Grancrest War

I know I'm a bit late to the party but holy shit

>responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of soldiers
>indirectly killed friends and family
>literally committed war crimes
>NTR'd her fiance with a psychopathic mass murderer so she could commit more war crimes
>is forgiven with a flick of the wrist and gets a happy ending

holy shit I'm fuming right now
so many characters in this damn show needed their heads lopped off yet they are all redeemed or casually forgiven
I need some revenge porn right now or something god damnit FUCK

Attached: chrome_l4tOFBQ7Lo.png (731x716, 573K)

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Actually that's one of few realistic points of the show, if you have enough power you can have 180 change after becoming a mass murder scum and get away with it afterwards

this anime was terrible but I'm glad I didn't drop it and miss this.

Attached: bestplanever.webm (854x480, 2.68M)

It want to show her like somekind of strong leader that make hard decision and sacrifices but it really just stupid decisions.

>if you are hot and have enough power
Fixed. Cmon if it were an old hag or any male people would want his head already.


More like Granbreast

I just finished this as well and was pleasantly surprised and is right.

Haha holy fuck the shitstorm on Yea Forums after that episode.

It was the wrong decade. If it was made in the 90s, it'd get 39 episodes and nobody would make a fuzz for the NTR scene

She's hot, but I find it nearly impossible to fap to her because of what she did.
best girl

Attached: Aishela.png (1920x1080, 2.52M)

>author wanted to make it a big franchise with mobage and many spinoffs and shit
>it literally dies because of the ntr cuckshit
Good riddance, S

It was kind of sad how quickly the mobage died

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See It was the wrong time.

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in the 90s we had already Record of Lodoss War

Shit, I can't remember anything about this.
I don't even know why I marathoned this.

what the fuck happend?

this webm is shit why are the subs turned off in the second half?

Aishela deserved to be fucked on screen with her sexy ass!

This shota should have had sex with her.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Grancrest Senki - 03 [720p].mkv_snapshot_03.03_[2018.02.09_11.58.17].jpg (1280x720, 67K)

she wants the old man

The show is underrated

Attached: ;-;.jpg (1280x720, 71K)

She's beautiful so it's okay.

I disagree, Grancrest is better than most shows we get every season.

I don't blame the prince for still wanting her

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There definitely was a feeling that the team put in effort to build the world and the main party. Just some of the side characters were just going balls to the wall crazy way too often