Why is he so likeable, despite being a saturday morning cartoon villain?

Why is he so likeable, despite being a saturday morning cartoon villain?

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I never watched cartoons on saturday mornings.

one word...

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It's the sheer joy in his expressions as he's killing Joestars. He's just so goddamn happy to be having so much fun slaughtering his enemies. It's a breath of fresh air to see a villain who is very obviously doing what he loves.
Seriously, listen to him scream ZA WARUDO as Joseph tells Jotaro to run. Look at his smug fucking face and tell me he's not having the time of his unlife.

He's just entertaining to watch, he's one of the main reasons why Part 3 is one of my favorites. Sometimes a villain doesn't need deep motivations, sometimes a villain could just be a villain. I do wish he was shown more throughout Part 3 though, we already know who he is, why hesitate so much

I dislike Part 3 on the basis of what stand roulette did to Joseph but in terms of spectacle you're completely right.


He's not likable. He's just hilarious to watch. Everything he does is so over the top.

He wasn't fakedeep like some other villains in the series.


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Nobody thinks you're smart dude

Hes enjoys being evil and everything he does is over the top.
And the Voice actor is really good. I obviously dont know Japanese but you can hear it in his voice

Extreme bombast, when done just right, is incredibly appealing. It's very easy to fuck it up and make a dumb or obnoxious villain. DIO is ridiculous, but in a hot and scary and funny way.

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Yeah, at least not until the retcons in 6.

Did you skip all of Dio’s non battle scenes?

Because he have charisma. He’s funny. He have tons of cool expression. He have fun being evil. He yells fucking eveything
Also Dio part 1 is better than Dio part 3


Because hes just a evil asshole because he feels like and he goes all the way over the top. Its never explained in part 1 why he is a dick when he gets picked up, he just is.

His daddy was mean to him.

It didn't feel like a retcon at all. It's obvious Dio was going insane from having Jonathan's body and his descendants running around. The dude always acted and appeared cool and philosophical with his followers, until he deals with Joestars, then he goes fucking natters with the Snidely Syndrome. It's fucking fun to see his extremes.

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He was raised in an abusive and shitty household with no money. He was a living inferiority complex.


Diego > part 6 DIO > Dio > part 3 DIO

>impliying hxh fights matters after green island saga
nigga hxh have become a thriller manga with supernatural powers. Is like I compare clockwork orange with an MCU movie
also have sex

Define fakedeep and argue for why the other antagonists fit the bill

Proposal: If Dio didn't have Jonathan's body, and thus didn't have 『The World』, his ACTUAL Stand would clearly be 『Don't Stop Me Now』

That man *knows* when he's having a good time.

Hunter "chads" trying to shit up another thread yet again not realizing that Togashi idolizes Araki.

Based hunterchad.
Cringe shonenbabies.

Part 5's villain was such a disappointment. Dopio was more interesting than the main villain.

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Araki went overboard in 6, and not in a fun way. He loses all charisma. Atleast Pucci was somewhat entertaining.

Doppio was the main villain, dumb animeonly

Part 5 was a disappointment. I'm glad we've moved on.

So who's everyone's favorite main villain after Dio?

i'll never get tired of that sound effect

Doppio/Diavolo was a pretty good concept that didn't get the time and treatment it deserved, like Kira did a Part back. Which is meta in a way, since Diavolo was skipped to at the end, same as he did things.

Dio worked way better as an idealized ghost hanging over the finality of the curse on the Joestars in Part 6. It let Pucci shine as the usurper of the Heaven ritual.

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>durr his eyes go in the wrong direction and he makes ringing sounds

Jojo reminded me how much I value a really well-done sound design for a power.

Kira and Pucci.Though the distance between Kira and Pucci is pretty high, Kira is one of my fav characters of all time.

He's always been entertaining but Koyasu was a fucking inspired choice


DIO is a better written villain than Pucci, Kira, Kars, Dio and Diavolo

The straight-faced delivery of it and the weird Stands involved made it more creepy than silly for me. It helps there isn't something of the same brand of goofiness in the Part - it sits there like a fuckin' Loony Tunes skit.

>Dio is a better written villain than himself

The virgin dio vs the chad pillar men

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>we're not gonna get sho hayami as pucci
This is gonna hurt so bad once the cast gets revealed, hayami coulda been koyasu tier with his performance. the ASB casting was damn near perfect for all the characters.

HxH is to manga what ASoIaF is to fantasy.
I hope you understand that.

Dio was good as the recurring villain and influence. The Pillar Men were just fucking fun as 80s movie supervillains. I'd love to see an overblown excuse for them to come back one more time. But not in a 36 Kars way.

Reminder that Dio is literally food for the Pillar Men and would've been eaten by Ultimate Kars if Joseph didn't send him flying into space.

>DIO and Dio are the same person
go read parts 1,3 and 6, animeonly

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Is part 3 worth watching in its entirety? I've been led to believe it's all worthless "filler" (not literally) until the party finally arrives at Egypt or something. There's 40 fucking somethiing episodes

I wonder about timelines where Dio manages to use the Aja with the Mask, or where Ultimate Kars wins and the Jojo line just up and fuckin' ends there. Stands would still happen, but I guess it'd just be a lifeless planet.

It's a fun run. Some will hit with you, some will miss, but at least it won't be boring. Watch it slowly, only when you have the mood. Make it an annual one a week thing.

Its called C H A R I S M A.
He is just fun and sucks you in.
Read the manga in its entirety then watch the DIO and Vanilla Ice fights.

There is no filler what so ever, but if you're a plotfag and you only want to get to the end don't bother.

My assumption is that he resents the gift given to him by his father of being able to live with the Joestars.
So he wanted to earn it, to take complete control of the situation.
But then his failure to dominate Jonathan drives him to drink, which makes him feel even more worthless and unable to control his own fate.
So drastic measures had to be taken, again and again so that he does not fail.

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What show did you think you were watching? JoJo's Ordinary Adventures?

>I can’t interpret characters beyond meme traits

Sex = Useless

Jonathan's Sensible Tasks was a good series, ending in one clean Part with a happy wedding. Shame how that Dio character died.

1. Character
2. Voice
3. Powers
I don't feel like expanding upon this, but basically it's these three that makes him so memorable and likable to hate.

I just wanted a little more about their day to day life.
I wonder if when Diavolo is control, Doppio ever tries calling him.

Manga isn’t a genre.

Doppio doesn't exist when Diavolo is in control

People miss this: Jonathan may not be elegant, but he's still the Heir. Dio, at best, can expect half of the Joestar fortune, which would still just be a gift from his blood father.

It's an obvious tragedy, since it's clear that George loved him like a second son.

>we already know who he is, why hesitate so much
because we didn't know about the World.
The entire point of Dio in shadow is that he's a mystery in terms of why so many follow him and why few who do attempt to rebel like Hol Horse are in such fear of him.

He does, just as a dormant soul stuffed into the closet. It's neat to think that Diavolo doomed himself by hitching a ride with Trish's soul, and then getting split off back into his own body without Doppio.

Makes me wonder how bad The World Requiem would be.

isn't requiem like a reflection of your soul or whatever the fuck, the world requiem would probably stop time for however long he wants and have his fat fucking nuts out because that's proper to DIO's character.

You're right, let me correct that,
HxH is to battle shonen what ASoIaF is to fantasy

I am correct you know.

Nah, you gotta think way more bizarre and weird than that. It'd do something like make Dio the only person left in the world, or everyone becomes a version of him in total sociopathy.

Dio is the same character in all three of those parts.


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Same, it may unironically be the best sound effect ever conceptualized

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Imagine GER but it also forces the attacker to suck his dick.

Fight of the day formula, there are a few misses but a lot of wins, and overall one of the most enjoyable epic imo. But part 5 is better

Nice argument.

Diavolo didn’t have a choice.

That's not the same. The Heaven ritual is way the fuck more powerful than Requiems.

True bullshit would be The World Requiem Over Heaven but that's fanbook territory

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>the best sound effect ever conceptualized

Yup. If Diavolo took his time instead of skipping it so much, he might have survived.

The World over Heaven is Fanbook territory, hell even Requiem as a concept is fanfic tier.


People complaning about part 3 having canon but filler fights are too dumb to realize the same thing happens to all parts and it's a core concept to jojo as series, see part 5 for reference, while it has the squadra and bossu bodyguards, they have the same "weight" in the story as any part 3 villain save for polpo and risotto chadero

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>EEnE with Stands

christ help me

argument against what? you're the speedreader, there are counterarguments in the manga itself
you'd know that if you ever opened it for more than a few seconds

How could he have saved Doppio?

What chapters even hint at Dio being a different character in Part 3 than he was in Part 1?

It's very much a monster of the week but at the same time, it feels like a real adventure and journey because of that. You're always changing location, seeing new enemies and moving forward. Also, the crusaders are such a fun crew to read/watch, they have so many moments that make them feel like true friends.

Yeah it is, but it's fanbook wank that's pretty fun by virtue of just asking a simple What-If, that being Dio succeeding the Heaven ritual that Pucci himself achieved in Part 6. Requiem is neat too with Kira first hinting at something with repeated exposure to the Arrow and the fact that Stands are a reflection of the soul, so Giorno goes Jesus on himself and Christ's on Diavolo with stabbing his own Stand/Soul.

They're neat ideas for escalation since the methods to make Requiem and Heaven Stands is to do some esoteric myth-of-self bullshit, that bullshits hard enough to let your ego get idiot swole and piss on reality scales.

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Part 5 has a continuously moving plot that’s more complex than going from point a to b.

Only barely, Giorno at the start and to the finish is planning to become the new boss, and bucciarati abides by this and even accepts this goal pretty early on as well. It's a bit more complex than part 3 but let's not pretend that the end goal was not already known at the start.

Santana's introduction was the most horrifying a Jojo villain has ever been.

Tuck Doppio's soul into King Crimson's asshole.

I don't know, I felt like the fat dude in part 8 was a pretty solid contender for most horrifying.

He's so over-the-top it's hilarious. I'LL BURN YOUR DOG AND MAKE THIS WOMAN EAT HER BABY!

Look how he dresses in part 3: He has a heart head band, green heart kneepads, banana-yellow pants, and gold elf shoes. He could wear literally anything he wants, and that's what he picked.

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Are you going to ignore everything that happened between episode 2 and the final scene?

And he makes it look good. Like he's some fucking British vampire genie time demon. Just absolutely fucking absurd and he doesn't flinch once.

Agree. That IS JoJo for me: the bizarreness of the week. Throw a dog at a blind guy. Someone's hand turned into a squirrel. Gamble with the neighborhood douche and set his house on fire. Unzip your face and pull out the cellphone you hid in there. Run into Joshu.

Only Dio, man.

Oh yeah, and he's got superpowers, right? so he's going to throw a crap ton of KNIVES at you, then beat you in the head with a steamroller.

All while killing a cat and having it land in someone's hamburger.

Not an argument. Giornos goal was same from start to finish. Only trish and polnareff reveals changed anything

That's why I like the Dio we see in Part 6. We know he's fucking HIGH on his own fumes, at all times. He acts like he's such a deep cool shit who has it all figured out, when he's a thuggish maniac who loves indulging violence and domination. He's so goddamn full of himself.

>defeating Bruno
>killing Polpo
>Bruno becoming a capo
>getting assigned to guard Trish
>betraying the boss
>getting contacted by Polnareff
>getting the requiem arrow
All of these effect the plot. The end goal never changes, but the path to get there does.

If Pucci only knew what Dio did when he wasn't magically healing his foot or whatever, would he have gone along with it?

Pucci had this tragic backstory but do you honestly think DIO would've cared? No.

Why'd Pucci even like Dio?... been a while since I read part 6

It's the same in Part 3 though. They would have just flown/sailed to Egypt if they weren't getting stopped by enemy stand users constantly forcing them to change their methods of transportation.

Christians are pathetic submissive worms who will obey anyone powerful who promises to help them. After Dio died, Pucci decided to rise up and go from being the oppressed to being the oppressor.


The same reason everyone who served Dio liked him - he was persuasive, hot as hell, confident as hell, abused the World like a parlour trick, and loved to talk mindfuck philosophy with strange people. To Pucci, Dio seemed like a living saint, or God. Pucci has a thing for Heaven, Dio has a plant to genuinely achieve Heaven, of course Pucci would want in and enjoy talking about that.

Changing vehicles doesn’t change the status quo.

Wait, why didn't Polnareff call La Squadra when they became traitors?
I know they're evil and would be just as bad as Diavolo, but how did Polnareff know the difference between good traitors and bad traitors?

Good people can detect other good people.

DIO was basically a cult leader. Look at all his minions/allies in SDC.

I can see this discussion is going nowhere.

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I accept your concession.

>He acts like he's such a deep cool shit who has it all figured out
what makes it even better is that he actually kinda does- his plan to achieve Heaven apparently succeeds whether it's him or Pucci doing it, so we know it's not just a case of Pucci interpreting his messiah's insane ramblings and jumping to his own conclusions

Yeah. He was God. Stand users probably loved the idea of being able to freely rule and ruin the world with Dio's ascension.

> 『Cult Of Personality』

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The Heaven ritual does work, yeah. Thing is, Dio's idea of Heaven is just Hell with a hard paint job. Pucci's Heaven is just as selfish, but what he didn't realize is that with the end of the Joestar curse, Heaven could enact its actual will with him as its vessel, ending with the new timeline where people made better and happier choices, having known their fates but being free of Pucci's will and Dio's legacy.

Man, I really forgot a lot of Stone Ocean. I binge read it last summer and it was hot and humid out, and the whole damn thing was like a fever dream.

user please don't feed the baiter

That was my impression of Stone Ocean's ending - Pucci accidentally helped create a conceptual Heaven timeline, where knowledge of fate implied by the loops combined with free will and the end of the curse seems to end with Emporio speaking to happy, healthy, not so bizarre Joestars. Which is a perfect place to end - they died and went to 'Heaven'.

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I can’t wait for MatPat to make a video explaining the ending of Part 6 after the anime reaches it.

I know cioccolatta choping up sorbet and gelato is animeonly, but I thought it would've been cool if instead of Giorno's snake shilling Melone, it was Squalo's clash.
It would make the world outisde the main gang feel a little more lively.

>above sexuality
>top end body
>Can stop time.
>I have a female vampire fetish, and am sad that he didn't get to make any female vampires.

Jojo is good because its so fucking retarded, it somehow hit the magic sweet spot by combining musclemen, body horror, and shitty pop culture references from 40 years ago. I dont know why but it somehow works and is good.

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Why would Squalo be there attacking Melone

Diavolo sent him to check on the train incident.

because he's so over-the-top with his evilness and he doesn't care

the best way I can describe Jojo is 'having fun regardless of what you feel' - Jojo does what it wants and gives zero shits about the opinion of anybody, ever

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Cuz they're tailing Bruno's moves, and took the opportunity to kill a traitor?

>implying its only christians of that nature


It isn’t, but Pucci’s Christianity is a big part of his character.

Is it really though? He doesn't mention it much.

>but the path to get there does.
The path doesn't "change". They just don't have a path at all, and instead wait until new developments fall into their lap and give them the next checkpoint.

He does frequently.

Can't say I recall.

charismatic voice actor

Reread the part.

Still not seeing it.

Actually go and reread it.

It's not in here.


I read it slowly... still not seeing it.

You read all of Pat 6 slowly in a few minutes?

Obviously not. We're talking about things that Pucci said so I only need to read his scenes.

Then you should’ve seen several panels where he talks about religion.

I don't know what to tell you. Maybe you remembered it wrong?

Maybe you did.

I'm looking at it now and it doesn't quite match up to what you're claiming. Sorry, but when it comes to believing the manga vs believing some guy on Yea Forums, I have to stick with the manga.

Are you really so afraid to admit that Araki occasionally writes negative portrayals of Christians?

Why would I be? It's not hard to find that kind of stuff if you look.

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The World is DIO's Stand.
Johnathan's stand is the Hermit Purple look-alike we see when Kakyoin meets him and Petshop in the flashback.

Then you should be able to easily find the scenes where Pucci talks about serving the lord.

Well, that's the problem. They aren't there.

They are if you look.

I don't think so.

What do you gain from lying like this?

That's what I'd like to ask you, honestly.

You’re denying a major character trait of one of the main villains.

I am denying your claim that it was a major character trait based on overwhelming lack of evidence.

How many examples do you want?


Will Shonen Jump ever have another series with as much style and fun as Jojo?

You should try reading some one day.

Ok, I’ll return shortly.

I don’t feel like wasting more time entertaining your delusions, but this should be enough. I only picked examples where he’s unambiguously referring to religion.

Then because stands are magical/4th dimensional, Dio piercing Jonathan's body retroactively passed down similar types of stands to the living Joestars

>The World Requiem Over Heaven with Dio also being the Ultimate Lifeform

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charisma. basically what said

Speedwagon was pretty clear on the subject.

>Why isn’t the plot predictable? It’s too confusing for me!

>characters being proactive is bad

The characters in part 5 are more proactive than any other part.

>heh heh you'll be working for me now
>*turns your gun into a banana*

No they aren't. The plot is always moved forward by outside forces, and a majority of the cast isn't even aware of the goal to defeat the boss until halfway through the story.

>The plot is always moved forward by outside forces
Every event is caused by Giorno and/or Bruno, except for the team getting contacted by Polnareff, which was caused by Abbachio.
>and a majority of the cast isn't even aware of the goal to defeat the boss until halfway through the story
They don’t need to be aware since they’re just supporting characters.

No it's not, Giorno and Bruno's goal was taking over Passione by killing the boss from the beginning. And their plan was rising until being close confidants with the boss and betraying him.
Thanks to Giorno, Polpo dies and his place as capo is left open, Bruno decides to use his hidden fortune to become one and further his goal, then he's presented with Trish, a direct link with the boss and therefore, his ticket to taking over. From there on it's pretty clear cut.

>Every event is caused by Giorno and/or Bruno, except for the team getting contacted by Polnareff, which was caused by Abbachio.
But it wasn't ever intentional.

>Thanks to Giorno, Polpo dies and his place as capo is left open,
Giorno killed Polpo to get revenge for the death of the old man killed by Black Sabbath. He didn't know about Bruno's position in the gang or that he would have an opportunity to become a capo once Polpo died.
>Bruno decides to use his hidden fortune to become one and further his goal,
Bruno only knew about the fortune from following Polpo's orders and he only decided to use the fortune after Polpo died, which he didn't know would happen.
>then he's presented with Trish, a direct link with the boss and therefore, his ticket to taking over.
Another example of the plot being moved forward by coincidence. They didn't know about Trish before Bruno tried to become a capo.
>From there on it's pretty clear cut.
From there they have a bunch of fetch quest arcs that involve moving from place to place based on the boss's orders.
Bruno only betrays the boss in the chapel because he realized Diavolo was going to kill Trish.
After they betray the boss, they don't know where to go until Trish tells them about Sardinia.
Once they get there and see the replay, they have no leads on the boss until Polnareff contacts them and calls them to the Colosseum.

The whole time they're just going with the flow, having no idea what their next move will be. The only reason why they accomplish anything is because of convenient opportunities that fall into their lap.

They were all good people, so Faye was rewarding them.

Because he is fun.

Meant to say fate.

Jojo stops being god tier after part 3. Your friend's just retarded

The whole fucking point that was made clear throughout the Trish transport was that Bucciarati didn't want to use Trish or involve her in his plan.
He just wanted to keep her safe, and assumed the boss wanted the same.
He didn't even want to question her about her father after taking her back from him.

>choosing to uphold your principles instead of following orders isn't proactive

That's what makes them reactive. They weren't looking for Trish, she was given to them. They didn't ask Trish for information, she just told them. They weren't looking for Polnareff, he approached them.

Not that user but I don't like how The World Over Heaven looks.

Because he IS the Saturday morning cartoon villain.

As mentioned DIO was good because he's over-the-top campy, comically dickish and charismatic. That's it. Contrary to popular belief, depth isn't all you need to be a good character or antagonist. It helps for sure, but it's not the end of The World if you don't got it.

Doppio/Diavolo is seriously my favorite villain of all the series. He was just nuts. As Doppio he was innocent and clumsy but still following the will of Bossu. As Diavolo, he was a paranoid weirdo with a very inflated ego. I still like Part 1 Dio a lot but Diavolo has first place in my heart.

I feel like this pretty much says it all

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>timelines where Dio manages to use the Aja with the Mask
It wouldn't do anything. Using Aja was just to make the mask powerful enough to pierce pillarman brain, it wouldn't "super evolve" a vampire or anything like that.

where did he even find a steamroller at that hour?

Speedwagon can fuck right off.

construction sites normally just leave their equipment out at night

extremely low IQ post.

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Why was Pucci the only member of his family with dark skin? Was his daddy the milkman?

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Araki probably read about those twins born to mulatto parents that ended up with one looking black and the other white and thought that would be a cool addition, regardless of whether or not it made sense.
Also some nice irony with the KKK, if he had already thought that up in the beginning.

not the person you were replying to but he is pretty blasphemous in his beliefs. Finding strength in numbers, following false prophets, trying to attain heaven in a way other than Jesus christ describes.
He uses Christianity as a decoration more than anything.

The better question is how did he lift up that steamroller?

I don't understand how weather report or pucci's hair works.

Weather Report wears a hat, I think. Pucci is just very High T so hair grows on him anywhere he wants.

He's a vampire with superhuman strength? What's there to question?

He probably had to used The World, which is of course stupidly strong if it can out-punch Star Platinum

Did Araki even think about the implications of this? Stands are a reflection of the soul, but Johnathan’s soul isn’t in his body anymore, but DIO can manifest Johnathan’s stand regardless.
What’s the bare minimum of donor material needed to manifest the donor’s stand? An organ? We will never know.

It's just a concept he discarded. Originally he thought to give DIO access to all Joestar stands, but didn't like the idea and went back to everyone only having their own stand. He had already drawn the scene where DIO uses Hermit Purple, though, so it's just retconned into Jonathan's stand. It's not that deep.

Shittiest post I've read in awhile.

idk what this ranking is based off of, but it perfectly lines up with ranking how hot each one is.

This such a stupid theory, to say stands somehow are linked to a person`s body or DNA is ridiculous, they are and always were the manifestation of a person`s will, a recurring theme of Jojo. The fact it was similar to Jotaro`s is purely for plot necessity, something Araki thought it was cool.

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Maybe Dio just ask Pucci to pull a disc out of Jonathan’s dick

>Originally he thought to give DIO access to all Joestar stands, but didn't like the idea and went back to everyone only having their own stand.

And then he forgets that when he has DIO heal Pucci's messed up foot.

I think that was supposed to be some vague Vamp power that Araki thought he introduced beforehand. Maybe Dio always could use his regen on other people but never did? Who knows.

Pucci is born with the messed up foot so wouldn’t Crazy Diamond be unable to heal it?

Hot take: The World does give DIO access to the powers of all the Joestar stands, but the only ones he'd figured out how to use by the end of Part 3 were Star Platinum and Hermit Purple. This likely has to do with the fact that Holly and Josuke hadn't learned how to control their own stands yet at the time.

Because he's entertaining. The worst thing any villain can be is boring.

The only thing Crazy Diamond can't fix is a dead person. I don't see why he wouldn't be able to heal Pucci's foot.

Didn't the anime hint that he was using Holly's stand as well to drain people? There were dead bodies and ivy and roses like Holly's stand on the dead bodies. I can't remember if that was an anime only scene.

>Dio we see in Part 6
that's DIO you dumbass

He's not wearing a hat, that's the fucked up thing.

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>I can’t interpret characters without meme traits

Weather Report in the current story is wearing a hat

Link to video of webm?

The villains are always cooler.

Most of the villain-of-the-week dudes are just as much saturday morning cartoon villains. You just don't see as much of them

it was fucking amazing. Simultaniously introducing Nazi-bro. Japs don´t know any borders

I remember watching this scene with my brother and both of us realizing what was being implied, I never laughed so much watching jojo.

>would probably stop time for however long he wants
The World was already progressing toward that anyway. His time stop was growing with each use thanks to his infinite vampire stamina. That's why normal humans can stop time at a maximum of 5 seconds, but Dio can go further beyond.


>implying DIO would bother carrying Polnareff
>not having ZA WARUDO move him around

Crazy Diamond also can't fix things that are natural to the target. He couldn't "fix" Okuyasu's dad because it was his stand powers doing it to him. If Josuke could deactivate stands, then it would work just fine. Physical abnormalities that you're born with are outside his range of "fixing" things. The best he could do is break Pucci's foot and then mess up the repair process so that it heals differently.

And yet Pucci is entirely unaware of how heretical he sounds. He genuinely believes he's doing God's work by trying to attain Heaven because he can't see fault in his own actions. Weather Report said it near the end of the Heavy Weather arc, but Pucci is the kind of evil who does not know he is evil or doing wrong at all, and that's why he's the most evil. His brain tells him all of his beliefs are compatible and that what he's doing is just regardless of the reality of the situation. He's trying to force something on mankind because he made a mistake as a teen, a mistake he does not acknowledge as his own and instead blames on fate, and can't deal with his grief in a healthy way. He surmises that if he can't accept "fate" without knowing what will happen, then no one should have to. This flies in the face of everything Christianity teaches because Christianity preaches acceptance of one's fate regardless of one's knowledge of it and that God has a plan for everything and everyone, and you just have to have faith. Pucci constantly goes on about overcoming his own fate and becomes the lone man immune to his own stand's powers. He probably sees himself as a martyr when really he's just selfish and hypocritical.

He's really just meant to be dark Italian. It's just an odd color choice like a lot of things in the colored scans. Araki doesn't color those himself after all.

I mean, doesn't World Over Heaven do some stupid bullshit like automatically negate any attack and automatically pierce any defense? It's like something dreamt up by that kid who said he had an infinity plus two gun when playing pretend.

Yeah, 'fate' works in mysterious ways, and so does shit writing.

The World Over Heaven can change reality, but only if the Stand touches what it wants to change, and the changes aren't necessarily permanent in some situations.

I always felt like DIO was a bigger threat to the world than Kars, for example. Also, he is the nemesis of Joestar family in the original universe, so his storyline is interesting

>That's why normal humans can stop time at a maximum of 5 seconds, but Dio can go further beyond.

I imagine Jotaro could have pushed his time stop to well beyond 5 seconds, but he never bothered to train to do so, because he didn't NEED to. Whereas Dio was both a vampire, and was using The World all the fucking time.

What's also silly is the idea that if Bruno didn't conveniently become capo, they wouldn't get involved into Diavolo's Trish delivery service trolling act. The job was meant to go to Polpo, but what the fuck can he do? He's a giant fatty stuck inside the prison, he would've handed over the job to Bucci's gang either way cus he trusts him. Bruno becoming capo is practically fucking irrelevant.

Diego Brando is best DIO

My headcanon is that, if pt 3 stands weren't based on tarot cards, Dio stand would be『Holy Diver』

Attached: ZaWarudoEoH.png (480x480, 282K)

Part 7 stands aren’t based on tarot cards

Without a doubt. It's a neat detail to realize how much of the World's power and looks is based off the fact that Dio was trapped under the ocean for a hundred fucking years.

Part 7 The Word is pure fanservice and everyone knows that


Yeah, the water tubes on its back and everything

It was fanservice, but it felt good for once. If only because Araki doesn't really indulge in that normally, so the tiniest scraps you do get are unexpectedly primo.

Every Christian is blasphemous. All the Apostles just made new reasons up to not follow the rules.

The World isn't a Part 7 stand any more than Star Platinum is a Part 4 stand

It's just Speedwagon sperging out.
On the other hand you have Giorno, who, despite what the manga tries to beat you over your head with, seems to take a lot from DIO and not that much from Jonathan at all.

That too, it's literally Diego From Another World

>seems to take a lot from DIO
Only his catchphrases.

What about his overarching goal in life, occupation and general attitude?
I can see Dio in that, but not Jonathan.

he's a coward who despite getting vampirism, psychic abilities, mind-control, and time powers till goes as far away from any jostar as possible

Why are really campy villains who enjoy being evil always a bad thing? I love them if done right.

He was only likable during part 1. In part 3 he was only a good villain because you hated him so much.

I don't hate him.

IIRC Araki states in a character bio somewhered that the human maximum is five seconds. Diego Brando from another world, who has presumably had his stand for a while, could only stop time for a max of 5 seconds as well.

It turns Dio into an Ultimate Lifeform in Jorge Joestar.

That's nice honey, but it's not canon.

So the thing here is that sometimes he wears a hat and sometimes he doesn't, but his head looks weird as fuck 100% of the time.

It's like Plinkett says. He's evil and he loves it. You gotta respect that.


Nah it ain't canon, but it makes sense it'd do SOMETHING for Dio, Pillar Man or not.

Plus it's fun to know that even if Ultimate Dio with The World Over Heaven Requiem existed, he still wouldn't be happy or satisfied.

>but it makes sense it'd do SOMETHING for Dio
No it doesn't. It's clearly established what the mask and Aja do, you just want it for your retarded headcanon.

>but it makes sense it'd do SOMETHING for Dio, Pillar Man or not.
No it doesn't. It would be the same spines piercing the same brain. The red stone only makes the spines strong enough to pierce a pillar man's brain. It doesn't change the actual function of the mask.