I miss the Colors so fucking much, bros. New scanlations/season 2 when?
I miss the Colors so fucking much, bros. New scanlations/season 2 when?
Other urls found in this thread:
Is there even enough material for a second season?
>New scanlations
In-case you missed it someone translated a chapter in a thread about a month ago.
Personally, I want more shogi.
Give S2 or else
Stop crying, nerd.
How does this show compare to Wataten Yea Forums?
That's some lazy animation I tell you hwhat
>about a month ago
That's obviously what OP meant, when's the next one?
Based, got a link?
Why are the colors so popular on Yea Forums?
>I miss the Colors so fucking much
Thanks to you degenerates, I can no longer disassociate these two words from one another
It's Ichigo Mashimaro, but with three Mius.
The allure of colors
Remember, report and ignore
this show is more like brats being brats and their interaction with their surroundings, no such thing like loving and caring here.
It’s objectively cuter and funnier
It's actually funny, not just cute.
She became Yui!
I wish I became Yui
You’re welcome
Awesome, thanks
Yui is way too sexy with her hair down
I need more Charlotte Izoard age six (6)
I wish I came in Yui
what did he mean
Here's a Charlotte Izoard age seven (7) instead.
i think it was a typo
She’s an elementary schooler
小学生!!! 女子小学生!!!
Do NOT open this
Goddammit, fuck the Colors
Who the hell pronounces "saliva" like that?
Why is she crying?
Why? They're trouble makers.
Agreed, fuck those little cunts
Little girls shouldn’t be naked in public
Why not?
Because they’re fucking children
Who is?
Ah, those guys?
Maybe her butt hurts.
>season 2 when
Why do flopfags ask when their show will get a sequel? It's tiresome.
I will repeat it one more time: Mitsuboshi Colors is a flop that sold less than 1000 BDs. It will never get a season 2 or even an OVA, and neither will Bocchi. Stop being obsessed with shitty flops, and watch some actually good anime.
>sales = quality
>unironically being a salesfag
You must be lost, is that way
Imagine Yui being a little extra daring in the bedroom
Reason number 1
Reason number 2
Reason number 3
I wish I was with those guys
my fate has been decided
such as?
The kids act more like kids and not moeblobs
I'm slightly ashamed to say I'd give her that NDS on the spot.
Probably some shonenshit, don’t mind him
Fuck the police, and fuck the Colors
Damn it.
I told you what FMAfags would do to this board. But no, you didn't listen. Fuck that shitty series with shitty MC and shitty people involved
Those are great reasons, and on top of that I also genuinely enjoyed the show. So it's win win.
I wish I could feel as free as the Colors.
Do people really walk while playing their DS?
Colors unironically reminded me a lot of my own childhood. Small, close group of friends with a bitchin' fort. It resonated with me.
man I wish I had a childhood
> close group of friends
I never had that
Ichigo Mashimaro
They do in Akiba
Sorry guys. If it makes you feel any better we all ended up as failures
yeah I'm thinking it wouldn't matter in the long run and they would cut contact with you anyway after going their own path.
such is life, sadly. Life-long friends are a rarity.
That does make me feel better, thank you.
Absolutely based
Don't the watatens also act like kids?
I wish the Colors would handle my weapon
Which sounds better Yea Forums: "grade schoolers", "primary schoolers", or "elementary schoolers"?
>not >小女
joshi shougakusei
Fuck my dekinai is showing
幼女 sounds better anyways. Or at least 少女.
Cute and funny
Man, I sure love little girls
xxx grader
I could got for a second season if it had a decent budget and capture how much cuter they are in the manga.
What's the point of doujins censoring the grade level if they already used the word 小学生?
What would it be like to teach the Colors about sex?
The colors are a menace. They must be given a long hard lesson.
This but also nichibros.
Colors are indeed quite dubious and
Underhanded in their most deceitful and
Nefarious plots to undermine and
Negate the establishment, therefore
Yield not to their anarchy, and resist
>mfw they use only one x to imply a single-digit age
Considering JS covers 6-12 it allows more room for imagination I guess.
Based, single digits are pure sex
I never understood Yea Forums's obsession with flops. What's the point of being a fan of something that has almost no fanart or chances of sequels? It's probably because Yea Forums is filled with newfags who have never seen any other "loli show."
I walked a 40km army march while playing DS Tetris. Good times.
>loli show
Shouldn't it have some loli fanservice to be considered a loli show? Ironic lolicons love fanserviceless garbage shows like this and Wataten. At least the latter didn't flop and has some fanart.
I am Yui
Seasons 2, 3 and 4 have been confirmed, right?
Not everything is a popularity contest. There's no "point" to being a fan of anything if the only thing you give a shit about is pictures and numbers being high. It was a heartwarming cute little show and that should be a good enough for someone to like it, even if it didn't sell well or doesn't have artists' favor.
The show lacks overt lewd fanservice, but people find a way to lewd them regardless. Or have you never been in a Colors thread before?
>The show lacks overt lewd fanservice, but people find a way to lewd them regardless
You can say that about pretty much any show. Are you new?
So how does that make the show not a loli show? It's a show centered around 3 lolis, and the threads are full of people who only talk about fucking them.
>So how does that make the show not a loli show?
No fanservice. Shows starring little girls ≠ loli shows.
I think you may have confused loli ecchi with just "loli". Loli IS little girls, so a show centered around a group of little girls is a perfect fit to be called a "loli show", right? Or would you rather people specify and say "a show starring lolis" instead?
>so a show centered around a group of little girls is a perfect fit to be called a "loli show"
No it isn't. There are many kids anime centered around little girls, and no one here ever calls them loli shows.
Yeah, but then people here have also used "loli shows" to refer to "shows which have a loli in them" on here before, even if it isn't particularly centered on a group of lolis. Loli show isn't an official term or anything, it doesn't matter that much, if loli show to you means loli fanservice show then alright.
mitsuboshi still gets new mechandise and promotions year after it aired. are you really sure it's not airing on kid channels and raking on money? nichijou did the same together with being a huge phenomeon in the west and Yea Forums still thinks it was a flop
>literally arguing with a retarded salesfag
There are better ways to pointlessly waste time.
>unironically watching pedo anime
Please ironically commit suicide. Just ironically.
Yeah like splitting Yui in two
>pedo anime
I fucking wish.