Here, take a sit.
Here, take a sit
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>take a sit.
>Yui working as the good cop in interrogations
>she's so contagiously relaxed the suspects literally forget to lie
>grunts while sitting down
Does someone wanna explain to a shounentard like me what the appeal of moeshit is? The only good slice of life anime I've ever seen is hanasaku iroha
as someone who also doesn't generally like slice of life, k-on is legitimately good
it's extremely sweet and cute in the purest way, and most of the humor is on point
every character is just adorable
also cinematography is surprisingly great
>a shounentard
There's nothing wrong with enjoying a good shounen every now and then. Pic related.
>the appeal of moeshit
There are various kinds of anime or manga that you would probably consider "moeshit". And they all have different appeals. In the case of K-On!, you are supposed to find some peace and comfort. That's usually more of a need for older folks though, so you may still be too young for that.
I wouldn't consider myself a fan of moe in general but I've liked stuff like K-ON and Hidamari Sketch. K-ON is funny and while the music isn't really the point I do like the music quite a bit. It's just characters doing silly antics, which doesn't bore me and has its appeal. Hidamari Sketch's presentation is complete insanity, which is part of the appeal for me, but it goes along with the sol stuff going on and good characters.
o.... hai.....
>sits down
>stares while cocking head to one side
She said she was 18 I swear
Only Yea Forumsermin use this word user.
Moe is just a type of cute and doesn't necessarily mean slice of life. Some shounen can be considered moe too like BnHA. It's appealing because everyone likes cute things like puppies, kittens, etc. but it's taken to another level in anime.
I'm gonna take a sip directly from your lips.
It cleanses your soul.
Too real.
K-On is pure, it's cute, it's relaxing, it's legitimately funny. It's still wearing your pajamas at noon, watching cartoons, eating cereal on Saturday morning (as a child, not an adult you NEETs). Some of the music is also very catchy. Stuck in your head type. And as you continue to watch it becomes very affecting. If you aren't in tears by the end then you must have been leading a pitiful life thus far.
>take a sit
It's not an intrinsic characteristic of something. It's a subjective feeling one person has over something. When you have a kids, you will understand.
You first need to turn off the mental block of "ugh this is girly faggot shit" in your brain
Because it's cute. That's literally it. Kittens are cute, puppies are cute. They're enjoyable to look at. Just like moe anime.
The appeal is looking at bottom of the barrel cheerful "entertainment" based on "cute" vulnerable waifus tailor-made for weak, scared virgins.
The best way I can explain it is that you have to watch them with a different mindset. If you're constantly getting hung up on the lack of action, an overarching plot, and long-term consequences, you're never going to enjoy yourself. It's about appreciating the simple yet intimate characterization and dynamic of the characters, allowing the aesthetic elements of the show to fully permeate your senses, and enjoying the moment-to-moment feeling of experiencing a sugary microcosm of life. It's easy to assume that these shows are completely vapid and rely purely on aesthetic, but that is not (entirely) the case. Many of these series have legitimately great underlying narratives in the form of character arcs and development that is expressed much more subtly than would be in a traditionally over-the-top and dramatic show.
Because there's as wide a variety of SoL as there are shounen.