So is the message behind UBW that superhero/capeshit ideals are retarded and anyone who unironically believes them needs to grow up?
So is the message behind UBW that superhero/capeshit ideals are retarded and anyone who unironically believes them...
Translating Seigi no Mikata as superhero was a mistake
No....that's just what archer believes. No one said you had to believe them too.
gib a proper translation for the uneducated onegai
Congratulations, Fate actually is 2 deep 4 u.
Not him but I think it means hero of justice.
Crime fighter.
Hero/Champion of Justice and superhero both sound fucking retarded to me, I wish it would have just been "hero" even if it's less accurate.
Ally of justice. Not hero, or a fighter necessarily.
He says that they're absolutely unattainable but he still strives towards those ideals anyway because they are by themselves admirable and beautiful. Of that's a takedown of western superheroes it sure is nice of them, especially since they nearly all come with that message nowadays.
Homelander is unironically a better deconstruction than Shirou
Weak bait.
kill yourself
It's important to realize that it's heavily assosciated with tokusatsu, Ultraman, Kamen Rider especially, anything like that. It's certainly a different genre from western comics like Superman, but idea that his ideals are childish and based on idealizations of justice translates most accurately to "Superhero" This is basically a perfect example of where a TL note should be used, translate it as best you can and chuck a number on it where people can read more if they care.
The main difference is that Japanese hero media doesn't focus on strength or power, but resolve and principles (and the power of friendship). The idea that Shirou is fighting a losing battle for his principles is what makes it an almost exact parallel to "Seigi no Mikata" from classic media.
>The idea that Shirou is fighting a losing battle for his principles is what makes it an almost exact parallel to "Seigi no Mikata" from classic media
Why does western capeshit never focus on those principles?
Because western ideology focuses on victory through strength.
So western ideology is shit?
UBW is exactly the opposite
Hero has a different meaning in the setting. What Shirou aspires to is not what Saber and the rest are.
I know
It's good, don't let the shitposters drive you away.
it's made by netflix, so it can't be good.
watch it and find out or not I don't care
Isn't it the opposite? I thought the message is that being a hero/whatever is an unattaible ideal, but it Is a noble one and there's nothing wrong with aspiring towards it.
American superheroes are all about pushing leftist agenda. The common good was abandoned long ago.
how can Yea Forums read this shit
No. Retard.
They are on the right side of history, incel weeb bigot
>puting a collar on blacks
based wonderwoman reinstating slavery
the message is that you don't actually need any writing talent as long as you get flashy animations for your porn game animation
Yet those ideals prevailed in UBW
Fate Zero was the "you can't save everyone"
while Fate Stay night was more "I WILL save everyone"
It's all right to pursue an unattainable dream as long as you find the ideals behind it beautiful and accept that it may hurt you down the line, basically.
>when even fantasy comics depict trannies as bland and ugly
I bet you were particularly confused by Serial Experiments Lain because you thought every time someone said something, it was the author speaking through them to tell you the truth and not mere characters spouting their own personal opinion.
UBW was "I realize I won't be able to save everyone but even then it's worth trying to"
Imagine playing a porn game for commentary on heroism and justice when shows like Concrete Revolutio exist.
Yes and no. The most important point is that Shirou's ridiculously self sacrificing version of superhero ideals are retarded. But the actual ideal of becoming a hero is still portrayed as a good, if unattainable, goal.
It's much more clear in the visual novel. If only because you played the Fate route first.
Man what have comics become
>The main difference is that Japanese hero media doesn't focus on strength or power, but resolve and principles (and the power of friendship).
What the fuck is this shit, do you even read western comics? American heroes are all about principles.
Since when were japanese hero types not overpowered, naive ideologues who solve problem with big explosions?
>There is no unrealistic body ideal, just use genetic engineering, like me
Heh, based eugenists
Concrete Revolutio is trash compared to Fate.
the message is
unlimited shit writing
"Super heroes aren't realistic"
Groundbreaking, never thought of heard anyone put that idea forward before. I hope that isn't all it has going for it.
The problem is that it IS associated with characters like Kamen Rider and Ultraman in Japan though. Considering those characters are superheroes I don't know what compromise the translation could have found. Maybe keeping it as Ally of Justice would have been better but I don't know if the point would have been made.
Far left principles where anyone right of Karl Marx is literally Hitler
But that's fitting because Shirou is fucking retarded.
This is your brain on /pol/
true, i just think it comes off weird, the more direct translation doesn't really make sense if you aren't familiar with the idea and superhero is offputting to me.
get the fuck out Yea Forumsmblr
Fuck off
LEL cap was literally turned into a Nazi because he was a white male, this is the capeshit hill you are willing to die upon
That's why the elected a president that's famous for not even knowing the concept of truth?
what nation is he talking about
if there is a hell im sure it looks like this
The principality of Monaco.
post more cringe Yea Forums pages
Rin is only useful as an onahole
What happens on tnehe xt page?
That dyke with the pokeball hair is right. The Amazons could overthrow every man in the world with very little trouble.
Does Wonder Woman actually give an excuse for why she doesn't do that? I know it's realistically a bad idea, but I can't imagine the leftist authors admitting that.
I want to remind everyone here that the people on Yea Forums who love and praise this shit are the same ones calling you weeb, incel, and making fun of you for enjoying tokusatsu, anime and manga. This is the banner they wave into battle.
is that near wakanada
Wonder woman knows she's just a shitter and would stand no chance against flash or Superman or MM
>The Amazons could overthrow every man in the world with very little trouble.
im dont really read comics, but the amazons really have that kind of power? can they really win a war against all the world? in this question are other heroes and things from comics included?
It frustrates me that capeshit has remained the dominant form of comics in America for the past 60 or so years
>who runs the world
Fun fact : By treaty, if the ruling family of Monaco doesn't produce a direct heir, Monaco becomes a part of France.
And they don't have the possibility of saying "no, you move"
I don't read comics anymore but I'm still sure that's not captain Brittain
It's like they're all cold or something.
Could it be that they deny global warming?
here is the legendary pulp magazine hero The Shadow, who lived through the Great Depression, chastising school shooters on their white privilege and fragility
As far as I remember, they're a whole species of Wonder Women.
i feel bad for the writters, having so little talent
nothing in this panel is edited
imagine writing that
and manga get shit for being childish and edgy
Oh man this thread is a blast. Post more fags
there is another page that talks about his 'old man penis' as well
Yea Forums of course applauded this characterization
the people who say so (Yea Forumsmblr) also applaud this in the same breath
>Amazon is Netflix
It was written in like 2004 for that matter
>saying "feminist" like it's a four-letter word
How would one do that? At most, you could abbreviate it to "fmnst", but that's 5 letters.
There's not any way to abbreviate "feminist" to 4 letters and have it still be recognizable.
they mean like cunt/fuck/shit etc
it means using it as an insult basically
I don't like this thread.
But that's what it is?
Wtf, glad I stick with manga
What’s with the influx of Fate threads?
movie just came out on blu ray
Ah, gotcha
*btfo bigots*
Nice Jotaro pose.
Their strength doesn't come from their principles, though. They're OP motherfuckers who just happen to be good guys. Viewed another way, they're people who use their absurd physical strength to force society down the path to their ideals.
>The main difference is that Japanese hero media doesn't focus on strength or power, but resolve and principles (and the power of friendship)
Dude what? This board itself is flooded to hell and back with Weekly Shonen Jumps manga where the only thing you can count on for sure is that the hero will defeat the villain by learning to punch REALLY REALLY hard.
You’re looking at this purely from powerlevels aspect. Yes their physical strength comes from a freak accident or alien birth of some kind but what separates them from the 100 other freak accident aliens is their own strength in will to follow a path of altruism and selflessness for others instead using your new found electric powers to get rich, or get back at your bullies or take over the galaxy.
That’s why the hero always wins. Because the hero has that mental and emotional strength that the villain does not.
American comics are all about glorifying the villains though, they spend decades having the Joker piss in the audiences face with literally no repercussions then want to clutch pearls and screech about the startling number of evil incels out in the world.
I mean he still loses. That’s why he’s always trying to beat Batman or the Bat family because his last attempt failed.
they dont, they screech to no end about it constantly
I don't blame them, but from what i've seen the board is full of faggots who watch god awful shit like steven's universe
> thinks Yea Forums likes it
there is a reason why they were sent to /trash/, they dont if you dont know the place then you are better of not assuming shit then, that place is mostly
>screeching at this I dont like
>muh SJWs propaganda
>ITT we post obscure waifus
UBW is just weeb for Man of La Mancha.
>have impossible ideal
>confronted by impossibility
>retain ideal despite impossibility, strive for perfect impossibility
Kinda yes. Makes sense. Nasu is trying to save boys from becoming retarded. She's probably imune to capesshit since she's a woman
Thank Christ I haven't wasted even an afterthought on such a shit industry in the last 14 years. I don't know why they think the next round of movies will succeed, when all of the characters/actors of worth are gone or have jumped ship.
Too be fair, Yea Forumsmblur does exist and other like minded retards think their opinions have value or merit. The amount of non issues faggots on the board get their panties in a twist over is unbelievable.
>Yea Forumsfags follow Fate franchise
dear lord
Can't blame them, lads must be starving for some decent demi-capeshit
No. The theme was that an ideal can have an intrinsic value and should be followed for its own sake, regardless of the consequences.
I wonder how Yea Forumsfags feel that Saber alter would have obliterated their beloved Thanos
But I want to be a Hero of justice, I want to help people and my autism makes me unable to ignore when someone wrongs others
>western stuff is only capeshit
I dont care about those nor I care for anything outside of OG Fate stuff
someone has been posting capeshit garbage in this thread
Zero - sacrifice the few to save everyone
Fate - I will save everyone
UBW - I will TRY to save everyone
HF - I will be Sakura's superhero first, saving the world is a bonus
Oath - I will save Miyu, let everything burn down
Why did Siegfried want to be a hero of justice too?
my body is swords
No, it's
>just because it's impossible doesn't mean you should give up and accept things being the way they are
Fate route = The ideal is beautiful and I can save everyone, I am a hero
UBW route = The ideal is beautiful, I can't really save anyone, but its trying that actually matters no matter how many I have to kill in the process, at least I still believe that its a good ideal.
HF route = The ideal is impossible, its just an ideal after all. I can't save everyone, so I'll save those I can. Sometimes saving a single person can be harder than saving an abstract idea like the entire world, I choose to narrow my field to protect the ones I love since I realize I can't save the world, I'm just a human, but I can save my family.
Each route is about breaking down the abstract about being a superhero, and realizing that its an incredibly shitty thing, and watching the hero slowly pick a new path or become human again.
Shirou's ideal of a hero involves becoming a mass murderer eventually as a natural course of action, there's no course of action that doesn't involve him becoming a mass murderer and then being killed for it as long as he plays hero, its retarded.
Why so many fate fags this past month?
shirou's ideal was to save everyone, everyone.
but it was not his ideal.
it was a borrowed ideal from kiritsugu that was beautiful, imagine a world where no one is sad and everyone is happy that is what shirou wanted.
becoming alaya's dog archer had to rationalize peoples lives which turned him mad, him borrowing the ideal led him astray, he did everything to protect the ideal.
when he fights emiya he sees his determination begins to see his old self and remembers kiritsugus dying words, which he forgot from being alayas dog.
someone post the unsolicited opinions on israel page
Fate has always been part of Yea Forums dumb crossboarder.
>this past month
Mate I've been starting sakura vs rin shitposting threads for over a decade now It wasn't worth it
That's why spiderman bailed.
Not really. Shirou was just presented with the fragility and flaws that exist within even the greatest of heroes; becoming a hero isn't going to magically make himself a better man or the world a better place. I mean, his final opponent in the route is Gilgamesh, humanity's first champion, a demigod born with every advantage under the sun, who still manages to be a lazy, snivelling putz.
Concrete Revolutio is actually good
I can't tell if this is a parody or not
is this shit worth watching at all or do I get more out of the vns?
The message is that Rin is hot.
>source material that is twice the length of LotR
>24 episodes and 2 movies
You tell me.
Vn nerd,read it
There is no other way to achieve victory, retard. Strength is literally defined by whether you can achieve victory or not.
>victory through weakness
If you're willing to read the gender-bending tripe from Nasu you can stomach Amazon.
Red Skull? More like Red Pill
Even Fate Shirou doesn't believe he can save everyone, you dingus.
That's something most people figured out after the first episode though.
basically HF
Too bad she smells real bad.
>not emiya tied to the track with 5 other people while sakura is sucking the magus juice out of Mr. Lever
Who else is ready for King Arthur building a wall and slaughtering thousands of middle-eastern refugees?
>Yea Forums shit in my Yea Forums
this board is completely demolished
You can be a hero but not in Nasuverse where almost everyone is an asshole. Shirou would be fine if he lived in another world, maybe BnHA or something.
The hero we need
yes, but also you should get with a fertile female.
Everyone who says this must be only halfway through UBW or just stopped reading before the fight with Archer
Shadow NOW was a better “””woke””” Shadow comic, where the Shadow was the same sexist, callous dickweed he always was but this time he had Margo’s granddaughter along to say shit like “it’s 2013, an agent of justice doesn’t grab ass anymore get your shit together”, Shadow initially not thinking it mattered and still overall being a force of good but being a jackass the whole way.
Much more subtle take, more in keeping with the tradition of the character
This guy actually got it
wtf this guy is the villain?
Jesus, he said nothing wrong.
Next page is literally
>Okay now go suicide bomb yourselves, thanks
He just says what people wants to hear, so they follow him like mindless sheep.
Well if they're going to bomb places like that still sounds pretty based to me.
It's exactly the opposite, brainlet. Many dreams/ideals are impossible to achieve but that doesn't mean it's not worth the effort to at least try.
No, it's about internal meaning from your actions being sufficient cause to act, even if literally no one in the world would agree with your actions.
It's Nietzsche's overman, literally.
That's the point. Put good ideas into the mouths of villains, so that the audience learns to associate the two. It's social engineering and it's been happening for decades.
Gotta keep the thread alive, bump
There is a reason tañk no juutsu is a thing, user. In shounen its all about ideals, even when the resolve of those ideals manifests in punching really hard, the main focus was on the ideals. You can find this in every shounen