Best girls from each series

>Pick a series
>Post the best girl from it

Hardmode: she has to be /ourgirl/ too

Attached: yotsubest.jpg (708x708, 73K)

Fucking based

2019 queen of Yea Forums.

Attached: Fumicute.jpg (700x556, 61K)

Attached: fuutako.png (273x308, 70K)

Attached: I'm the best.jpg (782x720, 62K)

fumino a shit and nobody gives a shit about her

Ok, but not best.
Also not /ourgirl/

How could anyone ever dream to beat her?
Armor: 20–50 mm
Main armament: Type 3 75 mm tank gun (L/38)
Armor penetration: 90 mm at 100 m, 65 mm at 1,000 m
Secondary armament: 1 x 7.7 mm Type 97 machine gun
>The others™
Armor: 0 mm
Main armament: Female charms
Secondary armament: pheromones

Attached: Type 3 Chi-Nu.png (1280x1080, 2.56M)

Best girl in her series, at least.

The true endgame

Attached: Lefiya2.jpg (558x921, 219K)

a shit


c/a/non wife

Attached: __matou_sakura_fate_stay_night_and_etc_drawn_by_sudou_tomonori__32abb5faeab05db81d3669dec528dd95.jpg (1500x2139, 1016K)


Just no.

My wife Chino is so cute

Attached: 1561040264393.jpg (913x1200, 1.21M)

Historia is best girl and /ourgirl/.

Attached: 1495776973084.gif (500x327, 1.96M)

Yea Forums taste right here

Attached: 1540313652937.jpg (971x1122, 1.07M)

fuck off pedro

Attached: (1758x3000, 982K)


Based and Hisupilled


Attached: 1546187599948.jpg (4136x2160, 3.71M)

Attached: 1565189639408.gif (310x230, 2.78M)

Attached: __c_c_code_geass_drawn_by_kyouya_mukuro238__63260e3fcb079e7ecdb0c9c3b6cabd83.jpg (990x1400, 150K)

literally cancer of their respective series