Dont know how i missed this, so is it like knockoff berserk or worth the read overall?
Dont know how i missed this, so is it like knockoff berserk or worth the read overall?
It's worth the read. Pretty good.
Really liked it.
Though, the final confrontation is quite bloated and messy. And the lack of a proper epilogue is kinda disappointing.
Still worth the read.
Want a manga about the war on the mainland.
Watch the anime up until the last 4 episodes. Then pick up the manga at around chapter 50.
The ending is pretty bad but I liked it, the art is really great and the girls are hot
Absolutely loved everything pre-timeskip. Afterwards it's still alright, though it feels like the manga never had a proper plan on how to wrap up.
but he clearly says he had a plan on how to wrap it in the final chapter's afterword
Ending is alright.
It's nothing like Berserk except that it's also a Dark Fantasy.
>worth the read
the anime ends in a completely different way because they know it ain't getting another season
Until it does.
The manga wasn't finished when it was airing. It could be rebooted somehow.
I could see Netshits picking it up.
its ok
There is a character who is basically Griffith or at least visually based on him.
>every bishounen is griffith
Yeah, no.
Nah, he's much hotter than Griffith.
Read Devilman you pleb
it's more like japanese Witcher
Actually my favorite manga but I read it when I was young sooo
This minus the sex parts
Raki wasn't used enough.
More like a Japanese diet-version of The Witcher.
I gotta reread this series. I read it a long time ago and I watch the anime. I remember vaguely the stories being different. Even worse, what happens in which is jumbled in my memory.
It's a generic shonen with powerlevel inflation.
who is the Vesemir of Claymore?
I'm going by general similarities. Like I said, I gotta get around to rereading it.
I'd read this fanfic
Guess it's time to reread Claymore again.
Is it worth buying the tankobons of Claymore since I'm learning nihongo right now?
kek. what
Try buying one and seeing how well you can read it.
Fucking Yea Forums
I've read The Witcher and they've got very little outside of a bit of monster hunting in common.
its really good man
Fuck Roxanne
It's okay but the last few chapters read like it was axed.
Plus there are some non-resolves plot threads.
>worth the read overall?
>so is it like knockoff berserk
No, just dark fantasy
>worth the read overall?
Yes, but the power creep ruins a bit the latest parts.
I enjoyed it when I was a young teen.
>Clare starts out the series being a useless piece of shit
>Clare ends the series being a useless piece of shit
I honestly love the ending, the "asspull" is justified in-world and the story had no reason to go beyond the established area it takes place in
He was later on by Clare
claymore is pretty great, it's got that mystery vibe where you actually don't know what's gonna happen or why things are like that, so you keep reading to figure it out. Not everything is great, but i highly recommend it.
Since the manga is done it should get the Hellsing Ultimate treatment now.
So this is what peak plebbetry looks like.
Fucking wew lads, go back to youtube or something.
The anime still butchered a bunch of stuff even in the "good parts" of it.
You're complete retards, please never post again.
Wow, calm your tits, user.
The anime actually gets you reeled in and riled up.
The soundtrack is fantatstic and the fights are quite good.
Please refrain from getting worked up over nothing in the future.
Hurt your plebeian feelings?
It was good, also Jean is best and she deserved better. Also, Raki is a shitter.
When you'll stop being an anime pleb, I'll consider stopping.
Adaptations, with very few exceptions, are trash.
Telling someone to watch half an anime, then randomly stop and resume the series on the manga when you can just read the manga from the start - and have medium continuity - is so incredibly retarded I'm surprised you can breathe.
Source first, then adaptations if you're really into it. Cronological order when there's multiple titles.
Or are you the type of dumb nigger that tells people to watch SW in numerical order?
Holy shit, what kind of retarted imbecile are you?
>Telling someone to watch half an anime, then randomly stop and resume the series on the manga....
Reading comrehension ain't your forte, huh?
It's not half, it's 22 out of 26 episodes. And it's not at a random stop, because that's exactly the point where they had to diverge from the manga to make an anime original ending since the source material was still ongoing at that time.
Please don't butt into conversations with your retarded statements if you don't have the slightest fucking clue what you are talking about.
Fucking underaged newfags, I swear...
Based samefag
And I know what went on with the anime and why it went on the way it did, I don't need your dumb fuck ass to read this shit off a wiki and reposting it here.
The anime IS in every way inferior to the manga, even when it was ""faithful"" to source material. Like 90% of adaptations.
Flora not sparring with Claire is the first example that came to my mind.
The "p-ples don butt in the discussion" argument is so pathetic I don't even know why you brought that up. You gave a fucking shit advice, and I rightfully shat on you for it.
Seriously, kill yourself you immense redditnigger.
>The anime is inferior BECAUSE I SAID SO
>Goes on crying in a huge ass post
Grow the fuck up.
I literally said why, adaptations always dumb down and change things. Or outright omit.
It's not an opinion, it's a fact whether you like it or not.
Claire did not spar with Flora in the anime. It's a fact.
The art being degraded isn't an opinion, it's a fact.
Pic related.
tfw Claymore and Berserk were the two first anime I watched and made me start reading manga in 2007
I wish i could
Berserk hasn't been dark fantasy for like 100+ chapters.
Look at his hairstyle.
It just isn't curly.
It's fun. Ending is pretty rushed though, don't expect closure on many things