Would you?

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>BECOME anime girl

No. Lesbianism isn't a real sexual orientation

Where's the downside?

>become an anime girl
if i can choose which one, yeah
how is that a bad thing

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But you'll become fictitious.

Anything is better than my current life.

fuck no i'm not gay

This a win win

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Hell yeah, what's the downside? To be a girl loved by other girls is a shared dream of all humanity

No girls are icky

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Make it something to think about
>You become an anime girl
>You are the third runner up in a harem anime

Is a sin my friends

Objective: Survive from Chigo

That means I also get to live in anime land, so yes.

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that only makes it better

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What's the catch


Only if I didn't look like that and was able to keep her voice.

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Don't want to be a chick but they do have it very easy in life.

WHERE is the downside ? if i was a anime girl i would be lesbian anyways

Literally a win-win scenario
No disgusting male will insert his penis inside you
You get all the hottest girls

Anime dykes are cute, so there's no downside involved? Yes, even tho it sounds too good to be true.

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Literally /u/'s wet dream.

Literally my dream.

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Literally everyone's wet dream really
>become cute girl
>fuck cute girls

lol touche

literally no one would deny that offer, are you retarded OP ?

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if you are an anime girl you are forever frozen into some sort of state that someone drew you in. You can't move and everybody can watch you.
It's horrible.

So, guys at least try to be nice to your dakimakura. Take a sower before you go to bed.

It's only a sin if you're a ugly lesbian. Cute lesbians are the purest creatures on earth.

Thinly veiled tranny psyop thread

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Right?! Who on Yea Forums, newfags and normies notwithstanding, would ever say no to this?

>if you are an anime girl you are forever frozen into some sort of state that someone drew you in

What's the catch?

Why would you want be anything else if you were a cute anime girl?

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I don’t even like yurishit but I’d still hit that button like it owes me fucking money.

I'd like to have a happy anime family, and for that I'd need to procreate.

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the duality of Yea Forums man

What mahjong power do I get?

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For fucks sake 2 • 0 = 0.