post the worst girl from your #1 favorite anime

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>your #1 favorite anime

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Never watched that series of pokemon but I can still tell you have bad taste, because she's a cute brown girl.

>favorite anime is Pokemon
Fuck off Ashfaggot. Iris is top tier.

Thank you.

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Post more delicious brown Pokegirls

no, she is the hottest pokegirl
>favorite anime
if your favorite anime is pokemon you shouldn't be allowed to leave /vp/

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You should seriously consider joining the church of Ixtab.
Sword and Shield already looking to be top tier for waifus. Too bad everything else is trash.

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>pokemon is an anime

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Unironically kill yourself

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>Unironically kill yourself
Cant do that kiddo, I already have plans to kill myself ironically

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My penis cannot cope

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My favorite anime have no worst girls


>Your number one favorite anime is the fucking BW part of the Ashime

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He probably meant the anime in general

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Nothing better than platonic casual nudity with no shame. This was actually a common practice in Japan before Christian missionaries ruined everything.

Honestly both are nice

Iris was fine, she was more of a "sister" type to Ash instead of the usual schtick which pissed everyone off for some reason

I can't; all the girls in soft ghost's show are good.
I guess one of the mob would-be murderer girls would count as worst.

White Nessa is better.

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Accept it.

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Go back.


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I hate tsunderes.

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I don't know what's worse, Iris as worst girl or Pokemon as your favorite.

Fucking plebs

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Is that supposed to be in regards to our favorite show taste, or worst girl taste?

You're lost, this is a worst girl thread

For a good portion of it.

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I aware, it's the very reason I posted a worst girl

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>post the favorite girl from your #1 worst anime

She hurts the tone of the series and doesn't make sense to be part of a band of mass murderers like the phantom troupe.

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Although I must admit that I liked her a little bit more when she got her "character development" haircut but that was purely from a design standpoint, especially when her hair had the white streaks in it I liked that a lot

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