Oldfags, did JoJo threads exist before the anime? If so, what were they like?

Oldfags, did JoJo threads exist before the anime? If so, what were they like?

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Other urls found in this thread:

desuarchive.org/a/search/text/jojo's bizarre adventure/type/op/order/asc/

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actually good

how did anyone get past how ugly the first bit of the manga is

Yes, like any other manga only threads they were comfy and not full of leddit faggots spewing out their ships and awful memes

its looked cool as fuck, fuck you faggot

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2 years before posting faggot

i've been here longer than you

Anything better than the reddit tier garbage threads get today

Yes. There were Jojo threads back in late 00s/early 10s when I browsed here more frequently. It's how I got into the series.

Yeah, fandom was much better before the anime.

Technically the old Jojo part3 anime OVA series is older than Yea Forums.


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Same thing

Nobody would be having a Yea Forums tier mentality on which part is the best.

I saw them before 2012 but I never really went in them because I hadn't started reading the series until maybe 2010 or maybe a bit earlier (I watched the part 3 OVA first). I sometimes went in them though but only caught bits and pieces of info. Part 3 memeing was a bigger thing at the very least.

I don't remember thinking much of it. Though I'd known what Jojo was for a while and I guess was used to it by the time I actually started reading it. What's amazing to me though is that parts 1 and 2 have better quality b&w scans than part 3, and for a time even parts 4-6. Parts 3 and 6 still don't have good b&w scans for the the entire parts.

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I bet you like part 6

I remember seeing GER in powerlevels threads way back. And there were occasional threads when new SBR chapters came out.

Yes, retard.
Enjoy to your heart's content. All fags just happy about it, little hatred among anybody (aside from the fact that part 6 and 7 weren't scanlated yet).

This might be a shock to you faggot but I like all of Jojo.
Suprising I know.

Extremely chill also If anyone tried to bring up any gay insinuations it would be met with "it's not gay it's fabulous" and the fujo shit would be shut down right there.
I miss those days.
Parts 4 and 2 were extremely overrated on here though.

manga is based what are you talking about

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jojo had a pretty dedicated cult following for many years. a lot of people grew up playing the jojo fighting games as well.

i remember back when we thought there would never be a jojo anime.

>manga is based
>he proceeds to post colored "manga"

And that's a fucking crime because the coloured pages lose so much detail it's insane


I bet you haven't read part 6 but call it bad because that's what your favorite jojotuber says.

/x/ told me to read it back in 2011, not Yea Forums

I read it twice and hated it even more after the second time.


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duwang memery i guess, not that active really

t. >i think sleeping slaves was an amazing arc, and the requiem arc too

I normally hate wojaks but this time you made a good post.

thanks, I personally use them very sparingly

Posting this and gifs from stick figure fights with it.

They were some of the best on the board and jojo was generally regarded as having one of the best fanbases as well. It all went to shit when generalfags insisted on having a thread up 24/7 no matter whether there was anything to discuss or not and animeonlies turned all discussion into shitposting and tumblr-tier inane garbage, a prime example being that one fujo who kept spamming her shitty comics in every fucking thread. As time went on the animeonlies destroyed all goodwill jojo fans had and nowadays the fanbase is synonymous with underage redditors who can't post seriously to save their lives and go around youtube posting "le jojo reference" on every classic rock video they can find.

>Better to Remain Silent and Be Thought a Fool than to Speak and Remove All Doubt
Try to remember this quote before posting kid. It'll save you from making an ass of yourself.

They were civil

This is surprisingly accurate.
There was a huge fucking tension among the participants which were mostly people working on scanlations as well as some tripfags involved however due to how scarce Jojo threads were and how much the people loved the series the few threads that happened were really civilized and people discussed away with lots of love and respect.

Remember the hype when jesus mf christ came out and talked to jhonny

The geb, D'arby, and Dio fights are all unironically better in the OVA.


we had a lot more steamrollers thats for sure. followed by a wrrrryyyyyyyyy

Everyone could quote this video by heart


I hope part 6 comes out late so the hype can eventually die and we can return to normal discussion again. jojo threads back then were few before part 5 but they were kino

At least on Yea Forums, they were annoying as fuck. Fucking annoying idiots in their sekret klub spamming ZA WARUDO!

they watched bleach

of course not, t/a/rds cant read

You got bullied by pre-anime Jojofags?
Thats fucking hilarious.

Probably cooler. Most jojofags are edgelords now.

you guys are both autists arguing about who has been on an anonymous board longer

For one thing back then we had mostly shitty scans. I think Parts 1 and 2 were the only decent scans out there. Part 3 was awful, Part 4 was fucking DUWANG which was in the process of being rescanlated, Part 5 was hideous and also had horrible typesetting, and Part 6 while not bad was definitely not good either.

hell I remember forcing myself to read the low quality Part 5 on the yellowed as fuck paper. we truly live in a golden age nowadays where 1-7 have high quality full color scanlations.

desuarchive.org/a/search/text/jojo's bizarre adventure/type/op/order/asc/

Take a look. Bring back a good screenshot.

I like this.

Vanilla Ice is better in the OVA too, the outdoor segment at the water fountain is really cool and he's terrifyingly fast rather than the slow lumbering retard he is in the David version

Are you really stopped by bad art?

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Art wasn't even that bad.

Oldest oldfag on Yea Forums. There have never been JoJo threads on Yea Forums before the anime. All the shitters saying otherwise in this thread are lying fucks.

Jojolion threads feel like a shadow of this

Honest to god I think it looks less ugly than the anime, especially monochrome. Obviously the anatomy is wonky as hell and it's actually a downgrade in style from Baoh, but it's stylish enough on it's own merits and it's endearing to see Araki gradually improve.


One of the first Jojolion threads

Fuck off, it was better but don't pretend it was just people getting along.

Threads went to shit with that PS3 game before the anime


99% of people ITT complaining about thread quality are part of the problem.

>go on Yea Forums
>be surprised when threads are shit
You literally only have yourself to blame.

Only generalfags are to blame, really.

the worse concerning JoJo was all this people pretending the early 2000's techno gay era of part 5-6 were good and all those faggots saying part 3 sucks when it's basically the symbol of the series.

We need high quality b&w scans, not shitty color garbage. JJCA released part 5 in b&w but the scans aren't the best. Part 6 still doesn't have good b&w scans for at least half of it even if they aren't as bad as original parts 4 and 5.

People are just tired of part 3. For the longest time it was all anyone talked about and even if it's not terrible I personally think it isn't good enough for the praise it gets. On top of it being the symbol of the series for 30 years. And Japan is still circlejerking to it to this day.

Before the anime we didn't even have quality translations, people also had their favorite parts but it wasn't the same partshittery that is going on nowadays

>Yea Forums having Jojo threads before part 2 of the anime

imo all parts other than 7 and 8 look better in color

not him but i couldn’t read nanatsu no taizai after watching the anime because of how bad it looked


Why would Josuke be christian? He's Japanese. Also, you can't be agnostic alone, you're either agnostic theist or agnostic atheist.

>visual medium
>lol who cares if it looks bad
what kind of argument even is this


>He's half Japanese

And culturally 100%.

> you're either agnostic theist or agnostic atheist
Retarded meme.

how so?

It's the truth, retard-kun.
Dunno, by living his entire life in Japan among Japanese friends and relatives, maybe?

>Dunno, by living his entire life in Japan among Japanese friends and relatives, maybe?
So do Japanese christians


Japanese christians are pretty fucking rare. There's no reason to assume Josuke would join what's essentially a cult.

za warudo/WRYYYY are like the first Yea Forums memes which are from 2ch and jojo was more of a Yea Forums thing for ages I mean sure we would have threads on Yea Forums for the manga/OVA's but nowhere near as common as its been for the past few years

as always secondaries + Yea Forumsermin = cancer

The threads before anime were full of people shitting on each other about which part is best and newbs asking which part they can skip. It wasn't any better.

>There's no reason to assume Josuke would join what's essentially a cult.
JoJo is a christian manga. Araki would never let his main character be a shinto/Buddhist

I can only see Jonathan as being explicitly religious, it just doesn't fit the rest of them.
If Josuke grew up in a religous environment than I could see him becoming at least culturally religious, but as is only Jonathan works.

Is this the earliest Yasuho fanart?

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>Jojo is a christian manga
Source ?
>inb4 Jesus in SBR

If only

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They were just as bad

Part 5 is very Christian.


not really. Giorno is a piece of shit, and it was Diavolo who was born to a virgin woman

>how did anyone get past how ugly the first bit of the manga is
Jojofags are just contrarian faggots just like OPMfags

I didn't say that it was a good Christian manga.

Wasted opportunity to use jiji

>Diavolo who was born to a virgin woman
She literally says that he had a father who died.

I got into the series through the capcom game and by extension the old WRYYYY stickman meme. On the one hand I like the anime and cherish how fucking easy it is to get good quality scans, merch and people to talk about this with now. On the other, 99% of it is IT WAS ME DIO, GIORNO PIANO MUSIC, SPEEDWAGON BEST GIRL xD. The Jojo fanbase is one of the worst out there, so I try not to signal myself as part of it anymore.

Still can reap the benefits when they arise though.

Jonathan was clearly a follower of muscular Christianity

>Muscular Christianity was a philosophical movement that originated in England in the mid-19th century, characterized by a belief in patriotic duty, discipline, self-sacrifice, manliness, and the moral and physical beauty of athleticism.

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So in other words, an ideal JoJo zoomers could never understand or appreciate

What's Johnny who literally met Jesus? He can't be an atheist

I hope when part 6 airs all the anime onlies who heard their favorite jojotuber say its bad don't watch so the threads will be better

m8 finding the corpse of Jesus Christ isn't really part of the Christian doctrine.

>post yfw giorno's piano starts playing

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>boomer anime
nah im good

Jojo had animes back in the 90's kid. ZA WARUDO was a meme back in 2005.

We've had threads before the anime because HFtF, but most newfags dont even know that game exists

I think it's hilarious how few of these SJW zoomer secondaries hate all old stuff but don't realize how fucking ancient JoJo is

Jojo is fucking 40 years old no shit there have been threads about it since this site's inception. It's only popular in America now because American anime fans are grubs with shit taste, just like Rohan said.

imagine missing out on kino japanese animation at its peak because you're an uncultured "weebdesudesulol ahegao" faggot

>just like Rohan said.

most of them would die after a few dozen posts. a lot of the people had just heard about it and finding dedicated people who read several/all parts were rare. there was however a small fanbase on anonib where they were posting shitscans. too bad it's dead, and we don't even have infinitychan anymore, our "culture" is really dying off. that's where the duwang meme originated from actually. there was a forum for it too but it was full of boring assholes and I got banned. It was lonely having a small fanbase but I just liked jojo because I liked a lot of 80s/90s media that it was similar too, it seemed like something that should be obviously popular. I learned to be careful what I wished for...

Think that's a caveat of the anime adaption being an almost 1:1 manga adaption.

All Johnny learned from that is that Jesus was just a very powerful stand user.
There is no reason to think that he was actually divine from Johnny's perspective.

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The worst is when someone will post a JoJo meme in a non jojo environment.

If Lisa Lisa learned hamon from Straizo , why didn't the teach George Joestar 2 hamon?

>So lame so lame
>An oil tanker for you! *bip bop*
>feels gooood
Someone should just replace the audio and it might be great.

This, Johnny didn't give a shit, he found the body of jesus christ but was fine with murdering bystanders to get to Dio, or destroying the body if he couldn't get it himself.

George was raised by Erina

>Inb4 the 4 balls has more importance and is part of a complex plot.
based future predictor

>George was raised by Erina
They had to make Joseph somehow. It was never brought up?

Since when did collecting body parts of a dead stand user give you powers of your own

They would have gotten married as adults.

I thought Erina didn't want George to learn hamon to avoid the same fate as Jonathan

the ironing, erina confirmed retard

didnt they say he was unable to learn it, which implies they tried to teach him?

>didnt they say he was unable to learn it, which implies they tried to teach him?
Wouldn't it just manifest like it did Joseph?

The Japanese recording is far worse. The sound quality is just horrendous.


Muscular Christianity sounds kino

Kiss my ass JoJo zoomer

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Similar to now but with more memeing and different memes, less normalfaggotry, lots of out of context panels, and also nobody outside the threads actually knowing how stupid the series was at times so there was this kind of weird elitist quality to it because people who hadn't read the series fully understood how stands and ripple worked but people would just talk about it. Thats part of why so many people here have read it I think.

I'm pretty sure people also thought Dio was way more powerful than he actually is outside the jjba universe and would pit him against Bleach and Naruto characters after those series had ridiculous power creep.


What do you think that drink is? I’d like to try making one.

Coconut juice mixed with citrus and blue dye

dang I like the gore in the boomer version

>Dio stops time
>music stops as well
>all animation is suspended, no flashy lights
>the only source of movement and sound is Dio himself

it's the little things that make the old version great

Of course I read Stone Ocean and formed a fairly critical but ultimately positive opinion of the part. How can you tell?

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pre 2010 JoJo fanbase asking for more popularity is the perfect definition of Monkey Paw Wish

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Based oldfag dropping the truthbomb

>lol stupid jojo fags repeat the same joke over and over again
>anyways heres another wojak meme

Jolyne is a good Christian girl. She was very respectful to Father Pucci before she found out he's Whitesnake

I started to read Jojo because I catched a thread on Yea Forums. There was even a mediafire folder with all the manga up to part 7 and the first few chapters of part 8, though it probably doesn't exist anymore.

Even considering that some parts looked really ugly, the style was pretty neat and visually powerful enough to hook me. Other manga also have some anatomy errors and stuff like that, but don't look nearly as half as good.

Rate and post yours.

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Based / 10

This is cringe.

>desuarchive.org/a/search/text/jojo's bizarre adventure/type/op/order/asc/
How did you manage to find this? I thought everything was nuked after Fireden gave up.

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Desuarchive and Yuki.la also have archives. Desuarchive just tended to have terrible image archiving so more people used Fireden.
Also Yea Forumsermin.

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