Bokuben 124 korean
Other urls found in this thread:
I messed up with the filenames, there is no missing pages
>some people will still hate Rizu even after this chapter
That's beyond me
korean extra page
That's it, and I love Rizu
Rizu is super adorable.
Blessed chapter.
Thanks for the dump. Holy shit Rizu is hot in this chapter. The hairstyle change, rocking the Sensei arc outfit. But what complements the hotness is her being so straight forward and Nariyuki is being more conscious of her as ever. Truly shows how much Rizu has changed. Also gooks made this glassless edit.
> She kept the makeover
Nice. But I prefer glassless Rizu myself
>Rizu chapter
Guess I'll continue shitposting with Sensei and Fumino
Every girl has a sensei face now. Motherfucking coward.
I want Rizu to win, but not like this.
Is that her chance of winning?
I don't think she's copying Sensei.band what's a Sensei face. Rizu smiling so openly has as muh of a meaning as Sensei. That's because at the core they are very similar characters, which is why they have a conflict narrative. It's just that Tsutsui chose to do Sensei first that it looks that way.
Do it 22i. I believe you can prove again Rizu is one of 2 main girls, not a Udonjoke and a pet
He already did with this chapter.
>this whole chapter
Downplayers absolutely wasted.
Volume 13 cover
Absolutely based.
>Rizu chapter
I nap.
No megane is a vast improvement. A shame it can't be canon.
Why is winter so fucking comfy
Best ship
Asumi's hair looks better like that too. Tsutsui is on fire with the hairstyles.
Uruka a shiet. A SHIET.
At this point they're talking out of fear rather than anything
Sweathers and anything made of wool in general. Plus it's the best time for snuggling. Winter's comfyness is the counterpart to Summer's sexyness
>Thinks I won't find this in the archive
I know what you're about. Pathetic.
is...is she GONNA WIN?????
>likes megane
>a sign of bad eyes and geeky old look
nobody's gonna win, fellow otter
Would have been nice if he didn't do that in her arc. This chapter feels like a patch up. She needs more and more of it. Rizu has a desperate need of flags. She feels like nu-Miku at this point.
What are you talking about? This chapter is a direct result of what happened in her arc.
Do you hate moeyuki as well?
I love Fumi.
>a guy
Don't care.
>he doesn't care about moeboy
>he doesn't read this for Nariyuki
What a fucking faggot
Who did it better?
I pray for it every night
Uruka is a mistake.
More and more of us are coming out in the open user-san. I'm looking forward to the cutest Rizu you can find in this chapter.
I can't wait for the Viz version to get some new crops
Not sure if teasing or just a normalfag.
she's useless...
>no way fag
After this chapter
>conclusion about the 2 main girls
>Rizu try to get Nariyuki attention vs Fumino gets Nariyuki attention without try anything
Sensei = Rizu > Foom >> Senpai > Uruka
rizu was chewing out sawako in that scene speedreader-kun
so what does hint say about next week?
Rizu > Sensei > Uruka >> Fumino >>>>> Senpai
Now Rizu is officially the slutty girl of this Manga
>Her behavior is out of nowhere
>Her fashion taste out of nowhere
Even if she becomes more confident about her feelings toward him this shit is mehhhh
meh chapter, see you nest week for mizuki's chapter
I think 22i has a glasses and labcoat fetish.
Why Rizu don't confess because it's her character to do it without >all this unless game?
Quality OC. Saved.
He definitely has a smell fetish.
Mizuki chapter
She knows it's a busy time for all of them.
All she can do now is making him see her in a different light.
me on the left
Would your favourite girl being put in these situations make a good chapter for you?
Mizuki's brocon antics.
hilarious. No one can say that they aren't retrofitting the other ships now. lol
I think it's just that 22i has a fetish for sweater puppies than him deliberately reusing an outfit.
Fuck off chink
Fucking kek. These threads never disappoint.
Girls wear similar stuff all the time. And to be honest that's a pretty fucking good outfit.
fumino a shit
So you converted to cropping Viz. How come?
Alright guys place your bets, will Mizuki's chapter next week be:
>A joke chapter where her story happen in the background
>Chilling for one of the girls
>A group chapter
>A Hazuki chapter
>An actual serious chapter with her as the heroine
I envisioned it in the past. It's about Mizuki's own reverse harem. She has a rough day and during all of it she focus her thoughts on her Onii-chan and when she comes back home she gets a hug and an "I love You" from him.
Oh fuck off already.
Rizu went over Asumi in my rankings with this. I guess 'overcoming autism' edges out 'smug'.
(Sensei best girl. She's got everything.)
And at the end, Uruka>Uruka 2.0.
When one character is starting to turn into the other I'll give the 'original' the nod typically.
Higher quality
Is that your smolest Rizu?
Current Fumino is pretty much the worst parts of each heroine rolled into one. It's amazing how much she degraded over time.
No but this is
I'm glad Rizu is going to the offensive. She was hot as fuck this chapter.
I really just dislike Rizu chapters, she annoys me worse than any other character. so rather than try to tolerate her and her bizarre followership I'll just skip all the drama.
*bizarre avatarfagging followership
>muh copying sensei oufits
>muh everyone has a sensei face now
literally what
Rizu's character song preview
Wow I love this. Could pass as an opening to be honest.
It’s hard to take Rizu seriously as an option. I know she’s a main girl technically but she was downplayed for so long and her arc is missing the romance flags of Fumino and Sensei.
Subversion of expectation
not bad, I like it
> copy
> paste
Really now, Yakuzaman?
What's next, Uruka on ice?
>Uruka on ice?
Sounds good to be honest
>but she was downplayed
By people who don't like her online.
She was fine before and she keeps getting better and better.
>Sensei has the exclusive rights on wearing sweaters
It's winter, gotta cover yourself
I'm just saying 22i is lazy.
Come on dude, why are you getting freaked out about that small amount of cleavage? You’ve seen them naked.
They look nothing alike. What are you smoking?
I like how there's two opposite narratives involving Rizu, probably pushed by the same people as it is convenient for them
>Fumino and Sensei have the most romantic scenes and flags in the story, Rizu is petzoned and an udon joke machine
>Fumino and Rizu are the main heroines and the only girls that matter, everyone else doesn't stand a chance
Always leaving Fumino on the positive side of things. Really makes you think
As a Mafuyufag/Fuminofag I have to say that this girl Rizu have to win.
YES user YES
>Wants Rizu to win
Predict the rankings.
>As a Mafuyufag/Fuminofag
That doesn't exist.
Do you have the rankings for 100-102?
Fumino's mother is dead.
The fumicat chapter will definitely drop out of the top 10
God damn. I mean daaaamn. Rizu's always been my favorite but I've never been this attracted to her. Sensei never does anything for me because she's always in a compromising position that I quickly became immune to her shenanigans. Even the makeover Rizu wasn't that hot to me. But damn, something about this Rizu is rocking it. I think it's because makeover Rizu was a complete 180 in appearance that it's very easy to not see even a shadow of Rizu in there without context. This is more like a Rizu+, or as she's putting it Rizu100%. This is a Rizu actually trying to look good instead of the foppish Rizu we've had until now. Better place a restraining order on Sawako before she kidnaps Rizu.
i love rizu
Not my fault you fags are so obvious
The comparison to a pet/squirrel are in the story though. Nariyuki didn't seem to take her seriously either though it might end for good in this chapter since he seems to see her as a girl now.
I just want some good fanservice. Mizuki is an even hotter midget than Senpai and actually young
It was one of the lamest chapters. Only Reiji gave it some value.
My dick won't survive if rizu keeps this style up.
I wonder what happened to the "senseifag" that loved Fumino's arc.
He mysteriously disappeared without leaving a trace.
why only fumino?
she's the designated poster girl
because the real girl is on the GIGA poster
>actual main girl vs the Index of Bokuben
Coping as always.
Titular main girl, top of both popularity polls by clear margin, main narrative built around her.
Shares poster status with another girl.
Are you trying to summon the bingo?
I have nothing to cope about.
Asumi's cover is cute.
Her outfit there is like Sensei & Sawako's put together. Which makes sense, cause it's what she wore in her arc to play doctor.
And Uruka's Arc should be up soon just from looking at the volumes/arcs. I doubt 22i will wait/time skip/speed up for plane ride.
(Mostly looking forward to whatever flags/development Sensei grabs that she hasn't already though.)
Her cover is shit just like her
>Nariyuki didn't seem to take her seriously
His reactions to her don't differ that much from his reactions to the others. The pet/squirrel thing only happened once and it got pushed as a meme by her downplayers.
The cover is fine, but she is shit indeed.
>no foom
i sleep
>Jump Giga Summer 2019 Vol. 3 Cover
>no Rizu or Uruka or muh ass popularity
Fumino haters bfto. Cute.
But that's the best part.
>no foom
Mafuyu got the poster, Fumino a small part on the cover
Blind Fuminofag BTFO
See That was the content. I'll take that 100x over a small shared sticky on the cover page.
>Manga is flopping
>Fumino used to advertise it on the covers
it all makes sense now
I like both girls so I can say that exists.
Er, I meant see If you were actually trying to btfo Rizu/Uruka/Sensei . . . you failed hard.
If it's bait, it looks like the fish are ripping the rod out of your hands.
Literally zero chance, I can't wait to see Rizufags settle and pretend lile she was ever a possibility
Wait what?!
What with her change of appearance?
Also this looks better but she dont's looks autism anymore.
I can only imagine the nips collectively dropping the manga and the rankings going to shit the moment Fumino's victory becomes clear and irreversible, if Tsutsui plans to make her win.
If you honestly think that she's not going to slip back into Udon pet mode in like 1 or 2 more chapters than you're delusional
She's no Fumino though
Not really, it's being hailed as great development but it's just another fanservice chapter. I'd be happy she gets a new chapter but I wouldn't make it out like it's some huge event
A diabetes inducing chapter straight out of a Shoujo manga
Holy shit. This Rizu have the best of the other girls. I couldn't decide between Mafuyu and Fumino, but now I can choose Rizu.
Miharu and Sawako best girls by the way.
It's shitposting and falseflags. He's been doing this for months
You're right, Rizu isn't a main girl like Fumino is
You're very clearly mistaking Rizu's character with Fumino's.
>fuminofag showing his true colors
>Uruka on ice?
Will it be a musical?
Even if that happens, and it didn't happen for Sensei, she at least showed some change post arc unlike Foom and Asumi.
Nah, Uruka's arc will copy Fumino's arc. These are the girl dualism. Fumino/Uruka and Sensei/Rizu.
How does just not having bangs make her look so much better?
Try FOOM®.
7/10 Anons recommend FOOM® for treatment of sleep deprivation.
Do not consume FOOM® if you have one of the following: Chronic butt-hurt syndrome, delusions, lack of reading comprehension, the condition known as devil headband, or just plain bad taste.
Consult your local neighbourhood clinic if FOOM® is good for you.
How did Rizu's arc copied Sensei's arc?
> Yotsuba poster
> Makes a retarded post
Like pottery
oh boy, some fuminofag is really butthurt about Rizu
Not arc wise but they're similar characters
The original post was pointing out that Uruka will copy Fumino's arc, but on what basis? Rizu didn't really copy Sensei's arc in spite of them being "similar" characters (which I don't really see unless you consider them both having differing kinds of autism as being similar)
Is she actually the first girl that try to entice him, teased him just enough to invite hm to pursue her and didn't just run away?
What does this chapter do in bokuben? Is the imouto getting a chapter after this just to balance things out and get back to ridiculous shenanigans?
kek, btw one of Uruka's latest delusions was holding a broom(stick) together with Nariyuki. Look who gets to actually do sth like that in reality.
But Yotsuba is best girl.
12 is the best for me. This one is a close second
Ichicute is best girl
Two possible paths: winner or loser. In my experience, one of the main heroines making the first move is usually a loser sentence. It runs counter to the writing technique of reserving the winner for a finale arc.
He might be from the R-team, I heard they were butthurt too yesterday.
Snake a shit.
In your eyes, anything Rizu does is a loser sentence
She's not a snake anymore, in fact she's the best character
Sadly I would prefer Itsuki over Ichika, Nino or Miku.
Miharu and Sawako best girls btw.
Nino > Yotsuba > Itsuki > Miku > Ichika
She showed about the same amount of development this chapter as Fumino has gotten
Except had it been Fumino instead, the loser sentence would be on her.
Believe it or not Uruka actually has actually done that as well, it's just always overshadowed by her shooting herself in the foot
I'm sure it would have been
well there was the bike chapter, which has her not run away at the end(one of the chapters the anime unfortunately skipped), but other than that there always was Nariyuki thinking there is a guy she is interested in, so no matter what she did, he would never believe it's for him.
Good thing Urucute's arc is saved for last
unfortunately it seems it will also be Uruka's farewell
>Fumino gets a small spot on the cover
>sensei gets a spread in the actual magazine just for herself
>Fumino is the poster girl while sensei gets the actual content
Indeed, Uruka arc is last in the current rotation. Uruka trying one last time, but ultimately fails where she confess but doesn't want to hear an answer is highly likely. In the end, she removed herself from the race.
Fumino = main girl and poster girl
Mafuyu = fanservice given because most popular
They should just get rid of Fumino altogether for advertising purposes
It's like they don't want to maximize the attention and profit
rizu won
Fumino is just the poster girl, nips don't care about her
>rizu chapter
Only way it could be worse was if it was a Fumino chapter instead.
She looks like a cheap whore now.
Well Nariyuki doesn't think any of girls could like him, boyfriend or not. The only time where he was self aware was when he asked Uruka but then she shot herself again
Mafuyu can't be used for advertising, so that's not possible. Fumino is the most popular main heroine out of two options, so that's that.
Then timeskip happens, she gets back from Australia and wins
>Sensei can't be used for advertising
Pettan, pettan, tsurupettan
Too old and isn't a designated main heroine.
If you'd said because I say so then I'd find it easier to believe
Hope is most needed
You must be new to how manga publishers and editors do things. No matter how popular a secondary main heroine is, being the face of her series is normally not a right she'll have. Refer to HnG.
Kushieda Minori = Nakano Yotsuba = Kirisu Mafuyu
In a way, I feel sorry for Tsutsui because his two main heroines are total failures (and there's really nothing wrong with Rizu but for some reason she's even less popular than the mess named Fumino) but it's not like he can just ditch them.
I hope this Rizu development manages to improve her standing among the readers at least. She's underrated and top tier.
>best support girls Miharu, Sawako and Mizuki
I see you are a civilized man.
What are their ages?
Just say because I say so and be done with it already
Like how?
The only parallel I get is from Minori to Mafuyu is the pink hair. Personality wise Minori may be close enough to Yotsuba, but Mafuyu isn't close to either.
Truth hurts? Get over it, bruh. That's how the industry works.
The poster is the advertisement/content.
The other posts responding to this reek of samefagging.
>What are their ages?
Miharu is 20, Sawako is 17-18, and Mizuki is 13-14
Because all of them are best girls. Obviously.
There's also the fact that both Rizu and Sensei are the bustier of the girls. Finding cloths to fit the bigger busts is hard, especially in Japan. Sweaters are great for the busty types because they stretch so easily. Kind of why they are called sweater puppies.
It's true. The horoscope chapter shows development.
For Reiji
>The horoscope chapter shows development
On Reiji's part.
>no double paizuri doujins with Mafuyu and Rizu
Wasted potential
No. Fumino pushes for snuggling with Nariyuki. Like she did in her arc.
She still hasn't stopped being in denial.
Literally zero progress.
we get mafuyu and miharu instead
You mean like Uruka 50 chapters before?
Uruka and Fumino aren't in the same position. Uruka has all the reasons to be straightforward, the whole point is that she isn't nearly enough while Fumino contains herself and her feelings so being this direct on her side is definetely a sign of progress. Why can't you fags admit it?
>has to change her look and accentuate her boobs to make her relevant again
This is the current state of Rizu. I bet you she offers him udon at some point in this chapter.
Not him, but that's different. You can't say she hasn't gotten bolder from time to time and almost followed through with it. Even the way she denies her feelings by feeling guilty later has increased in intensity.
Haters gonna hate. It's pointless trying to reason with them.
it's a trap?
>Fumino contains herself and her feelings
Speedreader detected, Fumino pretends to care for much ricchan and muh uruka for 5 minutes max before completely going with the flow every single time. Then nohing happens because she's as much of a coward as uruka and then she hides behind excuses.
>Willing to change for the boy she loves
That's a good thing
This is the important thing:
Next week Mizuki Chapter
Intensity won't matter if she still can't move forward by realizing/accepting her feelings once and for all. She could act subconsciously and try to make a move on Nariyuki but if she cockblocks herself or denies it afterwards then it can't be development.
>It's an udon chapter
I sleep
The moeboy is incredibly lucky
wanna mow sensei grass
if you'd think about the number of times she displays breast envy or the MC doesn't realize she is a girl, then maybe there is something to it.
Damn, the sweater covers her shoulders. For a minute I thought that the reason she was wearing a coat over her sweater was to hide a virgin killing sweater.
Hope they animate this well
Fumino does the same
>bumping the thread with bait
Kek, see Rizufags? Nobody cares!
Rizufags don't need validation from other people. They have their fun and don't bother the rest.
>and don't bother the rest
Good one
>R-Rizu has the same amount of development as Fumino now
Best joke of the day.
What are you talking about?
Not their fault you get triggered every time you see Rizuposting.
How many makeovers is Rizu gonna get before she becomes relevant?
What a cheap bait user.
She should give up while she's ahead.
Fumino keeps changing her look every chapter but still fails to be relevant.
Fumino didn't get half of the development Rizu got.
Deal with it.
>the other girls getting makeovers to look appealing for Nariyuki
>meanwhile Sensei is in a tracksuit still miles ahead of them
Seems like Tsutsui is doing damage control.
She wore contacts in that other chapter.
You could put Mafuyu and Sawako in the most god foresaken sanity destroying horrifically ugly outfit imaginable and men would still climb over broken glass to get to them, the others need a makeover to even compete.
These threads are desert and dead. Nobody cares about Rizu.
Wow, you sure showed us Rizufags.
I guess I can't like her anymore now.
Avatarfagging, sperging, and downplaying other girls. Like the second coming of Fuminofags
When a girl receives a lot of hate like now, it means something. Tremble little anons.
t. fuminofag
what is the point of a Rizu chapter if there isn't even one single sawako scene?
even one panel would be better.
this Mizuki chapter had better be good
Filler girl
Filler chapter
Sorry Rizufags, but this is the reality otherwise they wouldn't emphasize the makeover.
Rizu can stand on her own. And Sawako best girl.
Cute dork
>downplaying other girls
That's because we don't take cheap baits like the rest of the fanbases and discuss mostly plot. Which is the surefire way to kill a Bokuben thread.
>Pineapple! Ponytail!
And she said it in a slightly more faithful english accent IIRC
And it sounded wonderful.
Sekijou is hiding in the background of every Rizu chapter. If you can't see her, then you're not a true Seki fan.
Wait, if each percentage was for things that Nariyuki was noticing, what was the final 50% about?
Rizu being in love with him
It's a fake 50% to make him keep wondering
Wait for JB or VIZ's bias/bad trans to explain
it's not about whether Rizu needs the support it's about whether there are any Sawako scenes at all.
I looked hard
>discuss mostly plot
Where, I see little evidence unless you meant "PLOT"?
Ok, you're just shitposting
>Yea Forums suddenly hates Rizu
What happened?
I was neutral on her till Rizufags started acting cancerous
also yakuzaman is forcing the dokidoki crap it doesn't feel natural
>this seething Rizufags don't bite his shitty baits
Absolutely hilarious.
>this seething ESL doesn't write proper sentences
Absolutely hilarious.
Next chapter is going to be really lewd
what if Nariyuki isn't in this chapter?
This is cute, does anybody have all of the extras?
An user made a compilation of 2 volumes worth in one pic. The rest is scattered on the JB reader
Not the long hair from that one chapter but a great improvement over standard Rizu.
>Coping this hard
>Hair girl takes Rizu spot
>22i immediately changes her hairstyle
Rizu with the Soccer Mom haircut is a HUGE upgrade.
I like Fumino AND Rizu.
That image filled my screen just how those two only serve as filler for the manga.
What game would you want to play with Rizu? How about Russian roulette?
Uruka was a mistake
Rizu was a mistake
Uruka is a miracle
I didn't know Rizu spoke Russian.
>What game would you want to play with Rizu?
>How about Russian roulette?
No that's dangerous
Who's the best and cutest degenerate? Siscon, brocon or lesbian?
true, the story is way too unbalanced with her in it
Miharu of course
>Who is the most degenerate?
Who wants a threesome.
Two sisters having fantasies with the same man.
I wonder how many times they've flicked their bean to Nariyuki
Mafuyu doesn't do those dirty things
I would
I'm a Fuminofag but want Sensei to win.
Do you want this manga to be axed?
Best mistake that ever happened.
Does that mean Nariyuki will give Mafuyu her first orgasm?
It can't be helped~
IMAGINE their first time. If Nariyuki just giving her a massage gave her multiple orgasms.
don't bully sensei, she's just a little sheltered
There's an Yea Forums theory the Kirisu sisters are part slav: light haired, light eyed, white skinned ice goddesses. The crazier anons insist they descend from Asirpa of Golden Kamuy.
>123 chapters
>Sensei still isn't pregnant with Nariyuki's child
Leave Tsutsui to me.
It’s a surprise she’s still /fit/ to be honest. Maybe she wants to stay fit and healthy for Nariyuki and thicc up when they’re married.
she does a lot of squats to burn calories
>excellent ice skater
>cold exterior
>dresses mostly in tracksuits
>terrible cook
>drives like a nutjob
>potent death glare
not only is the appereance, her class being mostly European History could also be a hint to that, the only thing Mafuyu lacks is the alcohol tolerance, but we can blame the jap genes for that
Wouldn’t surprise me. She has an authoritarian vibe to her and wants her students to always perform their very best and nothing less. I remember reading her first chapters and thinking “she’s gonna be the bitch character who’s always looking down on Fumino and Rizu” good thing it was not the case and she still remained above Fumino and Rizu.
Makeup's one hell of a drug.
pls Abe, seppuku if he betray us
Mafuyu and Nariyuki will be starring together in the 4th Human Centipede movie
Well it took about 60 more chapters for Rizu to start applying her lesson. She's got a lot to study to catch up to the teacher though.
I wonder if the perverts are gonna make it into the next poll? I expect Miharu or Sawako to make it into the top 4.
She did great when she got those hair extensions. Should have kept them from then on, or at least start growing her hair. It would have been nice to see her hair get longer little by little when she showed up in the manga.
On fanbases:
Most level-headed of the different fanbases. They know exactly what they got into by liking Fumino and they are aware of what kind of manga/romcom they're reading. They particularly like Fumino for the different relationships she develops between the other main characters, with the aesthetics less important to the overall narrative of the story. They patiently wait for the chapters that drop drama or development for Fumino and know that she will win in the end and they're just along for the ride. Antagonized by most other fanbases, they only wish to keep the threads comfy with minor discussion and talking about their best girls
A fanbase who are aggressive and largely only appreciative of superficial characteristics when it comes to favorite girls. They are quick to insult but also quick to leave when the going gets tough for them, as such, they just make format posts where Uruka a best and x a shit, along with Uruka was a mistake then shortly samefagging with A mistake to make so cute. They barely make any contributions to discussion, likely due to there being not so much to discuss about their girl aside from being cute or having tan lines or shooting herself in the foot yet again.
Practically the complete opposite of Fuminofags, they have embraced their delusions in thinking that a Sensei would win in a jump romcom. Whether it will actually happen is a story yet untold, but common sense would dictate that this story is not meant for this timeline. While they contribute to discussion, they largely want to inhibit discussions of meta narratives and would rather go into the subject of headcanon to support their whims. While they are a large fanbase, they also seem less vocal than some of the others.
A bunch of irrelevant pissfags and avatarfags. They mostly keep to themselves but recently tended to be quite vocal with their hatred for other girls (not just the fanbases).
If you reply, you're as bad as him and are the reason the threads are down in quality.
>he's so bored that he needs to repost some old-ass copypasta looking for (You)s
now that's some stale pasta
Maybe Miharu if she keeps appearing in Sensei chapters
She needs to beat Mizuki at least
I wonder how Mizuki's chapter will stack up against Miharu's chapters.
If it isn't used to shill another girl I can see it being enough to make Mizuki pass Asumi in the polls
Doubt it unless she goes full brocon and tries to sleep in the same bed as Niriyuki or tries to wash his back, or even better she starts stalking Nariyuki and finds out that he has been going to Sensei’s house to study.
>She did great when she got those hair extensions
That was peak Rizu. Too bad Tsutsui uses her as a moetrap.
Honestly, this is what I want to see the most. Mizuki embracing her inner perv and just hounding Nariyuki.
>being delusional?
>embraced their headcanon?
>treated like some doormat waifubait fags?
Mafuyu haters are funny people
But please... Level-headed people will admit that Mafuyu stands out a lot.
It's just that haters got their brains programmed to deliberately block anything about sensei
After appearing 3 times in 1 rotation and that amazing scene in 122 Miharu might actually get a huge boost. Especially since her sister is so popular
>and tries to sleep in the same bed as Niriyuki
Don't the Yuiga's sleep in the same room or am I thinking of something else?
Regardless, you already know she tries this all the time
My guess is that Mizuki stalks her brother again.
She ends up observing interactions with all the heroines causing her all sorts of worry. Then Nariyuki runs into her and he treats her to some food, reminiscing about growing up while helping to take care of twins.
Xfags and Zfags are a mistake.
A mistake to make so cute, it's too much.
Of course a Y-fag would say that.
Ice Princess > Love Scientist > Hypnosister
Will user ever make another one of these?
Another user and I have probably near a dozen of these in different stages of completion. Maybe we'll finish them one of these days.
>She ends up observing interactions with all the heroines causing her all sorts of worry
Would be funny if she catches Nariyuki and Sensei in a compromising situation like for example Sensei trips while they’re cleaning and she falls on top of Nariyuki and at that moment Mizuki opens the door
>Most level-headed of the different fanbases
stopped reading there since it's obviously nonsense
don't forget to impregnate your teacher
I swear to God, if Mizuki also mentions something about waiting till graduation it's a done deal
I'm thinking he ends up running into them at bookstore, supermarket, clothes store, and maybe maid cafe. The items he grabs (or picks) to help the heroines out imply close familiarity and she can't get close enough to hear clearly. She practically forgets all the incidents when they go get food.
if sensei is slav I hope she's ready for an a-borscht-ion
>My guess is that Mizuki stalks her brother again.
Maybe to build upon the last two chapters Nariyuki starts acting weirdly (since soon his study group will disperse and they'll all go their separate ways) Mizuki will misunderstand that and starts suspecting that one of the insects got a hold of her brother. then shenanigans and trying to deduce which one she needs to dispose of, only to at the end clear the confusion and declare that no matter what will happen to the insects Mizuki will be always beside him (to his chagrin)
sounds a bit like the pointless hickey chapter
and we know how Tsutsui likes to remake some old chapters, but shit
well that one was shit the first time so maybe it'll turn out good now
where's JB faggots?
The rehashes are usually worse than the originals
See: kareego and fortune chapter
Baby sitting and cat sitting
At least it gave us this page and shown how dumb Uruka really is.
it's time
The hickey chapter was fucking great though
Sensei should have done us a favor and executed her on the spot
>A chapter where Uruka witnesses SenseixNariyuki in full bloom
>This time she waves off everything she sees because of her relationship with Sensei
I'm still amazed by how bad the cat chapter was.
It was Natsumi's chapter without the quality interaction.
Hell, it was the Hami-chan chapter but with less character development.
If nothing like that happened yet I'm pretty sure it won't now especially with all the talk about exams.
At this point If it ever is to happen I can only see it as Nariyuki ignoring the trio after the graduation to go ask out sensei instead. Won't happen, but would be hilarious.
>no vodka bottle
>no cigarette
6/10 for effort
As if she could harm her precious student
It's as if Tsutsui took all the complaints people have about other girls' chapters and thrown it all into a Fumino chapter.
>Unnecessary fan service from sensei chapters
>side characters(Reiji, Fumi) stealing the show from Rizu chapters
>"she is only a pet" from Rizu chapters
and for the cherry on top
>Muh Uruka, Muh Rizu
We've got to see it though, there's no way this series can end without the others realizing it or at the very least Fumino and Rizu reconciling their relationship with her
she was never in sensei's class
It was her special "100 chapters later" chapter too and then was instantly followed by sensei's God tier chapter that developed both her and her sister right after the huge popularity poll came out. I'm convinced Tsutsui must be doing this on purpose
Then it's free game, mofos.
It's still part of the student body, and Mafuyu has also been giving advice and inspiration to her like a good teacher.
You disgust me
A mistake that has kept this series alive. I remember looking back at the first Bokuben chapters and thinking this just trying to play off the popularity 5toubun had at the time and that it wasn’t gonna last but when Sensei was introduced into the series we all thought that she was just gonna be this cold bitchy side character but she ended up taking the spotlight in just a few chapters after her introduction. I’m thinking Tsutsui felt that he had to shake things up a bit to keep the manga alive. If Sensei’s popularity was something he never anticipated now there’s no possible way he can redo it without getting most of the readers angry.
wher's the picture of her parents?
her dad had a full blown stache and I think pale hair
does Mizuki have entrance exams for high school?
maybe she'll meet a lady that looks like Kirisumama while shopping if tsutsui is feeling more creative than usual?
Today I will remind them.
>model tier
my side
>cold personality, never smiles
your chart is crap, post the corrected verisons
Now post the Rizu one and the Uruka one. These fools need to be reminded.
She eats a lot only after competitions and she has fast metabolism anyway. She won't get fat.
>recently tended to be quite vocal with their hatred for other girls (not just the fanbases).
I don't hate any of the other girls tough
I don't dislike anyone really, though this threads like to become shitposting dumps sometimes
As I were late to the party (started reading this when the cultural festival arc started) I never understood why there was a fraction of Fuminofags that declared her an obvious winner. Even if she didn't get a decent chapter since the typhoon not-date. Then her arc happened and there was no way they could defend themselves anymore and became the most obvious target of attacks. Since her arc, she didn't get a decent chapter either: other heroines change or move on, but she is stuck in I'm so sorry Uruka, I'm so sorry Rizu hypocrite hell.
>recently tended to be quite vocal with their hatred for other girls (not just the fanbases).
I don't hate any of the other girls tough
Don't bite user-san. It's just a very mad person that attacks everybody.
I liked Reiji, he was actually pretty cute and funny.
Reiji is awesome. Certainly the best Furuhashi.
The only good one.
What about Fumi?
Foster care.
Fumi is super cute, all the girls have been associated with animals now.
I know. It's my bad
Your opinion, I can't respect it.
Is Fumino good?
>The entire chapter is Mizuki stalking her onii-chan
>She slowly gets angry as she sees him interact with each of the girls
>Calm down after she realise he dosen't think of them that way
>She's about to leave him when she sees him talk to an onee-san
>Terror fills her as he enters her apartment
>She gets closer to the door and hears a loud crashing sound
>Opens the door impulsively and sees them in a compromising situation
>See you in part 2
No. She's the best.
Will JB finally release before Viz or will the buttblast never end?
They hardly look similar.
Axe when?
But that's just Nozomi.
Yuuna with the recent Bara chapter is first on the list. That shit is offensive. Almost Piss chapter level.
What's wrong with the piss chapter though? Its only flaw was that they didn't depict Asumi sitting on the toilet, but other than that I don't really get the hate it gets.
Pissing is gross
No it's not, piss is the thinking man's fetish
Why are you so sure it was piss? Asumi asked Nariyuki to cover his ears, and her stomach hurt. She had to poop. Which is even worse.
I'm no scatfag but I wonder if Asumi takes little bunny poop or some cloggers
>Asumi asked Nariyuki to cover his ears
Japanese girls do that even for peeing.
>She had to poop. Which is even worse
You mean makes it even hotter?
You are disgusting and unsalvageable
He's just politely asking for the axe.
>Implyng Yuuna will die
It wouldn't surprise me if it ended after Bokuben.
What is this?
it's like a Hokuto no Ken crossover by Ojou No Yokushitsu?
examples mangaupdates.com
It's just a comedy chapter, people like getting pissy over the most retarded shit.
If anything, it's surprising how Yuuna lasted this long despite the poor reception towards that battle arc.
I don't read Yuuna for comedy. Unless it's slapstick that ends up in the girls being naked.
There's no substitute yet. The key is to pair a hentai artist with a novel writer, it worked with Shokugeki until Tsukuda shoot himself.
That's it.
Wasn't there that new ecchi Spy x Family rip-off they just launched?
One of my personal favourites, tied with Hibari/Chisaki sticking their panties on Fuyozora's face after a backflip.
>It's just a comedy chapter
and it comes not so long after the stupid loli arc, as if he was to say:
You didn't like the lolis, did ya?
Can someone explain why people in these threads associate Asumi with people from Southeast Asia or Flips?
The flip tripfag is an Asumifag and there's autistically obsessed people in these threads
There are other Flip Asumifags?
Not to my knowledge. There's some Senseifags that outed themselves as flips or chinks when this exact matter was brought up.
Why does this picture exist then?
> OAD soon Mafuyubros
Because there's autistically obsessed people
there are asumi fags plural?
2 or 3
Which ones?
What about other girl fags that still like Asumi as a 2nd or 3rd placer?
stop replying to MKL for fuck's sake
he asks the same retarded questions every thread
Not even the best Furuhashi
Crab-kun best wingman
The best Furuhashi is the dead one, though.
>Why is Asumi associated with SEA
>Why does Uruka wink so much
>Why are there no pantyshots
These are the posts you don't answer
And any post obsessing about a character's birthday.
That’s how I feel about Fumino.
Who's gonna win?
I don't want it to happen, but Fumino.
Wow... everything you just wrote is wrong.
Rizu is currently ahead, but Fumino is stuck in the muh Uruka, muh Rizu hell, we need to wait and see if Tsutsui is going to change that.
(Uruka is probably out of the picture, and sensei is out of the question, Asumi is ....)
Why did you give him a (You) that's a shit tier pasta to bait (You)s
How do you fuck up with two “main” girls in harem so badly? Rizu barely has a fanbase and Fumino isn’t much better.
Got it? Because her chest fucking popped off lmao
Not fucking Rizu, that's for sure. I can't believe people still actually think that she's gonna win
Tsutsui only fucked up with Fumino. If he had put into Fumino's character at least half the effort he puts into Sensei's she would have been way more popular, but her horrible arc and complete stagnation/flanderization killed whatever interest the fanbase had in her.
Rizu may be less popular as far as being people's most favorite goes, but she's second or third choice for a lot more people and she's the second best developed heroine after Sensei.