If part 6 not getting animated means part 7 won't, fuck part 6. I don't hate Stone Ocean...

If part 6 not getting animated means part 7 won't, fuck part 6. I don't hate Stone Ocean, but absolutely fuck it for holding back a much, much superior and kino part. Only cucks will dispute this.

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>skipping parts

Why wouldn't part 6 get animated?

we had this "part X never" meme 2 times now, shut the fuck up and just wait troglodyte, its clear as water that DP is going to adapt every part

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There are still some retards believing that DP won't adapt every Part?
Just realize it's a part of their plan - they don't announce the next Part right after the previous one ends, because they want to milk that cash from Blu-Rays & merchandise; if you keep saying "The next Part depends on fan's support" instead of "Hell yeah, the next Part has already been in pre-production for a few months", then you can go away with everything you want to sell, because hardcore fans will buy it to "make sure" that the next Part is happening.
It happened with Part 4, it happened with Part 5, it's a thing with Part 6 as well.

Take what you can get retard. The universe doesn't operate on "Part 6 or Part 7, there CAN ONLY BE ONE," part 6 will be animated because it concludes the entirety of the story already animated, its the end of the Joestar story. Part 7 not only is disconnected from all previously animated parts, but is of a different genre (seinen), is the longest part, and as others have pointed out, presents unique animation difficulties because of the context of its story. I agree that I would be more excited to see part 7 animated, but part 6 being animated is not what is "holding back a much, much superior and kino part"


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Your reasoning skills and logic are awful.


Part 5 retard not liking the best part

>Steel Ball Run animated
>ever happening
Wake up.

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If you could sit through something as terrible and embarrassing as part 5 then you can sit through part 6, I can tell you're an animeonly because 5 only appears to be good because of DP's changes. Part 5 is only good for its fights, everything else is awful.

>5 only appears to be good because of DP's changes
Imagine liking literally anything about the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure anime.

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6 is way fucking superior to what you've posted

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I think Japan TV not favorable Cowboy.


Credit goes where credit is due. DP did a good job taking that shitpile and making something coherent.
Araki must have been braindamaged writing part 5.
>drop Fugo and do nothing with it because you were too pussy to deliever on anything
>introduce deus ex machina arrow because main villain is too strong
>everything about Chariot Requiem
>skip an entire epilogue, Giorno is suddenly the boss with no explanation of how he got there. How did he get there? Who did he contact? How did the servants know the boss died when Diavolo was so anonymous?
people actually defend this

Part 7 will never be animated. You're retarded.

>DP did a good job
Stopped reading right there.

The source material was already broken, they did their best

When did they fuck up?? Explain your opinion you bait posting retard

>He thinks Part 6 isn't getting animated
Ok fag

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Part 5 adaptation was great.

Holy fucking shit what happened? Part 5 used to be THE part everyone fucking shitted on and hated but now Stone Ocean is the new thing to hate? SO isn't bad and I bet your secondary faggots haven't even read the damn thing and are only parroting someone else's opinion.

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6 haters are the jojotuber crowd

This, they all hate it for retarded reasons

I hate secondary fags so much. I'm not going to pretend this community was so much better before them because it was still kind of shit only less so. But secondaries are the fucking worst and wherever you go now it's DO YOU WATCH JOJO LE POSE xD. I want to go back lads.

>If part 6 not getting animated means part 7 won't, fuck part 6.
Part 7 is why Part 7 will never be animated, dipshit

>thinking part 7 is anything remotely resembling kino
>part 7 only has 2 interesting characters in the whole part
>asspulls as hard as part 5
part 7 niggers are some of the most tone deaf faggots out there. seethe harder you don't get to watch gyro get cucked.

>part 7 only has 2 interesting characters in the whole part

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Of course the 5igger says this

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The question is will DP catch up to Jojolion or not?

BTW what is the motive of jojolion?
Every part has had something to it: blood, battles, stardust, diamond, gold, stone and steel.
Metawise it's bubbles but does it connect to the name?

>KC memes
>only interesting characters in part 7 are gyro and valentine
>no actual response
here's your last (you) faggot seethe harder your part is shit.


>KC memes
Not relevant
>only interesting characters in part 7 are gyro and valentine
Johnny, Lucy, Stephen Steel, Wekapipo, Diego, Pocoloco, Mountain Tim and Sandman
You just have shit taste but that's okay

Jojo lion well I guess but I was hoping for something that only makes sense for Japanese people

Araki saw the word "Evangelion" and thought it sounded cool so he replaced the "Evange" with Jojo

Could it be possible that araki saw evangelion for the first time around 2010?

> part 6 bad
> part 7 good
t. mutt

Both are shit

they don't have enough money for that and jojo isn't that big

>What was the process and the decisions that led to Part 5: Golden Wind, getting green-lit for adaptation?

Omori: The start of the project was after Part 4 ended. Well same goes for every series, [we have to think about] the next series after the previous series ended. We have to think about how popular the next series is going to be, and how satisfied our audience will be. That’s how we plan the subsequent series.
For the story, we have the original work to work with, so there will be no changes. But how we are going to staff the next animation production, like who the director is going to be, who the character design is going to be, we work with the Shueisha to figure that out.

Sueyoshi: For Part 5, I wasn’t involved with the very beginning of the project, so I’m not familiar with the actual process. However, how it normally goes is that Warner Bros. would talk to us (hey we wanna do this), and then we would talk to Araki-sensei (hey, we would like to produce the next series) and we go from there.

>inb4 DP goes the GOT route and just makes up what happens next in the anime if Araki doesn't catch up

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Would it be better than what araki is planning? no

just wait two years you jofag

What the fuck kind of retarded post is this?

*its clear as water that DP is going to adapt every part up to 6

Everyone always hated 5 and 6 both you delusional faggots. It was considered that those parts being bad was what "forced" Araki to reboot the series

Part 6 is literal diarrhea, it's clear as day that it won't get animated and that means no part 7.

is there anyone in here that thinks part one isn't the worst of all of them

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It's better than 2 and 4.

It was just the "blandest" when compared to all the other ones.

You do realize that when it comes to shonen, Vento Aureo's got one of the best disc sales this year, right?
5000+ sold copies for almost each volume is pretty fucking great for a shonen anime in 2019.
Part 5's merch is doing good as well.
JoJo's anime adaptation is nowhere near the most popular anime in Japan, but its fans are loyal and buy stuff related to it, so it will always be profitable.

You see, and that was the case with Part 5 anime as well - it got greenlit in January 2017, but I still remember an interview from September or October of 2017, when the producer talked about how the future adaptations depended on fan's support and that they were still spectating disc sales, even tho they were already working on Vento Aureo.
Stone Ocean is probably already in its early stages of pre-production; writing scripts, making storyboards etc., but the strategy to keep it a secret is much more efficient for them.

Part 5 was hated way more than Part 6.

Well it still had the best Dio and I love how unhinged and ridiculous it is, in a fun way, and not like part 5 (which is objectively the worst).

Doesn't change anything I said you retarded faggot

No but what I was saying is that Part 5 is getting nowhere near the amount of hate now compared to when it used to before the anime adaptions. Part 5 is suddenly a fan favorite.

People saw it was actually good with a proper translation and visuals instead of shitty scans with super high contrast and broken english
Part 6 will have none of that

This, they said "support the series bro" with part 4 too

they fixed the awful pacing that is the part 4 and 5 manga, so yes.

Nah a proper adaption can do wonders. Adding VAs, animation, color, a soundtrack, etc etc can greatly improve your opinion of a series. I'm sure once SO gets adapted it'll be looked at more favorably.

This, fuck DP.

The pacing is arguably worse in 5 because they keep interrupting fights with everybody's sob story which take up about a page in the manga. And also constant fucking talking about the most obvious shit (but this is more of a general issue with these adaptations).

I never understood where people get an assumption that JoJo is doing badly - the Blu-Rays are selling better than fucking MHA, AOT or almost everything in shonen genre; it's got licensed on Toonami, it is amongst the most popular shows on the streaming services, the ratings are very good...
Simply nothing indicates that there won't be a next adaptation.

>Very first OP way back in Part 1 hints at Jolyne
>Morons think DP won't animate 6

The only thing preventing them from animating 6 will be if 5 doesn't make enough money to continue, and Japan loves 5 so 6 is assured.

The only thing up in the air is whether or not 7 gets adapted, since 6 is more contentious and 7 is a reboot/new universe thing, and not as popular in Japan (though still decently popular, just not 3/5 popular).

Autists wanting the adaption to fail and looking for scraps.

Part 5 sucks


Finally! someone with brain!

>Stephen Steel

>Interesting Characters

Opinion discarded.

>Not interesting characters
It's okay that you didn't read Part 7

Part 6's final OP better have the inversion of this.

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Steven Steel is based and really underrated.

people said the same about part 5

It's all getting animated, this shit prints money.

Steven is based. Sandman and Pocoloco were wasted potential, specially Sandman.