New WSJ series Mission of Yozakura Family color spread

New WSJ series Mission of Yozakura Family color spread

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It's too colorful

Already trying to rip off Spy X Family

I’m almost sure the creator of the new series was probably working on it and and developing it months before SXF was known to be a huge hit. While it was somewhat popular in the beginning, I’m sure editors didn’t KNOW they had a huge hit on their hands until the volume release in July.

This series was probably planned to join the magazine months ago


I can sense the axe already. The characters each look like they're from a different series and they slowpoked too much, there's room for only one spy family.

I'm actually looking foward to it, the characters look interesting enough and if the side characters to be importante to be in both CP and cover so I'm in.

I'm sold.

I have a feeling they're probably Yakuza/Mafia, but since Spy x Family is in a different magazine its not like the two would be competing

I hyped.

Does SxF have fanservice?

>Not a single katana user

>big and colorful cast already.
Picked up

>blue smug
>pink tits
picked up

>doesn't care for silver cunny
shit taste

Is this just fucking Hitman Reborn (reborn)

white cun is nice, but buckethead though...

Hey this color page actually looks like something that would interest me enough to read it if I was flipping through the magazine. And that's not something you can say about a lot of these new Jump manga.

Is this the one by the Poro author?

>Hitman Reborn.
>but not gay.

Sounds like something I would like.

yeah. the character designs are simple but effective. they really pop out thanks to the colors. the guns have me intrigued as to what kind of story this will be, especially the revolver pointed at MC-kun's cheek. like he's being held against his will.

>Is this the one by the Poro author?
Yes, next week's series Mitama Security is by some shitty fujo artist

Unironically want it to succeed, love their looks, especially the smug girl and the fujobait blondie with the kitty hood

I like how each has a gun thats different from one another.

Yeah, it's a "Hilarious Action series, with a lot of heart" according to the US Jump twitter so i guess it's a battle/romcom hybrid?

Cat the best

>Mission of Yozakura Family




There is another more successful series in another Jump magazine centering around a spy gamily. Since WSJ is declining, they think it's fair game stealing ideas around now


>completely out of scale gun models
Does it hurt for japs to do 20 minutes of research on any subject before writing about it?

Oh look, a dunning kruger on steroid, how cute.

Can already smell the axe but I'm interested.

me on the bottom left

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I see an axe in its future

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The SxF of our generation.

>there can't be more than 1 series about spies

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There's still not even confirmation that its about spies and not Yakuza. Somebody who's already read the first chapter says its more like AssClass.

Didn't Spy x Family literally have a chapter in Jump a few weeks ago?

>Those boring generic design
>That unimaginative premise
Which series will benefit from this axe fodder again?