So, all NTR spoilers were fake or what?
Araburu Kisetsu Episode 8
Sonezaki has surprised me greatly, though.
>are you not entertained?
>he doesn't know that it's a manga adaption.
Kazusa a BEST
I cannot make my mind. Is she worst or best girl?
She can only blame herself. She treated him very coldly during all this time.
Thread is here
>official thread
>3 anons talking about being alone in high school
There's nobody talking about the show itself you cunt
>2/5 already confessed and have mutual feelings
I have a feeling that the drama for this cute autist is not over yet. Is anyone from the main cast even going to have a happy ending or just MORE DRAMA?
We are not even halfway. What do you think?
pouty peach
>We are not even halfway.
Ep.8 out of 12.
The biggest villains of this season. Pieces of shit
How wholesome.
I can't say I expected him to look like this.
this was pretty hot desu
>In the wrong hole, but she's a stuffy student council president so she secretly enjoys it there.
This episode made me feel so warm and fuzzy inside. I can't wait for Okada to ruin it with NTR and drama.
Gyaru is actually fucking great
My face when Nina pulled her bullshit.
Why do you spics like Kazusa so much? She's so boring.
>he didn't fucked niina
izumi is a fag
I'm a spic and I like Sonezaki the most, so do the spic weebs I know irl.
>Wanting to fuck a dirty slut with daddy issues.
Nah, he made the right call.
Te gyaru is actually the least slut.
This is the face of understanding and acceptance, right?
This was fucking kino, holly shit, so many fetiches at once, bravo.
But what was that that Izumi said to her?
"He may be a creep pedophile, but he must really like you, so I'll help you fall pray to him".
kazusa deserves to get NTRd
Finally a man of fine taste.
best girl is now 2nd best girl spot up for debate
God fucking damnit christ bullshit nigger. I need this manga to start getting translated. Once I see this ep, I will now be past the english TN of the manga.
I am scared of uncharted water boys.
Hold me.
The stitches from the other thread.
mating dance of the wild autist
>Kazusa was actually going to step up and do something but Slutawara ruined it
Worst girl.
Kazusa got confessed instead. Nina actually helped her.
Can creepy director guy ship her to Epstein island already?
best fucking girl
We actually are 2/3 done already, how long do you think this will go?
Let me guess, japanese learners are having a meltdown over this line.
I want to fuck Sonezaki with glasses on.
Oh shit, this guy is literally me.
hey goys, what's the confession song called, i can't decipher moon runes
Koibito tsunagi
Why would they? That's pronouns 101. That's exactly what made it funny that Hongo read so much into it.
So are the last few episodes basically taking the Kuzu no Honkai route?
Sonezaki is first (megane), but Kazusa has a cute plain girl vibe/look going on
>hey check out how hard i can pee
really good post