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I don't watch trash sorry.
Id rather claw my eyes out
t. brainlet
t. adhd retards
or bait
And some people say the japanese artform is superior..
Steamed potatos.
I wonder if we will have another story like this animated ever again having in mind how flashy fast phased media is in the rise for a while now.
Isnt the author of this a woman with fingerspasms?
why didnt they hire any real artists?
this isnt minimalism its never bothering to learn to draw properly or to develop a style and staying at the level of an 5 year old who's just learned to use a pencil and getting away with it because of nepotism and well formed connections
I will never not be salty for that
Enjoy your thread, I dont shame you guys for liking it, maybe the story and characters appeal to you but the animation and manga are a crime to art
I tried and I dropped it in 3 episodes.
Not a fan of the mcs and I don't like Iyashikei.
I finally got around to reading the manga and it was great. The ending was more depressing than I thought it would be.
Nothing wrong with not liking it, that's just your opinion, trying to imply it's objectively bad or a crime to art is just dumb though.
i think the scratchy artstyle is kinda charming desu
>Can't enjoy simple things because "muh pretentious art".
Oh man, it must suck to be you.
Here, let me show you the exit.
>cant deal with conflicting opinions
>cant defend his opinion
>tells others to go to pleddit
I think youre the one who should be leaving if we go about things logically
but it is
this is the type of crap that without context nobody would give it attention or say its outright bad
Much like modern art, which is indistinguishable from toddlers works
I remember finishing it around 11pm on a Saturday night, had to go on a walk to the nearest 7eleven for a bottle of vodka just to drown the despair out of me.
My question is, what is wrong with liking a work of art such as this one, believing art has any more meaning beyond satisfying our need for for beauty is stupid as it is a subjective matter.
No wonder dadaism became a thing.
Someone post that Tranny room picture with GLT on the TV.
individually it isnt wrong to like it, but as a group its bad because it influences others, the anime industry, artists, the public
why does this author, who has no artistic skill or effort get her art style promoted and adopted instead of any of the hardworking proper artists?
yes yes, I know, life is unfair, but it only is that way because people allow it to be.
Nepotism, and people not deciding for themselves what is good and what isnt also plays a part.
You may like it for its story or character but youre all promoting, helping this person by posting their art and they will be remembered for it even though there are others who deserve it far more. And thats just one of many
Dadaism usually had effort in it and wasnt part of the competition. I find something like 'modern' art a real insult.
but who the fuck cares anyway, Im not going to change any of your minds or change the way people think. but if youre interested read some stuff by edward bernays while its not directly about art many of those things apply to it
I never actually rewatched any anime. I'm horribly afraid the cartoons I used to like 5-10 years ago will be now cringeworthy. Let me live in blissful ignorance.
In today's information age where your brain is bombarded with tons of information i feel simple art to be refreshing.
Now you have skilled artists, dozen a dime in comparison to 200 years ago. Art being so widely available has made it lose a lot of it's original value.
Art means nothing anymore, its an intellectual drug that keeps you hooked asking for a bigger, greater dose which only pretentious fine art gives.
You can take tkmiz art at face value, it is as you see it, no hidden meaning, no agenda, just some drawings to illustrate a story about 2 girls living their last 2 months.
If anything it has more philosophical value than artistic value.
learn how to type in English first before posting
No, retard. Taking the dog out makes you miss the entire point of those images.
>develop a style
what? tkmiz style is instantly recognizable
>why does this author, who has no artistic skill or effort get her art style promoted and adopted instead of any of the hardworking proper artists?
it is promoted and adopted? huh that's weird I thought it was another weird niche cartoon recognized by marginal group of passionate anime watchers instead of something as popular as billion-dollar modern popartists and dabbing thanos on silver screen
You shouldn't be into anime if you can't find at least a few shows to watch every season. There is so much shit. So much variety. No excuses.
>generic romcoms
much variety wow
No excuses.
Why do you fuckers always bring up capeshit? Yes it is shit but that doesn't mean it is only thing that west makes. You just have to look at non-blockbuster stuff.
Maybe i should just move on to manga fully. I haven't enjoyed a new anime in years.
>that doesn't mean it is only thing that west makes
with how succesful capeshit is recently were only going to see more and more
the rest will be reboots and then once in a blue moon a director does something original and risky
Those are boiled potatoes.
Looks like Ed.
Crossboard somewhere else faggot.
So is Shimeji Simulation the afterlife?
holy shit they DAB?!
it's a simulation
potatos are dead
It was decent. It's not worth a rewatch.
For me its one of the few shows where if I go back to grab a screenshot I end up watching the whole episode
Here goes:
You are actually straight up retardo for thinking tkmiz has no artistic skill and that her work is lacking in merit and undeserving of recognition. This is apparent in your evaluation of tkmiz's work specifically as well as generally in your aesthetic philosophical framework of how artistic merit ought to be evaluated and recognized.
First, your absolute brainlet take on the artstyle: Expressionism is, in fact, a legitimate aesthetic school. If you can't wrap your head around the concept that sometimes you can convey emotional content better with deliberately distorted, exaggerated, or otherwise stylized depictions, then buddy are anime and manga not the media for you. In case you've forgotten, the entire Japanese artistic concept is stylized portrayal. This can take a number of different forms, from exaggerated human features ("why are their eyes so big in chinese cartoons?") to off-the-wall color schemes (palette switches in JoJo) to, tah dah, deliberately avante-garde drawing technique (Ping Pong, OPM webcomic, tkmiz).
The key is to have the art style resonate with the content of the work, and tkmiz's sketched, casual style does that. Girls' Last Tour is, fundamentally, and existential piece, exploring complicated aspects of our common human experience: companionship, loss, uncertainty, purpose, art, death, remembrance, and joy. An unavoidable feature of existential philosophy is that it must, necessarily, be explored from your own perspective: not to go full solipsism here, but the only life you ever get to directly experience is your own. This means that existential exploration is a very personal experience, both to write and to read. The writer must base their ideas on their own experience, and the reader can't help but apply what they read to theirs. As a result, tkmiz's rough-yet-still-expressive contributes to the reader's sense of personal connection to the author.
did not read
Wow, rude.
The abstract style that doesn't conform to established manga conventions helps convey that this is tkmiz's attempt to visually express (hence Expressionism) an abstract emotion or concept directly as she experiences it. It's disorganized, rough, and unpolished, but that actually meshes very well with tkmiz manga thematically: messy, vaguely stressful, uncertain, and angst-filled. tkmiz builds a personal connection with the reader -- there aren't many fandoms (I fucking hate that word but it applies) that care so much about the mangaka as a person. A more polished style, with all the scribble marks removed and everything done precisely and cleanly, would actually detract from this understanding of the illustrator's creative process.
In summary: the difference between a three year old who scribbles and an established artist who scribbles is that the artist knows what she's doing. You should therefore consider that possibility that they're doing it on purpose (because they are) and reflect more on how that deliberate aesthetic choice influences your overall experience of the art. The fact that you see no merit in the work says more about your vision than about the merit.
didn't read this either LOL
t. /ic/ brainlet who has been drawing nothing but boxes for three years
I don't think one punch man webcomic is deliberate avante-garde. I think he might just be bad but still want to do it.
This, the manga is better
Maybe, but it does occasionally manage to be expressive in its own way. Awakened Garou is terrifying in a really unique way because of how raw the style is; I'm interested to see how Murata translates this impression to the more professional and polished manga. If the most recent manga chapter is any indication, it's gonna be pretty harsh and raw and actually a lot like the webcomic.
This. The only thing I don't get is why is this style considered "bad" by some people even outside of the philosophical context. The setting itself justifies it enough. It's a ruin of a city - rough, decaying, untended and desolate place. This style of drawing captures it perfectly, and the emotional connection to the themes present is a very nice bonus.
Then again, it's pretty brainlet-tier to think entire literary work is objectively bad just because one personally doesn't like the artstyle. This is further justified by their inability to read text longer than an average twitter post.
Anime only covers 3/4 of it. Read the manga, develop depression, cry. End is a fucking steam locomotive that I haven’t recovered from still now.
>lines are purposefully scratchy
>this retard goes on a tirade about the death of art
I've been had
Remember our forefather's wisdom, do not feed the troll
nice blog. Where can I sign up?
Wait is that really ONE? I don't believe it.
That one was Murata in the latest chapter (still normal Garou, but on his way there). Pic related was ONE.
Please don't use this legitimately great show for shitposting.
What did you think of the ending? Was it a good choice?
I get that westerners prefer "realistic" endings over happy endings.
It was the perfect way to end it.
A24 makes a lot "risky" movies and not really capeshit or reboots.
Happy ending would completely undermine the message of the show. The show is about existentialism, about finding the meaning of life in a doomed world, about the journey being more important than the destination, so it's only natural it ends this way.
It feels that the entire thing was setting us up for ending, to engineer us to take maximum mental damage from it. I wish it was a happy end, but only because I witnessed the dead end. Fucked me over way more than I expected, because everything leading up to it was all nice, fun iyashikei that actually still had tons of hope in it with the side characters popping in now and then. The worst part is if they didn't go up to the top they probably would've gone along fine, happy and dandy like 90% of the manga.
shut the fuck up
Seems like I hit a nerve!
>snibedi snab :D
Every single person they met throughout their travels had their purpose taken from them, either trough some incident or by them "completing" their mission, and had to realize the hard way that it's the only way to be truly free and that the journey is what mattered. The potatoes completing their purpose/mission ("go up") and being freed is the only possibly way the story could have ended. I think tkmiz knew exactly what he wanted to say with the story and how to end it from the very beginning, and in this age of drawn out, meandering, filler-ridden stories that's one of the things I appreciate the most about this series.
If you rewatch any anime from beginning to end, you are a moron.
What a dumb opinion. Why is that?
You're right, but I think that user is one of those people who values hard work above everything. He can't accept that a simplistic or minimalistic style is successful because it's "easy." This is the same kind of person who hated the Chika dance for being rotoscoped: they believe that it's not acceptable unless the creator painstakingly uses the most arduous process possible. The problem with this logic is that, following the same thought process, an user with no knowledge of drawing who spends 5 hours on a terrible MS Paint waifu portrait is 'better' than a professional mangaka who spends less than an hour on a panel, and a child who scribbles on the same page for 50 hours is a prodigy. The fact is that there's much more involved in art than how much effort the process entails, and complaining about intentional simplicity is like complaining that an author is inept when they write grammatically incorrect dialogue for a character who is supposed to be stupid.
I share your hatred for modern art, simplicity and retards justifying lack of skill with "art is subjective :)", but you're you're absolutely wrong in this case, tkmiz is a very talented and skilled artist, I can say it because he/she is able to produce such an expressive art with such a minimum detail and effort. You asked why should artist who put less effort into work get more attention than the one who put more effort? Well most of the time it's actually unskilled artists who put a lot of effort get an attention, or unskilled artists who don't put effort. Ideally I want to see both qualities in the work but if I had to chose, good composition and complex perspective like this impress me much more than very detailed turd such as pic.
How about no you stupid moefag.
>calls others stupid
>thinks GLT is just another moe
Every time.
Hey buddy I think you got the wrong board, /lgbt/ is two clicks down
cursed image
Leave Yuu alone.
It is quite moe though.
Cute girls dying cute deaths is still a CGDCT with a twist.
If you want realistic art, why not resort to photography?
Just because it has moeblobs as characters doesn't mean the cuteness is the main point of focus. It's a very thoughtful existentialist show with clear, consistent goals and philosophical themes. I wouldn't say it's yet another CGDCT with lack of direction and purpose beyond the moe aspect. You don't have to be a "moefag" to appreciate it for what it is.
An everybody dies ending usually seals the series and makes it truly memorable. Although... I remember watching Sora no Woto fully expecting the total downer ending. When it did not happen, I was extremely happy and that made me remember the show no less.
I've been thinking about it, but it doesn't seem very rewatchable. I'll just keep listening to the songs.
I see you have no clue of the meaning of the words you are using.
friendly reminder to watch this for instant depression
How long until Shimeji gets really dark and fucked up?
Interesting perspective. I never thought of it that way, I spent this whole time wondering why the visual aesthetic was so appealing to me. Is there any way you can point me in the direction of other works with a similar art style?
Anyway, I'd like to add that the music in this show really compliments the story and art style; grand orchestral pieces transitioning to quiet background music, moving from 'epic journey' to 'sad reality' to 'hope spot' and such. The original music is great too, the Song of Raindrops is, on so many levels, an excellent song. I did a writeup on it once to explain how it effected me so profoundly.
I will probably end up re-watching this show, but it's too warm out. This show is for a cold, dark winter night, a case of beer, a can or two of soup, and nobody around.
did this a couple weeks age, it was just as good as I remembered.