Like you're a corpse.
Daily Sketchbook Chapter
蛇遣い座 hebitsukaizai:Ophiuchus (constellation), the Serpent Bearer.
蛇 hebi: snake.
遣 tsukai: Use, usage, user, trainer, tamer, charmer.
使 tsukai: Use, send on a mission, order, messenger, envoy, ambassador, cause.
That's all for today. I wonder if the kinds of kids who would try to make a big pile and the kinds of kids who would try to make a big hole in the sandbox says anything psychologically.
Early posting today. Tomorrow is still unknown.
They always go to Tori.
i wish i had a friend like fuu-chan my hair always sticks up
well? is it quiz or question?
Tori should try making her own dressing.
Sora get your shit together already.
Maybe Asou should stop wearing disguises.
shit, we dug holes too, expect we dug giant holes together with everyone in class.
Kuga doesn't play well with others.
>mfw that Sora was literally me as a kid and even late teenager
is the manga sketchbook greyscale?
the catverse is fucking huge by now
Hebi user sounds like something out of a battle shounen.
Smug Haa-san.
Thanks for the chapter, 3 of 5 cats in that page are bastards.
You stole my joke from last night!
you should take it up with the court of joke settlement
>Hebi user sounds like something out of a battle shounen.
they should figh it out with sasuns users, better known as sasunsers.
Just how many children does Mike have?
Thanks OP.
I'll get judge Ryou.
They're named because they are mike, not the name Mike.
Thanks user.
>Tomorrow is still unknown.
That's always the case, isn't it?
my defence lawyer is barrister Asakura
Do you trust get to defend you properly? Or would she do what's funniest?
That would work depending on who the judge and jury are.
I don't know, they're only doing it so they can wear the robes and the wigs. and they all want a turn swinging the gavel so I'm not sire how this will work
Japan doesn't have the wigs.
Nothing's stopping judges or attorneys from wearing wigs, user.
Wigs are kinshi.
Wigs made of kimchi? Must smell horribly.
Is this nisekoi?
Can you provide a picture? I have no idea what that would look like.
No one has ever seen one and survived.
A sou.
Too gory.
I always wondered why the author keeps calling the cats bastards in this page.
Have you ever had a cat? They're all bastards.
It's not a japanese court so it's fine.
>it's fine
Wait, there is a fine for wearing wigs outside Japanese courts?
You need a proper license
Where do I get one?
the licensing office.
I don't get this one, is there a like a cavity gap in the wall or is she talking about somehow managing to make a bouncyball bounce between an open window and the frame? Because that would take amazing skill, you would be coming in at an angle with enough energy to keep a ball bouncing rapidly between the two.
I have this same problem with sellotape.
Oh hey, she had eyes when she was young.
does Juju like spotify and music streaming now?
I also wasn't sure about that so I spoke to Kamiya, she told me "get good"
No, is just not the same.
analogue purest?
I want to dig holes with Kugacchi
>even late teenager
Even me now in my mid-30s...
some of them became civil engineers or equipment operators
>Only one cherry tree in the park
Is this even Japan?
>Is this even Japan?
No, this is odd Japan.
I wish I knew this 20 years ago...
NOW the sketchbooks make sense.
Meant for
which one?
The second one.
Full of suspicious people.
電柱 denchuu: Lit. electric pillar
電信柱 denshinbashira: Lit. telegraph pillar
信 shinji: faith, truth, fidelity, trust. Also what Kuga is using for "believing".
メリケン粉 meriken ko: (wheat) flour. Not just a coincidence, it was initially a new kind of flour imported from America.
甲子園 koushien: Koshien (location of Koshien Stadium, where the Japan National High School Baseball Tournament is held). To get the consistency just right, the field is made of a mix of different kinds of dirt from all over Japan and other countries.
I've never heard of anything like koushien being another name for flour.
That's all for today. Once you start looking for those bins with separate holes that go to the same place, you see them everywhere.
Late posting today, no internet at sea. Tomorrow is still unknown.
What are they supposed to do as club advisors anyway?
Make sure the students don't do anything too crazy.
Thanks, user!
Asou is so damn relatable.
Asou is so damn friendly.
Asou is so damn cute.
sensei' hair reminds me of something but I don't recall what? it's not SZS.
the window doesn't need to be open, it's made from several panes of glass with wooden supports separating them in between so there are little cavities between those supports. still sounds super impressive though.
Isn't that a tangerine?
Isn't that an apple?
If the inside is the same, then why the bin has two holes?
Thanks as always user.
Imagine what the art club members could create if they were unsupervised.
no it's a type of japanese pear with a specific name that I'm forgetting they kind of butchered the fruit jokes.
we'd need to remove Pres too
>Kurihara would create bee hives,
>Kuga would trap Negishi in a rape dungeon
>Sora would just draw more cats
>Kamiya, Fuu and Ryuu would form an alliance
The rise of the demonic age?
Buchou would think they're crazy, but not be powerful enough to stop them.
What do you call that phobia of holes that was a meme here many moons ago?
Thanks OP.
>No internet at sea
Are you that desperate to go back to Japan you are swimming there?
>Sora would just draw more cats
Oh no! Not cats!
>What do you call that phobia of holes that was a meme here many moons ago?
Trypophobia I think.
The worst thing about is, if you google the word to know what it is, you get the pictures shown to you.
Not just cats
If I could swim to Japan in 25 hours, I think I could qualify for the Olympics and go next year.
>Not just cats
So ... unjust cats? That's even worse!
bigger, fluffier and more snuggly
No! Please no!
(And evne with quads ...)
as they have spoken so it will be, cats from cover to cover, big cats, small cats, young cats, old cats, fat cats, thin cats, alley cats, house cats, tall cats, warrior of justice cats, A never ending army of cats
we need old possum's book
>we need old possum's book
So they'll be singing antropomorphic cats? That's okay.
Will they write letters too?
They'll write kanji.
>They'll write kanji.
"あ" is not a kanji.
Sakaki's not a kanji either.
What about kanojo?
That's not a kanji either. It's two: 彼女
I guess we'll just have to make it 嫁.
Sakaki isn't a lady of the night.
Well, let's not make her one then.
Does oil not do this naturally anyway?
I've cooked stuff with oil, but I don't think I've ever eaten anything so greasy that it leaves oil behind. Is ramen really so oily?
Thanks OP!
Wow, that's almost as good as a Hirame.
>Japanese only pretend to recycle.