
Wouldn't you?
What does a little debt matter?

Attached: [HorribleSubs] DanMachi S2 - 05 [720p].mkv_snapshot_13.34_[2019.08.23_04.03.36].jpg (1280x720, 174K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Hestia is one of those thots who gets tens of thousands of dollars of student debt studying Ukranian dance therapy, then marries a rich man and divorces him so he has to pay her debt. Low quality goddess of low moral integrity.

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Considering Ishtar is picking a fight with Freya, how can her toad giant amazon commander stand up to my boy Otar?
Does he have a fighting chance?

Oh look, all these nice women are willing to help Bell with his homework! That's so considerate of them!

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Where's his textbook?

You don't need a textbook for oral examination.

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You just.....KNOW

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Why exactly does Hestia not have any other children besides Bell? Was that ever explained?
I'm under the understanding that the benefit of joining a God's guild is that they have the ability to print out your stat sheet, so why wouldn't Hestia have at least a few dozen or so losers? They couldn't have all literally joined other houses?

Also does Hestia not have any powers or marketable skills? What was she the God of? Did they ever say that? Even Aqua: When she was dragged down to the mortal plane kept her healing, anti-undead, and purity/water powers, but Hestia doesn't seem to have ANY abilities???

guru guru eye

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Gods are forbidden from using their active powers, that's why passive things like Hepae's smithing or Freya's beauty/charm still work.
And Hestia is one of most passive gods, she's literally goddess of home/house/hearth.

>a little

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Just a bit

I want to fuck hestia


>Poor little white boy.jpeg

Loki should just buy Bell.
She would get a powerful asset and a leverage with Freya.
He would have an actual team on his level with proper resources and exploring capabilities.
Ais would have 24/7 access to her pet rabbit therapy.
Lefiya would cure her gay.
Hestia would pay off her debt and have a reasonable Familia rank.

>Loki should just buy Bell
Bell's not gay mate.

fpbp. bless the great light that is aqua

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There's no point joining a low tier goddess with no support. Implied in story that high tier gods and goddesses basically maintain standing armies and openly invite adventures in exchange for some minor inconvenience like not dating or only smithing for them or something

How much does Bell earn per day? If he continues going through levels like he does in anime he should be paying that back rather fast.

Are the Danmachi OVA's and the Ais side story series worth watching?

Considering Bell spends most of his time desperately trying not to get killed/raped, I don't think he generates much profit.

Ovas are somewhat watchable. Sword Oratoria is unwatchable due to dead fish-chan

I'll join the Hestia Familia only if I get a rifle and some bullets to shoot monsters and people with.

Because if we're going off our world rules, I will not be able to match the bullshit Bell and his friends are able to pull off at all in melee. I need a rifle, bayonet, and a knife if I want to stand some kind of chance.

>Not wanting to go full rpg and use a bladed weapon or try to learn magic
I'll take an axe and join Loki,

>Ais side story series
Read mango/LN, anime completely misses the point of Sword Oratoria.

Only if I receive daily or even weekly paizuri from Hestia.

Attached: Hestia-drawing-sketch-5.png (1066x2014, 582K)

>Promise to give the majority of your earnings in exchange for lewd acts
>Hestia telling Bell that she always unavailable specific hours of the day and not to question you
>Becomes obsessed with your dong
>deludes herself into thinking your Bell
>Impregnate her
>Sell your demi-god babby's for cash
>Proceed to breed
>Bell is forgotten

What a dumb, annoying series. But Hestias tits are worth too much to just stop watching it.

Hestia could have shaken this off explaining what that money was used and on what terms she was going to pay Hephaestus (work on her shops) but no she had to pull an Aqua an let simple thing get out of hand hard
And Hestias second most stupid mistake is being a paranoid and clingy bitch, Amazons in damnmachi are a plague they need to go out there and get killed or stop fucking and one of those is just out of the question, so most of them don’t really care for who they work as long there is battle and a place to snusnu they don’t care about the rest. Recruit all the amazons you can tell them that Bell is off limits allow them to use the bathroom and forge and let them do their thing.

She's more than her boobs!

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>disgusting crotch haired bitch on the right

All gods have some sort of passive ability just from being one of their children, Loki gives better drops for example and Hephaestus a better smiting success chance… I am going to take a wild guess based on Bell progress and say that Hestia buff is for EXP drop

Fixed that for you

I'd rather Aiz

they skipped the killing stone in the anime, what Hermes did bring to Ishtar.

She's a book reading nerd. Pic related. She did probably keep Apollon's books, salvaged her own, and spent a few million valis to buy the complete Night Fall series (366 volumes and counting), several "managing your familia for damegami" reference books and a 1000 years old first edition of Argonaut.

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Spoil me LN user, and the aphrodisiac hermes gave to bell if there's anything more.

>spoil me
they will probably explain it in today's episode.

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they did show it last episode, but without name dropping or explications.

Also PV: youtube.com/watch?v=Hd58yxMseLM

Loki should just help Lillie, give her a badass Bikini armor a crapton of charming doodads and send her on her marry way to get that albino, unless she wants to lose her priceless blonde and bland bimbo

Has Loki ever shown any interest Bell whatsoever? I can't remember a time when she did.

*in Bell

>Loki should just help Lillie
I would love to see other gods try pulling the strings when it comes to Bell's love life just to screw with Hestia.

1 hour to go

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I vaguely remember that during one of her conversations with Freya she admitted that she gets now why Freya is so obsessed with Bell, but don't quote me on that.

...before Ishtar gets BTFO.


She had it coming.

Hestia herself should just admit defeat and start an alliance whit some of the other girls just to keep thing in check and prevent more girls from going after him.

I think you mean PTFO. PUSHED the fuck out... of her tower.

Anyone have the link to the 2chan thread?

>join Hestia familia
>have to fight mobs and people above your level since Bell is OP

I love a good challenge.

10 minutes! really could use that 2chan thread link please.

2 minutes!


Someone PLEASE post the 2chan thread already!

my damaged wife

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I didn't find it last time that I checked

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She's ugleeeeeee

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thanks user!

yaa gomen gomen

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normal highschool stud... I mean, normal human girl.

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>Cute oppai loli goddess
>not a single person wants to join
>not even bells party members want to join
how is this possible

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Glad to see Nadia is still finding work.

That's hot.

Depends on whether or not I get to plow her senseless at least once a day.

>midfight episode break
The cop craft school of directing, I see.

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>What does a little debt matter?
>tfw no crazy yandere jew gf
Feels bad man.

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from where is this bitch

raws are out
also english dub of episode 4

Yeah, there's also her cute feet

Not much Hestia again this week. I mad!

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will post more Hestia when subs are released.

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Israel. I bet this is jidf propaganda.
To me it's just an admission that jews secretely what that chad white D.

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>I'm more beautiful than Freya

Otto should've dragged her to the nearest minotaur herd.

Girls frontline
Negev a best

Loki teases Bell during the Xenos incident and also reveals she's slightly interested in him as well. I think there was one other instance of Loki expressing interest in Bell, but it might have been in SO, and not the main series.

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Wait it's not jidf propaganda?????

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subs are out

We finally get some Dungeon crawling and it gets interrupted by this bitch.

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cute. CUTE!
I'd gas it hard.

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Attached: [Erai-raws] Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka II - 07 [720p][Multiple Subtitl (1280x864, 1.03M)

>Hestia buff is for EXP drop
It's not crippling debt?

It isn't or the others would be higher, exp is just bell's thing.
Maybe hestia increases luck or something.

those don't count.

So is the theory right then?

>Everyone tells Bell to forget about Ishtar Familia and helping Haruhime
>Bell's hero frustration keeps getting bigger
Bang bang bang pull my hero trigger

Best flavor

NOW subs are out!

>I am going to take a wild guess based on Bell progress and say that Hestia buff is for EXP drop
Or virginity protection.

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does the fox whore join the hestia familia later LNfags

Yes. She joins after the events of the Pleasure District arc.


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she has good healing and stat boosting powers.

Also taking Hestia shots. Will post them once I'm through.

Because her personality is pretty fucking awful and the debt is huge.

>she has good healing
I don't recall her having anything but the illegal Level Up skill, and a multi-target version of it later on.

Keeping in tune with the other gods, she probably has some bonus related to resting, like in recovery rate or rested buffs.
My guess is that the bonus, whatever it is, must be dependant on what resources can be provided to the resting area used. I figure that could be the reason why Hestia hasn't gotten a large following at the start is because her home basically amounted to a 2-room apartment.

wait til bell hears about the jesus christ familia

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I saw concept art for the amazon whores that showed them all barefoot. Are they even showing their feet on the show?

Nope, whoring and sluts is a sin.
The whore next to Jesus gave up her ways for good and to spread faith not like the amazon whores.

>he hasn't read dat elf prostitute doujin

>if you want to kidnap a man there's no better place than the dungeon
real subtle, writers

Does Heracles not exist in this world? Shouldn't Bell be like, super mega powerful? Super strength or something

She is Freya isn't she?

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Is Mikoto lesbian?

I just got done watching DanMachi season 1
Should I straight into season 2 or watch the spin off season?
I've not read the LN for the spin off yet though.

i would like to know more

Attached: [Erai-raws] Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka II - 07 [1080p][Multiple Subtit (197x586, 22K)

Bell is just a really big investment that will likely never pay off.


Nothing concrete. There's a theory that she's a split personality with their own body, though.

cant wait for the time when tiona will lust for bell as tione lusts for midget

It ruffles my waffles that Mia doesn't look like a dwarf. She just looks like a regular butch human.

Why did they make haru almost flat when she has quite the boobs?
I mean nothing against flatchests but for fucks sake at least respect the source.

Is it wrong to kidn... pick up a boy in the dungeon?

Her armpits are good too.

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this show sucks

Any reason why the sent a "lvl3" who may or may not defeat Bell, when the have the fugly lvl5 on standby?


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the spinoff since it takes place during the same time as S1 - but beware, the anime is too focused on Lefiya instead of Ais.

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The lvl 5 was in the team as well.

The more he levels up the more expensive the guild tax is, taking on new members is doing a number on their income since beforehand their assorted familia were footing the bill but they were working with Bell anyway, taxfree from Hestias point of view. Hes leveling up faster than his income from adventuring can support.
This is why tax evasion is rife but she can't partake since hes famous, Hermes is a champ at it though. Nothing a couple of magic swords wouldn't fix though.

just kamisexual - and Take is an airhead gigolo, breaking hearts and never noticing it well, until Mikoto did bring the message across.

I meant, why isn't the toad the one to subdue Bell, instead of using Haruhime to get the other amazon roughly to his level? The toad should make short work of him, unless that's what happens in the next episode.

I am almost sure its her who subdues him after using him to clean the dungeon walls.

She's Freya's daughter and the whole place is set up to hide her

No, since that re zero thread all aquafags must die. They are lying pieces of shit.

You can have sex with the goddess of love but then you have to fuck a fat bitch!
Is it worth it?

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Can I slam the fatty from behind?

the fatty will manhandle you. She is a level 5 monster

Not worth it. I'll stick with groping Hestia and jerking off later.

I thought I heard she only descended from Heaven like three weeks before the first episode, so she didn't really have time to recruit.

>having sex with gods
I doubt there has ever been a single instance where that didn't lead to despair and ruin on the human side.
Hard pass.

Made for tummy punches.

imagine not having bell as your real lover.

no. after this arc she admits to having feelings for Bell but has decided not to act on them out respects for Hestia and Bell.

Don't want to read the ln because people said it doesn't focus as much on Bell as the anime, can someone spoil me what's going to happen in the next few episodes?

No thats a fucking lie, she has a crush on her god.

Toad can't be trusted not to ruin the meat. And there's no way a fresh level 3 beats Aisha right then.

i would hard pass. probably would be the best sex you'd ever experience so all other sex would suck forever, and then you get anal raped by a toad.
no thanks


i wish mikoto didn't exist. waste of a party slot. only useful as party filler for war games and introducing haru.


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She's in love with her God, calls him a manwhore and later tells him about her feelings.

Do i get to have sex with goddess of love get raped by toad and then have sex with the toad again to make a plot against goddess of love to steal bell from her?

Hestia isn't that interesting as a goddess, but I don't see why any debt matters.
I mean, it's not like the goddesses are supposed to feed and gear you,
it's should be reversed - the children are the ones who serve the goddess and if she says she's going to handle it herself (mostly) then it would impact your life in any way at all.
In the end, you go to the dungeon to get stronger, and the guild pays you for every creature slain.
It's doubt Hestia would tax her children as hard as the tryhard gods do, so in actuality, you'll probably earn more money in Hestia familia than any other, assuming you get a proper party to make dungeons efficient.

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As incredible as sex with Ishtar would be, the downsides outweigh the positives in this case.

Jabba the slut

Eh, no.
Literally all their income would go to debt.
its 200 million of debt when a debt of 2 million is already enough to make people not want to join your familia

>Literally all their income would go to debt
and why exactly would it?
gods are practically immortal, so hestia has all the time in the world to pay her debts, and she's not being forced to hurry or punished for being too late or anything

Bitches and whores.webm

Attached: Bitches and whores.webm (1280x720, 2.43M)

The entire Ishtar arc is basically "Fuck sluts." and not in the way they want to be.

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Its what most gods do, do you really think all gods are like hestia/take/miach?
Most of the gods only want to be entertained, in fact in this very volume which is being adapted its show that most of the ones in the pleasure quarters are gods(who are expending their adventurers income without them knowing).

Allen is based as FUCK
catbois are always based

What did they do to you user

Hestia is different, and it's probably solely for that reason that she managed to get that hyper expensive weapon for bell without no way of guaranteeing it will be paid.

Favors like that are rarely done, not even to people who you trust 100% to pay back

Lili a shit. A SHIT.

Amazon position with an amazon!

How big is Bell's (potential) harem at this point?
In terms of confirmed feelings, romantic or otherwise, he's got: Hestia, Freya, Syr, Lili, Haruhime, Wiene, Mari, Rei, and Ryuu.
Am I forgetting anyone?


Eina and probably Aisha.

Also Aisha. Though I'm not sure if it's just because she's an Amazon, or if she has genuine interest in him.
Forgot about her, too.
Seems like Bell has a bigger non-human following than human.
His new title really should have been All Okay.

Such is the power of the dogeza and friendship, but mostly dogeza.

it's just so unsightly and depressing to see that people do ANYTHING to get rid of it

Makes sense since it's not like humans are considered the standard in Danmachi, they're just one race among others. Why are dwarves so underrepresented though, there's only like Mia, Garreth, Tsubaki(hafu don't count), and Dormul.

They aren't cute

Because the author wants it to be some special thing to level up based on genetics and talent yet he lets lowlifes be lv 2 and 3.

Hestia shots and others incoming!

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sorry. didn't mean to quote.

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someone gave Hestia 4 toes again!

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I want to use loli Mikoto as my own personal Cocksleeve.

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>She uttered one sentence asking her father to give food to us!
>She's such a selfless angel!
>I would die for our Haruhime-dono!

Retarded backstory.

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Well it looks like the PUNished Bell arc stared a little early.

fuck. forgot pic.

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It wasn't just that one time. Her family helped out the Take familia a lot after that.

That was all the screens i took.

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why didn't the hero from the book just move 360 degrees and walk away?

>couldn't get a bunch of amazons because she's shit with money


Sounds like a win-win.

That hero sounds like a cunt.

I want to rub those eyebrows so fucking bad

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>Whore of Babylon
I wonder who could be behind this heroic depiction?

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So what is the killing stone about?
spoil this for me

Haruhime is a level one member of the ishtar familia with a rare magic that is essentially a temporary level buff for one person. The killing stone is part of some ritual that would allow her to give the buff to basically every member of the ishtar familia at the cost of putting Haruhime into a (possibly temporary, but highly dangerous) coma or something by breaking her soul into a bunch of pieces. I think the killing stone only does that with fox people or something, but that race is also known for having powerful magic. Ishtar wants to use this to wipe out the Freya familia because she doesn't like being the number two whore or something

Wow what a bitch. Does ishtar get whats coming to her at some point or what?

As said:
Ishtar is extremely jealous of Freya. Ishtar believes that she is more beautiful and more deserving of attention/adoration/respect than Freya and hates Freya as well as Freya's Familia. She has several plans in place to destroy Freya's Familia, one of which involves the Killing Stone that Hermes delivered. There's a ritual that, once a year (I think?), allows the Killing Stone to trap the soul of a Renart within itself and allows the holder of the stone to use said Renart's magic. If the stone is then shattered, every person that holds a shard of the stone gains access to the magic within. However, as it contains the Renart's soul, should a fragment be lost or destroyed, the Renart would, at best, be rendered mentally deficient, about as mentally competent as a baby. Haruhime's magic allows one person to receive a level boost worth 1 level. If her soul and, by extent, her magic is trapped in the stone, when it's shattered, every single member of the Ishtar Familia who had a shard would effectively level up. She then planned to wage war on Freya's Familia with her army of multiple level 3s/handful of level 4s/single level 6. She planned to use a Familia outside of Orario to weaken them (Kali Familia; a familia of Amazons with two level 6s and several powerful fighters) before dealing the finishing blow herself. She also planned to use a very powerful monster hidden in the Dungeon as a backup (a monster capable of stalling 3 level 6s) in case Kali's Familia didn't quite cut it. Putting it nicely: bitch be crazy.

>Does ishtar get whats coming to her
"Yes." would be a massive understatement.
Freya realizes Ishtar's trying to fuck Bell (mentally, spiritually, and physically) and sends her entire Familia to put a stop to it. Her Familia basically destroys the entire Pleasure District in the span of half an hour, crushes Ishtar's top fighters, and Freya herself strolls through their base, Charming Ishtar's loyal followers to the point that they don't even listen to Ishtar any more. Freya then proceeds to tell Ishtar that she done goof'd and slaps her off the side of cliff. This "kills" Ishtar's mortal body forcing the automatic activation of Ishtar's godly powers, which is a direct violation of the rules that the gods must abide by. Since Ishtar violated the rules, Freya then takes that opportunity to "punish" Ishtar by firing magical orbs of "fuck you" at her, sending her back to Tenkai/Heaven.

A lot of that stuff isn't featured anywhere near the main story, but at least explains how she thought she might have had a chance at success if her plan actually worked considering how much stronger the Freya familia is.

Yeah, I forgot to include that most of the "backup plan" stuff is only revealed in Sword Oratoria.
The side story stuff really help fills in the blanks on the canvas and highlights how petty Ishtar really is.

What happens to all of the familia members then? Are they automatically kicked out of the family or does the stuff on their back stay until they join another family?

>brown skin
>taller than he is
>older than he is

anyone else think this is gross?

the cute amazon whore Lena joins the Loki famila and falls for Bete. Bete is having none of it and the running gag is he keeps kicking her away and she says she could be pregnant from one of his kicks,.

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Lads who's this brown beauty? Someone get me her facebook username.

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jesus hated hookers, though.

he said they were sinners and should be hit with stones.

Give a woman a dick, you feed her for a day
Teach a woman how to fuck, you feed her for life
Refute this

>What happens to all of the familia members then?
The Ishtar Familia is officially disbanded as of the deity's death. The remaining Amazons join other Familias. Most are killed by assassins, but that's only revealed in Sword Oratoria as well. Aisha attempts to join Hestia Familia but is cockblocked by Hestia/Lili. She then works for Hermes Familia, but not officially. Since Hermes' Familia is shady, as always. Lena joins an unknown Familia but had fallen for Bete so she's often involved in Loki Familia business, also Sw.O only. I don't recall what exactly happens to Phryne, but she's absolutely destroyed by Freya Familia's captains for claiming that she's more beautiful than Freya, and last we hear of her is that she's at an undisclosed inn licking her wounds and crying from having her shit pushed in so badly.

What the fuck happened to this show? S1 was a solid 9 and S2 is barely a 5. I can't even watch it in a single sitting because it's so damn boring.

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Sounds like freya just goes ape on her familia. How can she get away with that shit? Also why are the details to these kinds of things in the spinoffs and not the main story? Is that how the whole series reads or just this event? Because it seems like all the things a reader would want to know about are in the side stories.

Animators are on strike

It's really slow.

There's little fighting. No leveling. Just a bunch of expository dialogue.

It blows.

>How can she get away with that shit?
Who could really stop her? Moreso than the Apollo familia they could pay for any penalty (though I think they were largely penalized). And if it wasn't clear from Eina's exposition dump the guild that actually runs the city doesn't really have much love for the Ishtar familia anyway

Most of vol 6-8 are bult-up volumes that doesn't make sense until vol9-10.

Not really. Volumes 6-8 are all pretty self contained, though SO does make a lot of indirect references to 7. It's after that where there's a long ass multi-volume story

>I'm going to piss of one of the most powerful force in this city just because I can.
What could possibly go wrong.... LEVEL 7 HALF-ORC!!!!

I'm quite sure whenever someone says they're more beautiful then Freya, Otto actually hears it and puts said person on his shit list.

Well she did have a lot of preparation on her side, but probably would have been fucked even if that all worked out in her favor

I like this one.

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Her preparation was BS. Even with the Killing Stone ritual the only difference would have been that they would have lasted a few hours instead of 30 minutes. This was never EVER going to work.

>ugly brown ISHTAR versus beautiful Aryan FREYA


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She can't.
And didn't. She got wrecked. HARD.

>Are they automatically kicked out of the family or does the stuff on their back stay until they join another family?
When a god "dies" all of their followers are effectively kicked out of the familia and have their status locked making them like a normal person until they join a new one and get all their abilities back. That's why the big important gods are always with strong followers as bodyguards, because if they die not only is their "game" over but all their followers in the dungeon are absolutely fucked.

Bell literally leveled up though. It's just a shit adaptation with no weight behind the scenes.

I'd join if she allows me to motorboat those magnificent titties in a weekly basis.

Can someone explain this abomination? How come she looks like a fucking toad while the rest of the amazon sluts look like succubi?

Sometimes people are just freaks. They don't always need some sort of explanation

It's a joke. Aren't you finding it funny, user? Look, she's ugly! Haha

Why is Bell almost gets bodied for fuck's sake

Real talk.

What would sex with Ishtar be like?

She's educated prostitute embodied, so probably pretty great

Say it with me poorfags: LEFIYA CRANEL.

>How can she get away with that shit?
She has the most powerful/one of the two most powerful Familias in Orario. Realistically, there's not much the Guild can do to her, other than make her pay a huge fine, to which she basically says "kay" and carries on with her day. Freya does as she likes and doesn't take "No." for an answer.

Sword Oratoria, the spin-off, basically covers a whole different plotline, that often intersects with the plotline of the main story. The reason these other details pop up there is because they're not really relevant to, or even known by, Bell and Hestia Familia. The spin-off adds a lot of nuance to some situations, but isn't imperative to the development of the main story. The main LN develops certain parts of the world that SO doesn't, and likewise SO develops a lot of the world that the main line doesn't touch on.

To answer your question: yes, that's how the whole series is. SO goes a little bit more into the worldbuilding of the series, because Loki's Familia, the main subject of SO, is so much more involved with the "high level" stuff of the world. There's a main plotline in SO that runs parallel to the events in the main story that covers the potential destruction of Orario, and you almost never hear of it in the main story, because it's not really something that Hestia Familia would be asked to take part in. If you enjoy the world and want to know more about it, you absolutely want to read Sword Oratoria. If your interest is only/primarily Bell's story and his growth, you can, by and large, avoid SO and not miss out. Bell makes appearances here and there, and even plays a sizeable part in later SO novels, but it isn't mandatory reading.

Attached: [FFF] Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka - 01 [BD][1080p-FLAC][8B5184BF]-0033. (1920x1080, 120K)

Aiz a shit.


Realistically, it had a non-zero chance of working. Her total forces would have been something like:
Familia members + Killing Stone buffs:
>1 Level 6
>a handful of Level 4s
>a dozen/couple dozen Level 3s
>fuckton of level 2s
Kali Forces:
>2 level 6s
>an undetermined number of strong Amazons
Monster forces:
>Bull of Heaven Demi-Spirit (only lost to Loki's strongest executive + two other Level 6s, and even then put up a good fight)
Plus, she planned to have Ottar debuffed with curses and Status-lowering magic.
It would be a ridiculously uphill battle, and that's assuming no other Familias joined Freya, but it wouldn't be impossible.

Attached: [FFF] Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka - 11 [BD][1080p-FLAC][30DC7B3E]-0137. (1920x1080, 178K)

Don't forget about the ambush. The real question is how the fuck did she think that everyone else would have been okay with that especially the spirit like holy fuck that's seven layers of blasphemy.

>Not much Hestia again this week. I mad!
Can't afford Inori anymore, senpai.

if freya is so powerful why doesn't she just tenderize bell's boy pussy right now?

She probably wants to see him develop a bit on his own, or at least arrange a situation where he wouldn't resent her for forcing him into her familia

actually it's just because she's not too relevant to this part of the story. If the second season reaches the next arc then Hestia will get more air time again.

>short hair

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Marrying this elf.

It's like asking why someone doesn't shove a gem up their ass, you can't really appreciate it that way.

she looks like the type of girl that gently chokes you while riding you

Oh fuck.

She looks like the type of girl you leg-lock before exploding your Ignis Fatuus all over.


She literally passes as a man when in a suit, you're just a homo.

Imagine signing up for her familia only to constantly get cucked by Bell.
Obviously the only solution is to make him your boytoy.

You're putting down what aces Ishtar has, but I'm pretty sure Freya has some hidden aces up her butt as well.

Ottar's cursed? Check out this curse removing item. Something like that.

Despite being a god, Freya is like a lot of people who enjoy the hunt more than the prize itself. She even admits that, once she has him, he'll be yet another toy added to her "favorite toys" collection that will gather dust on the shelf. She might take it out to play with from time to time, but her love will never be as strong as when he's just out of reach.

She also wrongly assumes that she can have him whenever she wants, so it's better to play with him for now.


Attached: [FFF] Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka - 08 [BD][1080p-FLAC][26D4994F]-0133. (1920x1080, 219K)

>I'm pretty sure Freya has some hidden aces up her butt
>tfw you will never be the ace up Freya's butt
No doubt, though. Freya's Familia isn't the strongest without reason. Ishtar's just very very optimistic (read: delusional), and we're only ever shown her aces, so it's easier to see where her boundless optimism comes from. Freya's aces are up in the air and absolute unknowns at this point.

That's actually pretty crazy when you think about it. Should that happen an entire familia can just be wiped out in an instant. I would kind of like to see that as a plot point if it isn't already.

>you will never be forced into a life or death situation with this elf
>you will never cuddle with her while both of you are almost completely naked (but just to preserve body heat)
>you will never have her try to sacrifice herself to save you
>you will never betray her expectations and end up coming back to save her
>you will never help her fight her inner demons and outer demon
>you will never have this elf fall in love with you
>you will never be knocked out and princess carried by this emotionally confused elf
There's no reason left to live, Yea Forums.

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We know this because it happened. Twice.

That's why Ryuu told her Goddess to run, so she can keep her stats and fuck the Rudra guild up.

You're in luck, user. It's touched upon several times, and outright happens in the main plotline of Sword Oratoria.
>a god dies in the Dungeon
>their followers who are with them in the dungeon lose their blessing
>they get absolutely obliterated
>every single one of them dies

>street fighter elena

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it would give me motivation for carrying on.

Actually being in service for a loving caring goddess would make me willing to do anything.

>we will never see juggernaut going animated
why even live

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If you get turned on by that body, it's time to come out of the closet and go fap to some guys.

>we will never see Juggernaut OR Asterios animated by the same team/guy that did the s1 Minotaur fight

Attached: 1559297366918.jpg (1278x1657, 236K)

Be glad.
>Mobs shout "W-what's that" while standing still
>Four uninterrupted seconds of it running with loud thumps
>Cut to wall
>*slashing and screaming noises*
I fucking hate jc staff so much.

Did you listen to the full ED?
I like it


Ahh that makes sense. I'm mostly here for bell and his crew but I did watch the SO anime and enjoyed it quite a bit so maybe I'll check it out. The setting is pretty cool in this series and that definitely sounds up my alley because the main story never seems to touch on the setting aside from the major details.

Wow, will the anime ever get to that? If done right it would be absolutely amazing.

You'd need SO S2 (3?) to get to that.

Look at that little slut on the right. What if someone saw her tiny loli nipples?

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Hestia's too wholesome, don't lewd her.

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Dumb frogposter.

>will the anime ever get to that?
Considering it happens in the 11th volume of Sword Oratoria and the anime only covered to volume 4, it's very unlikely you'll ever see it animated. It's even more unlikely when taking into consideration how relatively unpopular the SO anime was to the main series'.

If you enjoy the world of Danmachi, want to see it from a different perspective, see it developed quite a bit more, and want it a little darker/edgier than vanilla Danmachi, definitely check out the Sword Oratoria LN or manga. The only complaint I have about SO is that sometimes it feel as though, when shit' has hit the fan and all hope seems lost, the main cast kinda just keep on going. Not really in the realm of "asspulls" as much as the whole "well that wasn't even me at 100%" or "guess I'll have to use /that/" shtick. The author makes it work better than the usual LN, but it still feels as though it's a little too in your face with it at times.

She lewds herself

>the main cast kinda just keep on going
I think I'd prefer that over the MC or similar consistently despairing and having to go through numerous comeback scenes though. I'll just have to read it and see. Now that I'm aware of it though I might find more fault with it than I would have had I gone in blind.

Don't lie though Bete's magic was cool.

dumb frogposter

Bete's magic was absolutely amazing. It's very Bete-like, to say the least.
>mfw Bete starts chanting

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Can asanagi make a doujin about this

wtf rin looks like THAT?

if she's gonna lust after me like she does after Bell then i'd do it in a heartbeat

So all the episodes left are going to be about a whore battle, and not even the good kind? I'm out of here.

Note that the killing stone and its connection to kitsune has basis in Japanese mythology, it's not just made up for Danmachi.

>The Sessho-seki (殺生石 Sesshōseki), or "Killing Stone", is an object in Japanese mythology. It is said that the stone kills anyone who comes into contact with it.

>The stone is believed to be the transformed corpse of Tamamo-no-Mae, a beautiful woman who was exposed to be a nine-tailed fox working for an evil daimyō plotting to kill Emperor Konoe and take his throne

I want to know, is the vol 13 a change in the LN?
Because i for sure dont remember such a one sided onslaught in the previous volumes.
Not that i am complaining i love "shit gets real" moments.

excuse me? The battle is supposed to be the most intense one since the Goliath battle.

Lili and Hestia are cunts, especially Lili, so Bell's harem could be bigger if Lili wasn't there.

Lili's tiny cunt

I don't know if it counts for much, but apparently Omori got a new editor(?) between volume 12 and 13, as he thanks a "Matsumoto-sama," who is "newly in charge of the series" in volume 13's afterword. For what it's worth, it seems as though Omori himself is very much okay with a slightly darker tone for the series as he initially had Haruhime being an actual prostitute who slept with many men, and wanted to have Lena actually die, instead of pulling the fakeout that ended up happening.
Volume 14 will also be a lot like Volume 13, in that the sense of impending death will be very present throughout. It's definitely something to look forward to. I'm really excited to see what Volume 16 has to offer, as 15 is a slice of life/reflection novel that servers as "breathing room" after going from Xenos to Enhanced Moss Huge, to Juggernaut to deep diving + Juggernaut.

In one of the author's first drafts for Volume 12, he has Aisha pretty much raping Bell, Lili and the rest be damned.

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I really hate not knowing japanese.
Is danmachi a hard to read LN in japanese?

listen to this Yea Forums bilibili.com/video/av18048750

juggernaut might even be glossed over if something more interesting happens in volume 16

Attached: mad.png (1428x1432, 1.67M)

>Is danmachi a hard to read LN in japanese?
I wouldn't know. Sorry user, but I'm an EOP having to eat scraps from the master's table. The Danmachi wiki has synopses of all the non-translated volumes currently available (up to Volume 15 for the main line, and up to Volume 12 for Sword Oratoria.) They're somewhat sparse on the details, but detailed enough to really whet your appetite.

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I considered doing that but this would really disgrace my experience reading the volumes, expecially since everyone says they are the best volumes in the LN.
Guess i will have to sit my ass and learn nihongo

Wait, wasn’t it supposed to be a wooden sword?

Volume 14 will be out in english soon.

I want a novel of just Bell chilling out. Dude needs a break.

i can't stop thinking about how that tower is actually Ishtar's brothel now when i see it.

Yes. As expected of JC Staff. They've made quite a few changes in both seasons, and I don't just mean skipping stuff or cutting content, but outright changes.

Not much longer for 14's goodness now. Only ~2 months left.

Volume 15 is for you, then. It lets Bell rest, while he and several of the other characters reflect on the somewhat distant (relatively so) past, as well as the events of the past week or two.

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Didn't know Aiz dooing part time in red light district

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>I want a novel of just Bell chilling out. Dude needs a break.
Getting touma vibes here.

This but with him running into Riveria or Garreth who are in a "I'm too old for this shit" mood. Like they just fuck off to the forest on the 18th floor to get away from people.

Oh well, second quote was meant for (You).

Wrong eye color, but otherwise pretty close

>ever since vol 9 bell has been on a incremental spiral of "shit gets real"
>volume 15 is SoL
Its going to get worse isnt it

>Its going to get worse isnt it
We can only hope. My only question is will volume 16 be about the events that happen in Knossos with Nidhogg, or if we've already passed that in the main timeline.

>Riveria or Garreth
>Bell completely side steps the younger members of the Loki Familia and hang out with the older members.
They'd probably appreciate his enthusiasm.

Why bother? Vol 14 literally comes out in english in october where all the Jugg stuff happens and Vol 15 is just a cooldown/backstory volume. Just get the book yourself then.

Garreth seems like the kind of guy who would get drunk and tell Bell to hit him as hard as he can because he's curious.

The problem is latter, yen press takes too long(and good i dont even speak japanese but some parts of their translations dont even make sense)
i'd certainly rather have skythewood with his strings cut bullshit.

And Bell would like another granddad figure in his life.

Has Gareth even experienced any of Bell's fiery enthusiasm yet? He missed out on the Minotaur and Goliath battles, and I'm not sure if he was there to witness the fight with Asterios. The only thing I can think of is maybe him watching the War Game, but that's hardly the best example.

I think he was there when he attacked Loki familia so he probably picked up on it like Finn did.

What's Bell's Noble Phantasm

wtf bros I thought you guys said she's pure

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she passes out before anything actually happens
the amazons kick out the customers before they can do anything
haruhime is so pure and gullible she thinks she's a sex goddess even though all she does is pass out

Not only that but she's so slutty yet pure that she dreams lewd dreams and thinks they're real.

Guys. I'm not sure if you've noticed, but did they really just go, and went into a fucking DUUNGEON??? HOLY FUCKIING SHIT. ABSOLUTELY BASED IF TRUE.

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>leave your party full of level 1's in a floor full of level 2 monsters
nice jobbu

Welf and Mikoto are level 2

Aiz is really hot for him and doesn't understand it yet.


Hestia's boobs bouncing on your dick

Green eyes, hair bit too dark

Why are the oriental characters always the cutest and most attractive Danmachis?

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It's weird, the books mention it as a wooden sword, but in the art it's portrayed similarly to how JC staff depicted it.

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Why are all the brown girls whores and all the light skin girls pure beauties?

In the ending is it Hestia's birthday or something?

I would subject myself to a lifetime of Hermes's ruse cruise than sign on with that worthless whore of a goddess.

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Where do you guys even read the light novels at?

Just go to Nyaa Si and download the batch. No ads, free, no searching, no low quality, all in under 10 minutes. You should be torrenting everything, user.

Some things don't change between 2D and 3D.

>muh heroes
>muh entertainment

Fuck the gods, fuck the dungeon, and fuck the stupid tale they weave with each passing day.

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Whats his end game

It's a joke that works better in novel format where there isn't a constant visual jarring from the ridiculous design. The idea behind her being ugly is to counter all those "I want to be raped by an amazon" fags and emphasize just how fucked up amazon values are, something that kind of got lost when he made them all 10/10 babes. It also gives a reason for the internal strife in their familia that allows Bell to not be totally overwhelmed by a bunch of people who are all better than him.

>using Haruhime to get the other amazon roughly to his level?
Every Amazon on that team was above his level even without the boost.

She's a former commander for the Freya Familia

The toad is the one who finally puts him down, but, in all likelihood, there's a non-zero chance that he could escape if only Phryne was after him. Plus, Ishtar orders them to catch Bell, and she doesn't trust Phryne not to try something if she were by herself. She tries something anyways and almost rapes Bell in her private sex dungeon. The Amazons hunting him are almost all level 3, with the exception of Phryne, who's level 5. Haruhime's magic makes Aisha a level 4, and a fairly strong one at that, assuming the level boost is a 1:1 boost, as Aisha is already top-tier for a level 3 at the time this is taking place.

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No. She IS Freya. Go look up Norse mythology. Syr was one of Freya's disguises she took on when she visited Humans.


Literally built to make demi-gods with me!

Attached: Hestia-Listen-2.jpg (873x977, 250K)

Barren goddess womb

I think the bigger problem is that it does a bunch of character volumes that are basically filler. You're right that so many issues are solved by the main cast just being unstoppable badasses that there really isn't any sense of danger so long as one of them is present. Gareth and the amazons taking out a pseudo-spirit on their own with sheer guts really stood out as this.

So what's the reason Freya doesn't just aggressively claim Bell for herself if she likes him so much

because Freya is playing the long game. Grooming Bell into a powerful hero before she drugs the mug she serves him one night, and takes him down into the sex dungeon beneath the tavern. And when she's done with him and turned Bell into her toy, she'll send a portrait of it to Hestia of him doing an ahegao V sign beneath her. That's how Freya trolls.

i literally cant stop masturbating myself to this pic send help

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Sorry about that, I thought they were talking about the bar owner not Syr

Human/God relationships almost always end in disaster.

The higher the adventurers' level, the closer they become to divinity, due to the god's falna. So they could probably become a demigod if they get strong enough.

Anime only fag here, does Bell turn into a chad or is this just a one time thing?

He pretty much becomes a chad after asterios fight. He is still the kind hearted but the isnt really a kid anymore.

I do appreciate, at the very least, that the author attempts to have it seem less like an asspull by acknowledging that if the demi-spirit had been anything other than a pure-physical type monster, they'd have been boned. Doesn't hurt that Gareth has S-rated Strength and Endurance/Defense , that Tiona/Tione are Level 6, compared to being Level 5 when they faced off against the first demi-spirit, and that the two musclebrained Amazons power up the more damage they take. The type match-up reason isn't a great reason, but it's slightly better than nothing.

>does Bell turn into a chad or is this just a one time thing?
Yes. He stops being quite so indecisive after he hits Level 4, and starts being a little more out-going, but still has his flustered-around-women moments. He has a concrete goal that he's working towards, and he knows that he needs to be strong, stronger than Aiz and stronger than his rival, in order to accomplish that goal, so he's now moving with purpose. Bell's always been one of those "when the die are cast, follow through" types, it just took him a while to reach that point. After Volume 11, he need much less "motivation" to push himself over the edge, from indecisive coward, to full on GAR. Our little Bell is growing up so quickly.

>mfw this illustration

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Why are her pupils so large?

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So does Bell ever fill Ais womb with his children?

She wishes.


It's safe to say that at that point she's completely fallen for him?

Quite sure, tough she doesnt realize.

What volumes do the animes cover?

Aphrodisiac vapors in the air

It's mainly just because their first meeting with one was a genuinely tense moment where all of their familia's elites had to give it their all to just barely eek out a win and the second one gets put down by an exhausted rearguard. It really brought the threat level down of them as enemies and ruined that feeling of "yeah, if one of these made it to the surface, it'd be game over."

Are we ever getting more Loki familia? I miss them.

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There will probably be some of them near the end of the season, but mostly just Finn and Aiz from what I remember

I understand why the random faggots left but why did the fortune teller girl and her partner leave? Are they that shallow?

I hope also Bete (even f it is later).

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200 million debts > bell's pussy

No, you're just a retard

>Getting swarmed by monsters
>Best fighter gets disappeared
Bell's party died this episode, right?

Heracles is either captain of exiled Zeus familia or a secret leader of his own Familia, depends if they go through with mythology that Heracles was born, lived and died a human and ascended into greek divinity/pantheon upon death.

The fuck? That guy is just Accelerator. Same clothes and everything.

They can still run the fuck away, their problem was that they were clearing the floor out for cash and there was way more than it should have been.

>Several hooded figures stood with their backs to a large steel container as if protecting it. Aisha walked past them and placed her hand on the cargo box that was big enough to fit a few people. Slipping her fingers into the handle, she opened the door.
>“Haruhime, get ready.”
>One lone girl was sitting in the back corner of the cargo box.
>Dressed in long, loose clothing—Far Eastern–style combat attire—she wore a helmet that had been heavily decorated with feathers. Her beautiful golden hair was braided and tied into a bun that was hidden along with her ears under the helmet. Even her bushy fox tail was completely concealed.
>Every effort had been made to hide the fact that this girl was a renart. Her brilliant green eyes shifted toward Aisha.
>“…Are we here to…abduct an adventurer?”
>Her eyes shook softly as she spoke. Aisha’s expression, however, didn’t change.
>“We are.”
>“Who, may I ask?”
>“You don’t need to know.”
>Aisha reached inside the container, grabbed the young girl’s arm, and pulled her up. Then she leaned in so close that her lips grazed the feathers on Haruhime’s helmet as she spoke.
>“Same as always, got it?”
>Aisha’s strong voice reverberated inside the steel box. Haruhime looked at her feet as she whispered her response. Satisfied, Aisha let go.
What is this fucking horseshit, where is the steel box and the samurai full battle gear that Haruhime is supposed to be wearing?

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Be happy you're getting the premium service, look what they did to Overlord with their standard one.

>Hermes's ruse cruise

How tall is Lili?

Attached: Lili.png (1920x1080, 2.53M)


so my dick is over 1/7th of her height?

It's all about perspective. Lili is walking a few meters behind Bell, which is why she appears so small. Welf on the other hand is a fucking giant in this picture.

Its JC Staff, saw it coming with how Index turned out. I miss the old JC.

why is the animation noticeably worse this season?

her name is Samira, with level 3 one of the higher members of the Berbera amazons.


>Hestia likes physical copies

Attached: surrounded by physical copies.jpg (1280x720, 134K)

>she is a prostitute but she's actually not
Why the hell nip like this trope so much holy shit
Anyway just finish vol 7, please tell me it gets better because so far Bell is kinda bland and the harem antic is absolutely terrible. The fights aren't interesting and the villains are kinda boring.

>The fights aren't interesting
I guess you just don't like the series then, user, cause that's the best aspect of the novels by far. The next villain is probably the best one to come but he goes out on somewhat of a whimper

I will just keep reading since so far there's nothing that makes me want to drop the series yet. Hopefully the later fights are better then. Everything else just seems bland or mediocre to me.

>Why the hell nip like this trope so much holy shit

Because while they like drama and conflict, they're to purity obsessed to actually commit to having a female love-interest/lead that is impure.

B team, A team is on Accel.


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Dibs on her feet

It won't be barren for long with me.

>they're to purity obsessed to actually commit to having a female love-interest/lead that is impure.
I've actually just played a nip game where a female love interest was not only impure they had a kid as well.

imagine her riding your dick reverse cowgirl style.

Attached: Hestia hump.gif (480x270, 908K)

JC as studio is barely average when it comes to animation, they'd have to completely scrap their current mass production work schedules and focus on one project at a time to be any where near decent compared to current almost average to down right shit, depending on how much they care or were paid.

Does she have the 'tism?

It does look like that times doesn't it? I believe it's more to do with her upbringing. She gives off a secluded childhood vibe.

oh shit new chapter, thanks user

You're implying Hestia would ever sell Bell.

Pay denbts

Guys guys guys

Last manga raw chapter is 89, from almost a year ago? Wtf happen, did they cut it?

>A team is on Accel

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Toaru Kagaku no Accelerator - 04 [720p].mkv_snapshot_13.44_[2019.08.02_20.19.11].jpg (785x830, 48K)

Not exactly true. Take mentions that he daughterzones pretty much everyone because he doesn't want them to full in love with him, because of mortal+god complications.

Sad I know.

She's just socially retarded due to her only parental figure being the elf princess.

fck of germoney

Ah yes, the moment Finn realized he was slacking too much in making babies to carry on his legacy.

Excuse me, but it's not Riveria-mama's fault that Aiz was too focused on the past instead of the present. If she focused more on bonding with her current mother and family instead of tunnel visioning MAYBE saving her old mother she wouldn't be so socially retarded. Riveria would've been more willing to provide that for her if she hadn't rejected her outright when she was a confused and emotional kid.

i get angrier and angrier every episode. god this show is turning awful for me.

How exactly does economy even work? I know the little tidbits from S1, but does it get expanded upon in the LNs? I mean the 200m debt of Hestia vs that 2m dept of familia that some adventurers that planned to join Hestia doesn't really seem all that big considernig gods are literally immortal and their weekly/monthly charges might as well be as low as 1 per charge.

Well they are voiced by the same guy, after all.

Hestia's debt isn't really that bad considering she'll be the one paying it off over the next few hundred years, and not the adventurers in her familia.

wrong! They said they would help her pay it off and she very reluctantly agreed because they were insisting.

I want to be the meat in a freya ishtar sandwich

I want to be in an Eina and Haruhime sandwich.

This only works if there is an agreement to pay off the debt over centuries. The adventurers applying to the Hestia familia didn't hear about that so they must have assumed a lot of their income would go into paying off the debt.
t. animeonly

Loki Tione sandwich for me please. The contrast would break my dick.

Based. I wouldn't have worded it that hard since Hestia does give Bell freedom to develope and is clingy and lazy but never controlling or tyrannical, but still I can't really like her flat (nani) annoying character.

Tione is known as a person even the gods are afraid of

>Ais broke a rapier worth 40 million Valis in five days
>Will only take her a week's worth of farming to pay back
Seems like the 200 million for the Hestia Knife is going to be absolutely nothing when all start leveling up.

The debt is over a period of like 35 years in 420 payments, which comes to ~476k valis a month. Keep in mind, Heph deducts it from her paycheck so she's making bank with goading adventurers into buying stuff.

when they all start*

The OVA is nice service if you know what I mean and if you have the strength to sit through the sword art oratoria shit there are some nice bell and aiz scenes in there, a little bit more to certain scenes of the anime, what happened before and after the minotaur fight and every encounter of bell with aiz. Sadly gay elf ruins it. You decide if it's worth it

What would happen if I teased Haruhime with my collar bones? Could I train her to get wet at the sight of my neck/shoulders? Couldn’t we just prone bone to avoid her fainting?

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I haven't read later volumes yet but I've looked at the illustrations, Why did Mikoto switch from being a samurai to a ninja?

>476k a month
Jesus Christ abandon familia now

It's a miracle she didn't add interest, imagine the total if she had.

the numbers are all over the place. A level 1 adventurer can make 4000-5000 valis per day.

some 420 monthly payments, i.e. 476,000 valis per month, for 35 years. But Hephaistos probably will never charge her, instead she will keep part of her salary as a partial fulfillment until the debt is paid off.

That will come up in like an episode or two

That'd make her evil enough to rival the worst credit card companies around. Hephaistos would never do that to anyone, especially not a friend.

Loan companies are worse. Encountered one that wanted me to start paying them back within a week

What's going on, machibros? Is it the pacing that is bad, or is it just that the story is terrible?

I don't really mind this part. Only the wargames and parts leading up to it were really rushed

You'd probably have to increase gradually, keep making out until she finally stops fainting from that, then onto the next base to train etc.
Sounds like a lot of fun to be had though the blue balls will be horrifying.

I've heard of similar stories with brutal interest rates. And then borrowing from other loan sharks to pay off loan sharks.

It likely comes down to the fact that Hestia's Familia is a small Familia of, at the time, literally 4 people. It's a small, relatively weak (though not really since the average level of the Familia is Level 2) Familia with a massive debt. It'd be quite a bit different for a Familia like Loki's to have that kind of debt as they are not only larger, but they're also much much stronger and can go deeper into the dungeon much more easily. Generally the deeper you go, the more valuable the drops that you find will be. If you joined a Familia of 4 with a 200m debt, the assumption is that you're going to be grinding your ass off in the dungeon every single day to help pay it off, or, even worse, going to be forced to go on deeper level dungeon runs (i.e. more dangerous/more likely to die) in order to help pay it off.

As for general economy stuff, the only time it's really talked about is somewhat early on, when Lily mentions that a party of Level 1s (4-5 members) can make around 25,000 valis a day. Take out what's spent on repairs and potions, and it's not much money per individual per day. It's also somewhat touched on in Sword Oratoria where, after an expedition to the deep levels, Loki Familia has a drop item worth 12 million valis, and receives a quest reward worth 10 million. On Hestia Familia's first expedition into the lower levels, they find several rare materials worth about 3 million valis, but the dangers of the lower levels very nearly kills them, and that's with two technically 1 Level 4s, four Level 2s and Haruhime's magic.

Is it really that much worse than throwing her out of the house and making her homeless?

Haruhime's magic sounds like a disaster waiting to happen. Shit like that should be saved for oh shit moments and not to go deeper than you could normally.

>the dangers of the lower levels very nearly kills them
Only due to irregularities like the Moss monster. They would more than likely have completed their mission rather easily if that thing didn't show up.

why doesn't Bell just fuck her?

One can recover from having nothing. But with interest, Hestia could potentially end up paying back her debts forever so interest is worse in this case.

Imagine your captain having a rare stat called Luck only to land yourselves in near death.

He gets into the worst situations every damned time he goes anywhere despite the Luck skill.

>he doesn’t like edging
Man. I’m sorry, you’re missing out.

Edging is great, blue balls however is not even close to being great.

Tell me about it. I dont mind spoilers

Attached: [FFF] Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka - 01 [BD][1080p-FLAC][8B5184BF]-0028. (1920x1080, 260K)

Yeah luckily I didn't take the offer. It was too aggresive for my taste and I didn't need the money

>Shit like that should be saved for oh shit moments
It actually is, in that particular scenario. They don't have her use it until the last possible second right before they're about to get swarmed by monster parties from 3-4 different directions, as well as getting attacked by an Enhanced Species who is roughly Level 4, close to Level 5 in strength. In reality, their Familia should be exploring those levels normally, given that they have a Level 4 and several Level 2s, as the Guild says that those particular floors are "doable" for a party of Level 2s. The only real issue is that Hestia's Familia has so few members, it doesn't really matter if their levels are on-par/slightly above the floor's difficulty, if shit goes sideways, they don't really have enough people to ensure they could get out safely. That's why they invite Aisha (Level 4), Daphne & Cassandra (Level 3), Ouka and Chigusa (Level 2). But even then, the Dungeon takes every opportunity it can get to bone them sideways.

Always found it interesting that the dungeon seems to have a will of its own

It's definitely one of the main mysteries that has yet to be really talked about in the series. We've had monsters refer to it as "Mother" and we've seen it release strong monsters to get rid of any threats when it takes too much damage or detects a god inside of it, but we haven't gotten an explanation yet. Really looking forward to how the author plans to address it.

It'll just fall in love with Bell once it notices his hero boner, then become a maiden and want him to be her hero.

She has 4 adventurers that are fairly high level so they probably make like 50k-100k/day.

Probably far far higher than that considering she has at least one level 5 member. Loki's family can easily clear hundreds of millions in a week.

>Jii-chan, what would you think about saving a dungeon?
>Bell could imagine his grandpa's tired, worn-out face, as if he has given up on something.
>"Fuck it, just do whatever you want," Bell imagined his grandpa saying, bottle of Soma wine in hand.

Bell seems to have become a monster fetishist, at some point it'll involve into a dungeon one.

At the very least Loki familia has a ton of cash. Tiona and Bete are 90m and 50m in debt respectively after breaking their custom weapons repeatedly, Aiz was given a 40m loaner sword that she promptly broke and had to pay back. Loki bought 5 unbreakable weapons at ~100m each to deal with acid monsters. Riveria's fucking staff is 340m + magic stone DLC. And don't forget them going through elixirs like coffee.

>Loki's family can easily clear hundreds of millions in a week.
I wonder about that. If they do a quick run with a few high level members they can make a lot of money, but their big ass expeditions barely make it in the black (if they even do)

>I wonder about that.
Some of them go adventuring after destroying their weapons in the initial SO expedition, they cleared about 100m Valis. I think this was also when Ais also defeated the level 6 skeleton boss and leveled up.

Can you blame him when his dick is constantly pressed up against sexy Xeno tits?

Definitely not, I'd do the mermaid even just by looking at the one illustration of her in the LN, heart pupils are too great. Wiene and Rei are also probably pretty good looking considering their descriptions.

>100 million valis

So like... how much is an apple? Or a new horse. This economy seems beyond fucked. Either gods and their children are impossible lords of infinite wealth, hoarding 99.999999% of all the nations wealth, or their currency is just fucked up, and the government should take measures to increase the value per valis.

The Guild probably gets a shit ton due to taxes which is why some of those cunty Gods are lying about level ups.
In the beginning Bell got a few thousand per adventure which barely bought enough food for both him and Hestia, and repairs.

The weapons that are crazy expensive are ones that are made of rare and expensive material and are made in such a way they have special qualities like being unbreakable or storing magic power.

Well, I'm not sure how much an apple is, but, while Bell was still Level 1, he earned 26,000 valis in one day, with Lili's support. He split it with her, 50/50, and with the 13,000 he planned to take Hestia out for a fancy dinner. If I recall correctly, the "famous" potato snack, Jyagamaru-kun, costs like 30 valis per puff. His very first set of Crozzo armor cost him 9,900 valis, and low-level Hephaistos smiths sell their stuff for 6k-15k valis, while the more expensive weapons can get up to 30 million for stuff sold in shops, and several hundred million for custom weapons.

They said a slave is 2-3 mil, mug of beer is 200, giant plate of noodles is 300, and Bell's first set of armor ran him just shy of 10,000 for his armor.

About 1:1 conversion of vials to yen doesn't seem too far off as guesses go.

I really like the cover for this.

>Wiene and Rei are also probably pretty good looking
This is what Rei looks like according to the LN art.

Attached: 1559151787102.jpg (614x877, 100K)

Why are they giving each other bedroom eyes.

Tione is thanking Rei for saving Finn, but then threatens Rei that if she starts developing feelings for Finn or tries to seduce him with her looks, she'll turn Rei into fish food. Rei then confesses that she has feelings for someone else (Bell).

Bell please harems aren't supposed to be like pokemon, you don't have to catch them all.

You now realize Bell was defending himself with a 1.9m USD dagger.

What do you think a harem is user?

Putting it into perspective the golem doesn't seem like that much. Knossos is still an unfathomable amount of autism though.

I also realize a foxgirl slave is about as much as a new car.

This is the information we needed to know.

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Is this in Oratoria?

>Is it okay to pick up girls in a dungeon?
The title never specified species

That applied for standard slaves. Not sure if that appliees to foxgirls.

The novels that this is based on are top tier but they got JC Staff-ed

Considering how useful she is as a prostitute you could probably negotiate a discount. They can't argue she's useful as a caster because she's unregistered, after all.

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i actually think bell trying to save the dungeon its possible
perhaps the dungeon is actually some girl in the last floor cursed by the gods or something

Is this hero rescues the impure whore because he's such a chad but she was actually pure and had a nice, feminine penis all along the stupidest plot in native isekai history? Maybe ever?

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>hundreds of millions of children

Yeah, it's an illustration from volume 12 of SO.

Good thread

Food from food stands are cheap then you go into a bar which has pricer food as per standard.
It’s the weapons and armor and potions that are expensive as fuck. Tiona’s dual blade thing, Urga, like 120 million or something, which is part of the reason why her smiths cry whenever she brings it in utterly trashed

>native isekai
Fuck off.

>gods isekaied to this world
>bell native down there
I don't see your problem.

My problem is you're still alive.