Why is anime so popular within modern contemporary hip-hop culture?
Why is anime so popular within modern contemporary hip-hop culture?
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Edgy white boys listen to this shit lmao
People who listen to hip-hop are subhumans.
Ironic weeaboos are subhumans.
A match made in heaven.
t.still listens to death metal after 18
>metal is the only alternative to nigger music
Imagine ignoring a whole genre full of great music because some black guy bullied you in highschool.
People who listen to music are subhuman
What else is there? Boomer rock, country, electronic, foreign music
Whatever your taste is im sure its ear AIDS as well
I only listen to anime music
Toppest kek, you have no friends to enjoy music with
Empowerment platitudes offer an escape for disadvantaged minorities in poor suburbs. Why do you think black kids love DBZ so much?
this shit is ass for rap
Post good rap.
lil peep is dogshit
your post is
New album when?
how to fags like you even end up on Yea Forums
The biggest consumers of hip-hop are awkward teenagers who want to feel badass.
Basically the same kind of people who listened to Death Metal in the '90s.
Why is Yea Forums so popular with people who want to talk about normalfags instead of Anime & Manga?
This but unironically.
>great music
Lmao. Just fuck off you fucking tasteless wigger
Unironically yikes from me.
>I only listen to anime music
>no viper
Just kill yourself, my man.
>What else is there?
Are you fucking retarded?
I remember hearing that Kanye was into anime. I thought that was just a meme though.
Touhou remixes as well
Are you?
Shonen threads obviously. This is what anti-Narutofags were trying to prevent. Mods didn't listen
Let's see your music taste.
The ironic weeb slippy slope into non-ironic but they keep the same shit taste. Just Yea Forums really.
Yeah that's about the response that I expected. Kill yourself
Anime music at home and touhou eurobeat in the car.
Instrumental music like classical and old chinese erhu stuff is relaxing. You know the asian music you'd hear as background music in MMOs. Chillwave from a while back was also good. Japanese city pop is aesthetic too.
>He's actually mad
Holy cringe.
My favourite.
More epic canned responses from the resident Yea Forumstard
>black guy bullied you in highschool
Imagine living in a third world shithole that has niggers.
this, black culture is garbage
Oh and how could you forget the "Yea Forums" card. Remember kids, when you are out of arguments to defend yourself, just call your opponent a "Yea Forumstard" or "le go back to >". Fucking predictable. Try something new once in a while fatass.
>Imagine hating people you never meet in real life
cant be me
This. There was one black kid in my school and he was rather nice. Rap is still shit.
You must live in some slav shithole or something. Theres niggers in fucking Iceland.
Wow look who's mad now. Just go back there
Yeah, I totally wouldn't want to get AIDS, because I didn't experience it. Kill yourself.
Why don't you got there? I don't play or have an interest in video games but you seem literally obsessed with that board. Rent fucking free.
Actually there's increasingly an amount of listeners of doom/sludge and hip hop because they overlap in some feels.
not like you can get laid anyway lmao
Slav shitholes have exchange students from Africa.
black people are the one group with which you should do that desu
dial 8
>Rent fucking free
offsite memes out
Nobody on Yea Forums can. Not even niggeranons.
See "Thad".
>I-I'm not from Yea Forums!!!
>*uses another crossboarder catchphrase*
Just stop. You're embarrassing yourself
Rent free is not from Yea Forums retard.
Oh Thad got laid alright
Enlighten me then.
I don't know if you're joking but he did say in an interview that he had lots of sex in prison.
What do you think, Yea Forums?
Pretty sure it got popular somewhere around the 2016 elections with /pol/.
unironically sounds terrible
Oh ok, so go back there
Nice may may.
I remember an user saying he had an interview somewhere.
>Dragon Ball Z wasn’t worth watching until Cell came
Is he right, Yea Forums?
Frieza arc is the kino DBZ arc.
That arc is peak DBZ.
Cell nearly emulated it with Gohan, but seeing pissed off super saiyan Goku was pretty kino.
Goku has never been like that since that arc. Even in the cell arc he was smiling all the time. Frieza arc was the only real arc he wanted blood.
Android/ Cell arc was when most blacks started watching DBZ so it makes sense why he has such shit-taste.
It was on YouTube, and the interviewer was really bad. You should just be able to find it with Google
>Android/ Cell arc was when most blacks started watching DBZ
What kind of dumbass assumption is that?
I grew around these type of people so it makes me at least 15% black.
Can you use the N-word?
Only around my mom.
So are murrican Jails as bad as Aus jails?
We still use penal colony jails in some places. Some of them had panopticons for some time too.
Hell some jails only just got toilets instead of chamber pots.
>You don't like rap? It must be because you were bullied, loser!
Imagine projecting this hard. Not everyone's a peer-pressured blockhead who picks music as a social statement, you know.
Because of the rise of the emo sub-genres, Lil Uzi Vert/Yung Lean (Sadboys) and the likes of them in the soundcloud scene popularized it. Anime is very emoish itself and very flashy in a visual sense, so it helps to stand out in the crowd and be "unique"
>rent free
>offsite meme
go back to wherever you came from or lurk harder
whatever twitter users dragged here in 2016 is not Yea Forums culture, let alone Yea Forums culture
I have an anime OP playlist whenever I go lift weights.
I play it so loud form my headphones sometimes people hear it but when they see me mogging them they dont even react or hide it.
Post bod
I dont want to. I am still really unaesthetic. I was fat all my life but my shoulders were always naturally wide. Instead of skinny fat I am muscle fat pretty much.
> I was fat all my life but my shoulders were always naturally wide. Instead of skinny fat I am muscle fat pretty much.
Nah My waist is thinner but I still have a gut pretty much. Dont shame me nigger.
t. Big boned
Underneath me is a skinny person. I am just putting on muscle faster then losing fat is all.
Post your body then faggot.
Nah, Im cool. You first.
I thought I was the only one.
>Google: no results
>Yandex: no results
when the fuck do you niggers even listen to music?
I can only listen to it while on the bus; it distracts me while I'm working, it distracts me when I'm drawing, it distracts others when I'm jerking off profusely (but then again, I'm not listening nor even remotely focused on the music), when I'm high I watch anime- not listen to music, when I'm stressed I can't handle any noise let alone music, when I'm too relaxed I can't listen to music because it overstimulates me to the edge of comfort...
the only time I have for music is bus+ when neighbourinos are having too loud talks or housemates are drunk again/having the good ol' episode of mental issues that were never diagnosed
all in all I can conceptualise somehow that some of you can take music to a high regard, what I can't really wrap my head around is where do you find the time and occassions for your daily religious listening to the overglorified blend of noises you monkeys will defend to death as "objectively true patrician kino music"
What? Did you really think I was gonna post someone else?
post body now queer
This is actually the first time I have posted body mainly because I knew I could flex on manlet weebs who like to bully people.
You got a pretty good body if you're not in the gym 3-4 days a week. Probably couldn't out run many people, but you shouldn't get KO'd against anyone unless you just didn't fight back.
It's popular everywhere.
It is popular everywhere because so much of Western media has shit the bed.
I go 5 days a week. Down about 36 pounds from last year. I can run decently fast but my stamina aint much with that tire strapped to me.
People hated robb because he told the truth
>those fat saggy tits
>that neckbeard
Holy shit, do a fucking cut already dickhead. And while you're at it do yourself a favor and buy some razors.
Seriously, if you lost the weight you'd probably look pretty good.
This shit does not happen overnight.
Yeah, I misread one of your posts and thought you were still bulking. You good homie.
Music helps me focus and get into the right "mood" so to say for the activity I'm focusing on, whether it's drawing, working, or vidya.
I do miss getting high and listening to music, but I'm on a tolerance break.
Kek, what the fuck? Niggas are advanced.
Although our struggles may be different, we are all musclebros.
Finally escaped Auschwitz mode recently and I'm glad that my joints don't hurt everytime I move.
Pick one and don't make me post webm of african tribes eating live monkey brain or murican blacks grinding each other like animals on heat.
Fuck yeah
Love this track and have never heard anyone else ever mention it
OutKast is the GOAT.
welp, it's still kinda weirding me out how polarising the music can be, as in it helps some focus whereas it completely distracts others, shit's bizarre- I wonder how the music would fit in if I tried opiods (which should decrease the stress of focusing on other things) or meth (which should increase focus)
>the customs, arts, social institutions, and achievements of a particular nation, people, or other social group
Regardless of your opinions about the quality of their culture, they undeniably have one.
burger jails are probably worse than australian ones due to absurd amounts of black people in them
Only rap I kinda like
it is?
90s was the peak for hip-hop, it's a dumpster fire now.
I like listening to those naruto rap amvs
Based. youtu.be
Pretty good the best ones I found were the momoshiki fight ones
Why are there so many subhuman wiggers in this thread?
Slav shitholes have slavs.
Im not white though
Still embarassing to listen to rap.
mad wite boi?
And what music isnt embarrassing to listen to? The dumbest shit comes out of peoples mouths on this site, I swear to god.
Amerilard negroes like anime. Especially shonen.
And white people dont?
Yep, pretty much.
>not listening to morbid angel while reading moe sol manga
what a fucking faggot
To a WAY lesser degree.
Rap is dumb as fuck, theres nothing heroic about it, all its about is either showing off what you got or bitching about the law.
Rap is boring as fuck and transcends nothing.
What the fuck? Imagine missing on video game music and orchestral music from japanese entertainment in general. But yeah, add classical to that mix and I'm pretty much the same.
Hip-hop and rap music is the dumbest kind of music ever conceived and I feel personally offended by their existence. It throws away everything music is supposed to be about - melody, harmony, composition and replaces it with niggers talking over some primitive beat. From a musical perspective it's iredeemable crap, in case it's supposed to be about the text instead, then it's even worse. People who identify with some sub 80 IQ nigger's attempts at sounding badass have as much cognitive capability as an undercooked potato and should have their citizenship revoked. This is further reinforced by the fact that fans of hip-hop and rap tend to score lowest on SAT tests.
If you can find the time to watch anime or do any other kind of recreational activity in your free time, you can also find the time to listen to music. I mean, just instead of one anime episode, you can spend 20 minutes listening to music instead. I believe you don't lack the time, but instead motivation. There is nothing wrong with that, different people choose different means of entertainment.
Bro, Touhou Jazz is awesome
>not looping Haiyore! OP all day while sponaniously bursting out singing between thinking when to finaly off yourself
fucking normalfag
>t. listened to Eminem once
It doesn't even matter what did I listen or not listen to, although I have to say I wouldn't dislike rap nearly as much if I wasn't exposed to it quite a lot during my life. Why doesn't it matter? Because rap is unsalvageable as a genre. Attempting to create a good rap song is like attempting to create a tasty meal out of fecal matter. It doesn't matter if I only ever tried diarrhea soup, tasting shit crème brûlée will definitely not change my opinion on that entire genre of cooking.
Because niggers latch onto everything good and ruin it. They need to be exterminated.
I exclusively listen to Hip Hop, Gagaku, and Enka, after experimenting with various genres.
I absolutely loathe shoegaze.
Anything by Rhymeberry
They even have one of those boyish-looking girls Yea Forums loves so much
Dimwit: Hip-hop, breakbeat hardcore, jungle, pop punk, hardcore punk, house, techno
Midwit: Post-rock, post-punk, shoegaze, prog rock, every metal, noise
Intellectual: Hip-hop, vocaloid, dark ambient, anime and vidya OSTs
Galaxy Brain: J-Pop, idol music, J-Rock
>I have listened to very little of this musical genre, therefore the entire genre is the same as the songs I did not like
Nothing exposes you as an uncultured neckbeard more than an unfounded hate for rap and hiphop.
i unironically enjoy this kind of remixes
it's literal thug music
you are a low class serf.
>all anime is garbage. it's unsalvagable as a genre. how do I know this? i've watched five of them. it's literal bugman animation.
Literally (You).
Anime is not a genre. If you want that allegory to make sense, try "all isekai is garbage...", oh wait, that's actually correct.
My allegory doesn't need to be perfect to get my point across.
What point? There absolutely are genres that automatically make a show sub par, because the core principles and boundaries of the genre make it so. If you replace the blabbering nigger with someone who can sing and the annoying beat with music that has actual artistic value, it stops being rap/hiphop. Now I would really like to discuss this further, but I have to go to bed as it's getting really late where I live, I must apologize.
Listen to more music, newfag.
Only rap that's worth listening to was made before 2000.
This thread is full of trash. At least post shit from anime
Finally, somebody in this thread with some taste.