
Toaru Kagaku no Dark Matter is confirmed to have to 1 or more chapters bros.

Attached: SadFridge.jpg (600x798, 312K)

Other urls found in this thread:


The True Number 2 whole series will be about him failing to save people and the twist will be, that the reason behind it all was measure heart

My dick is gonna explode. This is the best semen demon we've had in ages.

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Her body is delicious especially in the third one of your image.

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Hopefully it has good pacing.

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Why does Accelerator already have his upgraded cane?

Lets see what this is about. I've waited a fucking long time for this.

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Told you fags that wings aren't some stupid "awakening"

Kakine has always had wings before, they were never an awakened state. If they were, Kakine would have killed Accelerator in his first fight against him

Nude edit when?

Why hasn’t any girl since reached Accel’s level of cuteness?

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>1 or more
What a terrible way to word it. All one shots have at least one chapter. Thats where the name comes from.

what a hackneyed tweeest

It seems like he met Loli after School, which means he had ties with the Darkside even before the tragedy. Or maybe he was playing hero and wanted to take over the city to make it better and got a harsh reality check by losing people.

Either way this is gonna be good. I'm expecting this to answer why he wanted to negotiate with Aleister.

Tsuchi is involved with the darkside without being a basket case, you don't have to be evil to join

The true bowl winner.

That's what you guys said about AB at first too

Railgun 3 for October of 2020


Damn volleyball kun will really despair in this one, I wouldn't mind few extra chapters showing how gradually more cruel he becomes.

That would turn measure heart into one of the most evil characters in the series

she's cute and ebin and totally-alive. More importantly: who the fuck eats avocado candy? Is this a thing in Japan? Did I watch a bad translation?

I see Kihara Amata in the preview of the new series, but could it mean that his son will also show up in the new series?

>Only took 10 years to get him on screen after just a mention
This could be like Oda's return to topics in One Piece.

Say it ain’t so

>dark matter manga guise
yea yea sur-
>its real

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Well it took Kamachi 13 years to explain the saint and sinner thing

>People actually think MH can live long enough to witness OT15 after fucking around with some deranged psychos loli

Attached: well.jpg (480x360, 13K)

One things for sure, if its proven that she did that the entire MH/Kakine ship is completely sunk, it will become the titanic if he finds out too.

Yes, she could. Her power is really broken as seen how Hamazura couldn't do anything to her because she move there heart closer together.

Hamazura eventually moved, and could have followed her was he powerful enough. It's beyond retarded to use your ability against someone who can kill you whenever they please just for some few minutes of protection. If she didn't use it against a much more chill Accelerator who now has people to protect, she wouldn't use it on Kekine.

Leave it to an ESL to totally misunderstand how MH works

What's with this random addition?

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Toaru Kagaku no Accelerator - 07 [720p].mkv_snapshot_04.19_[2019.08.23_17.30.22].jpg (1280x720, 65K)

>literally offering her flesh to him
>he turns her down

>Awakened state
Please stop with this meme

She stripped down in the manga

>Please stop with this meme
Please ignore Accel's black and white wings and Kakine's angelic wings?

What's with the decrease in fanservice, when there needs to be an increase?

Kakine never awakened like Accelerator. His revival form is his strongest form to date, what he had in OT15 was just a better understanding of his ability similar to Accelerator's plasma ball moment.

His white wings have nothing to do with Accelerator's.

Just because he now has a stronger form doesn't mean he wasn't awakened. Accel's white wings are more powerful than his black, that won't stop black wings from being an awakened state.

>cut that out
>add in them asking for Accel's clothes


Attached: [HorribleSubs] Toaru Kagaku no Accelerator - 07 [720p].mkv_snapshot_05.43_[2019.08.23_17.32.58].jpg (1280x720, 106K)

No js06 confirmed its not the same awakening as Accelerator's. I have no doubt that he could achieve an awakening and become tremendously powerful, but its outside of Kakine's current scope. Besides, as his parallel it would be more fitting if Kakine achieves Level 6 where as Accelerator reaches a different state via the wings with near identical power.

I'm pretty sure js06 said awakening as a specific concept isn't even a thing.

>Kakine gets an spinoff just as Kamachi awakens his boner for making his character suffer
I am not ready

Js06 already confirmed it wasn't a form

Some of these look like Kakine is having\explaining a flashback to the School.
>Black eyes with white pupils
>That fucking hair\expression combo
Nue it is.
And she is 100% dead. First time I’m pissed that Volleyball is such a fucking Jobber.

Attached: not!Nue.png (600x225, 113K)

Kakine's wings are just dark matter on his back, accel wings are magic vectoring

Maybe you should support his next endeavor against Accelerator and become a part of the Kakineboys? Don't be pissed at Kakine for trying to change his fate

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>Touma(Index) #0
>Misaka(Railgun) #1
>Accel(Accel) #2
>Senya(AB) #3
>Kakine(DM) #4

Sasuga Kakine. True #4.

It doesn't get cringier than this, quite honestly.

I do not think you know what that means, but I think the use of a buzzword makes it clear you know little to anything at all.

Fucking failure can't save even one girl with such ability.

Shut up nigger jobber.
>going for Accel instead of UNLIMITED MOAB WORKS on AC
Jobberine let his loli die and did not even lob half of the AC to the stratosphere in the act of final REEEEEE.
Unless he thoughtfully rapes the ever living shit out of whoever offed Nue\made him kill her Jobber has no hope left.

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I won't because my support means nothing to his dark matter ---

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Why does Railgun Touma looks like he just got his dick sucked?

He is a rational dude. He could destroy AC, but it would better serve his interests to take it over. He has bigger ambitions than himself, its admirable he didn't lose himself in despair and hatred.

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Touma looks like the biggest chad in the city in Birivision. Although in Index it's more of his view of himself. A normal high school boy, the kind one might find anywhere

Live Action Role-playing, dumb faggot.
>Muh buzzwords
Literally just you seething. Not an argument.

Biribiri vision.
He is also laughably an actual ikeman.

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FUCK Touma! I want to steal his wallet and burn it in front of him!

To be fair no one would get shit down in the series had Touma not babysat them. Kakine's biggest failure is not leaving everything to daddy Touma

>Live-action Role-playing
Pic-related is LARPing, mind you. I don't dress up as Kakine with 6 cardboard wings fighting against a LARPing Accelerator by slapping my wings onto him. The other wrong thing is that I'm not roleplaying anything, I do believe in the notion of Kakine's superiority and merely spread word about it.
Only thing you got right was avatarfagging

Attached: LARP.jpg (800x500, 97K)

What part of shitposting online is live action?

This is why I don't deal with bitches using buzzwords. They merely throw words around, even those they don't understand. I really hope you aren't one of those people who call genuine nips "weebs"

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Technically speaking, Kakine would be the only level 5 to target the actual root of the problem, aka Aleister. The Accelerator sperging was only a byproduct of wanting to reach that bigger goal.

It's a term used in powerlevel discussions way back in the early days.

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>Muh Accel
Either everyone who was involved with Nue got DM'd or Jobberine is a turbofaggot beyond any redemption.

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Something being old doesnt mean its right

This was pretty wrong in the end

>Literally X
Calm down you retard, emulating popular phrases on the board isn't an argument neither.

>powerlevel discussions

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It's not wrong either. Awakened Accel is shorthand for "black wings Accelerator with ranged vector control" in much the same way Awakened Kakine is shorthand for "Kakine with his new wings after seeing Accel's black wings".

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Except it is wrong. Js06 said it wasn't used as terminology, it's used as a metaphor.

ffs stop censoring everything JC staff

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But it is wrong. The term awakened was never used in japanese and Kakine always had his wings. He didn't evolve in any way shape or form from watching Accel.

Sasuga AC technology giving us dog girls early.

He evolved into a stain in the pavement.

Its finally colored.

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Except he did? Did you even read it?
>An unprecedented power was expanding within him.
>And he had perfectly mastered that power.

Js06 said the exact term "awakened" isn't used to refer to Kakine or Accelerator.

Attached: OT15-194.png (612x752, 34K)

It'd be easier for both of you retards to just screen Js06, no?



This is what Js06 said on the matter: We use it literally just as a shorthand. Like what that one user said:
>Who cares even if it is? Not like there is going to be a better term for it.

>What should we write, "Big fucking angelic wings sprout out of Kakine"

>No Rakko
I mean it makes sense since she was a relatively new recruit but I wanted to see her try to take advantage of School like she said in AB

Wrong post. Meant


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I don't think measure heart has a limit on how long it last?

Mikoto wishes her ass was this nice

>except he did
>in japanese
Did you even read my post?

I think he's assuming because Hamazura moved at some point that her power has either a distance or time limit. Which isn't at all implied in the scene, because the only thing she was stopping him from doing is shooting her, but speedreaders gonna speed read.

Reminder that if you have questions or impressions for the IF team they are accepting feedback until Sept 4:


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It was used. See

The jew needs dicked

Anime Jew is not goofy enough.

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Othanos when?

Oh man this again
>“But not everyone reacts to feeling like the person closest to them is enemy by stopping their attack."
>"Some people go into a frenzy and come in with an even harsher attack"
>"because they feel that person has betrayed them"
>"Can we trust Accelerator to not do
> "if I take the distance of the person Accelerator is closest to, I may be able to make him hesitate in
Hamazura could have followed her and persisted if school actually decided to kill Takitsubo, he only stopped going after them because they didn't and that is entirely the reason why MH even needs to "read" people, because her ability doesn't create visual or physical illusions, it only messes around with perception which is why the effects would only be very effective the first time. Accelerator skips the step with Hamazura because his emotional link is already unstable enough for the first time to be the last, and it's the same if not worse with Kakine.

Dumd arguments are dumb, Dark Matter should deal with any telegraphing ability easy if it can figure out the basis of Takitsubo's bullshit specific ability and reverse engineer vector reflection in few minutes, especially if the target already knows that MH isn't who she feels like

After hoodie Touma.

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He didn't reverse engineer vector reflection he simply figured out how it worked and found a way around it briefly,

>“Reverse calculations, complete.”
you sure about that one?

I'd like to think of it as a battle of calculations. By observing changes in Accelerator's field, he would devise a new combination of energies. This would grant him over 600 million ways to attack Accelerator had it worked originally (a bit rusty on my math, if its a combination question its over 300 million)

>is the process by which a man-made object is deconstructed to reveal its designs, architecture, or to extract knowledge from the object
To put things into perspective, Accelerator would have kept getting hit had he not updated his old calculations to include those of Kakine.

Accelkoto when?

Was there anything remarkable in the new Accel episode? Any censored shit? Soundtrack from previous seasons? Cameos?


Yes it was fun
Yes no undressing

>Yes no undressing

Esther should have been a main character in Accel. She only got one arc and Im going to miss her.

Holy shit episode 6 of accelerator was complete trash.

I would honestly recommend people skip everything except the last 2-3 minutes. You'll miss nothing of value.

Dirty secondary and casual here, but where did female accelerator come from? Did an official drawing trigger it or something?

Joke in the novels that become exasperated on a certain April fools day

After Touma confronts Accel in the OT he finds out that read the novels.

Attached: 1538797002694.gif (432x243, 3.05M)

Chapter 34 from the manga

Soon, friend.

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>no couples straw
what were they thinking?

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Why does JC Staff keep ruining everything

>expecting good things from a company named "Just Cuck Staff"

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How did she get away with that?

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Toaru Kagaku no Accelerator - 07 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_07.10_[2019.08.24_05.14.26].jpg (1920x1080, 162K)

They think more anime then they can keep up with = more money.

They could just use the same straw and it would be less embarrassing.


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It's true

That doesn't explain the censoring they do.

In terms of finances and cash flow which studio is doing the best? Or is this the sort of thing that's basically impossible to tell

A-1 probably, doesn't mean the staffers are living a good life though. The industry is gonna be dead in 20 years because of working standards and population declining

I will not give up hope for this to happen, till we get season 1 of NT

NT I 2020 Fall
Norse SS 4 episode
NT 1 5 episodes
NT 2 3 episodes
SP 2 episodes
NT 3 4 episodes
NT 4 6 episodes
24 episodes

NT II 2022
NT 5-NT 6 7 episodes
NT 7 5 episodes
Index NT SS/Misaki NT SS 1 episode
NT 8 5 episodes
NT 9 4 episodes
NT 10 4 episodes
26 episodes

NT III 2024
NT 11 3 episodes
Biohacker 3 episodes
NT 12 6 episodes
NT 13 4 episodes
NT 14 4 episodes
NT 15 6 episodes
26 episodes

NT IV 2026
? 4 episodes
NT 16 4 episodes
NT 17 6 episodes
NT 18 6 episodes
NT 19 4 episodes
24 episodes

NT V 2028
? 1 episodes
NT 20 6 episodes
NT 21 6 episodes
NT 22 7 episodes
NT 22 R 6 episodes
26 episodes

126 episodes

>NT S1 = NT1-NT10 24 episodes
>NT S2 = NT11-NT22R 24 episodes
Fixed that for you.

Attached: Just Cucks STAFF.png (1024x1024, 79K)

NT1-8 24 episodes. JC Staff never make another Index season again.

>Another Index season will never be made again

NT 1 5 episodes
NT 2 2 episodes
NT 3 4 episodes
NT 4 6 episodes
NT 5 3 episodes
NT 6 6 episodes
26 episode

???? 1 episode
NT 7 6 episodes
Misaki NT SS 1 episode
Index NT SS 1 episode
NT 8 5 episodes
NT 9 5 episodes
NT 10 5 episodes
24 episodes

Biohacker 3 episodes
NT 11 3 episodes
NT 12 6 episodes
?????4 episodes
NT 13 4 episodes
NT 14 4 episodes
24 episodes

NT 15 6 episodes
NT 16 4 episodes
NT 17 6 episodes
NT 18 6 episodes
NT 19 4 episodes
26 episodes

NT 20 6 episodes
NT 21 6 episodes
NT 22 7 episodes
NT 22 R 6 episodes
25 episodes

We're a little over a month away from it being announced, but I don't want it unless there's a new staff

I will not give up hope for NT, until we see what they do

That was meant for the second sentence.

I am hoping we will at least get 4 seasons of 24 episodes for NT. (5 seasons would be better)

????? 4 episode, will be a Kamisato SS

My hopes and dreams are gone, JC staff killed them.

Attached: Fukou-da.png (724x1957, 1.23M)

My hopes and dreams are pretty hard to kill.

I wish you would because your plan is terrible.

We Shaft now user.

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Lol I don't see how this guy is any different than he was in OT15, he still has the same egomaniac vibe as BR from what I can see (Throwing darts, similar expressions, stilll has GID and Yobou around)

And Yet JC made Flatzaki into reality.

Attached: hopes and dreams.jpg (540x606, 96K)

Cursed image.

Show me a better plan?

They should just stick to making slice of life anime, they can't do action anime.

NT: 0 episodes

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Do you mean you expected some payoff, even some retroactive character development? With Kamachi?

what the fuck is this

Based kuroposter.

Attached: naosmug.png (152x155, 47K)

>Kanzaki getting flatter as Index III went represented my hopes and dreams for Index III slowly diminishing

Yuriko makes or breaks the game Squeenix

meant for

Pick one and only one.

Cope. Cowtits are gross.

low test

Seething cumbrain

No, I just thought like many here said he would have been closer to Beetle before this so called loli died. I guess Kamachi has other plans.

kill yourself pedo

I don't like cowtits myself but Flatsaki is a crime.

Flatsaki is better than what we have. Flatzaki is terrible.

He didn't observe changes to Accel's field he simply guessed it worked on a filter and tested the theory out. It had nothing to do with calculations. Also 300 million is extremely pushing it.

As user who made the Flatzaki image.
You can find all forms of her breast deflation in any episode of Index III where she stays on screen for longer than 5 seconds. Apparently they had problems with staying in model.
That shot with pokerfaced Tatemiya was just too good to ignore, its original version is even more insulting to poor Jobzaki.

Attached: Flatzaki stole a random arm.jpg (1280x720, 135K)

To put things in perspective, Kakine still lost and easily at that.

You do know that this was referring to him reversing the calculations for his dark matter to deal with reflection, not him changing Accel's reflection as you suggested. He can't change the make-up of Accel's reflection only Accel can do that.

Flat is fine in general, but she shouldn't be. And what happened to her nipples?


Teto drew the true number one.

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No one even said that he changed Accelerator reflection, I said Accelerator had to change his own reflection as to not get hit

Holy shit, we finally got to the point where fags are pretending that JC staff """ruined""" the Accel anime. I'm 99% sure you're the same fucking fags that shit on the Accel manga every month and bitch about how boring the anime was going to be. I know you all want to circlejerk hatred over JC Staff and all, but this is getting fucking ridiculous. Its objectively better than the manga in almost every single metric.

And the parts where it isn't better (lack of piss and tits) will probably be fixed in the BD's

>Its objectively better than the manga in almost every single metric
Because the manga is absolute shit and the anime is just subpar.

People want the next big thing to shitpost about, more news at 11

She is a small miracle.
She is a reason why JC staff deserves to get shanked.
Know the difference; it can save your life.

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Sorcery SS 2

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Then dont pretend to cry about them "ruining" something you supposedly hate, retard. What kind of fucking argument is that, "oh JC Staff directly improved upon a lackluster product, FUCK THEM FOR NOT MAKING IT ABSOLUTELY AMAZING REEEEEEE"

Just admit you want to shitpost and move on, dont fucking pretend

Sorcery SS 3

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Watch out, he'll probably pull out Yea Forums shit like "cope" since you shit on his retarded logic

Seething jc staff shill


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Welp I didnt get the exact terminology

God damn this is getting pathetic

Holy shit
from Animate?, again?


>expecting shitposting retards to not be pathetic

Animate, Gamers and Melonbooks.

Ok, nicely done.

Are YOU a girl?

Were all girls here

No and Yes.

I like the Acelerator anime but why does the animation and art have to be so flat? Are these studios that fucking cheap and fans gullible that the most important aspect of "animation" has not effort put into it

Because you touch yourself too much

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Why bother when the other hole provides
>frictionless vacuum blowjob

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I would drag my balls through thousands of miles of glass just to hear her fart through a walkie-talkie

HQ Cover

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Dark Matter has the potential to be the best spinoff, unironically. An MC who falls into despair over the course of the story, Kiharas in chapter 1, art is already looking better than Accel or AB's initial style.
My biggest concern is that Kamachi will give a cop-out happy ending to the people Kakine inevitably fails to save, which would retroactively harm the point of his character in OT15/NT6.

Teto, the only actual Kakinefag out of the canon artists. Glad she's celebrating

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>My biggest concern is that Kamachi will give a cop-out happy ending to the people Kakine inevitably fails to save
Do you know why this loli is stuck in some random hobo temple in Gensokyo?
Hint she ded.

Attached: notNue.jpg (217x324, 16K)

Because nobody cares about some edgy incel fighting some robot mobs and wacky scientists.

>nobody cares
Come on user, put more effort into it.

Yeah like they fixed anything in the index 3 BDs

300 million came from his ass, what’d ya expect

This trash will be what gets animated. Wrong timeline.

Faker Illya

Is she a Saber?

>A MC who falls into despair over the course of the story
Not unless it’s a flashback
>Kiharas in chapter 1
It’s Amata
>art is already looking better than Accel or AB's initial style
Disagree on AB, even Accel can be contended
>Kamachi will give a cop-out happy ending to the people Kakine inevitably fails to save, which would retroactively harm the point of his character in OT15/NT6.
That’s inevitable

Imagine being this much of an incel.

>It’s Amata

There's someone else with him. Could be his son.

>300 million is pushing it
Not entirely. I was merely making a guess as to what kinds of energies he could mix to create entirely new ones. With 25000 energies and combining two, it creates a combination of over 300 million whitelist skipping energies
You used the word in the incorrect context, dumbass.

The cop-out ending will be, that each person Kakine fails to save becomes a Rensa

I don't care if Kamachi gives a cop-out happy ending for the people who Kakine fail to save. The biggest question I want answer in this series, is the name measure heart.

It fixes his character. Kakine was written to be a joke but he's not a dramatic tragic. Not even Accelerator and Mugino were past forgiving him. Saying he's just a failure lmao and he's cursed to damnation is poor writing

Nah, it'll be the apocalypse witch one. That's the biggest artist Kamachi ever worked with

Can't wait for the True Number 2 too come back in part 3 and say to Accelerator that AC should be his.

I just want to see how Kakine's rages, when he find out that Accelerator get everything he ever wanted.

Cope, Accelsperg.

>every character NEEDS to be redeemed
I hate this meme.

He's practically begging for it with muh I went too far into the darkness. Accelerator and Hamazura are gonna get rid of that darkness. And Izzard, High Priest, Terra, and Mathers never got a chance at being redeemed. Kamachi is far beyond the point of making a spinoff just to make a character have a bad end

I feel insulted.

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>Say to Accelerator
Now why would Accelerator be talking to himself? Is it out of some self reassurance? Or is it a coping mechanism for when Kakine takes everything from him?


Would Kek even go for Accel at this point?
Shouldn’t he gut Takitsubo & Beetle first?

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>what kinds of energies he could mix to create entirely new ones
Phrase that better next time.

Does he even know about them? The real Kakine was in a fridge during that, and the "DM Kakine" was another fake

Mathers is a hundred times the character the rest of those are.

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Kakine is basically Accelerator's Mather's

Mathers has charisma and Kakine doesn’t. Mathers was actually Crowley’s enemy, user’s LARPing is an inaccurate joke. Mathers actually had a point of contention with Crowley while Kakine projects. Mathers had tremendous skill despite not being gifted like the Magic God candidates or Level 5s. Mathers didn’t have to claim to be a villain, that was obvious.

Mathers is a pathetic cuck who wasted his miserable existence living off his gorgeous painter wife without fucking her once.
Fake Irish; Real castrate.

Attached: DumbCatAI.jpg (737x628, 185K)

I wouldn’t touch that cat lady either. She could at least dye her hair to get the proper gothic look. Mina was wholly devoted to him in life though, that’s explicitly canon.

He is but the comparison is still apt

Attached: Jane Gray.jpg (604x954, 76K)

>I wouldn’t touch that cat lady either.
Why would you marry a female if you are not going to fuck her.
>Mina was wholly devoted to him in life though
Mathers marries a female that loves him unconditionally; lives off her money and never dicks her once. Castrate or chronic erectile dysfunction.
Paintings were never profitable for unknown artists, and LARPing as a noble is an expensive hobby.
If you consider that Aleister ends up with a DumbCatAI companion you can guess which color Mina was using for her “paintings”.

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That body was made for sex

『とある魔術の禁書目録外伝 とある科学の超電磁砲』
『とある魔術の禁書目録外伝 とある科学の一方通行』
『とある科学の超電磁砲外伝 アストラル・バディ』

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Why question marks?

Isn't Last Order Level 3?

So now every level 5 gets a loli?
Where's Mugino's loli?
Where's Gunha's loli?
Where's Misaki's loli?
Where's Mikoto's shota?
Where's Etsu's ....?

This is a startlingly sexual image

(C)2020 鎌池和馬/KADOKAWA アスキー・メディアワークス/PROJECT-INDEX IV

Last order is funny, and dare I say, cute.
They knew what they were doing with this image.

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Is it really?

Attached: Grinning Number-one.png (174x190, 39K)

Episode 8 announced.

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KamiKuro vs. AwaKoto?

I find Misaki attractive in nonsexual way.

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I guess LO (or Misaka clones in general) is essentially Will and her real power level is still unknown. We know the unit's individual level but we don't know what their level would be if their calculation power is channelled into one unit. That unit would theoretically be as powerful as Accel. If you think about it, there is no reason why the network can't give LO (or any Misaka clone) the same boost they are giving Accel.

We can make a guess at a combined level. They are a level 5 that surpass Kakine


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Thanks Jim

I love this image so much. It's so pure.

Snuggling with Kakine is amongst one of the purest things one can do, for Kakine elicits release of a maiden's inner heart and her purest desire for love by one man and one man alone, and that man is Kakine.

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Will we get vampires or the final level 5 first?

Salute your commander

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shut the fuck up you vapid whore you fucking troglodyte you fucking subhuman bitch you fucker shut the hell shit piss up big titty whore where are the lolis shut up

>As powerful as Accelerator
I dont think thats how it works. Maybe in terms of calculation they would but it's still Accelerator doing said calculations not the network right?

It is the network doing the calculations.

isn't Toaru Dark Matter proof that Kamachi lurks /raildex/ and reads how much we discuss Kakine?

If all the clones focused their calculations on LO she would a form similar to Level 5.1 Mikoto, but explode much faster than her

>(C)2020 鎌池和馬/KADOKAWA アスキー・メディアワークス/PROJECT-INDEX IV

Mikoto will die and go to hell

I cant be hyped after Shitdex 3

Will shouls bring back Omega World Mikoto so we get one Mikoto being in love with him and one that hates him so they fight

>Omega World Mikoto is actually content to use Rampage Dress since she idolizes Accel instead of Touma
What does Original Mikoto gets, the AAA? it can be hacked

Wait where did that come from? The first post says the magazine comes out Oct 2019.

>astral buddy anime
>when the first arc isn't even finished yet

Doesn't say anime says chapter


Since no Sisters died, Omega World Mikoto wouldnt have much experience in hacking

Who else misses Mami here

Fuck off, Mami, go blog about your life to /padt/.

>two vols in a month

She was hacking before she knew about the sisters project.

She got stumped by QWEASDZXC, and had to call Uiharu, a few months after and she can go toe to toe with Gatekeeper in a hackerman battle, I think its safe to say that she got gud

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In the current world, never. Accelkoto can only happen in a perfect world but don't worry user, Last Order is going to eventually marry Accelerator and have his children.

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Who the hell taught Accel how to do the Naruto run

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Accel has always Naruto runned, it's just efficient when you aren't moving by your own power since it reduces drag.

More like Asscelerator!

I miss Mami Kawada

Someone at JC Staff is determined to give Touma and Accel nice asses

There's a reason they have a harem

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He's asking for it.


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>This got translated

Get ready for part 3's new heroine

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>generic kamikoto shit

>Accelkoto was literally too perfect for the world

HAHAHAHAHAHA good joke user

Imagine being this big of a cringelord

Mikoto will be Part 3 protagonist

She already had more screentime than Accel in NT

She'll be the marketing whore in the background while the story progresses. Neither a main character nor a protagonist. Literally just there to draw money.

Seethe harder

Seek sunlight Yea Forumsermin.

Right after you have sex.

Why does antiskill-girl expect people to depend on them when they literally never accomplish anything else than getting themselves massacred by shitters

It's almost like Anti Skill is underfunded and outgunned compared to dark side groups because they're just teachers with body armor.

Yeah you'd think she'd be a bit more realistic about it rather than sending more people on suicide missions

Actually, it's never been properly explained how the city has enough teachers who work double duty as cops/soldiers to form an entire army. A.C. has millions of students who vastly outnumber the adult population and they have to teach classes during the daytime.

Do you guys expect Accelerator to provide Anti Skill with exclusive higher end equipment to help him fight of any rogue Academy City dark side faction and the Kihara Family

Episode's pacing was all over the place. It was slow at the beginning but picked after the Coffins attack. The attack as well was a clusterfuck with people all over the place. I think the Sister clone should have remained unconscious instead of waking up but then immediately falling unconscious again. I guess they wanted to have the seiyuu at least talk since they paid for her.

I like this part though. Just visually showing what the mechas represent.

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He will be a hands on kind of leader.

How long for the Toaru Magazine?

Can you imagine if Accelerator gave Yomikawa a replica of the Processor Suit

Can you imagine if Yomikawa gave me a titjob?

It's because Anti-Skill has a good dental plan.

Should I have hope for Index IV?


Shouldn't Touma or his silhouette have cameo'd at this point?

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Anti-Skill can accomplish things, but when your series is focused on overpowered twinks and little girls, the guys with guns and riot shields take a backseat to make them look good.

I'm pretty sure they'll call it Shinyaku s1


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They skipped it. I guess they felt they met their Kamijou quota with that little mention in the first episode.

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I want to take Touma home with me.

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fucking based
we don't need that cuck here

He is always here, what you on about?

please do he needs a new home with some food

Good, it fixes the dumb plothole

Touma ""handshake"" event!

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When was he mentioned in ep 1? I don't remember that.

Touma version of this when?

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When Accel he confronted that redhead in the underground in episode 1. saying "he's not a hero like that level 0" or something like that.

Ah right. I wonder if Touma will get an actual cameo, though. There's a scene where it shows Index in his dorm, they could add him there. Uiharu and Saten's faces weren't shown in the manga but they showed them in the anime.

They can just add a shadow of picrelated.

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Fuck off Crowley

Reminder that Jack and Shinobu have both fucked older women. Touma will fuck an older women too. So will Quenser.

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>Touma will fuck an older women
Odin, Aleister, other MGs.
That’s it.

Attached: Older than the Planet.jpg (640x360, 19K)

You're looking at it the wrong way. What I'm seeing is that Kamachi's protags end up with non-human partners.

If you assume that Crowley chose to recreate Mina and she died normally it becomes less based and more pathetic.

Not that he’s doing the calculations, but he’s the only one able to manifest the full potential of Lvl.6+

The amount of delusion in this posts


Isn’t this more appropriate if they get Blacked?

>If you assume that Crowley chose to recreate Mina and she died normally
Recreating your enemy’s understander’s personality just to turn her into a complete degenerate and a wet nurse for your children
Sounds even more based.
Back to the main point. Just think who can buy thouse shitty paintings in amounts large enough to supply a "fake irish noble" LARP.
Even based Smug Deck doesn’t have that much money; but one REEEing Degenerate noble has truly unlimited amounts of it and holds a grudge with Mathers. Add in his natural Degeneracy and his deep knowledge of personal close to Golden Dawn.
With all the Bongland=Cuckland memes Kamachi writes it makes even more sense.

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Final HO will have Quenser make his own Object. Said object will win the Quenserbowl.

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Hime & Mariydi will gank the thing; pull him out of it; explode it. And rape him until he is completely addicted to flatness.

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>Frolaytia & Havia will gank the thing; pull him out of it; explode it. And rape him until he is completely addicted to submission.

>Shitty Flopject fags forcing their shit waifus so people will remember them

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>Shitty Flopject
Still has better animation than Index III.

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Come on, someone having a blow-up doll of their ex is only sad. Move the fuck on.

>Barely Soldject
>Better animation
Lol, here's your (You)

based ohohoCHAD

You'll need to add Kyousuke to that pasta friend.

>blow-up doll
Complete recreation of personality is not a blow up doll. It’s a statement.
>Move the fuck on.
If Mathers fucked his wife I wouldn’t even have this conversation, but he fucking didn’t.

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I assume this means they'll also cut the Index and Aleister cameos. If they don't mention the demon then this is a mediocre adaptation

>Protecting children means nothing to my dar-
I'm kinda glad Kakine has this kind of side but this sorta of backstory means that a redemption will likely happen but then what about Beetle? I don't think Kamachi is gonna allow both to run around.

I don't understand

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Accel should never of encounter magic at this point in timeline anyways, it feels like retcon.

It doesn't matter anyways, he only got the wings in OT13 because Aleister tinkered with his personal reality. He outright said he input new values into it after 0930

>then what about Beetle?
>DM chewing noises
What Beetle?

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>tinkered with his personal reality
Not a thing

He has the wings at the end of the necromancer arc, it's what knocked away Nathan's explosion. And Amata said that there were always inexplicable values in Accelerator's ability.

Inputting new values could just as easily mean leading Accel down a certain path. Either way, that explanation is getting retconned for some reason.

Dilate onionsboy

Beetle IS Kakine. Just rejoin them.

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Beetle is as much "Jobberine" as IT is ET.
They are close but not the same thing.
Also if Beetle vs Jobberine happens there is a good chance of Touma being on the Jobber side once he realizes the situation.

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Misamisa is cute and canon.


Please touch the darkness Uiharu.

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Fuck the Darkness.

IT and ET really can't be used anymore, since it wasn't the actual invisible thing, nor was it inner/exterior

In retrospect I'm not sure why people thought wings were so special after NT7. Rensa copying them was a dead giveaway that they're nothing too crazy. Something like platinum wings is, but the black/white seem to be almost generic for some

Wasn't Rensa not copying powers, but connecting herself to them? in which case, they would still be Accelerator's wings.

because platinum wings weren't a thing back then and you can still count the number of people to access white wings on one hand

This doesn't at all indicate that white/black wings were nothing crazy because Rensa was also able to copy IB as well although she did explode right after though.

There are only two people who has access to black wings, possibly three for white wings, if you count that girl in the Railgun SS3 and that's assuming they are the same thing and only one for Platinum.

She was accessing powers through the bank. The bank stores records of everyone's ability, hence why it's a big deal in NT19

Imagine there are people who didn't give up on this series after the travesty of Index 3

The bank holds the records of power development, but Rensa had to connect to the espers themselves as well.

>watching the anime

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Literally not how the bank works, it's just a database with their personal info. Doesn't store their AIM data or anything like that. She has to be in close proximity to copy someone's powers.

>dead giveaway
Funny way to say retcon.

Is it gay to fuck a tomboy?

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Show me where Kamachi said they were special and exclusive in the 2 years before Rensa got them

>A giant “flower” opened up along the musculature of Rensa’s back with the speed of a sewing machine and a large number of metal rods shot out from where they were folded up within her.

>The countless metal rods moved in and out at high speed based on some form of calculation and then folded back up within her back.

>The entire process took less than a second.

>And immediately afterwards, a nitrogen spear shot from Rensa’s palm with the explosive noise of the air being sliced.

>The spear was identical to the ones Kuroyoru Umidori used.

>Hamazura’s eyes opened wide.

>“She can copy esper powers? No, wait. Is she just constructing an output point similar to how Kuroyoru uses her mechanical arms!?”

>“Correct. But in my case, I expand the ‘knitting needles’ in my back to precisely control the values. By altering the wiring of my body similar to pulling the strings of a puppet, I am able to reproduce the characteristics of multiple people and therefore switch between multiple abilities.”

>That murderous weapon smoothly explained her features like a model at a motor show.

>She explained what this fearsome crystallization of mankind’s cutting edge technology could do.

>“Specifically, I can freely switch between the powers of the #1 through #6 Level 5s as well as any esper within 200 meters of me. …I cannot reproduce the currently unexplainable power of the #7, but I can likely defeat him with brute force using the powers of the other six.”

>Theoretically, it was possible.

>If Bomber Lance could be produced from a mechanical arm identical to Kuroyoru Umidori’s arm, then a mechanical arm created based on an analysis of Accelerator or Kakine Teitoku’s bodies should be able to function as an output point for their powers. If one then rearranged the makeup of the mechanical body like a train switching rails or a car switching gears, one could create output points for all sorts of espers. Rensa was doing that with her entire body.

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Show me when they were implied to be anything else if you’re going that route. Powerups for Mikoto and Kakine have already been shown, and they look and function differently. Meanwhile Rensa is specifically channeling Accel’s power to recreate the wings.


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All espers get angelic features when they "power up", even the AIM burst had a halo

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Based Nogi drawing girls from superior series.

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I know the text used that as an example but I honestly wouldn't compare the IT/ET situation to Kakine and Beetle. The only similarity is an ability gaining sentience, but Kakine and Beetle both consider themselves "Kakine," the text even implies Beetle is the kind side of Kakine. KnT acting like Touma was an act, he didn't actually believe himself to be Touma even with Touma's memories.

If you rejoin Kakine and Beetle you don't lose anyone, they're both Kakine.

Kys /alter/tard

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None of them have wings functioning in the same way as Accelerator’s, and he summons both black and foil platinum wings without the halo so there’s something missing or different about Accel’s wings. YuGiOh girl wasn’t even compared to Accel.

>posting worst AR team girl


>Nogi will never draw Drake

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He says in the tweet that Okita is cute but he thinks FGO is a boring game

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I believe Aleister said that what caused Rensa explode is because of inner Touma not IB.
Also, I don't think Rensa can actually copy IB.

He’s right play Bandori

If he ships Nobu and Okita his taste would truly be supreme

The only mobage he plays is IF I think

It said she did so I will go with the what was said, it didn't stop her from exploding right after though.

He is not wrong.

He might not even know the characters, he only tried downloading it a few months ago but deleted it by septem or somewhere around there

Tell Nogi to get word spread of a Kamachi rhythm game. Nothing else is worth it on mobile.

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Neither of these things can compare as both are different. AIM burst isn't an esper for one and is more similar to fuze=Kazakiri.

With Mikoto, we don't even know if it was the same thing or something entirely different. It's also not her own power as she got it from an unknown source.

Accel's wings though seem to be connected to his own power and doesn't need any outside help to bring out the wings, barring his own mental state and other personal factors, like protecting someone, going into an outrage or being backed into a corner.

I liked it when Accelerator's only power was "control vectors."

I thought it was jobbing

The Accel anime is so much better than the manga at pacing, holy shit. Still needs the jew stripping though

And that was bullshit to begin with although that technically is still what his powers are, they just include, imaginary, magical, conceptional and metaphysical vectors now instead of only physical.

What it needed was a rewrite

The text said it's IB that flowed in but not necessarily accurate.
Aleister said Rensa tried to read/connect Touma inner self which caused her destruction.
What flowed in might be the IT/or one of the swarm.

It still is, he only controls vectors with the wings, it's just all understanding the vectors themselves

He controls vectors without wings. He has said multiple times that he can control any vector.

Everybody does, not only the espers.
Pendex, Aleister, God's right seat. Every human that ascends in some way gets angel traits.

That makes sense.

He has to understand it still, that's why he was spooked by magic in NT3 and didn't get confident until NT22 since 545 was helping him

Since what she does is copy people's powers, she probably copied Touma's power, not IB or the swarm.

Of course but that is different from controlling vectors. Accel can control vectors via his ability but certain vectors he has to understand before he can control them but he can do this with or without wings though.

Remember when he had to physically touch something to vector it? Remember when his power had more to do with reflection and wasn't just a bullshit "I win, I can do everyting" button?

You already know Aleister

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Remember in OT5 when he totally used reflection to save Last Order

Dumb power-ups ruined a good ability.

He literally controlled wind in his introduction volume.

Yes, by physically touching her to cure the illness.

Because you're constantly touching the air, which was the only reason he could make the tornado wings.

He could do things other than reflection from the very beginning. Controlling the wind, making someone explode via blood manipulation and rewriting a brain. It's just that Accel was too much of a jobber to use anything but reflection most of the time back then.

Remember when he had an entire conversation explaining how his powers weren't just reflection and instead listed all the bullshit he could do to kill someone.

He doesnt

Mikoto a literal best

>had more to do with reflection
Read the post again. Controlling bloodflow was never much of a jump from redirecting attacks, since they're both "direction control" powers.

His power was never limited to redirecting attacks, direction control or anything close. Thats just the simplest application of his power.
He controls all vectors. To think anything less of his power is a mistake. OT3 repeats this multiple times.

Kakine manga first chapter should be called True #2

guys can you lewdpost a bit I need an erection

Will we get the magazine tomorrow?

Only a total rewrite could save it, from the beginning they chose the wrong concepts to focus on.

His power was never limited to direction control
What do you think vectors are, user? Just curious.

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Are you trying to kill my erection

Soon, it'll also have Railgun 3 info

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A mathematical concept, not a physical force.

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This is why Accel's ability is so broken because he literally controls a concept.

He could just get Uiharu to do that.

Vectors are Magnitude + Direction

>anime adds clothes to her
>makes her thicker
somewhat based

The hottest.

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Images defined by geometric primitives as opposed to bitmaps.
Something far more complex and with far more applications than just redirecting attacks or controlling blood flow.

Kamachi's definition of vectoring is fucked, and is why a lot of people over the years overestimated his power

And why attempting to frame it as a lesser power is silly since you can apply the concept to areas that are untouched in Raildex like time and probability.

Actually probability is related to sparks and Othinus claimed mgs can use time magic

Accel controls a concept that can be applied in a variety of ways (most commonly, direction and speed)
Kakine can create matter with any kind of physical propriety in a human-brain complexity level
Mikoto can control electricity and everything that entails
Mugino can shoot beam
Misaki can control humidity in a scale large enough to cover a large room but also intricately enough to control someone's actions remotely
Gunha can do whatever the fuck he wants

Don't you think someone got the short stick

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All espers powers are tied to probability and pirate girl used a form of time magic.

All Mugino needs is some black makeup and dark red lipstick.

Mugino is just a watered down Mikoto. If a Kihara had her power they'd put it to better use since she can breakdown particles

Mugino's power is to fuck with a fundamental property of a fundamental force.
Her power is as broken as Kakine's, she is just far weaker.

Those clothes honestly make her sexier

Cant wait for the delay

>no news on SKGK since it was announced

Is it weird if I want to cuddle with an indifferent naked Mugino who doesn't care how much I'm groping her

No one actually manipulates time or probability. Othinus doesn’t send Touma to the Heian era, no one makes someone as lucky as Hamazura for a volume, etc. Those concepts are mentioned but untouched.

IB made the dragon incredibly unlucky while Touma had incredibly good luck without it

They already said the gameplay is being revamped so it's probably delayed.

in physics

No one ever claimed vectors were a lesser power. But they should have stayed consistent, not as some shortcut to gaining angel abilities or an all-purpose deus ex machina just because the writer wants them to be.

Nah, you just have no fucking idea what a vector is because you're a failure who couldn't understand even the most basic maths classes.

The original definition might have been wider than necessary, but it is still written. Accelerator shouldn’t suddenly be limited to certain applications of vectors when his power was originally given a more lax range.

Attaching and unattaching IB doesn’t come close as an exploration of that power.

>dude Accel’s power is bullshit he can only control movement he shouldn’t be able to do all these things
>user says as every single fiber of his being is in constant movement along with literally everything else in the known universe
But no seriously, are you fags new to powerlevels? Accelerator is essentially a telekinetic with auto reflect as a feature. Telekinetics are broken.

>Literally Odin's chosen
>Endless MG blessings finally had an opportunity to work on him
No shit he is lucky.

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I think Mikoto is too cute

Shut up and post Touma, it's what Accelerator would want.

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>The original definition might have been wider than necessary
His ability was supposed to be broken. He is the true #1.

Vectors are used in mathematics, computer science, and if you want to get cheeky biology as well as physics and Euclidean geometry.

Accelerator would hate the anime style and only like Chuuya.


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I just want the novel(s), I'm not into those DQ builder games, because there were some really nice designs

Vectors are a mathematical representation that can be used for most physical concepts. Considering Accelerator can even control metaphysical concepts with vectoring, he can use any esper power with enough knowledge, including weird shit like dark matter.

Hamazura had the chance to spank this and never did

I imagine she could do more but she's just a gorilla ape retard who can't use her brain

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He can still do it whenever, Mugino begrudgingly orbits his dick

Pretty sure he stole the idea from Soul Eater and wanted to make it "sound cool"

>literally too dumb to use her power
>still gets to level 5


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Soul Eater was only starting when OT3 was released user

There's at least 3 Level 5s that either don't get their power or are too stupid/uncreative to use it

>an all-purpose deus ex machina
That's how his powers were always supposed to be, a near god who is deliberately kept from evolving. The first time he ran into difficulty, he nearly took full control of the atmosphere on the fly.

Gunha doesn't count

Using vectors to warp reality on a quantum level seems pointless when he can more easily manipulate all phenomena on a macro level.
Why go through the trouble of manifesting pyrokinesis when redirecting a fire is much easier?

>tfw no GF who electrocutes you every day
It hurts.

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Which not Level 5 espers can beat Son of a Bitch?

>he thinks the only other use of vectors as a representative for telekinesis is in Soul Eater

(gay) batter

Post time-skip giantess Misaki should be a thing. She needs to be like at least a head taller than Touma.

>near god who is deliberately kept from evolving
But the whole purpose of the experiments was to evolve him.

Just stick your dick in an electrical outlet.


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It would be in character for Crowley to brazenly use false information to justify inconsistencies.

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Saints are the amazons of this series, we don't need more

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It was never supposed to work and you could see that since the fight with Touma caused him to evolve way further than the actual experiment.

Because micro is actually cooler than holism

Should've read the novels instead of the shitty anime. S1 cut the epilogue where Aleister reveals he never intended for anyone to reach Level 6, and it was to spread the sisters across the globe

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lel that makes sense

Mikoto and WILL will fuse

Do you think Aleister approves, directs and funds every experiment in the city? Lol, he doesn't even know science and had to rely on Kiharas for everything.

Should’ve read beyond OT when it’s revealed that wasn’t the experiment’s only purpose

Thats kinda his job.

So this is what an anime only looks like

He only puts his dick inside the softer big tiddie junkie

Please do quote it


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>it was to spread the sisters across the globe
Bullshit, why not just ship them out to various labs without killing half of them then? You know, like AC ended up doing anyway.

>he doesn't even know science


Because all of AC was made in order to develop Touma in a specific trajectory. Accelerator was a boss for him.

>From the information he had gained from his past experiences, the first purpose behind it was likely to scatter almost 10,000 Sisters to the cooperative institutions around the world in order to spread the effects of their AIM diffusion fields.
>Since an angel-like being had been created within Academy City by messing with Last Order, the second purpose seemed to be for the Misaka Network to act as a guidance device to control a massive aggregation of AIM diffusion fields.
>And there was the term Dragon he had come across in his time working for Academy City’s dark side. There was the true monster called Aiwass hidden behind it. Aiwass itself had said the angel-like thing Accelerator had seen in the past had been nothing more than the mold to give Aiwass form. That was the third purpose.
>In that case…
>What did creating Aiwass accomplish?

So why doesn’t Touma save all of the clones and Accelerator from the start instead of letting them get slaughtered and forcing Accel to act as the villain?

No? His goals and the goals of the other board members are separate, which explains why they actually outside of his will so often. Various labs have their own goals and probably don't get all of their funding from board members. Gensei even tells Misaki "The Board of Directors requested this experiment" without mentioning Aleister.

>meanwhile he didn't even attempt to summon Aiwass after NT18
Also Aiwass got off the sister's network in OT19

>laughing shrimp loli in the background

What point are you trying to reach here

But "spreading the sister's across the world" is not directly related to that goal, it's something separate. There was literally no reason to put up a front for shipping them out to different countries. If that we're the case the city could have done it after radio noise ended.

Because Touma's strong sense of morality is only born from being surrounded by corruption. It's fucked up

He is the board chairman. Overseeing the shit happening in the city is his job.


How is facing a low ranking scientist abusing both Accel and the Sisters less of a demonstration of corruption?

He lets shit happen because his plan only "works" if it goes all wrong

>Overseeing the shit happening in the city is his job
In theory, but he's essentially fooling the whole city because he's a magician. He leaves the daily operation up to his board members while plotting unbeknownst to them.


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Mikoto is an actual god

It is. Spreading AIM around the globe means he can summon things outside of AC like Kazakiri in WW3. The MCs weren't supposed to participate in WW3 at all. Hamazura was supposed to be dead, Aiwass ruined his clutch on both himself and Accelerator, and he was sending troopers to take Touma back to the city when Mikoto jacked the jet in OT20. And also, the Sisters are being used in SS2 to hunt down and retrieve Gemstones in various countries. The project was set up like dominoes to be stopped with multiple purposes. Level 6 was always irrelevent since he said he needed something beyond that in OT13, that something beyond is either KnT or the swarm, evidently.


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Fighting Accel is the fun type of corruption where you defeat the bad guy and save the girl, not the boring type of corruption where large scale societal changes are needed to save someone.
Touma likes to punch people, not facing faceless organizations.

Did you not read NT or something? Aleister created AC from scratch. World Rejector could banish things like street poles and the AAA because Aleister created them. Aleister is a magician that doesn't use magic because of sparks. The Kiharas are like his chained up dogs with Archetype Controller, not his slaves to make things. The board members are politicians, not scientists. Aleister even displayed his scientific prowess in NT21 when he made that cannon out of mall materials

You can't tell me Crowley is actually doing administrative shit when we only see him floating in his tube and talking about occult shit.

Some faceless scientist or Hound Dog could just as easily be the guy he punches, and he gets a greater win by saving more people.

Its a hands off approach.

She mentioned using up a ticket and having a time limit, so its probably related to that

Pisstube has many functions. With underline he is everywhere.

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>Aleister created AC from scratch
Kamachi never went into great detail how he created it. I think it's safe to assume a guy from 19th century England with no modern scientific expertise would've needed help.

This dumb meme again, it called “personal reality” for a reason you retards. If this was even remotely true Rensa would show some new skills instead of using the same shit and Byouri wouldn’t need to use cuckined research to pull of her limbs. No Kihara can use meltdowner better than Mugino

He literally has nanomachines survillance cameras floating all over the city

He quite literally created millions of plans for every scenario he could think of. Academy City had a military freeze-up in NT8 and did nothing about Gremlin because he abandoned them. In SS1 he warned the leaders of LAC on the phone that he'd nuke them if any espers go "missing". He's been working 24/7 for decades, that's why Aiwass said he's never stopped moving forward, no matter how many setbacks appeared

It wouldn't be as satisfying for Touma.
Defeating the strongest esper and saving 10000 girls is far more "heroic" than defeating some dude in a lab coat to save 20000 girls.

I bet a chuuni Kihara would make iron man jet booster which would automatically make it better than Mugino

Because it would raise alarms. If they were instead shipped out under the reason of “oh the experiment didn’t work and now were trying to distance ourselves from the illegal cloning bullshit”, it wouldn’t raise any sort of alarms to what was actually going on

Defeating an obviously sinister bastard like Amata would be essentially the same if not better.


Aleister was already called a generational genius in Raildex. The 3D Aleister and Raildex Aleister went in different paths after the battle of blythe road. In 3D he went on to live a hobo's life with some hispanic girl, in Raildex he went full on madman with thelema, which in case you didn't read on the wiki, doubles down on Aleister's perception which states science and magic go hand in hand. Even in real life he had worldly skills and was a spy for Britain in Germany in both world wars

Aleister controls the information available in the city as well.

>“oh the experiment didn’t work"
Radio noise failed long before Level 6 shift did.

Does anyone know if Unlucky Star is dead for good?
Mostly delegated to the board of directors, but he's still a huge micromanaging autist.
>millions of plans
>niggas literally think everything is his fault, i.e. BLOCK, because it usually is
>nanomachine surveillance

mugino has already covered meltdown beams around her arm, use it to increase her speed, and use it to create a shelf that melts shit before it hits her

none of this would exactly be new to her

He doesn't get enough credit for saving AC from Vento.
The only reason Touma was able to defeat her was because he kidnapped LO and summoned Kazakiri.

>Some faceless scientist or Hound Dog could just as easily be the guy he punches
No, they couldn't, it's not in the spirit of the novels. He'd get shot and die, because those people have ordinary power, guns, and Kamachi wouldn't let Touma win.

Why did he need to be such an asshole about it then? There was no need to "retrieve" Last Order using a villain like Amata, pissing off Accel for no reason and nearly getting him killed.

Dont make a new thread until we get the magazine info

Yeah, Amata doesn't get nearly the credit he deserves.

There's no need for absolutely anything Aleister has ever done, user. It's why he gets fucking shot in the back

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>Germain is salty after getting vore’d
Were Anna’s guts that toxic?

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He wanted Accel to unlock Black Wings and it was easier to control him through GROUP

Accel would have never gone along with it and there was no time to explain anyway.

And he only did that so he could summon Aiwass. Obviously Noukan didn't exist back then but you can see why he was so nonchalant about Vento, he had umpteen different things he could've used, but his choice led to both EXP for Touma, and the whole dragon situation, which gimped him in the end.

Who said anything about that? She'll act as ladylike and dainty as ever, she'll just really tall. I've just come to love the idea since Haimura released the character models for the girls in NTR22, and Misaki's legs were so long I couldn't believe my eyes. Imagine how much legs a 180cm Misaki would have.

To be fair Kakine is an exception. Up until Sample Soggoth, Dark Matter was hard wired to slowly say fuck off to anyone who isn’t him

Aiwass was materialised through Fuse Kazakiri. Aiwass is his secret weapon, which is why he got so smug and said he could finally try it out.

Mikoto needs a third buff

Holy secondary user, read the fucking books. Alesister is /sci/ as fuck.

Pegged by black guys with gigantic cocks.

He could have got it if he wasn't acting like an asshole for no reason

The real Aleister wasn't, he was just an idiot obsessed with stage tricks

It is if you're a girl, Misaki.

He worked with the British government if you consider that to be even worthy of commending, although drugs and sex were still the core of his life

And we are all clearly talking about irl Aleister.
Off thyself.

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Holy secondary user, read the fucking books. The whole point of magick is being more than a party trick.

Well bloody hell ya git, blimey me biscuits

I was more referring to who because apparently I'm retarded

I don't think a single black guy has ever appeared in 15 years of Kamachi works, just like how Muslims don't exist in Raildex