ITT: Protagonists done right

ITT: Protagonists done right

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What's with the sudden spam of ITT threads? Did everyone run out of ideas? It's so boring now.

>done right
Isn't he an autist?

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are you implying autistic characters can't be well written? i should expect as much from a shounenshitter though

No so much an autist as an experiment gone wrong.
His mother and aunt genetically modified him to have the abilities he has, plus they made it so that love for his sister is the only emotion he's physically capable of.
Also they edited both sibling's genes so that incest won't result in any defects.
Also the aunt is an absolute fucking nutjob who sincerely believes that he's her son and that she gave birth to him.

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Has Tatsuya "Jesus" Oniisama lost even once? It's hard to care about a story when there's zero tension.

Post a better thread from the catalog.

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based hxh chad

I dare you name a character that developed better than eren

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The most awesome hobo in the world

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Kys, Shitren-self-inserter. Reiner is the better and more developed character.

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Prob something to do with the awful season.
The only popular show vinland saga is on its 2nd cour.

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>vinland saga is on its 2nd cour.
Are you stupid?

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we are talking about protags in this thread though, retard
kill yourself

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>we are talking about protags in this thread though
Exactly why I posted Reiner (the ACTUAL protagonist of SNK). Kys shitrenfag.

sausage oniisama

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Shit tier
Based hunterchad

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>Muh basic revenge plot

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Antagonist is even better.


Fuck I forgot to add this one.

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He said while picking the most boring protagonist to ever open his dumb mouth in an anime.

Holy spam, batman!

He is honestly one of the worst written lead characters of this entire generation of anime.

Garbage autistic perfectionist wish fulfilment Gary/Mary Stu/Sue characters need to be culled for the true golden protagonists to shine.

There's a place for capable characters. It's just not how Tatsuya is done.

The anime was fun because his abilities just kept escalating in brokeness, leading up to the nuke.

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Onii-sama is the pleb filter for anime protagonists

Bullshit excuse of Main Character "well done", Dickhead

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>Protagonist done right
Choose one

Are you really just going to leave out the fact he was lobotomized so a computer could be put in his head for magic memes?