Wtf??? Was One Punch Man manga cancelled?

The last page says "The End"
And then it tells you to continue on the webcomic on chpater 66.

Wtf??? Wasn't it a huge success?

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actual retard

Murata got arrested for possession of CP, one of my Nip friends told me about it, don't know why the news hasn't reached the West yet.

So, what does a fine have to do with anything?

>he doesn't know

>he thought this shit was worth continuing

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google it retard

I refuse to believe there is someone this retarded.

It was good while it lasted.


>they got to see his tatsumaki stash when he got raided

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Kenshin is running again, isn't it? Shouldn't be a series-ending infraction.

rip calvo

Wait really? I thought it had ended and any plans of continuation cancelled.

Still selling

If you’re being serious OP, it’s not. It’s the translators signifying the end of the chapter and indicating where to pick up the webcomic if you want to.

How good/faithful are the continuation? and do I need to read the Yahiko side story and Ashitarou Zenka Ari to understand the hokkaido arc?

Do they do that every chapter because if not then I can see why someone would think it's ending if they randomly did this one chapter
I haven't really read the manga for the past year or two now.

I envy your obstinate optimism.

Yes it's over user.
Everyone go home.

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user I...

ironic weebs on suicide watch

False alarm, no mention of the series ending on the site and nothing on twitter.
Only the TL group dropped this

>he doesn't know

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They've done it on a bunch of chapters before.