Could Aqua finish this burger?
Could Aqua finish this burger?
No, but Lalatina could.
your mom can
I wana finish in her ass
Imagine making a big juicy burger picture and it's not with Megumin living her dream of feeling full after a meal.
im gonna finish inside that burger
I feel like Megumin could for sure
What is the appeal of anime girls eating burgers?
Isn’t that the trap from Promare?
Aqua is too dumb to properly eat a burg. She'd probably break her jaw and cry.
The burger would be hella watery from all the condiments and sauces turning to water.
Need something to go with those burgs
Aqua eating the whole thing in front of Megumin
Burger Bellies.
Megumin would devour it within a minute because of how malnourished she is.
Oh and this relates even though it is a video game reference.
>pic not related
Good thread... Now handover the borgers so nobody gets hurt!
Literally imagine giving a shit about any girl in this show who isn't megumeme.
Megumeme best girl
My burger
Of course
only if she shits into my mouth after
I don’t need to anwser that.
>mmmm..Kazuma, Kazuma..! This is so goooooooo – BRRRRPPRRFFFFFFFFFT
America baby
To remind nips who won WWII.
fucks sake
I really like pensuke