Beastars Chapter 141

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Does this mean he can take as long as he wants to?

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thank you TL

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Thanks TL-Kun

thank you translator

Thanks TL

I mean, sure, I guess, he found the most conscientious shark that actually cares for land/sea relations. But it is not like there is anything shocking after all Legosi has gone through.

Thanks TL-Kun!

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thanks user, very cool


Thanks for making my day a little bit brighter, TL!

yiff in hell furfags

So did the shark fling him back up the cliff?

Haha cute

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>posting the same thing for the last two months (again)
blow it out your ass.

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Thanks translator
This seems like a shorter one than usual

So when is Louis going to join the Kill that fruit team?

What species is shark san?

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Team Galligar

Whats his weakness? I bet it's basic level competence.

I don't get it

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oh my god he's such a doofus

>Hmm, Im about to literally die. I wonder if I have time to reflect on my worldview?

Lol the fear in their eyes

zaguan is secretly the master race confirmed

What a fucking cop out.

From the looks of it, assuming Legosi's as tall as a tall human, I'd say the biggest one in your picture

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Thanks for the work!

thanks, tl-kun, always looking forward to these

is O MY SEAL FRIEND better or worse than O MY SHARK DNA


Zaguan, you're such a cute weirdo

Based HCS

See you everyone next week

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I can't remember if Zaguan said that seals were special diplomats. I just thought they could live on sea or land.

The guy that smashes watermelons with a giant hammer

Better. At least this wasn't an asspull.

Thanks as always

You forgot a minus for Sebun Already taken by the seal

This sounds like some Slav meme that I will never understand

1. I thought beep beep was named "Sebun"
2. What gender is no step snek?

What'd you want him to do, hulk out of his restraints and punch the shark in the nose?

This is hilarious

Good post

I want him to make such an obviously bad decision it loops around to saving his life. Like what happens in the rest of the manga.

It's an abstract kind of Legosi

I miss this faggot
Was she even in more than like two chapters? I think the egg sandwich chicken qualifies more than her.

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having a non-seven-themed character named seven as opposed to sebun is better than having a melon-themed-character named melon as opposed to meron, IMO.

what a chad

does this count as an asspull

Actually, I take that back. Daring the lions that he's going to come back in 30 minutes is exactly what I just asked for.

I don't think eating potential children quuiiiiiiiite counts as sexual tension


nobody can handle legosi's autism.

Thanks translator bro

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I'm not entirely sure. Throughout the story, Legosi has drawn strength from the fact that he's been able to connect with and try to understand all sorts of different animals.

Shaek probably spared legosi and brought him to land so his autism wouldn't contaminate the ocean

oh definetly, at least it was done to show character relashionship and mild worldbuilding so it's forgiven -ish.

you have to be 18 years or older to post on 4channel

add Zaguan

could you imagine if people were actually this woke irl

you forgot that male x male won't produce hybrids

>japanese second language education so bad that Legosi can't recognize "I'm friends with a _____"

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I think Haru is literally the only person who has any patience for Legosi. She puts up with his absurd behavior, sticks with him even after getting expelled, goes out of her way to be with him on his birthday, and listened patiently to his whole insane vore adventure.

i miss pina
and rokume too

>too autistic to drown

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nah, we already know seaspeak exists even as early as during the high school setting and Legosi was shown trying and failing to study

and asspull is if we get to see Sebun talking to Legosi about it for no apparent reason

which haru have you been reading about? She's constantly getting pissed off at his autism, although she seems to be getting used to it. The only main character who doesn't actually seem to mind is Louis, mostly because he's occupied thinking about how strong legosi is/how weak he is/The Knot

I can't say this with much confidence without knowing how Itagaki draws a great white, but it's even a pretty good take on megalodon for being thicker and rounder instead of just a great white scaled up.

o my mpreg

the sea is pretty much a world of its own, it's understandable the oddness of their mindset

Guys stop saying the V word you are giving too much power to it. Continue and last thing you know we have ourselves a /tg/ dragon thread situation

You have put the fucking snake but forgot Jack. I'm disappointed in you

We do not know the sex of the snake. It only used neutral pronouns, but we suspect it is a she.

The trailer thumbnail predicts the real endgame.

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this is the woman who thinks that hyenas are canines, that eating grass means you're made of playdoh, that there are two types of animal dentition: generic carnivore teeth and white bars, that komodo dragons jizz poison, that antlers just pop off of deers' heads, that snakes can be like 60 feet long, and exsanguination is a risk of getting a tattoo. I don't think she thought about it that much.

ok here you go

-----------------------------------------------------------pure cherry boy

That's like a ++++ though.

beastars isn't a manga for vore fetishists but if you're telling me that not every single character in it is a vore fetishist, you're a fucking idiot

imagine dolphins and killer whales in beastars world
especially dolphins

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if you fuck a pure cherry boy he isn't a pure cherry boy anymore



This fucking wolf, I swear.

We need a picture of legosi dressed as aquaman

Thank you Hot Chocolate scans.

user, the reason that I warned about it is because I know my people, give them ideas and you will have a discussion about what kind of pred each character fits the most
You are right on every character being one but the degree of how much of one depends on the character

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not convinced it's an issue. Anyone coming primarily because they heard whispers of vore will leave because of the lack of anything besides occasional off screen hard vore and no good maw shots

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feel like that plot twist (seals are very important/basically sea's beastars) as somewhat weak...
out of nowhere plot twists kinda suck
it could be handled better

I miss Pina.

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hey have you guys seen this rabbit anywhere? I'm sure she was an integral character to the story or something

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That prostitute prostituted herself to death dew to not getting BWD.

Isn't the power of friendship unbeatable power in any shounen?

Wait, do I actually sound like I am seriously worried about this? I really need to work on my making joke posts skill

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While certainly seaspeak in and of itself is not an asspull since it has been mentioned many-a times before, the fact that a fucking gargantuan shark gave a 180 when it came to eating Legosi in the span of like 3 pages seems very reached. Ass-reached that is. Like, why couldn't he trick a coconut crab into breaking the bucket? Or promised a handjob to a passerby dolphin if he freed his hands? Still, it is the first time that I've felt like this in 140ish chapters, so I guess it deserves a pass as simply being convenience for convenience's sake.

Sea folk are fuxking strange and weird

We don't deserve Zaguan. He's too precious

actually I think it's because they're considered ambassadors, being able to live both on land or in ocean, and it becomes a question of political self-interest.

you're missing the joke, that this shark was just another average person going about his daily routine

why would a shark respect a seal when it's something he can eats without remorse

could be...
lets see... but still feel like out of nowhere

Melon's cons are too good


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Where is Jack?

Thanks to Beastars, I got over my depression.thanks to it, I didnt kill myself and I started a life. I got friends. I enjoy life day by day, first time a manga character (Legosi) us just like me. I just wish Itagaki Paru could one day, know that she saved my life.

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I think Zaguan is more than a nudist seal and this is some foreshadowing in the middle of a foreshadowed asspull

idon't think you're getting it user, it's more of a Seals are pretty much the only sea animal that can go in land. kinda like an ambassador or some shit, at least that's what im getting

Send her dick pics

How fast! thank you Tl-kun! i love ya, here's a drawing for you.

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he probably wanted a regular land life without special treatment


thanks for giving me an idea user-kun gonna ask away in /bara/ about beefcakes with horns

wow user you drew this? it's fucking amazing.
it totally got the feels and style of legosi!

Does this mean that Legosi has some sort of sea-releated diplomatic immunity? Is it limited to only bodies of saltwater or does it also cover fresh? Does it stack with the one that Yafya gave him on land? Is Legosi now legally allowed to kill or does it simply mean that he can now impregnate any female that tickles his fancy? Is there also some sort of secret sky society that we don't know about? Man, once Melon is out of the picture I can't even begin to imagine what kind of bullshit adventures Paru will take us next between the next arc and when Legosi inevitabily becomes the Sublime Beastar (and invariably abdicates or someshit. We all know he's a simple man after all.)

>out of nowhere

did you forget Zaguan's intro

Seven really is the best choice, huh.

Dunno that an unfertilized egg counts as a potential child, but I like where your head is at

Legosi flew like a penguin, you cannot convince out of this

first chapter the seal appears:
>Speaks to fish
>Legosi says he would like him to teach him a couple stuffs about the language for his job as a delivery boy.
>out of nowhere

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I'm happy for you, user. I'm glad you stuck around. And the drawing is really good too, I thought it was actually a Paru drawing at first.

>used goods

did i missed the part on how important seals are? we only knew that they are animals that can live in both land and sea

yeah but why saying that you are a friend of a seal saves you from the normal circle of life of the seaworld? it feels a little bit off my dude

>seals are literally ambassadors
>being friends with a high ranking politician gives you perks
Who da thunk

ok im retarded then
which chapter says he is an ambassador and shiet

yeah that is kinda weird and stupid, in OUR world, you gotta forget about that. think beastars world user.

let's say you're a fish
wouldn't you respect someone that can go to land and speak to anyone there?
>it could prevent a war
>make laws to not dump shit on the sea AKA your home
>etc you get the idea
also i made this for you. he never said he would teach him,or at least i couldn't find it.

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The only alternative in this situation is to have previously written about how important seals are, but sea culture is intentionally kept very mysterious, and Zaguan is extremely humble and polite.

I think the problem most anons are having is that the stakes are usually who lives and who dies, but obviously we know Legosi isn't going to die, he's been shot twice for fuck's sake, he has autism armor. This little arc accomplished three things: give Melon his third strike and out in Legosi's eyes, characterize the Shishigumi more, and plot twist reveal that sea animals highly value land/sea connections. The tension was never from whether Legosi would survive, but how, and this had plenty of buildup.


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>perfect blowjob height.
>long neck, perfect for deep throating

she's perfect.

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I forgot an important point. It was already obvious that a sea creature was going to come save him, but it would have been boring and gone against what we'd already been told about the food chain if a sea creature large enough to save him came across him and just did it because the plot needed it. This interaction was more to show just how alien sea culture is, and a bit to show that even mindless looking animals are completely sapient and empathetic, at least towards the greater good.

yeah i can see your point, user
autism armor too stronk
but this thing im complaining... i dont treat it like a huge deal... its just something that got stuck in my mind
maybe on the next chapter things will get more clear and clean

Understandable. I just replied to your post because it was the most recent one with the asspull sentiment, didn't mean to put you on the spot.

thats a great point
no worries

>i made this for you
>yeah i can see your point, user
>didn't mean to put you on the spot
godammit you guys, the thread is so comfy.

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I'm guessing they're treated as ambassadors or mediators of sort.

snek is best

beastars may have scaled storywise, but still has a very comfy vibe
it attracks comfyness
people get involved so much about the manga that they just want to chill, talking about it

Two weeks without a chapter made me feel listless and unmotivated to do anything. It's bad for my mental health.
The first thing I did when I woke up, at 5:30AM, was to check if the thread was up and when I saw I was three hours late I forced myself out of bed. It's bad for my physical health.

you need to take care of this issue
balance is a important thing
you cant just let a manga consume your life just because you really enjoy it that much
you need to balance those feelings, else it will consume and destroy you
live your life, user
enjoy your mangos, but enjoy your life as a whole too

>1. I thought beep beep was named "Sebun"
That's how "Seven" is written in Japanese and "Sebun" isn't a known name, I think it's better to translate as "Seven".

propping your total mental state up against a manga is probably a bad idea, user

diversify your portfolio

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How shitty are you as a story writer, if you have to explain that shit in a flashback in the same chapter where it happens?
Seriously, wtf?

i feel you, user, i often come to Yea Forums only to ctrl+f and see if Translator-kun uploaded the new chapter.
remember to do other stuffs user try to find something you want to do even if it sounds imposible give it a try, don't worry about what other thinks and no excuses! (You) can do it!

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>be manga writer
>20 chapters ago character tells MC what to do if he falls on the water
>now character is falling on the water
>literally everyone reading can guess what's going to happen
that's no fun user~
the seal already taught legosi shit and autism wolf was clearly interested in his culture. it's pretty implied he could've learn this. the flashback is only to explain what is implied. tsk tsk, you gotta think more user!

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>no Oh my seal seaspeak edit
Come on Yea Forums.

>Thanks to Beastars, I got over my depression
That's a bit weird, considering how Beastars isn't a happy story.

I was busy with another image which you've now delayed

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depression in my experience isn't so much about happy vs grim/sad/whatever as much as feeling like shit vs feeling anything else. I've actually had times where sad media really helped me anchor.

That sequence in the bottom right is probably one of the sweetest little moments we've had in a while

but sharks eat seals too?

What a coincidence...

Yeah but I don't think they have ever faced chad mace-dick zaguan

Thank you TL-kun. I had a horrible dream a week or so ago that HCS dropped beastars so it's nice to see that you're still doing it.

Based TL

he's never coming back user post more Pinas

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>paru actually drew him shirtless once

is there a male that paru hasn't done shirtless



but where's Agata

>post more Pinas
I don't think you want to make that request

Attached: pina folder (woah a picture of the folder that picture is in isn't that crazy).png (116x116, 10K)

how many pinas do you have

Thank you TL-Sama!

File count wouldn't be accurate because of all the various production stuff I've saved but I think I'm approaching most of his panels in varying forms

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I think the shark didn't necessarily want to eat Legosi. He considered eating him out of courtesy (this animal is suffering, let me end its misery).

We'll have an Arc with Legosi and the Lions going to open sea to stop indiscriminate killing of sea animals while Louis trying to set up an alliance with the Killer Whale Mafia.

>+ height for Juno but - for Louis even though they're almost the same height

He can't taste poison. Animals are generally pretty good at that.

Since there are no other sea animals anywhere I assumed he was pretty special. I mean, most of them couldn't live on land even if they wanted to.

>Not nearly the right size

Says you.

We need an edit of this

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It resolved a conflict that was only first established in literally the last page of the last chapter. This really shouldn't bother anyone.

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Wait, they knew he's friends with Louis?

This chapter is racist. Reported

There is a clear anti-large animal bias in this post. I'm afraid I'm going to have to report prejudice of this nature to the Beastar's anti-hate speech online division.
Snake is best girl. She should come back already.

Several actually, including the current one. It Is mentioned that Zaguan is on land to translate several books into sea speak for ocean folks so he is already serving a function that benefits the ocean. 140 even mentions that seals are held in high regard for their intelligence and ability to live in both land and sea.

He always been autismo and Chad. And perhaps a bit retarded sprinkled into the mix as well. It's why I love him so much ;)

Killer whales are dolphins

Damn, now I really want to see that.

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Alright, that was the undersea arc. Did you enjoy it?

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Too short. New more characters

Too short. Need more characters

Gosha and Yayfa

This. Imagine how much Legosi would stink after getting wet.

Well if fish don't have underwater cities. then what would be the point of a sea arc?

I can't wait to see this happen next week, it seems so obvious now that you've said it

That would make sense given his shit tier tastes.

post yfw melon also has poison immunity

That would make 0 sense.

That'd make me do a 180 on the flavourless reveal. It'd even get Gosha and the komodo genes involved in the plot.

Not anymore I guess, they're more valuable as translators.

>son of a leopard mother and a gazelle father

Maybe penguins?

Going by the Shishigumi's record of succeeding at exactly 0% of their escapades I'm sure it will just be a red herring and Legosi has to punch Melon into submission.

>Going by the Shishigumi's record of succeeding at exactly 0% of their escapades
Hey, Ibuki successfully accomplished his plan and carried out the boss's order to the letter.

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Fluffy bois.

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Which resulted in the one competent guy being dead now.

Seriously. In their prime they lost to a teenage wolf and his psychiatrist. Said teenage wolf was so early game that in the next arc he would struggle with a teenage bear. They're LIONS. They should win by default.

I know the past like 20 chapters have been a rollercoaster but god I wish these two would spend some more time together.

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I feel like so far it's moved in increments of 50 chapters (like, roughly a year I guess, probably why) so by this point things should be approaching a climax.

It does make sense given that Zaguan is able to live on land unlike other sea creatures so he does offer a valuable service. The sentiment probably extends to every sea mammal.

I think I have a problem

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Haru will die of old age before Legosi gets it in. He'll find her in the corpse parlor one day.

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Since Zaguan is forced to live in a shitty apartment it's very clar that land/sea relations are basically non-existent. Which also explains why their cultures are so different.

For sure this ain't Zootopia. More like District 9.

>NEED to re-read Beastars RIGHT NOW
>Anime is coming out in 2 months

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legosi austism; yes
zaguan in the chapter; yes
slutharu; no

yep a good chapter
thanks you TL

according to my extensive research on kemonos lions are like absolute sluts

Yafya was naked on bed with a female during his totally not homo moment. You're right about Gosha tho.

But do we want to see grampa shirtless?

I mean, I'm kinda into that, but I'm more for the "kindly librarian" type grandpas than the "possibly used to be a black-and-tan" type.

Social status

Herbivores > Carnivores > Hybrids >>>> Seascum

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>not liking based seabois

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>A real life Spheal

They are also always bottoms and unless they are a player character in a vidya they are arrogant but never do anything right

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isnt it a thing in nature where Lions are not as strong as the myths and tales surrounding them? Like, female lions do more of the hunting, and the actual lions just laze around. I thought that was being referenced at least.

>Like, female lions do more of the hunting, and the actual lions just laze around.
Do you have reasonable length hair? Shake your head and feel how heavy it is. Now imagine that except you've got an amount roughly the size of an entire human being. Do you expect something with all that shit flopping around to actually accomplish anything in the harsh African heat?

I thought you typed son of a Shepard and remembered Rolf from Ed Edd n Eddy


Nah man, Lions are apex predators and the males are stronger than the females.

Keep in mind that they're nocturnal, so all that footage you see of them laying about is just them sleeping. At night everyone goes hunting, and that's when you know you're fucked; they're stealthy as all hell, faster than you, stronger than you, crazy bold and hunt in packs. They will walk into your hut, grab a baby and leave.

I think you mean tigers. Now that's what I call an alpha feline. And no the females are still the ones who do the hunting.

Males hunt too on occasion. They just rarely need to because they're apex fucking predators. Tigers live in a fairly docile part of the world so being alpha isn't a big deal. Lions are king where it matters.

nah man, tigers are chads who hunt in jungles with a far dangerous ecosystem and from what I remember are less of a social animal

Thank you very much TL

>your body has many holes, yes Leg-boy?


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He's weak to people who aren't autistic.

Reminder that this friendly seal is a cannibal of sentient beings.

>Seafolks souls aren't weighed down by gravity

This needs Juno's deer fetish incorporated into it, it's out of date.

>if Melon keeps shooting him, Legosi's eventually gonna realize he's not a very good person

Many helpless children on their way to school have met a grizzly end inside of his fetid guts. Every spot on his skin is another soul sent to hell.

Zaguan really is living the dream

Orca's would probably be like Melon

>Seafolk are really fucking strange (It's a completely different world down there)
>Seals are treated as ambassadors since they're one of the few seafolk that can go on dry land

Females do most of the hunting because chad lions are busy fighting off the groups of virgin males trying to take over the pride.

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>Legosi gets his teeth back via Komono genes
>Also gets Komono venom in the process

>We're TRYING to SLEEP here

>Tigers are loners
No wonder Bill is so horny for stripes. Tigers are such solitary hunters seeing another one is rare

do you think he hits up female zebras

t. lionet who got his pride taken away from him

It's subtle, but he already did early in volume 3

Fuck me lions are awesome creatures overall.

Yeah, you're right but his needle dick wasn't enough for her.

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>everyone's all about "muh predatorism"
>bill literally just fucked a zebra without care and consequences, only ended unhappily due to chad powers

holy shit

where can I get this sweatshirt

>What?! Don't touch me! You're gross!

Bill sure knows how to woo 'em

It only occurred to me the other day that the reason he was so obsessed with Legosi fucking a rabbit during the carnivore meet wasn't because of carn-herb stigma, but because he wanted to know if it was possible for him to fuck Els

Bill is fucking based

and yet Bill managed to fuck a herbie without any trigger, he clearly is a secret beastar

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>Mmmmh, too skinny... too young... too old, eugh... maybe that o-
>Goddamnit Steve you took one that's completely emaciated! Now we gotta eat it to not let it go to waste...

This is fucking retarded, fuck off.

You're all stupid. It is impossible for Bill or any carnivore to have sex with an herbivore without eating said herbivore. You know what other animal Bill probably likes that has stripes? Tigers.

Can't kill the Bill

but user, he already had sex with a striped horse and they only stopped because bill was releasing his chad aura

>not including Jack and Kibi

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>yet another goatfucker

why bill why

TL note: "crush that materialistic goat bastard and swallow him whole" is a new euphemism the children use for gay sex

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also man her looks really changed since her first appearance, she sorta gives me Sebun vibes now

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Thank you, Translator-kun!

so Bill is basically your average teen right?

Did Char reincarnate as a fish

Does this comic have hot feline ladies?

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Bless you

go look for shiira-chan (or shiela)

>if Melon keeps shooting him, Legosi's gonna eventually realize he's not a very good person

I bet Melon is a dicklet.

No. Also that page almost made me want to vomit.


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kouya ni kemono doukokusu

It's actually very fucking interesting, not some retarded furry fap bait (sorry for the image, I could think of nothing better to post hot feline ladies), but some of the characters are sorta human-animal super soldiers and drawn in a hyper realistic manner. You should check it out, it's really good I think. Underrated as fuck.

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>It is impossible for Bill or any carnivore to have sex with an herbivore without eating said herbivore
Not quite, if the carnivore eats enough meat before so that he has satisfied his meat eating urges and is not hungry he won't feel the desire to eat his partner

no it's not furry fap bait, it's worse

When has this ever happened?

I am only using logic here it hasn't been directly stated in the manga that this has happened but it is a pretty likely thing

>not furry fap bait
Idk, I'm reading it now and it seems like chuuni furry fap bait. Not that I mind.

Ok I admit, it is sorta kinda furry fap bait, but it's not ALL furry fap bait, come on.

The whole "the sea is ammoral" thing reminds me a lot of Crimsons. Not just because it's about sealife but in a meta context that it was very cold, heartless and disturbing. I wonder if Paru read it or if "fish lives don't matter" is just a common trope in Japan.

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Beastars is whaling propaganda

Is that really necessary when Monster Hunter exists and is so popular?

But there is no Beastars gacha why would Paru promote whaling?

Hunger isn't a factor in these situations. It's all instinct.

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There are no whales in MH. There's only one whale-like being in MH and you specifically don't kill it in a normal playthrough.

Well then, so maybe because Bill isn't a vorefag he can sex the zebra?

I always read this chapter as a cautionary tale from getting too far in. The guy writes thinkpieces on carnivores eating people so much that he starts to lose himself to it, seeing himself as a piece of meat to be served. He would've been better off not knowing any of that shit.

You and your buddies venture out into the natural habitats of majestic, gigantic creatures and whack them with with sharp sticks until they fall over so you can carve them up. Brought to you by the Japanese. Sounds like whaling to me.

Well at least the research department in MH actually produces some results from time to time.

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All carnivores will always try to eat their herbivore partner during sex, no exceptions. If they could control it, there would be more carnivore-herbivore couples.
If Bill ever had sex with the zebra, she would be dead or missing appendages. Bill obviously had sex with a fellow tiger.

Honestly I think sea/land relations would be very important for all sea animals since land animals can potentially venture to the inner seas but the vice versa is much more difficult because of their dependence of water vs the convenience of boundless and storable oxygen. Hence why seals would be valued to the sea animals because they can live comfortably in both terrains and the sea animals would be as curious as Earthlings interested in extraterrestrial life. In short, seal ambassadors making any progress with land relations is absolutely valuable.

Whew lad I guess Gosha has some explaining to do.

Komodo dragons are carnivores.

>no exceptions
Well now you are wrong, when Legosi tried having sex with Haru it was Haru that tried to get eaten not Legosi that tried to eat her

Brilliant deduction user.

They hadn't started having actual sex yet. Legosi had good control over his instincts then, but if they started having actual sex, he probably would have lost control.

There's also pollution and stuff to worry about

Do you think that the genetalia of the animals is human-like or more like it would be for their respective species?

It is cannon that every species has a knot

well a shark doesn't have a cock and balls fighting the water currents as he swims so

Seals can live both in land and sea so that makes them special but doesn't mean they can"t be eaten

OK Riz. Calm the fuck down.

>Ask for extra salt
>Can't really taste it regardless


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>host interspecies orgies of the most depraved stripe
>no sexual urges of any kind, in any direction

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>Eat meat while denying your subordinates any
>Don't really have any meat eating urges just do it because

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Thank you

thank you, TL-kun!

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oh user, you clearly can't into context clues

I'm conflicted, on one side he's hot, on the other who would want to lewd someone so wholesome and pure?

hi yafya

Hey, so tangentially Beastars-related, but Paru Itagaki is writing a autobiographical manga of herself and is starting serialization next month. Looks like this is the opportunity we been waiting for to finally determine if and how Paru is related to Keisuke Itagaki, author of Baki the Grappler.

I don't care. Make more beast complex. Damn you.

>Scared when close to carnivores
>Angry when close to hervibores

Nah, he eats meat in the regular from the back-alley market, and thus is able to keep his insticts in check.

I mean, I guess that's what I really want, but I'm not gonna act like I enjoyed the last one anywhere near as much as The Fox and The Chameleon.

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C'mon man. It was a fucking masterpiece.

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>autobiographical manga
So Paru is going to reveal her true power level by describing all her sick fantasies.

Here's my ranking
>The Crocodile and The Gazelle
>The Kangaroo and The Black Panther / The Fox and The Chameleon / The Camel and The Wolf
>The Tiger and The Beaver
>The Lion and The Bat

So, why would they need to use Melon's weakness? They could totally just shoot him if they wanted to, even without guns they are still like 10 lions vs 1/2 a leopard

Dude they couldn't even beat a kid with autism, how the fuck are they going to take down an insane mass murderer? Yafya couldn't even get him, and he's met him twice.

Yafya got him but he was an idiot by letting the autist wolf to take care of melon while he was getting back up

Yeah, I call that "fucking up and letting your target go so he can attempt to murder someone twice".

I think everyone is allowed one underestimation of the gray wolf autism epidemic.

He literally saw the kid pluck his own teeth out. I wouldn't give him 10 seconds alone with a sharpened pencil, much less a dangerous serial killer.

Yafya was blinded by homo lust, he saw too much Gosha in Legosi.

That's a plus in Yiffya's eyes.
>"Oh, he's responsible enough to know that all the filthy carniggers deserve to have their teeth forcibly ripped out."

I am still wondering just how fucking insanely painful it must be to pluck all your own teeth. Not even milk ones, the real ones.

One of the ASD symptoms is inappropriate response to pain.

So this is gonna be like 'My Lesbian Experience with Loneliness' but for furries, right?

>that ominous hueg black shadow representing the dad
I thought it was a meme but now I believe it

Why didn't Legosi just put a pillow over his head and let Haru ride him?

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I believed it on feel because it matches up with the tone of Baki but isn't Keisuke really a tiny speccy cunt?

Because Haru would have taken it off and dived in headfirst.
Truly, they were made for each other.

Why didn't the noble herbivores simply wipe out the vile, uncontrollable carniggers when the multi-animal society was founded?

He's not a big guy but I think he's just average for Japan. I could see him being drawn huge for effect if he's the Baki dude though

Komono's and Wolves are Carni's. A carni can fuck a Carni because there's no instinct to eat the other. But a herbi can't fuck a Carni because of the 1/5 chance they might get eaten in the process
Interacial fucking is A-OK as long as you stay in your lane!

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Anatomally correct. Bill has barbs, Yafya has a horsedong, Legosi has [REDACTED]


>legosi is actually part iguana too

It would've been the most natural thing to do, which means they didn't have a decisive advantage and enough means to do that.

user you're not making me look up Iguanadongs
For all we know Legosi has dual knots made for penetrating snakes. Let's keep it at that

Sure, but japanese women are the tiniest people in the world. Like how in beast complex this giant fucking bear is writing about a tiny little girl, Paru is writing about a giant fearsome wolf.

Don't most lizards have slits?

Thanks guys.

Stellar job as always. No chapter last week?

The series was on break for Obon.

>watch out, a canadian!!!

>tfw im a grower with a decent erect dick
>be scared of random women touching my bloodless dick because its smoll

It is the fear of all growers. But you'll find your Haru, user

I don't think you should be too worried about how sexy random women on the street groping you find you

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They are my only chance, no one who actually knows me would have sex with me!

See here

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Real talk, why were people even friends with Bill? Seemed to me absolutely nobody in the whole school liked him and most weren't willing to put up with his shady bullshit, he just sort of was always around always being a douche.

I love him

he seems like he's a fun guy to be around, if you like talking about fucking and don't much mind eating people (which a lot don't, especially other dumb high school kids who want to look smart). In short, bill is a chad.

But that's the thing, we never see a single instance of anyone actually appreciating all that. Every time he talks about fucking everyone just goes "Goddamn Bill why are such a cringy fucker you are embarrassing all of us". Every time he interacted with a female they were shitting on him in various ways, and not in a teasing/flirtatious manner exactly. He even managed to royally piss off some lamb that was probably extremely mild mannered up until that moment, and he hadn't even fucked her. And that's all without even bringing up the fact that he's essentially a juvenile drug addict and all the fights he got into. He sliced Legosi's back open after the doping incident and yet they're still shown hanging out. Louis fucking PULLED A GUN on him.

I'm sorry, but I've met students in high school that did about half the shit he did (that I know of) and the end result is that they dropped out of high school friendless and alone and the only rumours I heard about them years later was that they were trafficking to make a living. I just don't understand how Bill could possibly still be shown as "Oh that funny guy" at this point. He even went to see Legosi's room at the condo after what he did to his back. That's insane.

>He even managed to royally piss off some lamb that was probably extremely mild mannered up until that moment, and he hadn't even fucked her.
I'll remind you that it wasn't him creeping on her that did that, it was him recognizing that she's in danger around sickos like him because she actually still wanted to be with him despite that.

Ok well that makes one single case of someone showing the smallest bit of appreciation for him (while at the same time shitting on him and throwing all his misdeeds back at his face, including the fact that he frequents the black market and eats meat on the regular). My point still stands, why the fuck did people hang out with him at all? If he had his own group of friends I'd understand it more, but as it is, it feels like none of the characters we actually follow through the story can stand him, and he has no reason to like them either. And he DEFINITELY does not have a "Hey man I've come to see your new apartment" level of relationship with Legosi.

Hell, thinking about it and considering the situation the school was in with Tem's murder, why did the school's direction never do anything about him being obviously addicted to meat? All I could think through the entire arc up until it became clear the murderer was someone much larger than Legosi was "There's no way Bill isn't at the top of every list of suspects".

friendly reminder that Paru created Legosi to be the perfect 2d kemono husbando, and she condones bestiality

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does she expect us to believe that this guy is swimming around with a big ole humanoid_penis

sea society is different than land society, as well as their animals (evolution and stuff)

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I think I forgot how to make these during the procrastination. At least it's only two weeks and a bit late.
The problem might be "no motivation" being my default, so the immediate satisfaction of posting in these threads remains the only the only motivation I have for most of the week

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I think the Lions are honestly my favorite beastars characters

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They're cool, but I wish they weren't such jobbers.

They're cool now considering miguel, dolph, and agata all became actual characters and they're doing things but I was really frustrated when they first reappeared in 130 because I felt like we were more done with the stuff they did than we were the cherryton kids.

It was already more or less confirmed in some french article about Beastars and Paru.
I don't really know whether to believe it or not, but there you go, there's at least one somewhat credible source.

I can believe Le Monde getting it wrong (unless Haru speaks French, someone speculated that at some point a long time ago) even though I actually do believe they're related

well, I hope that you can keep finding things to keep you going.

>That pose
Paru, this wasn't part of the deal

We get it, race mixing is terrible. Yesh, Paru really wants to drive this home

It's pretty easy to keep going, it's been half a decade since I've had stress piling that bad. The hard part is passing yet another day without opening blender because following tutorials that you've done and forgotten because it was a year ago doesn't give that immediate satisfaction.

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The monkey lady is hotter

That is bothering the hell out of me, actually. Although, it is still possible that Melon isn't just the leader of the Shishigumi, and is leading something else. There must be other hybrids angry at the cards they were dealt with in life, so maybe Melon isn't actually working alone or just with the lions.

All the background was forgotten pretty quick with the shishi reveal, but wasn't it mentioned that he's part of an international ivory ring? A local gang like the shishis surely aren't that busy.

They are good but unfortunately the best one had to go

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He gets one appearance during the second arc, which falls within the anime's scope.

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Arigato, Translator-san. Yoi shumatso wo

Fuck you, and have a horrible weekend.

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In these parts none of the Nyakuza really were characters they were just mooks, unless the anime adds some original scenes to show their character they will be just the lions that kidnapped Haru
But I will screenshot every frame that he appears in anyway

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user, you should know by now that the game was rigged from the start

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I have a feeling Melon even after the shishigumi dealt with Legosi to his knowledge would still consider them as having served their purpose and already has a plan to off them all in motion.

>you underestimate how stretched she is

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At this point it's a sewer pipe.

>if Melon keeps shooting him, Legosi's gonna eventually realize he's not a very good person
fuck that's actually pretty good

She's likely a vrigin, though.

Zaguan is cute.

You are double right.

Is he stretching his tail? This picture really makes me wonder how humanoids would function in daily lives with a long tail.

>all the porn is gay shit
i hope the anime gets some straight artists

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Give me the sauce so I can check if you are lying

You lying nigga.

well then what do you use? I checked the furry site, pixiv, and some others and didn't find shit

The fuck is this furry shit?

he's not a nasty person and more like your typical teen who means well

What do you want to see?

anything, really. am I just retarded and don't know where it all is?

Furry shit, you said it. Keep walking.


I disagree but I also respect your opinion.

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it's worse, it's monstergirl garbage

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She went from 9 to 10!

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Are you making these? Good work!

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Dude Makura's fucking hot. Tiger lady is borderline beastiality with her walking on all 4s and multi tits. Juno is best girl though

>if melon keeps shooting him, Legosi's eventually gonna realize he's not a very good person
Oh this feels too real.

user i've been through shitposting with sphinxgirls in them

Better version

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>Wolves are friends, not food

Tiger lady doesn't care about your consent.

>my phoneposted quickjob is the translation everyone is using

How the hell carniggers ALWAYS get away with this?

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Big dicks

Stop calling carnivores carniggers. It is not their fault that food has feelings too.

post good version then

>>The Crocodile and The Gazelle


I wish we had a cooking show with jewish and muslim chefs.

Paru on the bottom.

Imagine being a fucking disgusting, subhuman, barely intelligent carnivore.

what the fuck is a human


"I'm pretty sure his ass meat is kosher"

When will Melon and Legosi fuck?

That was a good read. The fact she still hates him at the end got me gooooood.

Melon already fucked Legosi's life user

>nearly 3 times Legosi's age
How is that a bad thing?

You mean chadnivores

Hold the fucking phone, there's a difference between the Japanese and the American condom shape?

Dubs confirm chadnivore master race.

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it is accurate though. it just has a few grammar errors and it's kind of jankily translated, but all the info about dicks being mostly the same, pharmacies having one million different types of condoms, big condoms being expensive and hybrid babies being looked down on is 100% true.

Condoms are generally universal size since it's all rolled up, unless your dong is a dong that legitimately requires the king sized condom.
Shape is a completely different matter.

thank you tl team!

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Japanese are dicklets user...

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I dont think she hated him, she just didnt want to hang out with him after hours.


Nip dicks are smaller.

I bet Legosi doesn't clean the smegma off his dick nor has he eber peeled back his foreskin, he probably has phimosis

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W-was i suposed to?

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Gotta let it build up so that gyaru JKs will think you're a fat old businessman.

You forgot to add CUTE AND CANON in the Haru positives

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Do women also like their men to be virgins? Because it seems like Paru is doing everything in her power to make sure Leggy is a virgin.


>like the difference between Japanese and American condom sizes

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>furries with foreskins

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also I don't mean furries should be circumcised

Can someone translate this?

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>being a jew or american
Please stop.

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You're okay with the rest of the anthropomorphization in Beastars but foreskin is going too far? That's a hell of a weird line to draw.

>what is a penis sheath

>he doesn't know they have human dicks

Something that would be really stupid on bipedal humanoids unless they only ever want to engage in challenge pissing?


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hey, he can probably jerk off with his other hand or his nose



>implying they don't jack off a bit before using urinals

>or his nose
user, are you saying you would jerk off with your nose if it was long enough?

are you saying you wouldn't?

I mean, would it even feel good? what if your snot gets on it or like a hair gets through one of your nostrils, just sounds uncomfortable is all

what's next, you anal without cleaning?

>dabababi legosi ponporobu
>I have autism, be patient.

that shark is actually considerate

what a retarded question in a manga where animals try to get along

yeh you were supposed tospray that shit with water in the shower

cause feels good

you had a repressed childhood

He is an anteater ain't he? Don't these guys have big tonguez?


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>Ok well that makes one single case of someone showing the smallest bit of appreciation for him
Louis also appreciated his directness and lack of pity after the first Adler performance (granted, this is because of Louis' fucked up brain problems)

Oh, come on. He's a fucking ex-boxer for fuck's sake. That intimidating aura she seen in him should've been the dead giveaway.

Thank you user

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>be a big bear
>write under a girl rabbit pseudonym

it's deeper than that

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You'd think being alone with a bunch of lions that want to kill him would be his weakness but they are real pussies, huh.

Look at the food trying to sound superior, it's kind of cute actually

Who is the cutest self-righteous appetizer?
>Pina: monogamy is a spook, sincerity is gay, carnis should just eat me already
>Yafya: carniggers are shit. literally. they're manure for my carrots

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Im surprised people dont make more jokes about that.

Pina is the best because he still thinks chadnivores are great, meanwhile the two faggots ate meat by proxy.

Where is this from? Did I miss something?

Beast Complex 7. Read Beast Complex. It's the best.

>ate meat by proxy

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Bump limit already?

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for some reasson, must sites/apps only have 6 chapters
is there anymore or its just 7?