Being a manlet is fucking awful in this country
You are correct but I hope you have accepted that that kind of woman is 1 in 1000 at absolute best, more likely 1 in 10000
Reduce your meat consumption if you want to have a positive impact on the environment and global food supply. The Amazon Rainforest is being burned down right now to make room for cattle ranching.
And if you go full vegetarian/vegan, then you'll actually grow taller, when your head expands from your giant ego.
One is short and one is tall. However, they switch heights every chapter, and somehow nobody notices.
Tippity top fucking kek
what countries?
If this is how she sees someone she likes, then what chance do you guys have?
Fuck he's a dicklet too. Rip.
>The Amazon Rainforest is being burned down right now
>As of August 16, 2019, an analysis of NASA satellite data indicated that total fire activity across the Amazon basin this year has been close to the average in comparison to the past 15 years.
Maybe you should accept the fact that you're retareded, don't know shit and are easily misled and should therefore not hold any strong opinions in any directions and more importantly not share your opinions if you have them, user.
This kills the midget's boner.
dick size is proportional to body size
Not them but in scandinavia, netherlands, flanders, and baltic countries the women are around 180cm on average if not more.
Thanks, user.
No it isn't, I've seen several studies on that. And from anecdotal stuff irl I can also say that's not the case.
Do you realise she was talking about the other monster girl? as long as you obey monster mommy you are fine for a while.
The smoke is so bad that São Paulo went without daylight. There's more to the story.
>the women are around 180cm on average
Average is more like 170cm (officially it's 166cm but that's thanks to the non-white immigrants), but there's a lot (relatively) of women above 185cm too.
>as of august 16
That went from kinda cute to "forest pond sex" pretty fast.
it is not.
I live in one of those places I've stated and the white teenage women are around 175-180cm I'd say at least.
No point in counting non whites and old hags.
porn doujin pacing is always fucked because no one wants to draw all of the panels where nothing is happening but the relationship gets built up
tfw my country has 159 womanlet average
>Amazon burns down every fucking year
>Amazon burns down with evil nationalist in government
I unironically would be more prone to believe that NGOs are setting fire to it on purpose than it being Bolsonaro's fault. It would fit their track record perfectly.
Thats not even close to being true and ur retarded. Dont think there is a country with women above 170 on average.
>if you weren't aware of a problem from the very beginning, then you shouldn't take steps to resolve that problem once you do become aware of it
I've seen the stats on fit and int with countries where YOUNG WHITE WOMEN reach 180 and even more. Can't be bothered to find them again.
I bet you've just seen stats with countries infested with shitskins and stats that count old grannies that weren't fed properly and shrunk over the decades.
Considering what recently happened with that amazon tribe that honestly would not surprise me in the least.
there are a few hard ecchi manga that does that though, some are basically long doujin. Look at Domestic Kanjo that has a fair few sex scenes in it. sure there are others. there's that Hagure idol series that will probably end up having an NTR rape end
>porn doujin pacing is always fucked
Nah, it's actually pretty good and doesn't waste time too much.
This series was maximum comfy
There definitely is a lot of politics behind this reporting for sure. Now the question is, should we tackle a problem that became (more) known due to shady motives?
In countries where average of men is about 180 women average about 165. In countries where women average 180, what would the average for males? Over fucking 190? Ur delusional.
Besides, ur saying that there is a country with women average height taller than Polish men. How can you think thats true?
>dat on model, in character doujin
More series should have these. Hate it in doujins when everyone gets balloon tits with puffy nipples and a generic slut personality.
im shota sized and im over 20
>>Amazon burns down every fucking year
Are you underage?
People have been complaining about rainforests for decades, I've been hearing massive bitching about it since the early 90's when I was a little kid, this has literally nothing to do with Bolsonaro.
When will they learn???
>150 here
I''m so sorry user.
Graph from
The graphs do show an increase in number of fires (and fire intensity) towards the latter half of August. I still ain't gonna do jack shit about it personally. I love my burgers too much.
>Reduce your meat consumption
How about you eat my shit? Fuck you I'm having steak tonight.
why? it's never really been an issue
>Reduce your meat consumption if you want to have a positive impact on the environment and global food supply
I understand your sentiment but jesus christ turn down the /pol/.
>TFW hovering around 168 cm so there's still a chance for me.
Not that any girl in burgerland is taller than 5'4'' most of the time, and if they are they're under aged because children puberty is fucking weird lately.
oh no no no
Nakamura Regura is a god and you should acknowledge this now!
>manlet with a amazonian fetish
colour me surprised
>I've seen the stats on fit and int
kill yourselves pieces of shit
You short guys are lucky.
I'm 185 cm and it's way too hard to find an attractive girl that's taller than me.
Yurifags should be gassed.
Whatever happened to this? Is the series still going?
>you will never be a manlet going to a school of 8ft tall monster girls
Oh, I must have missed last years relentless hysterical media coverage and symbolic political gestures to withdraw aid funding.
Silly me.
The author's other manga in the same universe revealed that the couple died on a car accident some time after the end of their last appearance.
I don't believe you.
Fujiyama-san anime fucking when?
Fuck I wish I had a gf that was taller than me. There would be so much of her to hug and fug.
Regardless of whether you did or didn't miss it, what's your point?
You're aware of the problem now. If you have the power to do something about the problem, should you restrain yourself from helping just because you only learned about it in 2019 instead of sometime before?
>to ensure my children aren’t midgets
I'm a girl. My father is 193 cm and mother is 170 cm. I'm 160 cm...
thats good enough, asians girls are around 165 average you're tall enough
>standing cunnilingus
Go back to Yea Forums
>this will never be you
I hope they burn it to the fucking ground.
But Takeru isn't really a manlet, is he? She's just higher up than him. And he's jacked as fuck in Alt.
There's an opposites attract thing at times!
>Both parents are 169
>Older brother is 183
>I'm 174
>Younger sister is probably also 169
I'll never understand this shit.
Drought and fires.
He can't even get past the butt cheeks with that thing.
What does Yea Forums think about Oni girls?
When will there be a sequel to the one with the predatorial onee-san?
Who likes their height here? I wouldn't want to be any taller even if I could.
No, California is in 50th place for quality of life according to a study done in 2018.
7ft other kind of Asian here, and I assure you you can still end up a cake. Well, at least we can be an oneesan to all things regardless, right?
I don't belive you
Holy shit it's hachimatsu, one of my favorite size artist.
These quality of life indicators are always arbitrary bullshit that favor low density populations.
I'm submissive and want to be the little spoon.
This is really bizarre.
Business Insider cites this as their source,
but that lists California as the 5th-best.
Business Insider, what are you doing?
If I'm understanding it correctly, the link you posted is talking more along the lines of how far the state is willing to go to "preserve" the natural beauty of the land.
tade is my fav side character because she's tall, big boned, clumsy and has a cute preteen face
It's the source cited by Business Insider, and they don't provide any other source.
It doesn't say that in the methodology or the article itself, though. I think those 2018 numbers were affected by the horrible wildfires that never seemed to stop in 2018. They're still happening this year, which is where the 5th best ranking is shown, but comparing this year's numbers to last year's, last year's were something like 10 times as much acreage burned, which would definitely affect air quality for a long range.
It's not the US News methodology which concerns me, it's the Business Insider methodology which concerns me.
Business Insider claims that California is in 50th place, and then their one and only source claims that California is in 5th place.
What is going on at Business Insider?
Would Business Insider lie to us?
I figured you'd notice the emphasis on "other kind of" Asian....
Why cite this Regura tall soft onee, when he's done even better with moth mom of love. And she won't even kill you, but sing to you, and adore you! Then again she's your mom, so
Are you underage or neuro-atypical? People aren't going to read your mind and see what you mean by "other kind of" Asian. The natural assumption is that you're just another lying internet attentionwhore.
>195 cm
My dong is expanding at light speed.
what kind of asian
I see what happened here. You're actually looking at two different things.
The 50th rank place in 2018 was "Quality of Life", which is the one about the air and water/pollution quality. In 2018, it was REALLY bad, presumably due to the massive, seemingly unending wildfires. This year, the fires aren't nearly as bad, so they moved the "Natural Environment" stat, which appears to be the renamed version of that statistic, all the way up to 5 this year.
I would suggest looking at these pdf's, instead.
If you compare, the state is pretty consistent across the board between the two years, except for the QoL/Natural Environment stat, which would have a HUGE improvement in 2019 over 2018, in large part due tot he wildfires dialing way back. This and the minor fluctuations in other stats was enough to move them all the way from 31st overall to 19th overall
If you're willing to suffer hilariously huge amounts of pain to get like 10 cm higher then sure, go for it.
high heels aren't just to make you taller. They also make legs look better because it forces you to change your gait and it engages your calf muscles, making your legs look slimmer.
10cm is way too much, 1-2cm maybe
Are you retarded? It's always a gamble with genes.
>there will never be a VH2 that isn't a shitty rpgm game
I think he's using the European form of "asian."
What did he mean by this?
Being manlet is not nearly as bad as having little less of 6 inches of cock
You mean the brit form- Paki/Indian?
*european news
Okay okay fine, a kind of pajeet, specifically from a certain group of northerners where the men tend to be more than average fuckhueg sphess mahreens, and women can range anywhere from lolibaba tier tiny, to making Chiyo-nee look like a shortstack. Just saying, it's possible.
If you want super duper tall girls though to have a good chance of passing through their genes, Latvians and Dutch, specifically Frisians are the way.
I meant
For some reason it ate the picture, I have no idea why.
You feel it too, don't you?
You still don't get it, old people bring the average down by a lot.
Only brits use asian like that.
I still don't get it. Enlighten me.
To be fair the people of Okinawa and Santorini are known for being relatively healthy in old age. As in their 80 year olds are comparable to 60 year olds elsewhere.
How can one man be so good at Tall 'n Thick?
>tfw no tall brown onee-chan to culturally enrich me
t. willy
t. mosley
I don't know what game this is and I don't care. Thanks for the giggle.
The tallest woman in history was asian though.
>a kind of pajeet
Seriously though user, had no idea there were super tall Pajeets. I have a friend who is 7ft tall and he's constantly whining about it since even here in Scandinavia things just aren't really made with him in mind.
everyone would look better jacked
not steroid bodybuilder size, but at least 2 years in the gym will make anyone benefit
>favor low density populations.
It's almost like low population density is an intrinsically good thing.
>first sexual experience was being grinded against a wall by a gigantic Japanese girl in the 5th grade
>she would tease me constantly, and I was too stupid to realize what was going on
this thread is awakening horrible things I tried to lock away
Good for some things, bad for others. Don't be obtuse.
Good for what? Cheap labor?
First result in Google:
Dozo, dozo~
It'll all be better!
There can be super tall anyones desu. But a lot of northerners, especially mountain folks or near mountains can have a disposition for being tall. People usually think Nepalis are short too but it varies wildly like us, one of my in-laws, she's tall too. The more east Asian looking people in the northeast can also get tall.
I thought Scandinavians generally made a fair amount of tall people? That's odd.
there isn't much to it, it was a west coast city with lots of American-born Japanese
i don't know how much taller she really was, but it felt like she had a foot clearance on me and three weight classes
she would trip me, wrestle me to the ground, press me against the wall, but gradually she started acting nicer, telling me "secrets" about her friends and shit and making me promise not to tell anyone, sitting next to me whenever we didn't have assigned seating
then i moved away
>tfw manlet and 4 inches of erected dick
>I thought Scandinavians generally made a fair amount of tall people? That's odd.
Well, they do, but 7ft is still very rare. Average male height here is still slightly below 6ft.
I'm only 180cm and from germany and I almost never see girls taller than me.That teen girls are all over 180cm here is a fucking meme.
When I was taking a trip to Japan, my tour group had a really tall Sikh dude in it. Maybe 6'4" or somewhere in that range. Some of the places we went, he'd actually get stopped for pictures. Especially when we went to see the Shogun's palace. There were some school groups there, and this one entire class of middle school girls had him take a picture with him. It was even funnier before right before that, there was a white guy just a tiny bit shorter than him, and they were taking pictures with him first. But once the even taller, middle aged Sikh guy came out, they just had to take a picture with him. It was funny.
In China, at the Great Wall I got similarly stopped for pictures by some super old Chinese ladies. For all I knew, I could have been the first white guy they'd ever seen in person, or maybe it was just my beard. They were very nice, but it was kind of weird.
Not even into tall girls. Just cute teases. and that was a wholesome read.
A lot of it depends on upbringing. If you had shit parents who didn't dump milk down your throat by the gallon, you'll be sentenced into manletdom.
Dutch people used to be hilariously short until they discovered milk.
Either you're one of those chinese olympic supermutants, or you're the turk who broke my heart.
Unless you're trans.
Can someone post the original pls?
Based brainlet.
Change your image to Aqua right now.
Finally, a girl I wouldn't have to bend over to kiss
Don't lose hope, anons: you still have a
Hell I know what you mean. Me and my brother all grew over 6' because we were getting a nutritious diet, but my nephews are fucking malnourished thanks to their vegan mom and a stepdad who only really feeds his own daughter well.
It's not funny, this isn't a third world fucking country
>a 6'4" 74 year old has a better chance at love than an 18 year old of equivalent height
>vegan mom
Zozzle, veganism is some cult shit.
I had a teacher in HS who was vegan, and a girl overpowered him in front of everyone. He later turned out to be sterile. Poor bastard.
Damn son.
Tbh if she at least englisted the aid of a nutritionist I would be at peace.
But the kids love me because they get barbecues all the time, so that's positive.
I know two vegan girls. Both of them are clearly malnourished and suffer from illness all the time m
That's super cute desu. Clearly a girl who doesn't quite yet know how to express she was in love. That ending is sad though, but relatable.
Ah I see. Misread the 7ft thing. It's unfortunate but it's a common thing to people closer to or above 7ft, it really is true, you feel a lot of the world isn't designed for you.
That's some nice cozy tour memories, I wish I could travel! See what I mean though? Generally the men, even shorter ones, are also quite broad in chest, giving that sphess mahreen asthetic. The Porus meme is somewhat real.
Again though, women tend to be all over the place. It's normal there though, since we're mutt rapebabies of everyone that went raiding and trading. One of my cousins looks like he's super Mongol, and my mom got confused for being Japanese/Korean her whole life.
Look for Ossis
They're cuter anyways, and GDR aesthetic is pretty kino, ngl
Women don't even settle for men shorter than them for beta bux purposes. And this data is from 10 years ago, women's standards have only increased.
Then again, women that are taller than most dudes are so rare that they virtually play no role in that statistic anyways.
There's your problem. You'd probably be happier giving younger American women a wide berth for a while. To a lesser extent, this also effects Western women in general.
Not everyone here is american.
height only really comes into relationship during sex and even then mismatches work depending on the preferred position.
it's painfully awkward if the height/position is mismatched though.
Cope. Women globally prefer their men taller than them. The effect might be more significant in the US for various reasons, but it's the exact same thing all across the world. I would love to be proven wrong though.
>I would love to be proven wrong though.
Why would I when the burden of proof is on you? You claim something, you prove it.
The graph suggests they prefer men a specific range taller than them, seeing as there's a dip below the randomized average on the far end of the graph as well. They want a guy 6 inches taller than them, not a guy a foot taller than them
I want a dominant woman so my chances were near 0 to begin with.
I already did, right here: You're the one claiming that it's somehow ONLY limited to the US. Just accept the fact that the absolute best you're going to get is a woman the same height as you.
>Claims that women GLOBALLY prefers men taller than them
>Shows US stats
Do I get to make a joke about the american education?
I don't think you can considering anyone at that height human anymore
>lets do it in the forest
d-do what??
>You're the one claiming that it's somehow ONLY limited to the US.
Epic reading comprehension, I said that your data doesn't apply to the women in my country since they aren't US residents. So yeah.
>American education
>women wanting taller men isn't a global effect! and if it is, my country is special, and NO I won't tell you what country it is
Those strawmans would be more useful outside than in this thread.
>>women wanting taller men isn't a global effect!
It is but it's ten times stronger in Anglo countries and 100 times stronger in the US.
I don't understand how anyone can hate manlets, they're just so fucking small that they immediately make you sympathize with them, no persons deserves to suffer like that
Did someone say...ANGLO?
Being a manlet and wishing to find love is like a paraplegic wishing to be an astronaut: it isn't meant to be.
As simple as that.
Yea Forums is where weak people go to feel strong by hating other weak people.
>be 5'10"
>tall enough to not be considered a manlet
>short enough to have a chance at getting a gf taller than me
Feels good being perfect height
thanks for this I was looking for something nice to jack to
could you guys just get back on topic
Everyone under 6'2" is a manlet now, source: Tinder hoes
>like girls who are at least two to three inches shorter or taller than me either way
>be 5'9
>just tall enough to tower over short girls but short enough to not be taller than some "tall girls" in anime
Feels good
>the women in my culture marry men shorter than them at a 0.05% rate, rather than 0.03%, I still have a chance!
Nothing wrong with that; people should always aim at perfection.
manlet here, I love the jokes, they are pretty good
I can't fucking wake up, bros. I can't fucking wake up. Everyone is literally shorter than me.
>Be 177 cm, male average height for my country
>Have met precisely two women taller than me, one was 40 years my senior, the other was a lesbian
I don't know where my attraction to taller women comes from, but I don't think I'm ever going to be in a situation where I can date one my age
Probably b/c of all the homeless people migrating there
>in the land of the womanlet
>the 175cm dude is king
If it helps, I never bully manlets, honestly height isn't a super important factor to me. Hopeless romantic.
Shut up, aryan
>That's some nice cozy tour memories, I wish I could travel!
It was a really fun trip. Tokyo, Osaka, Kyoto, and then hopped over to China for a couple days in Beijing. Would go again. Also, Groupon actually has some really good travel deals. That's how I was able to afford my trip. You'd probably have to settle for shittier months like December, but it's still fun.
We all unfortunately have things like that.
I live in the UK and I fucking love, LOVE long black hair. That shit is fucking non-existent here though. I legitimately see it like once a year and it's on women at the grocery store who are obviously going for a specific goth look (not that that's a bad thing).
Maaaaan, if there's one thing I miss about high school, it was being around cute, big tiddy goth girls. Some of them were into me, too. It was cool.
>LOVE long black hair. That shit is fucking non-existent here though.
Poland here, fucking same. I want a tall black haired gf, but I'm surrounded by blonde/brown haired midget womanlets
fellow brit here. black hair was big in the early 00s just go to a metal bar you find enough in those places. though they tend to be fat or insane or both.
I never got that because I wasn't remotely sociable as a kid. Or ever, to be honest. I do remember getting to spend a day talking to a hyper chuuni goth girl who told me all about her potion making and witches on a school trip once though. She was nice.
>hai guyz imma girl :3
Either you show your tits with a timestamp, or you get the fuck out
It's shutting off a wast majority of potential partners, according to this user's data, , because of a very shallow characteristics.
It's their business if they wanna be shallow. I'm not a thot to whine about not fitting in other people's standards. I don't think it's a wise decision to make in looking for a life partner though.
I feel sorry for you zoomers, in many ways. You missed a lot of good stuff, like the golden era of thongs, too.
It took me until about junior year to start being sociable, and it was mostly because I would end up at the same tables as that sort of crew, which also tended to include the kids who played MtG and video games and stuff.
I'm 32, man. I remember thongs being a big thing. Lita from WWF had the perfect whale tail game around 2001.
Personally, I was only sociable in primary, then I lost contact with my first friend group and it all went downhill from there
Alabama, Hokkaidó
I don't understand your logic. Most of the things in those posts have no indication of age. And of course I remember when thongs were relevant. Visible thong straps are still a + on every design for me these days too.
don't worry was too crippled with anxiety and other issues to notice it even if I wasn't gen x
friends what were those?
It's surreal thinking back to how big of a normalfag I was in primary. My best friend was the 7-12yo equivalent of the class chad, and everyone else in the class was at least indifferent to me (most liked me tough). After that I could never acclimate myself into groups.
>eating meat is now /pol/
Very very good. Also the goth game was much stronger then. I know there's been sort of resurgence since after the inevitable burnout from the rise of emos and such, but it's still hard to beat that old aesthetic. Goth kids I think don't get in trouble anymore for 'aping Dylan and Eric'.
Thongs were so amazing back then, I don't know why things changed so badly. What was wrong with stringies and whaletails, and low rise tight jeans?
Also if you don't miss the Attitude Era, you're not even alive.
Changing your dick into a pussy doesn't make you a girl, tranny.
was always an outcast. now if there's more than one other person talking to me end up have a full-blown panic attack... christ.
They aren't "potential candidates" when they're genetically inferior.
It's not a shallow choice; short men are just worthless.
>Also if you don't miss the Attitude Era, you're not even alive.
I'll do you one better. I was watching WWF Superstars on Saturday mornings and WCW Saturday Night (THA MUTHASHIP, DADDY!) as a kid in the mid-90's, and when Nitro and Raw were both around I would switch between those depending on the matches and commercial timing. Cruiserweights always got me to stick to one show for a while, so I was actually a Nitro fan a bit more than a Raw fan until about 1998.
Are you retarded by any chance? I'm referring to the ">EAT BUGS GOY, EAT THEM NOW!" which no one brought up previously as being /pol/.
Jesus christ user you need to detach from politics a little.
so, tall girls
are hotter than lolis
Wtf is up with all the blogposting in this thread. Is this what Yea Forums has come to? Frogs, wojacks and life stories? Is this /r9k/?
Tall girls are better than short ones because they have longer legs.
manlet king spotted
don't worry, we're all gonna get our amazon goddesses in VR
The /pol/ack is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a terrorist, a gunman, a car-crasher, a mail-bomber, even an Australian, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a /pol/tard and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: "I've been found out."
Not if she drops him for a tall guy. Then it's awesome and good.
bbc incoming
Yea Forums has been dead for some years now.
How tall is she in freedom units? I dated a girl in college that was 6' 3
that is the name
I hope your retarded system of measurement goes extinct, thus I shall not not help you
Been here since the beginning, Yea Forums was never good
Barefoot: 188 Centimeters = 6 Feet, 2.0157 Inches
Wearing heels: 195 Centimeters = 6 Feet, 4.7717 Inches
Surpassing her father: 201 Centimeters = 6 Feet, 7.1339 Inches
Surpassing her father, and wearing heels: 208 Centimeters = 6 Feet, 9.8898 Inches
Looks like it's 6' 1"
Psh, she's shorter than I am.
You could really spend half a minute searching, but it's 6'2" barefoot.
high five brother
About 28 Big Macs.
Didn't you read the thread? We're buying Impossible Whoppers now.
why can't you niggers count
it's slightly over 6'2".
I don't know how much that is then, freedom units are bad for conversion.
Yet feels so right.
Brahs we're all gonna make it. Dick augmentations soon. I'm also hoping for 4skin restoration before long.
Yeah, that's the one, I remembered wrong.
Btw you can still find it on the panda, but only through google.
She's 6'4"
>expecting anyone to watch Nitro after they spoiled Mick Foley winning the strap, meanwhile their big event was jobbing to the old farts
Russo was a mistake
good thread, would post in gain
see what I mean about men being worse about this?
>this whole thread
thanks for reminding me that I will never find a gf taller than myself without going into snoo snoo territory
What is it about tall girls that is so appealing?
They're charming. I feel like they don't have the negative personality traits on average that shorter women have. Fat short chicks in particular tend to be insufferable...
they are big
No back pain
Standing motorboat.
You can be the little spoon and they can take in your emotions you aren't allowed to get rid of in public. GFD is god-tier if a tall girl is in it.
>they can take in your emotions you aren't allowed to get rid of in public
This isn't true of any women.
>Wakaba attends university near Kyou-chan
>she moved in and sleeps in his bedroom
>she has her own giant futon, but every night somehow migrates to his
>he wakes up to find her spooning him, as usual
>he nudges her awake
>her eyes open wide with glee
>time to measure her height and see if she's grown again
>she lifts him into the air and turns him to stand on his feet
>she rolls over to the wall while he fetches the tape measure
>she's too big to stand up in his bedroom
>he has to measure her while she's flat on the floor
>he runs the measuring tape along her body
>she knows she's grown again from his boner
>249 cm (8'2")
>yes yes yes!
>she cries out in joy
>she pulls him onto her and squeezes him tight in a bear hug
>she rocks them back and forth until the excitement fades
>she pushes him off
>249 cm?
>only 249 cm?
>is he sure?
>he measures again
>249 cm
>that's sooo close to 250 cm, so fucking close
>250 is a much cooler number
>249 sucks in comparison
>she needs to grow bigger ASAP or life will be lame
>she demands he give her more protein to grow
>he doesn't understand
>still lying on the floor, she pulls down his boxers and picks him up
>she lowers his erection into her mouth, raises him up, lowers, raises, lowers...
>perfect form, like a seasoned weightlifter
>he finally cums
>she swallows the protein
>good morning btw
>after a shower, Kyou-chan goes to make Wakaba breakfast
>pancakes again
>she wanders into the kitchen and demands more protein
>huh? should he add something with protein to the pancakes?
>hemp hearts? chia seeds? fortified legume-based milk alternatives?
>no, more protein!
>she picks him up
>she slams him on top of the fridge
>the fridge shakes as she thrusts her body against it
>he struggles to not fall off
>she unzips and unleashes his dick
>she envelops it in her mouth and sucks him dry
>she swallows the load
>the pancakes get burnt
>Kyou-chan is suspicious as Wakaba asks him to walk her to campus
>they hold hands on the way (she does this when she wants something)
>she picks him up, runs in an alley and rotates him 180 degrees
>she hangs his feet from a fire escape and releases him
>he dangles and demands to be let down
>she saw this in a movie and always wanted to try it
>she bends over to give him a romantic kiss
>now, again!
>no, not again!
>yes, again!
>she straightens up
>she unbuckles and pulls out his cock
>she takes it until he shoots out what's left
>she swallows it all
>she walks to campus alone, he staggers home
>Kyou-chan sighs as Wakaba slides into her bed
>he slips out his penis for the nightly routine
>she stops him and says not tonight
>she needs a full night's rest for maximum growth
>she quickly goes to sleep
>he's up a while with blue balls
>he finally drifts off
>he wakes up after midnight to her in his bed again
>her hands are massaging his penis
>he asks what's up, but realizes she's still sleeping
>her eyes are closed, she's snoring and mumbling
>"more protein"
>she shifts and latches onto his penis
>she sloppily slobbers until he gives her his spunk
>she swallows unconsciously
>she splays her body on top of his, using him as a pillow until morning
>Kyou-chan wakes to Wakaba shaking him, grinning madly
>time to try again
>she stretches as long as she can
>he measures
>he won't say
>what is it?
>say it!
>249 cm
>measure again!
>249 cm
>her eyes flash in demonic rage
>she sits up and pushes him against the wall
>she rises and pushes him to the ceiling
>she spreads her legs to fit beneath him
>she holds him immobile with both hands
>she yanks down his undies with her teeth
>she blows him harder than ever before
>she swallows every last drop
>they collapse to the floor exhausted
>she warns this will continue every day until she gets one more cm
>it does
Genetic engineering soon, friend.
Oneesans are naturally taller for some reason, at least in my minds' eye. Taller also helps you get a larger rack on the down low. Which is also part of oneesanism.
Fucking pathetic.
I like tall girls, but the idea that older sibling = taller is stupid. Shorter onee-sans are great too.
Amazingly Dick size is one of the few things that is barely if at all proportional to body size.
My dick gets bigger the taller the girl is, though.
Is the reference about Star Sector?