This guy is based

This guy is based

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>posting shit from 2012

There have been countless threads about this, for years.

This thread is bad and you should feel bad.

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If I liked Naruto I would also kill myself.


~Shonen Jumped

Based. We should all be like him

kill yourself narutard


If boreto kill ima jump

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hilarious and original

>happened in my birthday


Well, there goes my perception of Russia as a hard land full of hard men

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Are you getting all your real life information from action movies? Russia is full of extreme case autists.

Mods should give a public ban to this Narutard


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not as based as the kid who killed himself by having his friends bury him head first in the sandbox so he could be like gaara.

Didn't get isekai'd then

oh btw it was fake news, OP

Is that something Gaara would do? Never watched Naruto.

Their power comes from autism and liquor


then why are you even here faggot?

why are you on Yea Forums nardotard

So does Naruto have the highest official IRL death count of all shonen?

>hasnt watched naruto
>asks why others are on Yea Forums
yikes newfriend

who are you quoting nardotard

Maybe he time-travelled to the past and became you?

cool reply newfriend

Yes. Yes he is. We need more people who recognize fictional characters as a thing worth dying for. When many people commit suicide to be with their beloved husbando/waifu, maybe someone will finally create a virtual world to fully submerge into, or hypnosis method infinite tsukuyomi style, for the rest of us, desperate 2D lovers. I am awaiting the day when I'll be able to hug Madara and tell him just how much I love him.

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