Hitoha > Yotsuba > Futaba > Mitsuba

Hitoha > Yotsuba > Futaba > Mitsuba

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futaba vs Torako?

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>Yotsuba < anything
No user that's not right

I don't know who the three girls to the left are, but they look like they're little shits so I hate them.

>mitsudomoe anime was almost 10 years ago
>It was really funny
>It had great doujins
>And yet japan hated it with a passion.
>new season never ever.
Why this.

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Because it looked fucking ugly.

>japan hated it with a passion
Citation needed.
It's hard to believe, especially with the amount of heartwarming doujins out there

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What would a crossover between Yotsuba&! and Mitsudomoe be like?

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>I don't know who the three girls on the left are
you need to go watch Mitsudomoe as soon as possible

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Full of crude sex jokes and innuendo but still heartwarming in the end

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What would 5 be named? Itsuba?




my daughter is the most precious thing ever.

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Why her name is Hitoha instead of Hitoba?



Do do drugs kids.

user, I don't speak moonrunes.

The only correct answer. OP is and has forever been a faggot!

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obese cunny probably smells pretty bad

yes hated it so much we got 2 seasons (technically 1,5 seasons since they mismanaged budget and had to cut the second one short)

Miyashima best

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>since they mismanaged budget and had to cut the second one short
Oh is that what actually happened? I always wondered why

Your name has Mitsuha and Yotsuha, it's pretty much arbitrary.

Nobody here actually likes Yotsuba, she's just a meme.

2/10, made me reply.

She's not even 4skins mascot anymore

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That's 4skinnel to you, young lady.

Ah yes, my mistake. I was distracted by how cute I am

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Excuse me?

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Yotsuba is just like me

What's wrong with Yotsuba?

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I too love justice.

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Is that for anal, vaginal or oral?
Kind of a bad idea to put Yotasuba in the rankings imo