Shingeki no Kyojin

How are you liking the EZ-centered final arc?

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Other urls found in this thread:【進撃の巨人】ネタバレ120話考察!泣いているヒ-35738

Explain this

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Obviously Eren cares about her so much that he decided to rape her, for her own good I might add

This but unironically

>”_____” and her nose will survive
Fill in the blank.

Stop Ymircuck

It can't possibly be this easy to talk Zeke out of the dream he's had his entire life

Zeke already looks confused and they have just started

I miss Yumiru

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>no new ip
Fuck off rapefag

>Missing all of that concentrated sleaze
I don’t

Enter GODren, breeder of queens, destroyer of cucks, master of Ackerdogs, terror of Liberio, rumbler of worlds, Reinersbane, beater of mongs, revolutionary of Paradis, feller of the Colossus, devourer of the Warhammer, paragon of freedom, hero of Trost, and king of the New Eldian Empire.

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Hwy was she not scared?

This thread is not free

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Mikasa will protect her brother's family!

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what's there to fear?

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It's not, it's actually gonna be harder once they reach the end of Grisha's life. Eren will have to step in.

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Because it's her Yumiru.

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>“Historia. From now on, no matter what Eren does… As I thought, you’ll keep saying he is a hero that protects everyone…?”
>“As long as he keeps fighting for us, I will keep saying that."

What did she mean by this?

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She is redpilled

>No translation or raws of that one LH orphanage smartpass

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Ask Kodansha, they wrote it

Stop posting fateshit then maybe someone will.

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Apparently it is included with vol29? But LHnips won't share shit

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supervised by Isayama
>supervised by Isayama
supervised by Isayama
>supervised by Isayama
supervised by Isayama
>supervised by Isayama
supervised by Isayama
>supervised by Isayama

Is this an actual sex scene?


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So the anime is canon now? Good to know!

Yes it is.

>So the anime is canon now?

Heaven's feel movie?


So is Historia getting memories form the letter canon?, and all of those added EM scenes?, and all the cut content that never happened in season 3?, and the fact that Mikasa doesn't have a Hizuru tattoo? Good to know! Supervised by Isayama btw


we did it Reddit xD

Yes, all of these things are canon.

So that's the reason why fate is popular, huh should've known

Mom, sister, dog
all in one

So were EH in a relationship at that point already?

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You have no idea

I doubt it, but maybe they had one weakness moment

Reminder that Eren is in his own HF route right now and that Historia is his Sakura.

Post webm then

What are the best EH fanfics?

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Write one yourself self inserting roastie

There aren't any good EH fics. Sadly, the western fandom just doesn't get this ship or they can't write a story without including Ymir and Mikasa in it.

That's what they also said about the fujoshit pandering smartpass stories.

I also noticed lack of Historia with Eren's baby, funny how half of those are from our drawfags

>EH fanfic
>when the snk community in ff is either still stuck in s1/2 or dellusional fujos

How could Eren resist?

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What is the purpose of Annie except being eaten? She can't contribute much to the plot doesn't she?

For example?

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Surprisingly there is a lack of fujo pandering in those, even Erwin said he wants to have children.


Isn't that when Erwin's love letter to Marie was revealed?

Manlet and Erwong wanting to open a tea shop and I think there was some fujoshit pandering in manlet's and Nile's dream stories for example

The nips still need confirmation before they can draw EH with a baby.

It's sad because I believe Erwin would want Nile's life

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Shingeki no Kyojin by Hajime Isayama.

Dang, no wonder snk fujoshits are losing their shits recently

What? Erwin doesn't want to open a tea shop, that was the manlet
>there was some fujoshit pandering in manlet's and Nile's dream stories for example
I dont remember any pandering


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I think Nile called him handsome or some shit like that

Whorestoria >>>>> Boringstoria

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Yes. So many ErwL fanarts featuring zombies. They're spoiled. Meanwhile EH fades into irrelevance in nipland.

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ErwN is unironically better than ErwL.

Call me crazy but maybe people want to draw the ships they like

There is more LH pandering tan anything but I think the orphanage series are very interesting

>fujoshit pandering stories
Yeah, like the one where Erwin writes a love letter to Mary?

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Bimbong >>>>>>>>>>

What's the best love song for EH?

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>You will never be Hanji's househusband

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Armong is boring. What is the point of this character even? He does absolutely nothing interesting except sperging around.

Don't you know that every anime needs to have a cute girl?

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Absolutely agree. Both are handsome, tall and sexy. And they're not connected by an artificial magic bond.

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Someone just posted it in the last thread.

And Erwin died for this bait for gay pedos

But Erwin was more fujobait than any other character

I want Sawano to make another song like this

But at least he was not for pedos and his character was good unlike Armong

Glad Erwin's death doesn't budge the readership too much or else we would be stuck with mentally ill landwhale fujos till AOT ends.

>fan arts
>Impying that mean anything
Daily reminder that Erwin loves Marie and want to have a family, now kill yourseld fujo

Would you rather have Eren going full Arminfag? Because I sure as hell wouldn't.

>Erwin loves Marie and want to have a family

Manlet killed him, you have to let it go

>Erwin loved Marie*
And Marie is Nile's wife.

I like to believe Nile is who Erwin would be if he wasn't as curious and bold as he is.

Still better than having him on-panel. At least he's dead and no amount of sperging will bring him back.

Kek, keep seething landwhale. Daily reminder that your slashfic wil never be canon.

Bisexual people exist. Same sex families exist.

Stating facts isn't seething

Marie is such a lucky woman.

>I'm sorry Hange

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Wtf did Eren do to her... Ymir always made her smile. but Eren had to ruin Historia's life for his bullshit

Dumb LHfag

best girl

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I really like veterans a lot, this is one of my favorite stories:

Erwin was ahead and someone behind him fell from their horse. The horse’s neigh could be heard. It must have been alarmed by the roadblock. Even though the horse was trained for the military, if it was handled by an inexperienced youngster with poor riding skills, it would voice out its rejection.
“Let’s go now!”

After Erwin confirmed with his own eyes that the fallen unconscious fellow cadet was fine, he immediately chased after the horse that lost its rider. When he brought the horse back, the fallen fellow cadet was receiving medication from the other.

“You… prioritized the horse over the man.”

Later after that event, he was blamed for being ruthless. He was told that if he had any feelings, he should have tended the human first. However, the young Erwin flatly rebuked.

“If a person were injured, going back would only be possible by riding a horse. You can’t run away from the titans if the horse is injured.”

Since his words were based on the situation of expedition outside the wall, his fellow cadets were stunned.

I love his logic. I feel bad for Nile and sadly I doubt he will eat a shifter

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>died without tasting the serum once
>will die as a titan
The tragedy...

I personally love seeing Pissu suffer.

>somewhere a fat fujopedo faps to this

>Mommy Hange

>Nile will never see his daughters again

reconciliation soon

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>ErwL is mentionned
>The LP/bleachfag posts fanarts to cope

Erwin and manlet were only bros though, Erwin wanted Niles life.

If I recall correctly fucking Jean/Marco have got more fanfics than any straight pairings.

Why is this so important to EHfags.
It's just the moment Eren told her to get pregnant.
You can see the same scene when they are talking about the farmer.

I'm 300 pounds and just fapped to it right now. Came in like 30 seconds

>tfw they get back but armong is forever eren's bitch

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>Doing literally everything possible to save her and her descendants
>he is ruining her life

Pick one

Marco also beat most of the girls in a manga poll


>ErwLmod got triggered

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Why is Marco up there even?

No, because this would be against Eren's mentality, snk's themes and basically would be the proof that zeke is right and that eldians deserve the be eliminated.

Manlet can easily kill everybody turning into a titan so the pregancy was an extra precaution.
I don't know why you're still arguing with that.

Just let her post EM and convince herself ErwL was canon or she wont shut up.

That's the contrary actually. There's been a surge of EH related posts on twitter recently, most notably due to a fairly popular blogger who regularly does snk chapter analyses and who wanted to know the community's opinion on the father's identity (more fanarts have been released these last few weeks as well). Link below is their analysis of the Hisu panel (acknowledges that chances of Eren being the father got much higher and the possibility that his and Historia's relationship grew deeper during the timeskip/after the Kiyomi meeting, but still thinks Farmer is the father, mainly due to their own bias towards Mikasa which they themselves acknowledge):

There was even a thread on 2ch (with a really clickbait-y ass title "Historia and Eren's child confirmed") a few days which got plenty of replies, most of which didn't seem to reject or mind the idea (there was even a small funny back and forth between anons wondering whether the scene of Historia crying took place before or after they fucked):

Overall I feel like nips are actually becoming a lot more aware of it lately.

Would Eren love Historia if she was ugly and fat?

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Erwin shows absolutely no interest to men at all throughout the story, but that won't stop you and your dellusional ilk right?
Seeth harder fujo

Why? I think only those two saw manlet how he really was and not a tool. Even without the Ackerbond manlet really appreciate them.
Trying to be objective of course about the ships you post here


Don't worry, Mikasa is totally going to forgive him guys.

After Joining in the SC is impossible being fat, literally the physical preparation to use the 3dmg is so intense that soldiers can't gain fat even after left the army.

She sure wasn't smiling when Ymir left her behind. Wouldn't be surprised if she was crying for a similar reason there.

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But would Eren love her if she was ugly and fat?

I only consider ErwMike to be better than ErwL

He unironically (ironically) would. Eren doesn't give a shit about physical appearance, only about how free his potential love interest is on the inside.


She has been left behind by Frieda, Ymir and now Eren while pregnant. No wonder she's depressed.

Love interest for the mong

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So characters that don't show interest in woman are gay then?

What if Historia was a guy then?

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One man is always by her side

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Who got the kids after the divorce?

Historio is hansamu.

No because gays are miniscule in population.

Staceystoria isn't a whore

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Dude, he was exclusively sucking Armin's dick until he met Historia and Armin became Bertmin in his eyes.

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Did you ever see Armin's abs? Dude was ripped af. Erwin can't surpass that.

Armin >>> Erwin

What does Eren's preferences have to do with my weight?

Erwin is a cuck like Mikasa

Still, amongst all the relevant characters it is very likely that at least one of them is gay/bisexual without us knowing about it.

Fujos probably.

Can't wait to see Eren BTFO Shitstoria in 2 chapters.

Yeah, Reiner and Ymir

Reiner is pretty much confirmed to be gay. Zeke probably too.

Even in real life, some of proclaimed "STRAIGHT MEN" aren't totally 100% straight... Pure words just to fit in the norm so no one will judge their STRAIGHT BS


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That reflects the best and worst aspect of Erwin, he is someone who thinks two steps ahead and someone who isn't afraid of going all in if it means absolute victory, even if he has to sacrifice others in order to get there.
He reminds me of Griffith in the way he walks a road paved with the corpses of his fellow soldiers for the sake of his dream, though he wonders whether he's doing it for the sake of mankind or just to accomplish his dream in his own selfishness.

I'm talking about characters of which we don't know their sexuality. We already suspect about Reiner and Ymir.

>just to fit the norm
Where did all these SJWs come from. Don't they get Japanese mentality is different? You are just easy to bait for money

Jeanfujos stuck in 2012 think that by stuffing ballots Isayama will suddenly make Jean gay and bring Marco back to life.

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Did Connie ever show interest in woman?

>reformed himself from the booli by becoming a farmer
He'll be a good father

>Zeke will betray his ideals for THIS

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Ymir is gay as fuck but Reiner gets an erection whenever Historia is on screen, if you wanna reach and say he's bi due to his conversation with Ymir, go ahead, but he ain't gay.

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They don't then the rest have to eat their tears again because they never get they are being pandered.

wholesome terrorist love

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Soldier Reiner = Hetero
Warrior Reiner = Gay

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>user thinks sexuality is a persona you can opt out of
Disgusting. Reported to tumblr.

Isayama is a big Westaboo so i'm sure half of the cast is gay/trans

I don't think he was faking this expression

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Will Zeke accept his niece/nephew?

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>no blushing
Reiner is a faggot

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His favorite movies have straight couples though

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That's the typical "arigato kami sama" expression

>never thought about Historia after he came back to Marley
Nice coping user

>"Marry me"
> just like me!
Nice cope faggot

Pretty much. And since the soldier persona is gone, he's just gay now.

>beats you up
>as you lie on the ground
>see this

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I'll write you one user, just wait five minutes

Imagine Reiner slamming her like a pig in heat

Armin is fucking lucky


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He was great, but if he continued to live he may have truly become Griffith.

Yeah, nor about Bert, all he cares about is Gabi.
That's comedy typical from mangas

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How many times is this going to be posted? It gets word each time

Armin is gay

>I am gay and want everyone else to be

He pretty much sacrificed all his men like Griffith did. The only difference was that Erwin chose to sacrifice himself too.
Manlet is pretty similar to Casca now that I think about it

Not him but that's japanese humour for you

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Mikasa is the one similar to Casca and manlet to Guts

Pixis knew Yelena’s recounting of her meeting with Eren was a mix of truth and lies. “It didn’t take long for the two of us to come to an agreement” is probably Yelena speak for “I told him about the wine to force him to comply.”

But a pregnancy would mean Zeke wouldn’t need to use the wine right away. It bought Eren time to do… *waves hands helplessly* whatever it is he’s trying to do.

It seems now that the hooded figure at the farm was Eren. Before departing Marley, he may have told Historia of the wine plot and that the only way to stop it was a pregnancy.

I still believe the pregnancy is a fake. Historia has been in complete isolation since Eren took off to Marley. Only a handful of people know her location so there aren’t many people to fool. In that case, her tears and anger are the result of her disappointment in Eren for pushing ahead with a plan she disagreed with.

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Is it gay to cuddle with your best bro in your shared bed

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I can't believe that Isayama finally confessed

I want manlet to stay alive


He has shown interest in Annie and Hisu

No he didn't?

Guts was all about wanting to find his own dream, though. Casca was a follower like Manlet (and all the three Ackermans we see, really).
Maybe now that he has lost an eye and some fingers he'll go full Guts.

If the pregnancy is fake, why is she sitting on the porch alone with a pregnant belly?

>Manlet is pretty similar to Casca
I can't find any similarity other than she followed his leader blindly.

No, Reiner is Guts since he does nothing but suffer

you can only choose one

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>Before departing Marley, he may have told Historia of the wine plot and that the only way to stop it was a pregnancy.
So, Eren is worse than Grisha.
>I still believe the pregnancy is a fake.

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I just want them to be okay

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This is the most i could find

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Post a ship and a song that reminds you of it

Annie is perfect. God I need to fap again.

That doesn't mean he is straight

He also called her cute when Hanji asked about her

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>No Hange
Rico it is, then.

Mikasa is a black guy?

for me, it's brown hair Mikasa

step 2

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And? You can see who is cute without being straight you know?

Just kill yourself you disgusting faggot. Go back to Tumblr

Frieda got freakin killed by erens faggy father

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He's straight.
Fuck off already you mentally ill trash.

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What did they mean by this?

Attached: [Ohys-Raws] Shingeki no Kyojin Season 3 (2019) - 10 END (NHKG 1280x720 x264 AAC).webm (640x360, 2.27M)

Even Hisu knows that Grisha did nothing wrong

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>Eren a bad guy now

Historia is not Alma's daughter. Frieda is the real mother

Eren bad

>I just want everybody to be happy

Attached: Futonmin sad.png (975x768, 553K)

Well if Annie, Rico, and Mikasa are taken then I'll just have Hisu.

>woah didn't see you there user

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Watch where you're going next time short stack

God, I love her so much


I wish I could read nips.

Gets me every time

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You should post Webms of futonmin if you love him so much

Japanese humor is also drawing assshots of titans and enjoying it.
Reiner is a faggot. Deal with it.

Please die already mentally ill freak

>this is how RHwhales cope now that Historia is pregnant and the father isn't Reiner

Yes? Just like girls like to draw girls more than men because they admire beauty?

I don't have webms but i have gifs!

Attached: Futonmin learning to fly.gif (480x270, 1.39M)

Reiner was mentally unstable since young i see

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t. arumong

So you need to reply me twice now and kiss EHfags asses now as a desperate move? That was japanese humour, deal with it

t. eren


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Anal sex with Reiner

Cute. Can you post more please?

You think there will be a season 2 of Junior High?

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>coping samefag
Reiner got assfucked herd during 4 years and there's nothing you can do about it. He even forgot about Krista in the meantime.

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t.people with taste

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Not him but I'm surprised gays want Reiner to be their representation after being humiliated over and over. If I were a faggot I would find Isayama homophobic

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I'm glad she's going to die soon. She's an unnecessary addition to the story.

I don't think so but i would love to see another season with the warriors and the new characters.

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It looks like something about height, Isayama said he wanted to make Eren and Hange height differences noticeable

Reinerfags look like they enjoy this to some extent.

>Reiner, sit.

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Are you the BAsp**?

Armong is a mistake.

Hope they don't catch a cold

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I'm not him, that guy hates Armin. I love all the characters but specially Armin and Mikasa.

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I mean, she still erased herself from her memories everytime, so she didn't do much better than Ymir and Eren in that regard.

He now has twice the testosterone and twice the hots for Annie since he's got Bert's spirit within him, watch as he confessess to her since Bert never could.


I thought you were an AAfag

Realistically they'd get hypothermia and a nasty infection from the river

Hisu would be a cute guy and he would be shipped with every man in the show. Making him automatically more popular.

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He'd just be Armin

All mine

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Glad to see some Nips have reached the stage of acceptance.

How? They have a different personality.

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Original GODren poster here. I got banned eventually and decided I'd rather just participate in threads normally. Here's the rest of the crap I added before I got banned if you want to take up my mantle.
>commander of the Yeagerist forces, the devil of all of Earth, securer of Eldia’s future, spawn of the royal breeder, Grisha, crusher of the Jaws,

>Marley attacks paradis
>Marley pushes all the blame on paradis
>Marley together with the world declares war on Paradis
>Eren fights back
Give me one good reason Eren is in the wrong.

I want to cum inside of Annie

I fap with Pieck


I'm actually AM/AA/EAr/JA/YA master race.

Official Zeke merch?

>Animated Porco next year
I'm not ready bros

Can't wait to see the Twitter screenshots when Eren does the deed in season 4

I love dogs so I'll have to pick Mikasa

Based GODren poster, your legacy will live on.

Is the redhead potato girl?

Yeah yet others can't ship EA without you calling them pedos

Fucking Guts tier rage moment.
Missed opportunity for Eren to rip a wood beam out of a house and turn it into a giant sword with the Warhammer powers.

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Gays suffer too, you know.
And Reiner is hansamu~

Hange is immune now and manlet Ackergenes will protect him

I don't do that

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Fujos care more about looks than personality in general, and even when they care about personality they usually just reduce it down to a cliche. Actually that applies to all shippers desu

I legit hope Eren triggers the nuke, if his faggot brother blueballs him out of absolute revenge and he just shits himself and dies I'm gonna be incredibly pissed.

Based Chadminchad

I still remember being so fucking confused when Eren saw Freida on the mirror. I really thought Eren was somehow seeing a female version of himself.

>no one will say cuckmin selfinserter

Wait you're talking about the character and not how fans perceive it, nvm

>we'll see him getting nommed next year
I'm excited

First Madaraposter and now GODren poster. We need to stop this oppression.

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You just did

Did Isayama intend for Eren to become a tranny?

>eren... could you please rub some lotion on my abs?

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Would this be within the 4 year interim?
Maybe she had feelings for him by this point, but I don’t think they became an item until Kiyomi’s diplomatic efforts failed abroad and fear drove them into each other’s arms.

>Give me one good reason Eren is in the wrong.
Methods mostly. Ideologically he is acting in the best interest of Paradis. However his methods are so balls to the wall that no one in just mind can approve of them. It's like he's lost his head. He's killed children and civilians, thrown paradis into a state of anarchy, lied to and outright imprisoned any dissenters even if they were his closest friends, and roped said friends into his genocidal crusade. Whether or not he's actually gone full villain or if this is one hell of an "end justifies the means" save; The man is a monster.

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I unironically think that Porco's death was one of the best death scenes in the manga

>PPfag talking to himself

What? Why so soon?

We're all talking to ourselves.

Eren is a hero. He is a good titan who doesn't eat people and he uses his power to fight to protect everyone.

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Why were you banned??
>Mods hate freedom

>Remains silent and still for a few seconds, Reiner assumes he gave up and is closing in to eat him.
>Suddenly a drum-blasting scream of anger to the feeling of having your head mangled apart.
Neo Eren is too good, I hope he wins.

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All Arminfags have always been either that or fat tumblr girls that treat him like a 5 year old

Apparently violated rule 1 somehow and I don't care to constantly get banned for the sake of adding 1 new title to the post every thread.

Muh poor little coconut!

Kill youself, eashizo.

Wtf quick rundown whats going on?

>tfw we will have to wait for about two years to see this animated

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Do people who haven't read Manga lurk these threads?

>Armong: 11465 results
The bullying has to stop.

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>season 4 will be it's last season
So they are rushing it. How are they going to fit all the source material into into one more season?


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Not like you don't bully EAfags or report every Bert fanart you see like when I posted 2 fanarts about bert (Bert, not fucking BArbage) and I got a warning because apparently I was spamming

Armin's face is so generic he attracts even common pedowhale on /cm/

If you're an anime only the short of it is that last moment of Eren pointing at the horizon and asking
"If we kill all our enemies of there will we be free" wasn't just lip service. He goes over there gives them a grim reminder killing a shit ton of civilians and children on purpose, takes their strongest titan (the one in that pic}. Creates his own insurgency that recognizes him as the true king and hero of eldia, kills the head of state, overthrows the military command, beats the shit out of armin, gets the survey corp taken to prison, then makes his friends and his rebels unite on his behalf anyway because they literally have no other choice. Despite his enemies doing everything in their power to stop him he's still primed to accomplish his aims. That's about the short of it.

You are right. I don't do that.

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If bort was so IRRELEVANT XD why does he still trigger anons over here?

>How are they going to fit all the source material into into one more season?
Season will be split in at least 3 parts.

They're going to rush it by cutting everything they can and focus over Manlet and Mankasa instead

Arminwhales, that's why.

>Hange: Oh? You grew taller before I realised it.
>Eren: That's because I'm in my growth period.

>Hange: You did grow up, huh... That means you won't be doing that anymore?
>Eren: Did you like seeing me do it?

>Hange: The Eren from back then was adorable
>Hange: But before I knew it, you grew up.

>Hange: Then soon after would inevitably come the rebellious period
>Hange: When you won't listen to me anymore.

>that moment when she imitates Eren's hairstyle to understand him better

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I wouldn't mind seeing more of Levi. They could extent the scenes in the forest with ZL. Or give LM some filler fights in Liberio. But don't cut Reiner he was the best part of Marley arc.

Thanks TLanon

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Dumblr is here

i dont ship ea,not everything is about your autistic ship wars

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What chapter do I start at after season 3?




1or 51

what are the chances that they actually butcher s4 like jc staff did with opm s2? im scared bros

I always write Levi, newfag.

If Araki is directing it, you should be scared, but there is a high chance that IG will do S4.

This pretty much. I love Eren to bits and it is undeniable that he's still trying to protect the island (even though we all know things would have been much easier for him and everyone else if he'd just accepted to sacrifice Historia), but there's a level of sheer insanity and extremism to his methods that cannot be ignored, but that's part of what makes him so fun to follow. You don't see those uncompromising, all or nothing type of madmen that often.

The problem is the season's name, they just had to call it FINAL season when Isayama is going slow as fuck

>Have sex, mom

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At least the wait will be meaningful
(Seriously, not even A1,pierrot or JCstaff would be able to screw up this scene)

Exactly, he can't wait for things to fix alone so he rather become a monster rather than other monsters victims

Do you think Reiner had a sugar daddy back in Marley? There's no way he's still an assvirgin by then.

>homopedo writing this ready to fap

How can you watch this and not ship them?

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Isayama probably told them they could call it that

>Called the final season
>Isayama decides to keep going even though he said he would end the story soon

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Will they ever reconcile?

Fuck wit, its not like they would enjoy this season

I don't think Marley officers want to play sugar daddy for an Eldian. But Reiner is a slut and can just fuck without getting paid.

I want to fuck Reiner's beard

>too much new characters
>change of tone
>no more humans vs big scary monsters
Araki is going to fuck this up will he?

>EM sinks
You tell me

Did Araki or WIT say something? They have to make an effort to improve the marketing for real

>Man stuck in 2013
You tell me.

I like thinking that Eren is an asshole who always walks into the room with bloody hands just to threaten everybody

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Araki needs to be replaced. It's the best solution for everyone.

And Wakano, he even removed manlet jump scare with Eren because no Erwin = no expressive manlet

What is drunk Eren like?

He's done it multiple times. He kind of is this already.

Why are Eren and Historia so cute and perfect for each other?

He can hold his liquor according to Isayama, so it's probably hard for him to get drunk at all.

>dubs and trips confirm
S3 only worked because Araki and Wakano knew how to keep ErwLfujos' cunts wet.

She's literally perfect for him

what this guy said
except do chapter 50 instead of 51. definitely have to go through uprising in the manga. its a lot better

Fuck that guy seriously

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>almost time for the poker game, everybody's arriving
>people chattering, shuffling cards
>Eren walks in holding up his bloody hand
>everybody is silent
>Eren slinks over to a chair and sits down
>"I am free"
>"Eren what are you----"
>holds up his hand again
>"sit down, keep your hands on the table"
>Nobody says anything, staring at him like shook Gabi
>"Now let's play by my rules"

Because Historia is a lesbian and Eren is a transwoman. They saved /u/fags together.

Bless them

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But I thought Season 3 bombed hard. I think they just need to move on already and try to give the new characters a chance.

God I hope so

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Season 3 did well
Stop listening to Yea Forums

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How well did the BD sell anyway?

>anime erases Hange
>exhibition wanks the veteran trio and Hange has a lot of panels exposed
I wonder if Isayama will go full Kubo mode

of course /u/ has a shingeki thread, could have predicted that

ema threesome when?


Have you noticed that WITs official account hasn't tweeted any announcement about S4? I think they can still be replaced.


Isayama doesn't have a chaotic relationship with Kodansha unlike Kubo so I doubt it.

They are full of Erwl and EM I doubt they are going to like this new season, much less if Isayama redeems Zeke.
A shame they are so stuck in the past

s3p1 definitely was shit compared to s3p2.

Why did Ymir sacrifice herself for Reiner and Bertholdt? Doesn't really make sense does it

>I like thinking that Eren is an asshole who always walks into the room with bloody hands just to threaten everybody
He keeps a knife on his person at all times specifically for this purpose.
>Knows there's no way in hell mikasa and armin would betray him
>yaegerists already in full control of the resteraunt
>Walks in with a cut on hand anyway just to assert dominance.


Because of love. People do irrational things when they're in love.

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True men choose Historia and Rico.

>Zeke leaning on baby Eren's chair

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Plot convenience.

Thats bad perspective

>fucked perspective
Isayama can't draw for his life

that baby is huge

marcel influenced her :^)

>Choosing a hag and an used good
"Men" indeed.

The absolute state of SJW.

Grisha's seed effect

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Well that's literally what he does, so it's not like it's your headcanon. It's fucking amazing though.

Mutual care, support and understanding. Also because it's the most esthetically pleasing pair in the mango.

Cope harder roastie

t. Anniepedo

She felt indebted to them because she murdered Marcel and wouldn't be able to live with herself if two more people who she could understand and identify with died on her behalf. Despite waxing all that "be selfish, live for yourself" shit it's been shown multiple times that self sacrifice is in her nature. Almost dying at utgard, turning titan to save a rando, Joining the military just to help historia, even pretending to be ymir for the cultists which is what got her titan'd in the first place. She's a hypocrite, that's her character flaw. always has been.

please don't speedread.

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Endgame brothers right here.

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it makes more sense that marcel influenced her. your headcanon is no better than mine

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>your headcanon is no better than mine
Mine is evidence based on the pages of the manga. yours is completely unfounded headcanon, something you made up because you speed read. Refrain from doing that in the future.

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He shouldn't treat his mom like this just because manlet was abusive.

She didn't mind ditching them seconds ago. Not to mention it's dumb if you look at the situation as a whole and not just muh debt. She herself doesn't even explain it in the letter and can't believe what she did, so this all just feels like dumb writing, because Isayama couldn't make her go back. It would have ruined the basement reveal. There was no reason for her not to talk about Marley, if she went back inside the walls.

But Ymir didn't remember who Marcel was, nor did she develop a brocon.

>save Armin and Mikasa.
Already happened in Season 1. This message is not meant for the current plot.

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>Damn Ymir why am I fully clothed again? Why does everyone want to censor my body? I feel oppressed

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I just want to let others know THAT MIKASA ISN'T ROMANTICALLY IN LOVE with his brother, EREN. IT'S A FAMILIAL LOVE. Learn the difference!

he told him to keep them safe in general,i dont think he was referring only to this one particular scene

>final arc

Back to 2013

you cant deny that Mikasa developed some romantic feelings for Eren,as much as it set her character back it was obvious.Hopefully she grows out of it

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>new thread already
People really are desperate

Nope. I don't see Mikasa having romantic feelings for him. She was thankful for his brother!

I'm sure she loves him. But that makes EM so weird. She looks at him as her last family member even though she already has a real blood relative and at the same time she wants his dick.

>She didn't mind ditching them seconds ago.
She considered it, but again being selfish isn't actually in her nature so she went back and self sacrificed like she was going to do at utgard.

> She herself doesn't even explain it in the letter and can't believe what she did
She does explain it in the letter. The letter is cementing the point above. She wanted to be selfish, but that's not the kind of person she was. She even says in the letter she doesn't regret what she's doing, just that she never got to marry historia. It's in character for her.

>this all just feels like dumb writing
I get it, you liked ymir even though you didn't understand the character. It's not poorly written, it just didn't satisfy you.

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If anything, I'm mad we never got to see Chadren beat the shit out of manlet.

Next Historia will grab Manlet and Hansi will grab Eren and the circle will be complete

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>She loves him
I don't see it as romantic sense. It was more of a bond towards as family

You'll be lucky if they even meet again. "We can ask him when everything's over" death flag from 118 was way too strong.
"Go back to your family while you still can" might have been worse, though.

After all the shit that manlet has pulled on him, Eren deserved to slug him more than Historia.

I get she is supposed to be selfless, even if she tried not to be. Her helping the enemy side is mostly what makes it dumb writing.Would have been better if she died at Utgard

>Eren indirectly crippled the shitlet
Feels good.

>Eren promised Reiner a painful death
>tfw from that point onwards Reiner lives only to suffer

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>from that point onwards
Reiner has always lived to suffer. At his lowest and most insecure moment A titan came out of the fucking ground just to add more mental scars to the boy.

Her knowledge and feelings about "the enemy side" are different than most of the other characters because she's essentially lived it through memories rather than reading about it from Grisha's pov. Ymir never showed any actual loyalty to Paradis.

Kek, Eren could never touch manlet

Marley is at least the enemy side of the girl she loves. BR promising to keep Historia out of the conflict was some damage control, but at the end it was pointless, because Bert quickly died and Reiner is kind of useless

I stilll remember when people though Eren would be invincible after getting the warhammer

Makes you miss the days when he would just fly into an autistic rage and gnaw at his hand like a deranged rodent

He was inside of his titan

kek. I like Gabi now

Reiner has become completely irrelevant. Imagine being a pathetic Reiner fag these days, literally a non character.

Do people still hate the season 3 OPs?

Bad bait

It's very Metal Gear.

She sure seems awfully jealous of the girls Eren gets along with for a sister.

what the fuck is wrong with you people trying to shove your degenerate shit into everything, ESPECIALLY where theres evidence to the contrary. You people make me fucking sick. Ymir is the ONLY lgbt character, shoving this shit onto Erwin who liked Marie but was worksexual, Reiner who has expressed multiple times even in his warrior persona that the wants to marry krisa and finds her cute or anyone else. Kill yourselves you mentally ill fujoniggers, disgusting.

I know a mom who is like this for her son.

How sure are you that she's jealous? We don't see her blushing!

Gay ships are vastly more popular than straight ships.
Goes to show you how delusional the average audience member for this show is.

I hate the visuals for Red Swan. The song itself was great.
The songs for part 2 was underwhelming, but I got used to it.

I love Eren but let's be real, Manlet would destroy him in either human or titan form. The guy is just that broken.

LH is only behind two fujo ships so there's that

Manlet is like Professor X in the X-Men movies, if the author doesn't invent some bullshit way to keep him out of action he could logically just end it all himself in about 5 minutes

with the warhammer titan I really don't think so, it's just too overpowered
and he can harden, manlet will need thunderspears

Mods are slaves

Because it involves Levi, the most popular character of all time. Everyone who doesn't ship him with a man self inserts as Hanji. That's why LH is so popular.

Why do you care so much.
This is not your safe space.

The why isnt LM more popular

Hanji is the third most popular character though

Because hetero and Mikasa is a trans.

Hange got more votes than Eren so the character is liked even without manlet though

I don't know. Maybe because of the age gap or incest?

and its not your mental ilnesses breeding ground so fuck off


Of course Hanji is popular on her own. This was about shipping. And if you look at the results all top 3 ships have Levi in it. That tells you a lot about his fans.

Sorry buddy.
I'll enjoy my BL snk ships, thank you.

Red swan is a good song but didn't work as an opening. I'm still disappointed in the 2nd op but I got over it

See you sperging next thread pretending you are not a shipperfag

there's literally nothing wrong with shipping

Because is the ship for true white men.

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