Was digimon cooler than pokemon?
Was digimon cooler than pokemon?
I like Digimon's potential for story telling better than Pokemon's.
absolutely. video and card games aside digimon stomped in every other avenue.
Yes, but it's far less marketable which is the problem.
Yes and no.
The designs of the monsters are more wide and varied, drawing from an eclectic, sometimes esoteric array of sources, and usually the different traits are incorporated into one another very well. Off the top of my head, I can't think of a bad Digimon design, but I can tell you Zeraora, Necrozma, and the Unova starters save for Snivy all look bad. The Galar starters are also weak designs.
However a lot of Digimon's really cool design work is undersold by their uniform naming standard.
Their card game was borderline incomprehensible to me as a child, but I was never particularly interested in Pokemon's card game either, as I was always more into Yu-Gi-Oh!, but I've heard very good things and I know it still has traction today. Dawn, Dusk, and Cyber Sleuth are the only Digimon video games I've ever played but all of them feel like slow burns and in my opinion those first two don't have very much replay value. Pokemon games on the other hand are very fun and easy to go back and replay, even if they've plummeted in quality since Generation 6.
On average I think every season of the Digimon anime is inherently more valuable than the Pokemon anime just because they try to do something different with each one. Tamers had a visionary working on it; people love Serial Experiments Lain and I love The Big O.
I can't say anything on their respective manga spin offs, because I haven't finished them and people love Adventures (Pokemon), and they love V-Tamer, NEXT, and the Xros Wars manga (Digimon).
Digimon is much less marketable though, and I think the reason for that is because something about it inherently feels bootleg. I know it wasn't inspired by Pokemon or anything like that, I'm talking about how it feels.
Digimon aren't exactly pets like Pokemon are, and they don't come across as loyal servants like with Monsters in Yu-Gi-Oh!. They're portrayed as sentient creatures, but for what purpose, I can't seem to parse.
I don't really know how to feel about the morals and values Digimon espouses in comparison to its contemporaries. I don't really understand the gist of what it's trying to say with each respective work.
If they're a study on the strength of bonds and the importance of friendship, Yu-Gi-Oh! does this better than either Pokemon or Digimon.
No because the designs didn't really have any coherence to them. Even the strangest pokemon still look like pokemon, with Digimon two monsters can look like they come from entirely different genres.
>the strangest pokemon still look like pokemon
Disagreeing with this.ignoring the weirdest of all of them being the hyperbeasts (whose whole point was to be pokemon who didn't look like pokemon), there are definitely pokemon that don't have that "pokemon" look. The ice cream cones and klefki coming to mind immediately. Not a genwunner, but I'm old enough to have grown up playing red/blue. Gen1 had its bad designs too, but even grimer and voltorb had that "pokemon" look.
Maybe in the same sense that Sonic was "cooler" than Mario, but I honestly thought any sort of rivalry between the two just seemed sort of forced. They weren't really doing the same thing
>No because the designs didn't really have any coherence to them. Even the strangest pokemon still look like pokemon, with Digimon two monsters can look like they come from entirely different genres.
whate the fuck? you must be retarded if you arent able to identify a digimon, the patterns where always the same
Digimon got better anime than Pokemon that's for sure.
How does a cat turning into a big tiddy angel is "consistent".
Pokemon's design philosophy has changed far more than Digimon's over time. New Poke and old Poke are like night and day.
Digimon was cool, but I never understood what they were trying to do with the anime. Its like they created an amazing setting and didn't know what to do with it, you go from monster-of-the-week to apocalyptic battles in a very weird way.
Who cares. Monster Rancher was way better than both.
Western Pokemon fans forced it. A lot of mon series suffered (and still do to this very day) because people wrote them off as Pokemon clones.
the anime sure
everything else no
that wasn't your point dummy
Not him
As an anime? Easily. This is largely because the Pokemon anime isn't particularly great, while the Digimon anime actually puts some effort into telling a proper story.
As a whole media franchise... I'd lean towards no.
The designs were shit, like current gen pokemon.
I don't think either children's series is particularly "cool" but digimon is probably cooler. Mostly just because pokemon tries so much harder to be cutsie and rarely serious.
Look into Terriermon's eyes and say that with a straight face.
Yeah. And as of Cyber Sleuth, the games are far better too.
12 years later
>dating a cute asian girl
>learning a little cantoneese to surprise her
>"Ya Momentai"
You bet your cute little ass it is.
At first I thought this was disingenuous but upon further consideration, it may very well be true. At the end of the day, something like a pile of living sludge or a Pokemon that looks like a Poke Ball is believable because these are things that have been said to have mutated.
Vanillish and its Evolved forms are blatantly anthropomorphic ice cream cones and strain credulity. Klefki is a ridiculous design and always has been.