Kemono Friends

The already got a new voice for Fennec.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Newbie moe again huh. Probably for the best.

Was KF2 a financial success?

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Meh, the franchise is dead. What role would she even do?
Sing a funeral song?

>99% drop of BD sales between S1 and S2
You tell me user.

>thinking DVD's are important to a multi-media franchise

What's her three sizes?

Name one thing they managed to find financial success in post Tatsuki

>surely the disdain is strictly focused on anime and doesn't apply to the rest of the franchise
really faggot?

Here a sample of her voice:
Funny enough her only experience as voice actress until now is to voice ナルルカ・ニルカ (Naluluka Niluka), a fennec girl character on the online game Kanpani Girls.

At this point the studio doing the english dub is treating the franchise with more respect than the actual owners.

Fennec's new voice appears here

Not bad or anything but it's just not the same.

Hm, I haven't been following KF stuff in awhile, dunno if this is a good thing or not. I thought everyone liked Fennec and Arai VA antics.

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The info about her three sizes is not public, but her height is 155 cm, same as Kana Motomiya.

I fondly remember a certain someone saying that KF2 would be a success because it would focus on catering to children

Lo and behold
It was Kemurikusa that got reaired in a daytime slot

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We do. And we would like them again if they worked on Tatsuki's next project

Her original VA decided to leave the franchise a few months ago, nobody knows why but considering the franchise appears to be a flaming dumpster fire behind the scenes most people can't blame her for leaving.

Such a sad state of affairs, wish we could just go back to the good times of season 1.

I honestly encourage it. There's a brighter future elsewhere

it's not as good as her old voice (second voice?) but it'll work


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Here's the opening for Kemono Friends 3

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>scheduled to release on Sep25

Is that a bad omen date in Japan or something else?

Are you serious?
Sep 25 is the day KF died
They are trying to make us forget.

It was the day Tatsuki was fired

KF died that day

>He doesn't know

Hmmm I kind of like that style.

I hate it and I want to die.

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Let it die. It was a one off thing.

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They announced the new Fennec voice actress the same day of the release of the soundtrack of Kemurikusa, so yeah, KFP is still with the asshole flaming.

Didn't they sing about always being together?

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That was an interesting day...

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Anime is a mistake.

Oh yeah, I didn't realized that.
They are still picking fights that they kept on losing

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So did Serval and Kaban

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Has any other franchise been raped as bad?

I've never seen an franchise where the people behind it were deadset on constantly shitting on the one guy who gave the franchise success and relevancy.

Also it's looking like that burger titty monster is the new protag, much better than brap-chan that's for sure. The game will be DoA if he shows up.

>Her original VA decided to leave
If I remember correctly Fennec wasn't not cute/young enough for idol standards so maybe they get rid of her.
I mean, isn't the first time -they- use the "he/she decided to leave" card to get rid of undesired persons.

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I don't like you pulling theories out of thin air.
Same thing either way though - she's so much better than the ones still working on the franchise

Moose is huge!

For some reason, every time I see threads with news like this, I just assume it has to be good news because things can't keep getting worse.

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Based KDKW apologist

Fennec is free and the new VA doesn't totally suck, which is I guess as close to good news as you can get

I am most certainly not on Kdkw. No sane man would

Past few months proves you wrong but things actually looking normal now and I hope it stay that way. At least hope 25 September just coincidence, not another sign of another shitstorm.

>actually looking normal
The franchise is as dead as it can possibly be right now and even though SEGA seems to be doing a good job with KF3, I'm sure Mine and KFP will find a way to fuck it up just like everything else they touch.

Cute. The music is one of the few good things remaining with KF and aside from the 9/25 release and quick replacement of Fennec, KF3 looks okay so far. I don't want to get my hopes up for something that will never be as good as the original but I hope they don't try to screw things up again. I can't believe Lion won again and there's no Moose in there though

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Soulless. Should've chosen Fennec's Nexon VA.

This is so much better than KF2 it's not even funny. Why couldn't they just let Sega to do it? Fuck everything.

At least you can watch the KF1 Dub with the gang again in the Usual Place™

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I don't understand why nobody stopped Mine. We could have had a real S2, or at least this instead of the garbage we got

>The already got a new voice for Fennec.

Wait what? What the fuck happened? I stopped following anything KF related since the s2 was over.

Believe in her.

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This OP is the best thing since the noodle cm.

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It could have been more, though not in this reality

Shit like that makes me believe in the yakuza theory.

Isn't the usual place dead now? There won't even be anyone to suffer with

>there is a reality where Tatsuki made S2, Kana didn't leave and Grape became the longest living penguin in captivity
>I'm stuck in this shitty timeline
It fucking hurts

Don't worry, ill post some threads when dub is near release

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I'm pretty sure the yakuza stuff has been true for a while now with things like the magically disappearing author or the recent things targeting KFchannel

>or the recent things targeting KFchannel
Which is currently down right now

I don't know that theory. Story pls

I believe in Dhole

oh shit is that Dark Side of the Moon

I believe in them

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When have breasts like those let me down?

AGN, one of the KFP members, is directly connected to yakuza. IIRC there are more connections but I'm not very knowledgeable.
Most likely the whole KF is(or was) a money laundering scheme.

That's great to hear. Sucks that it died out though.



friendstream served its purpose, and I used alot of VPNs for the streams we got, mods really hate fun

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Ok that OP is actually really good

Still probably gonna pass on it

You can find it easily on fireden.

Ah yeah, the shit is so serious now that Kemono-friendsch was mentioned on the news website of one of the most important news agency of Japan thanks to a fucker posting a comment about bombing a school on Tokyo, so the police is investigating who left the comment.
And to make things worse he is fighting against continuous DDoS attacks, so the page is down and he is right now thinking about getting a service like Cloudflare.

I find it pretty funny that they included Shoebill, Rhino, and Lion but there's no sign of Moose.
I want to believe in her but I don't want to get hurt yet again.

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Cute, I like it
I will believe in D-hole

we Yea Forums now

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KF2 doesn't exist.

So Misae Komori is still Shoebill's voice actress on KF3 and related media or what?, because she is the only one I have seen still interacting with Fukuhara on Twitter, but as far as I know Shoebill did not appear on KF2.

I think one of the things related to KF3 said there's a chance of an anime, though I don't remember the exact details on that. If it does happen though I hope they don't fuck things up and continue in this cute direction.
At least we don't act like them

I want to stick something in Dhole's special d hole

No idea, I haven't seen much about Shoebill regarding KF3 until now and aside from Fennec leaving I'm not very informed about the VAs. If she has been interacting with him it seems entirely possible. I just find the character choice a little funny and interesting, I wonder if it just had to do with what VAs were available or something else. Hopefully if the game isn't terrible they end up adding more cute Friends

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In somewhat better news it looks like Tatsuki is properly credited in the english BD.

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for now

Last 30 seconds of the OP was great, almost sounded like some kind of Toto-style 70s AOR (in a good way), but the rest was rehash-y. S2 had a lot of problems but I thought the OP was still fine.

please look forward to the dubstream post September 24th

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please no

Though it's not much, that's good to hear. I'm happy about this short period of peace and little suffering

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sorry bud its already locked and loaded

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Yup, that is a nice picture to show that he was not only the director, but more like an one-man team taking all the most important positions on the creative side.
Meanwhile in Japan they are still fighting to get a lot of websites to correct the credits

>in the middle of the week

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Aardchan its gonna be a bit for a torrent, its gonna be the weekend of.

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>implying it's not going to leak early

Thank you bossu.

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oh boy

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This doesn't count as zoophilia, right.

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Pure friends are NOT for lewding.

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Of course not. You're supposed to love a Friend and create a large family with them, user!

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Sorry user, she's too rapebal.

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Excellent timing, I felt like bullying someone today.

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No one would do something so mean to nice friend!

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I'm still wondering how the manga is going to handle ep.6 and beyond.

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Poor mangaka. He didn't knew what he was getting into when he got hired.

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Some quick and dirty translation shitposts I made.

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This is great. I'm a bit worried about my favorite friend not being there but otherwise I'm really looking forward to the release.

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Cute beast, I really like that guy's art

I just realized is Fennec's new VA going to voice Arma as well? Or will they get somebody else?

Her hole for d! God I wish people would make more microbikini Friend art


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She's so cute. I love her fluffy hair. Why couldn't Mine do something like this for S2?

The master of the micro bikini is Mudou Eichi but he is currently busy making fanarts of Kemurikusa and Hentatsu

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Sadly he was too focused on hate instead of simply creating more cute girls
It would be nice if they had some more Friends but this is still pretty good so far

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I know that. I wish someone would clone him given how fast he can pump out art, we'd have a ton of cute lewd Friends in no time

Imagine if they decided to re-release S1 BDs but with Tatsuki's name scrubbed off like Kojima in the MGSV launch trailers.

Anyone have access to the super secret lewd Friend MMD models the nips use that look semi-accurate to the first season? I've been searching all over for them with no luck

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>we want the milk audience

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I'm a lolicon and still would her.

Fuck you them and Lucky-san are best friends 5ever and they're happily exploring, reclaiming, and rebuilding the park region at a time.

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It's amazing, I don't know how almost every character in KF is able to look so good

I really like how she looks

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So is the American human the new Kaban, or nah?

In an alternate universe, KFS3 we could've had Kaban meeting her first human in the form of these two massive talking breasts.

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>KF models but with vaginas

I'm just mainly after the unclothed versions

American visitor. KF3 takes place after the Nexon game well before the events of the anime, so it's a literal sequel to the mobage and therefore is KF2, making the anime effectively KF3.

>haven't paid attention to the mess KF has become since the S2 lore shitstorm
>suddenly Milkbag

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I'm more of a DFC man myself, but god she's really cute.

It's great, isn't it?

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>butt freckles
Pushing the right buttons.

tall, grande, venti

I don't even like futa and I've busted countless nuts to this

Why can't all Americans look like this?

Futa is completely heterosexual.

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His art is nice, I just wish he used more Friends for non-futa things and gave more variety. He missed some great opportunities when using the leaders of the two armies

God the Kemurikusa soundtrack is so fucking good

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Oh no! She's doing it again!
Someone please get Toki a boyfriend already!

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Is marrying a bird legal?

Just get take her with you please. We'll take care of the paperwork, I promise.

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Emperor is THICC

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I wish there were images of that bird with a daughter, she deserves a family and I want to give her one. Actually, more Friends in general need images where they have children

There was a picture of Toki holding a baby as a reference to her VA giving birth around that time.

>chiyo-chan having babies

Found it.

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The card art they're doing for KF3 is nice and cute, too.

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This is a DUMB cat.

Let's be fair, which cat isn't DUMB?

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Geoff is not dumb! She is a mature and intelligent adult!

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Why are cat Friends always such dummies?

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You see that’s how you do it.
Even without Tatsuki, Kemono Friends still has a foot in the door, and if competently made than it can still succeed as a product.

How hard you think it would flop?

At least Jag is toilet trained unlike dumb and immature Geoff

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All we can really do is hope it doesn't fuck up and ends up alright. It definitely won't do as well as if Tatsuki was still here but it looks nice so far

I mean fuck, after the abysmal failure that was KF2 you’d think Kadokawa would lose all interest in the brand and anything that did come out would be total trash.
Just the trailer for this alone was better than all of S2.

>Serval with no Kaban
Nope, not my Kemono Friends.

these animals deserve to be fucked by user!

The way I see it, KF3 has a long uphill battle ahead of itself. Not only does it have to regain fan and consumer confidence in the series, but it must also compete with other mobage all the while. At the very least, it's a great idea to have it take place at a separate time from any of the other media, as they have a lot of wiggle room to explore and develop uniquely. Plus, the whole thing is so far removed from KF2 and the KF anime so there shouldn't be much chance for them to unintentionally stir up bad memories, nor can they appeal to nostalgia as those events haven't yet happened yet. Really, they just need to keep doing their own thing and maybe things will be fine, especially if continued positive reception brings more interest in the games. No idea how competitive the mobage market is, but if they can carve out their niche in it, it should do fine. Not remarkably well but just fine enough to ensure we have more Gen ???-* generations KFs.

I guess rather than continuing to cling onto remains of KF that KFP murdered and defiled, KF's only real hope for survival is to try new things.

When does the suffering ends?

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Nah. If Kaban and Serval pair was not returned, their plan has failed from the very start

I totally forgot this existed, I thought the dude just dropped the entire thing after the 3rd episode but it seems he did catched up recently, is hard to search for these now thanks to that new show with "Kemono" on its title, fuck that show.

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Kaban and Serval never split apart and Lucky-san is still a character. Maybe if they bring in that time traveling amulet they could have Kaban and co. join in an attempt to prevent alterations to the timeline?

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Taking care of children with your dog!

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In case anyone's interested in the whole book this comic is from:

Is exhentai working? That link doesn't seem like it's going anywhere.

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works for me
are you getting the byoris?

Seems to be perfectly fine with me.

Is that a mobile game or just an arcade game?

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Both, though the cards only apply to the arcade from what it sounds like

Stop watching this show, faggots. You are a shit eater if you keep going. It's not hard to stop.

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Sweet, thanks. I'll pre-register and try it out when it release on mobile.


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How the fuck is anyone supposed to escape rapebird?