They're struggling with this, Yea Forums. Can you do better?
They're struggling with this, Yea Forums. Can you do better?
Can only find 7
Well, it's a straight up lie, there's only 7 differences. Unless the top box has also mixed up kanji in it.
9/10 so far.
This is really small holy shit
Nope, there really are 10 differences
What's the 10th one then? Not buying the table cloth one.
The scarf does not count as just 1 difference.
2 were not enough
Loli are dangerous.
10 / 10 is here, just change the double scarf for the big line under the kids menu, thread is over.
Damn it man, now what are we supposed to do for the rest of the thread?
Mean here
what is best pairing Or harem end
Whoops didnt mean to quote
Shill toys like this series does
Harem ending with Bandai and Konami for obvious reasons
Alternatively talk about how cards are the most amazing and versatile form of entertainment ever created since that's basically what the chapter is actually about
Does the loli ear count?