Why did it happen?

Why did it happen?

Attached: 3rd place.png (928x704, 530K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>asuka and misato top two girls

Great taste

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Shit girls, shit show

>fucking Yui placed higher than Hikari

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>Misato in top 2
Based and purplepilled.

Evafags are getting older and starting to appreciate the best woman.

This is acceptable.
Misato fucking best.

Red and blue together make purple, the best color. Therefore misato is best girl

Who even likes Ritsuko?

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so it mean that the majority of fans are into femdom.

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Normalfaggotry everywhere.

You do realize there’s like 30-40 Eva fans total on this site right? Nobody cares about this anime anymore. It doesn’t matter what percent of that number likes what girl. Move on already and watch other anime.

I always preferred Misato over Rei. Still Asuka for number one. Slowly trying to migrate from being like Shinji to being like Kaiji. Reifags I guess identify with Gendo. Pure unadulterated autism.

Yea. It’s the same 3-5 people who spam threads about this anime all day.

>Eva community
Irrelevant if it's outside of Yea Forums.

Asuka beats out Rei on Yea Forums these days. Not sure if Misato would have the edge over her though.

Eat shit, reifags.

Do you guys think you’ll ever watch another anime made after 1996?

And this is the boy version

Attached: boyranking.png (827x1321, 430K)

Rei virgins grew up and became Misato boomers

How can anyone argue for asuka being anything but worst girl? (Even Misato, who is best girl still has a mountain of problems that make her unable to be wife material or even a close friend)
She is a proper cunt 100% of the times she's on screen with another character. And crying alone doesn't make her sympathetic.

Misato is used goods and Misatofags are cucks.

So is Asuka

Attached: asuka fugs toji.jpg (1920x1080, 153K)

Personal taste aside, how does anyone actually like Ritsuko Akagi?


Not canon

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>Why did it happen?
>Mari with 4.0% of votes
I'm wondering myself. That's way too much.

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IIRC this poll is from r/evangelion, make of that what you will
>No Maya

This is quite literally me, except I'm pretty damn close to Kaji mode atm

data source?

>Two actual, relatable human beings are choosen over some autistic no-personality clone, a bunch of side characters that received little-to-no screen time and bottom of the barrel new waifu piece of shit

Geez, i wonder why, faggot.

Attached: youhomo.png (306x285, 126K)

Rei is not attractive compared to the others by any means unless you're an incel who just wants some robotic bitch. Misato 4lyfe

>Yea Forums is full of misato and asukafags

Finally some good taste is shown on this board

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>Mana: 1.3%
I call bullshit.

>Red and blue together make purple
Holy shit
is Misato Shinji's mother?

>is Misato Shinji's mother?
For her to be Shinji's mother she would have to have gotten pregnant at the current age of the Children, so this is suddenly super fucking plausible to me.

i think she's compelling, there are a lot of little touches in her character that are easy to miss, like how she doesn't wear lipstick in the episodes where gendo isn't at nerv

i'm so fucking fatigued with evangelion theorycrafting
talking about this makes me want to die

but this would actually explain the significance of her weird-ass "present at Antarctica during the second impact" backstory which has always felt superfluous to me

>Thinking Yea Forums's opinion is more important than the rest

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>some dumb autist actually took time to make that image

Her scene in that one hentai movie is pretty good and accounts for 100% of my interest in her in other media, which was later ruined and undone by MILFaggots spamming their shitty fetish all over the internet.

Ohhh wow... This picture made me realize how little and underdeveloped Asuka and Rei are... Damn...

I feel ashamed

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Ahhh yes... That one hentai movie. I remember downloading Evangelion on Ares and that shit was included... I was 12yo and my mind was destroyed

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Huh, she actually says she regrets not being able to be a mother to him in episode 25. That could easily be literal if she means "because NERV fucking sucked your fetus out of me to clone adam" or whatever the fuck

overlooking the incest because japan

they have the same blood type
please kill me mr bones

Fake lore. Gendo's not out of town when Ritsuko goes without makeup in 5 or 8, and is away in 7 while Ritsuko is wearing it. It does describe episode 12, but that ain't any pattern.

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they also have the same face

I'm like 70% sure it's canon and a guerrilla Gainax production so you probably got the intended experience

Asuka/Rei shift between literal child and fuckable adult every scene, not even mentioning merch and fanart.

Someone post the comparison between the original TV version and the changes made in the home releases.

I remember Asuka in particular actually looked like a 13-year-old in some shots originally, but they sexed her up down the track.


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9 and 10 weren't reanimated and that's some of the meatiest she gets. A lot of 22 was redone, but that's inclusive of giving her the stick insect butt and no cleavage to show Kaji.

The Rei disease has been quarantined, 3.0 + 1.0 will finally kill it off permanently.

Just aa the master Anno, planned.

Attached: 361F5EF6-BBFE-4A57-97E2-9148B7608F89.jpg (400x400, 28K)

If this is true, OP should be fucking banned for posting it here.


I would also be interested in this image. I'm looking through the archives but I can't seem to find it.

I only vaguely remember but I think I'm thinking of an elevator shot, somewhere

One reverse image search

Lol based asuka posting retard

Internet tribalism is pretty reddit of you, friend. This is an anonymous imageboard.

>no Maya
fucking plebs

Oh yeah, the archive cut with all the animation errors and pumpkin heads.

>pumpkin heads
haha what

Including two years in stasis the timing is exact.

I don't even know if you're joking but you're right. I always thought it seemed significant that in the first episode Gendo is drawn more like an aged-up Shinji, but at least that resemblance seems genuine and intentional.

Young Gendo is such a fucking goon though; I don't wanna imagine him fucking high school Misato.


Misluto fans are the worst. They're just contrarians.

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True Misatofags (people who actually think she's best girl) are pretty rare compared to the crypto-Asukafags who don't want to admit they think the the underage cartoon drawing is hot.

Asuka's not underage. She was 13 in 1995 which makes her like 37 now.

She was 13 in 2015, she turns 18 on December 4th.

Asuka is 13, Kaworu is 15, all the other kids are 14

Cute, wholesome and semi canon

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best girl and best woman top 2, nice

>ywn waifu Asuka and mistressfu Misato for when Asuka's on the rag

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Rebuild misato is so much cuter than nge misato

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I don't get it. Where's Kaworu?

He's #1 on the best boy list, see:

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>fuyutsuki that low
>literal who at 6

>toji #10

I fucking hates nips

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This is for the rebuilds. Anno himself stated Rei was the most popular in Japan.

Shit taste. Rei is best.

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Where's the non-pregnant version

Now why can't this be canon...

>letting eva have a purely positive, non-ambiguous ending

If it were as simple as that we wouldn't be talking about it 24 years later. Either way I still want closure even if I know that it kind of is besides the point.

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She used to be the most popular, not anymore.

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How can nips have such good taste with Asuka that high but also have such shit taste insofar that Misato isn't on here and Kaworu is rated as high as he is

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I'm more interested in the fact that Mana had almost the same popularity that Hikari.

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>every person next to their waifu husbando
>shinji surrounded by his bros

absolutely WHOLESOME

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Sadly I do not have it.

Kaworu is best boy, Asuka is best girl.

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Shinji is closest to Toji and Asuka is closest to Kensuke

It should have been Asuka closest to Toji since they're dating in end of eva

If you want to get autistic about it Kensuke is a bit far back in the perspective so Asuka is probably closer, plus her hand is on shinjis shoulder


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I agree, Asuka should get turned into a teen mom by shinji.

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And Toji's is around Shinji's shoulder and he's the closest.

Kensuke doesn't deserve to be there, he was an asshole to Shinji and Toji

>Shigeru/pushing his guitar onto Makoto and moving to goose Maya on her way down from jumping to get into frame


Why isn't anyone talking about the first ancestral race lore? The first impact? The cause for Adam's self destruction or the EVAs themselves?? The emo kids just get in the way of what's really important: GIANT FUCKING ANGEL ROBOTS

>Why did it happen?
Justice won.

To be fair, it's shikanami, not soryu. Had to take away a good deal of asuka's character for nips to like her.
At this point I'm just convinced most nips are physically unable to have good taste, and every good manga and anime exists despite the nip market, not because of them

Would anyone here sacrifice their Mom to be able to pilot an Eva? One one hand I'd love to get rid of that manipulative psyco bitch, but idt be torture to have to soul bond w her Everytime you'd want to go out for an angel smacking

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huh i coulda sworn, but it's been a long time since i watched the series in full

takes a man of fine tastes to loke rei
looks like all the casualfags picked the worst girls

No because I love my mother and wouldn't trade her for temporary pleasure

I think it only works if your mother actually loves you.

The answer of all that would be more or less resumed in: Pure Suffering.

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Be the change you want to see user

Rebuild music is god-tier

[YouTube] Evangelion:3.0+1.0 OST - 11170 CH edition 0706 (embed)

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user, drink some water and go to bed.

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I got some whiskey and I'm bullshitting with the boys. I can sleep later.

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Hikari deserves more love.
I wouldn't pick her because I can't not pick Asuka, but she should be minimum the fourth gal.

Who'd want to be Asuka or Rei? I never would. I'd like to be WITH Asuka.

no, my mom actually loves me and i dont have any use for an eva

If you find yourself agreeing with the majority you're probably wrong

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Reifags will NEVER recover from this

Because Misato is a great character.

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Amazing taste

>Rei covered up
>that slut Asska doing double peace like an ahego bitch

Anno forgot

I just finished watching the series and movie today only to find out everyone on here thinks rei isnt best grill. Wtf? Whats wrong with thinking rei is best girl?Isnt shinji a faggot tho?

Anno hates Rei, unfortunately

Asuka appeals to the kind of guy who likes to be bullied or the kind of guy that likes to turn the tables on an otherwise dominant female. She simply has more coverage in terms of what people are into.

Only because Megumi wouldn't fuck him off set

big if true

>turn the tables on an otherwise dominant female

This exactly. I want to go home after lifting with Asuka, get into a grappling spar on the floor, give her some slack and then overwhelm her, choke her in a triangle and then begin hot sweaty baby making

>double peace
she isn't even doing single peace ya blind bat

I doubt that Asuka is into lifting though.

Asuka is the best written female in the series why is that surprising

You know, I've come to live with Asukafags. I don't like them but they aren't the worst and she is an acceptable albeit incorrect choice.

Now Ritsuko on the other hand. No. The fact that even one person like her more than any other chick on the show does not even register with me, how any person could have such shit taste is JUST

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yeah even worse (better?) she's making SEELE-illuminati devil worship signs

I'll get her into lifting and mma and we'll become a power couple

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>Isnt shinji a faggot tho?
Does this look like a faggot to you?

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No she isnt. She makes a point of being a bitch through the entire show, thats her entire purpose
I can understand that more than "muh well written"

close but not exactly

If Shinji was just gay that would be fine. But the fact that he's a self hating bitch boy queer who's to afraid to pound some butt, and when he does he want to fuck some other pretty boy bitch faggot that he barely even knew. He's probably got a 2 inch dick anyway he's a fucking jap

Shinji would probably be on of those sissy femboys that get pegged by their gf
Hes annoying af especially in the end of evangelion

It's as easy as telling the pilot of Eva 02 how many reps Rei does. She won't accept a loss to Rei.

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>no rei vs asuka match for the hand of their shinji

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But rei will win regardless because she is best girl

>pegged by their gf

are you assuming he has ANY interest in girls?
Shinji is 100% faggot fuckpig material. He's probably taking dirty old bastard cocks down to the graveyard.
Shinji the type of nigga to go balls deep on a bbc

Shinji goes out at night wearing a tutu and he finds a big thug in an alley to poz his gay little ass up

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Ur right. The end of evangelion really makes me hate him desu how can one be such a whiny faggot?

The official ranking:

Misato > Rei > Asuka > Yui > Hikari > Mana > Shinji dressed as a girl > Risuko

I refuse to acknowledge the exist of M*ri

It's hilarious how blatant his faggotry is.
He has girls begging to fuck him the entire show but he'd much rather be impregnated by an angel boy he knew for 3 hours.

Attached: what the fuck.jpg (800x2073, 649K)

So based, bro

Why is that?Thanks vro

He jerked off to Asuka's tits you flaming faggot

he was thinking of kaworu the whole time tho

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What is this eva-community, and why should I care?

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She wasn't moving at the time, and he was pretending she was dead.
Basically he's so gay, he's aroused by the thought of women being all dead.

Shinji's gaping asshole was literally made for big cocks.


I hate reddit. r/anime don't make sense. It's a no fun zone. r/evangelion is probably the same.

Or maybe hes into guys AND femdom, which would explain why he wanked to asuka

He didn't even cop a feel, he's as homo as you can get.

Then why does instrumentality show that shinji wanking it to the thought of asuka was a habit?

Shinji in his natural habitat

Attached: Lewd Shinji 03.png (556x332, 365K)

>taking the bait and responding to gays
user stop!

He was wanking it to the thought of being Asuka, that's why he imagines himself with boobs

Attached: shinji boobs.png (1280x660, 235K)

>Gay niggers sperging out about "s-shinji is a fag l-l-like us" again
It's all so tiresome

How can you argue he isn't a fag after seeing how he acts around kaworu, that is top delusion

Based and Kaworu-pilled

only a loser who loves to being humiliated by a female prefers asuka over rei

>Shinji being gay is bait

facts are fucking facts nigger it aint not bait. it's literally in the name of the show:

Neon Genesissy Evangaylion

He's a binigger with female preference at worst but the fags ITT are projecting their uber faggotry onto him

>Misato 2nd
Could be better, but I'm satisfied


He literally says he loves kaworu. How can he not be a fag,retard

>Ritsuko still above marisue, memepick and the literal who's

>boo hoo people are poking fun at shinji's faggotry and it hurts my feelings!
Grow up.

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who the fuck could possibly vote mari

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They are just friends

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I love my mother and a gun is all I need


Yeah, boyfriends

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>Interviewer: Speaking about the blushing, is it because Shinji was happy that someone said they like him? Anno: Yes, Shinji kun really didn’t experience carnal desire there

What is that? What's going on there?

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I like Ritsuko's design, if it weren't for her dyed hair she resembles the average 90s woman at the time

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To be frank all the eva women make for shit wives/gfs irl

fujofags btfo for all of eternity

>Interviewer: Who worked on episode 24 with you?
>Anno: A person named Satsukawa (Akio)-san did that. Satsukawa-san is better at—this is bad to say, but—he’s right on the mark when it comes to homoeroticism. *laughs*
>Interviewer: You said previously that that sort of JUNE-like (Yaoi male-male relationships), or should I say the sort of production that goes beyond friendship, came out that way naturally, didn’t you?
>Anno: As far as I know, it’s possible that I put in a few guys like that. Otherwise, I wonder whether it might be that I have parts of me like that, myself, things that are at about that degree.
>Interviewer: That level is quite a thing. *laugh*
>Anno: As expected, I was called odd by the staff. *laugh*

Attached: ParanoScan.jpg (1080x1160, 209K)

She's actually gross dude, get out

>A: I thought its the kind of June-ness that Masayuki-san likes.
>M: Oh no no, it was on part Tsurumaki’s doing, this romantic poetry-like stuff its not within my capabilities.
>B: Is it very romantic?
>M: Actually June refers more to the physical kind of homoeroticism.
>B: Ah, I see.
>H: Speaking of this, Masayuki is arguably one of the go to people when it comes to homo anime.
>M: How we come back to this again?
>A: Why, what?
>M: Because ep 24 was my responsibility everyone thinks Kaworu was created by me.
>H: Storyboards, layout, artistic direction, you are practically his biological parents.
>M: It was meant to be Tsurumaki’s responsibility but because he was busy with the storyboards for 22, 23 so we basically switched episodes.
>H: well isn’t that good?
>M: Not at all. (laughs)
>H: Discovering new lands, an awakening of sorts.
>M: I really didn’t do it on purpose.
>H: Finding your real self within your heart.
>M: No, no. I didn’t think much at all and just drew it according to Anno’s script.

Attached: gay ass shit.png (746x400, 240K)

Homos and fujos are retarded and dellusional as usual

I didn't say that she was best girl, I just like her character design.
Maya ranks higher than her for sure

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>there are people who think shinji is 100% str8 because he likes asuka's body
And i thought i was resident retard!

Attached: Neon.Genesis.Evangelion.full.1217378.jpg (515x727, 101K)

>using the same interview where Anno calls Shinji and Kaworu's relationship homoerotic and beyond friendship
Bruh, the whole point is Shinji didn't just see Kaworu as fapbait as he did with the girls, of course he isn't feeling carnal lust there - he's feeling genuine love.

>Artists interpretation of his own art

Anno is a hack dude, why would anybody give a shit what that faggot has to say

kaworu is 100% hetero and was only being nice to shinji. shinji was the fag who was trying to be boyfriends

Kaworu is too pure and naive to know what is going on more than half of the time.
Shinji would take advantage of this and rape him and Kaworu would be too confused to reject him.

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>Shinji is a fag

in any context that just about sums up the entire fucking franchise


>didn't just see Kaworu as fapbait
>hardly knows him
He just liked kaworu because he gave him validation for no reason since he's not actually human. Pretty much ego fapbait, not real love at all.
he has more reason to like kaworu in the rebuilds but idc about that shit

Anno himself call Kaworu and Shinji's relationship gay in the same interview, so fujofags win again
>linking evageeks
Lmao, more quotes from Anno in the same interview prove you wrong.

Gay shinji BTFO

Also Shinji and Rei BTFO

Shinji loved Kaworu because he was everything Shinji wanted to be and see in other people. Eva portrays it as real love because he says he loved him several times in the show and movie.

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They prove me right too. I dont really give a shit but the things I posted do fuck your gay ass ship

How do Anno's own words calling Shinji and Kaworu homoerotic prove me wrong? He's straight up confirming it's gay lmao:
You got BTFO by the same interview you first were posting from.

Finally someone who understands.


see Carnal desire is lust for bodily flesh, this doesn't negate that Shinji was in love with Kaworu in a gay way.
Anno confirms this himself in the same interview:

Homophobes will form a suicide pact once 4.0 comes out and confirms kawoshin, and i cant wait!

Attached: Neon.Genesis.Evangelion.full.83384.jpg (2000x1600, 525K)

Physical interest is required in a romantic relationship. No body fucking loves someone in a romantic way and disgusted at them physically. If a guy falls in love with another dude then the guy likes dick

It's been confirmed since the TV show, and by Anno himself and these people still go nuts trying to deny it.
Kaworu and Shinji could straight up start buttfucking in the movie and people would still deny it.

Carnal desire does not equal physical interest. We already know Shinji finds Kaworu attractive based on his reactions, carnal desire specifically refers to how he centers his relationship with Asuka (and later Misato and Rei in EOE) around pure lust, whereas in contrast he centers his relationship with Kaworu around love.

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just because shinji didn't rape his boipucci in the shower doesn't mean he was disgusted physically

Carnal desire is purely sexual attraction and that is missing. Sexual interest is also good and healthy and not the only thing Shinji feels for women He isn't interested you faggot

>Anno: he’s right on the mark when it comes to homoeroticism
>relationship that goes beyond friendship
If Anno himself calls their relationship homoerotic then you don't really have an argument here.
You literally can't argue it wasn't gay when Anno himself says it was.

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Yes I can. Anno says he isn't gay

No argument i see

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>An example of something that would be described as carnal is a desire for physical contact that is driven by lust.
That's the definition of carnal desire. It's lust, not sexual attraction.
Shinji basis his relationship with Asuka entirely on lust in eoe and she calls him out on this, this is a direct contrast to his relationship with Kaworu where he loves and respects him.

Anno says his relationship with Kaworu is homoerotic, there is no way you can argue that isn't gay.

Lust and sexual attraction is the same thing and the fucking post I linked says there is more to Asuka for Shinji then his feelings for Kaworu

I think Asuka was calling him out less for lust and more for wanting validation from everyone while refusing to give it to others.

Anno uses the word 肉欲
What Anno says absolutely makes sense, Shinji was physically attracted to Kaworu - but he primarily fell in love with him for romantic reasons versus acting on a carnal lust like he did with Asuka and the girls.

So not only does he confirm Shinji loves Kaworu in a gay way, he confirms it's the purest relationship Shinji has in the same interview. Eva is fujoshit confirmed.

Attached: file.png (1367x99, 16K)

You posted something in frog language that I can't read nor do I know what it's from.
Regardless Anno's own words on the matter are far more canon than whatever third-party material you pull out of your ass, and Anno himself says their relationship is homoerotic.
You have no way to argue against this.

Attached: someone loved by anyone.jpg (500x579, 73K)

You are a retard that's just repeating himself. Come up with actual arguments if you want a reply


You're a coward who got BTFO by Anno himself and now you're frothing at the mouth.
If you have nothing to say against this:
>>Interviewer: Who worked on episode 24 with you?
>Anno: A person named Satsukawa (Akio)-san did that. Satsukawa-san is better at—this is bad to say, but—he’s right on the mark when it comes to homoeroticism. *laughs*
>Interviewer: You said previously that that sort of JUNE-like (Yaoi male-male relationships), or should I say the sort of production that goes beyond friendship, came out that way naturally, didn’t you?
>Anno: As far as I know, it’s possible that I put in a few guys like that. Otherwise, I wonder whether it might be that I have parts of me like that, myself, things that are at about that degree.

then you don't have an argument.

This is the only (you) we're gonna give (you). Cherish it.

Attached: what-the-hell-kind-of-bait-is-this-19269067.png (500x525, 45K)

Definition of homoeroticism from Google: Homoeroticism is sexual attraction between members of the same sex, either male–male or female–female.

So Anno confirmed Shinj is sexually attracted to Kaworu himself. You have no argument and you got BTFO by the director of Eva.

God damnit guys

In 1995 Anno did an interview with the magazine JUNE (A Yaoi magazine) talking about Kaworu and Shinji. He specifically called their relationship homoerotic, confirming it was intended to be gay. With the interview he released two drafts of episode 24 where they're skinny dipping and kissing:

Meanwhile he's never said anything about Asuka and Shinji's relationship. Asukashippers seethe because of this every single day, especially because Anno has again pandered to fujoshi for an entire movie with Rebuild 3.0 and Asuka and Shinji barely talked in the movie series.

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>literally, in large bold letters, "As such, they should not at all be considered Anno's original authoral intent, because they were not written by him, and he in fact rejected them."

Also the movies have nothing to do with the original

Yet Anno chose to release those two drafts to the public, Anno doesn't write the episodes by the way - the scriptwriters do that.
And as Anno says himself, he chose Satsukawa to write episode 24 because he's right on the mark when it comes to homoeroticism.

I'm all for telling fujoshits to fuck off when they try to force their fetishes onto anime dudes just for smiling at each other, but this is the one example where that isn't the case. Anno straight up intentionally made Kaworu and Shinji's relationship gay - this doesn't take away from his relationships with the girls, but it does canonically makes Shinji bisexual.
You have no leg to stand on to try to argue otherwise. There's just too much evidence and proof cementing that their dynamic was meant to be homo. Blame Anno for being a fag.

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K little fag. Lie to yourself all you want with your disengenuine shit

>Anno's own words are disengenuine
Why don't you offer an argument instead of responding like an immature kid?
I guess you can't since Anno proved you wrong in the same interview.

user no Only the first half of the show aired in 1995, the character didn't exist for anyone to ask about before March 1996.

Nooo rei bros we got to cocky.......

So how come even the most fujobait shows like Free don't confirm if it's gay but Anno does? He doesn't seem to give a fuck saying it's gayshit even though that might piss off the waifufags.

Cope harder reifag


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Are Angels even capable of an complex human emotion, like "love"? Didn't Kowaru just pretend to be human really well, including hitting on shinji?
I'm not saying I know he's not a fag, but isn't him faking it way more likely?

Asuka and Misato steal most of the character development (at least in the TV series which is all that matters) and are the most fleshed out people in the series other than Shinji himself

If Kaworu had no emotions he would have simply destroyed everything, it is precisely because he truly loved Shinji that he let himself be killed rather than destroying the world Shinji fought so hard to protect.
hell Kaworu is the most honest and straightforward character in the whole thing. Everyone else is lying or concealing something in the end except him.

Hikari and Toji were so cute. I hope they get to be together one day, and maybe have a couple of babies.

Also He's part lilith if I remember correctly, so he might have gotten the "emotion" part from there.

>he truly loved Shinji
These statements always ring so hollow to me for a couple of guys who knew each other for a few hours lmao. I never bought into any depth of their "love." What's Kaworu's basis for loving Shinji? Where's the story in this? It's such a bare bones relationship, no chemistry, no development, just two dudes proclaiming their love for each other because it says so in the script.

Where Kaworu got his side of it from is unknown.
Shinji falling for him seems obvious, Kaworu was clearly written to be a perfect foil for Shinji, he is everything Shinji isn't that Shinji wishes he could be.

Who the fuck is Mana and why isn't Maya even listed?

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>Where Kaworu got his side of it from is unknown.
And that's the problem. Kaworu just standing in that bathtub and saying Shinji he loves him came out of nowhere and was random as fuck. I don't buy it, and I don't what the fuss is about as if this is some greatest love story ever told. The characters feel like puppets mechanically spewing their lines instead of acting organically and conveying genuine emotions.
>Kaworu was clearly written to be a perfect foil for Shinji, he is everything Shinji isn't that Shinji wishes he could be.
In what way? Shinji knows barely anything about Kaworu at that point, how would he know where Kaworu succeeds while he's failing? Shinji doesn't even see Kaworu interact with other people so he has no basis for any kind of judgement. He's into him at first sight for no reason other than finding him hot I guess? Again, this is more of a meta commentary instead of what actually transpires on screen.

All Asuka fags must hang.

Reifags first.

That's a property of a communal animal with mechanisms like reproduction and language to replenish and impart information back to itself. Angels are one a kind, immortal, goobers with so little identity that they're coopting parts of one from the pilot they try to talk to.
Definitely they have spite, though, ever since Sachiel realizing it couldn't win and self-destructing in such a way as to hurt EVA-01 as much as possible. By pure coincidence, Tabris' love or grace whatever happened to entail doing the same thing every Angel had attempted, realizing it wasn't available, and then doing what was still possible to cause damage before being destroyed.

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Isnt megumi his wife?

Because Maya's a dyke who's basically just Shinji with fuller hair.

stop projecting your gay thoughts onto cartoon characters

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so close.

Shinji is the best girl

>The Eve Community
Who the fuck is that? Did you just pull this from leddit?

Yeah, how can people disagree with penpen beaing best girl?

It's not, but we don't care about the rest

>some useless neet on a chinese cormorant fishing forum made this post to shit on an image made by some autist to shit to argue with other autist about fucking vietnamese cartoon girls
What the fuck did you achieve?

It's a full moon and nutty asukafag is fully transformed into a beast seething with rage!

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Any list with Asuka at the top is automatically irrelevant, unless it's about the less likeable characters. Then yeah, she can top that one any time.

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Rei has no personality. I dunno why people even liked her to begin with. Misato is based as fuck. Asuka is here because of pedos.

when you retards will understand that we actually only cares about their body and personnality are just meme arguments?
We like Rei for this and we all know it.

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>Fatsukafags are only into fast food and will never understand the taste of great cuisine.

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They're 14 year old.

Ritsuko did nothing wrong

>Ritchan is 4th
>only 4.4%
It's all so tiresome.

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>More people like Mari than Hikari. So much shittaste.

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>Beats shinji because people hate the character that is meant to represent them
Makes sense 2bh.


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>cute cougar
>loves cats
>shitposts online
>tear drop mole
>probably got a few kinks
What's not to love?

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So I'm not the only one.

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That explains so much.

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Shit taste.

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>implying Kowaru secretely doesn't want to be a little girl
You know nothing.

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Yellow is best grill.

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I just want to hold hands with rei in silence while looking at each other in the eyes

>Reddit poll

>hold hands with rei in silence while looking at each other in the eyes
You're in luck because that's all that Rei does.

She's cute, but that personality is a bit... meh.
I like my spicy food - Asuka
I like my booze - Misato
I like my coffee and biscuits - Ritsuko

What is Rei? Ice cubes? Cocaine?

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At least we know that these people are not jumping on a meme bandwagon.

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>Misato boomers

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People who are thinking with their dicks.
Can't blame them, really.

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Ritchan seems almost shy and bit like a more competent Shinji, a hopeless mess waiting to happen. Honestly, if they made her a 14 year old she'd be stiff competition to Asuka.

Someone im talking to is arguing that it is steongly hinted at that asuka and shinji had sexual relationships. Does this argument have any substance? I honestly dont remember anything hinting at that

> lonely sad workaholic
Pretty relatable. Also
> not an asshole
> good looks
what not to like?

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I thought that was canon..

Wait really? Where is this shown or talked about? I genuinely dont remember

I know, but sometimes the old anime made them look like adult women. That drawing really captures how they really should look

Mein nigger.

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Wasn't it implied with instrumentality and EoE?

Anno is the one who called their relationship is homoerotic, go after him for being a fag not me.

The relationship is beyond that though. It's verging on "mindfuck" or subversion.
I instantly saw Kowaru as a dangerous character because he was angel in reality. Who knows what he's plotting.

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Yeah but in what way? I just dont remember where this was implied but they sbasically hate each other so why would they fug

Shinji literally brought earth back with her by his side.
If that's not conclusive, what is?
There was also all those weird sexual undertones in instrumentality.
And the whole kiss thing which suggested that something may have happened.

Asuka brought herself back not Shinji. Though she also decided after returning to lay next to him.

>Asuka brought herself back not Shinji.
Makes zero sense because shinji made the call.

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Well Shinji allowed people to be able to return. But whether they return or not is their decision alone. They can remain in the LCL sea or leave it.

Shinji gave people the ability to come back if they will it.
Asuka came back of her own will and chose to lie down next to Shinji.

She is a bit of a psychopath, as the end of the show makes clear.

you had me in the first half, not gonna lie

The humans were also angels, there were no conventional ‘good’ and ‘bad’ guy in Eva.

Eh, no member of the cast if perfectly stable.
As well as most IRL people, for that matter.

They don't fuck, it's fanwank.
They have one of the most ambiguous and dual sided relationships in the show. They care about each other and both mutually want each other, but their trauma and self hatred ruined any chance of understanding between them until EoE. Asuka 'despises' everybody because she hates herself and projects that anger onto others, which now has the capability to be reversed when she caresses Shinji (who is pretty much a mirror into Asuka's true self; lonely, afraid and desperate for affection), which symbolizes her acceptance if herself

Well... To be fair he almost kissed Asuka when she was sleeping with him.

Im sure Shinji goes for the cock all the way... But it seems he won't mind to fuck some bitches

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Shinji couldn’t have brought her back because she showed up a while after Shinji first got there

Yeah but she essentially commits mass murder just to spite the man she was having a probably-illegal affair with. Not to mention she's in on every secret that Gendo and Fuyutski are, so all the terrible shit the Children go through is at least partly her fault.

I'd say she's quite a bit worse of a person than Misato, for example.

Yeah... About that...

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Their relationship was only interesting in the movie, in the series it was just a bunch of gag scenes when Asuka first showed up and then dropped like a hot potato

Clearly Shinji is your typical Yea Forums user.
Want to fuck woman but its so inept that in the end he will go for the cock our of desperation

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If you think everything was gag scenes in the series idk what to tell you man. The fact you think their dynamic was interesting in EoE is because it was all setup in the series.

Let’s be honest, most people here would go for a cute boy who loves you over menstrating thots who will accuse you of false rape allegations

Sounds more like /fit/ to me

Asuka is my favourite Eva's girl, but I liked notRei better in 'notEvangelion with special guest-star Shin Godzilla' (even if she didn't have that much screen time).

So Asuka chose to be beside Shinji?
That sounds like a confession to me.

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Kowaru was an angel completely though, not a human derived from angels.
He's essentially an ayyylmao.

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Maybe if you’re a braindead shipper incapable of seeing things from a multifaceted perspective

>Rei's hair is blue, the same color as Unit-00's armor
>Misato's hair is purple, the same color as Unit-01's armor
>Asuka's hair is red, the same color as Unit-02's armor

I'm sure the meaning behind this was figured out ages ago, but I haven't been in the Eva fandom long. What did they mean by this?

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You ever smelt a man user?
They don't smell like a woman, even if they wear a cute dress.

Ritsuko and Misato day angels and humans are practically the same
Humans in Eva are also ayy lmaos

Women smell like rotten fish so it’s not much better

shinji was originally going to be a girl (misato)

It's obvious though.
>Shinji: You can come to me if you want
>Asuka comes to him
Remember this dude fapped to her, kissed her and was tempted when she laid down beside him. You do the math.

She still cares about him obviously, but it's not like they are just going to start fucking as soon as the credits roll. They have a hopeful, yet bittersweet, future.

And for some reason that turns men on. It's natural unless you're super gay.

Trauma actually stimulates sexual responses potentially. It can act as a coping mechanism.

>wake up
>put on coffee
>open up Eva thread
>nothing but homos arguing over Shinji's sexuality

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I'm not saying it's not a possibility that soon, but they still have a lot to work through. And I'm sure they'll work through it and find happiness, whether as platonic friends, emotional partners or a cute couple.

Shinji is horny for everything. I don't think he cares.

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>essentially commits mass murder
they're empty husks. the part that's reprehensible about it is that she has shinji watch just to upset him and spite gendo.

Bullshit user, they just saw something deus ex machina like.
I bet they would let go of their urges nearly instantly, hence the choking scene.

Man, Shinji really does have kind of a shitty life, doesn't he?

Asuka had no way of knowing if he’d be there or not, plus she says she’d rather die than be with him in instrumentality when everyone’s true feelings come out

Just so im sure tho, episode 25-26 is shinji going through instrumentality right? I thought that was weirdly implemented since the ending of ep 24 had nothing to do with instrumentality

So Shinji is Bi.. But more inclined to the cock... But still he is deep balls crazy for asuka in a weird and mad way...

Ohh yeah, and fuck the rebuilds, but Asuka Shikinami is cute, she really likes Shinji

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That entire scene was during a vocal assault of rejection where everybody Shinji cared about is telling him similar things. It's not really relevant

It definitely means something. There's some debate about whether we're supposed to see Misato as "really" having purple hair. There's an argument that her hair is actually black, and the purple coloring is merely meant to show off just how dark it is. But the fact that the other two girls have hair colors that correspond to the other two Evas' colors surely means her hair is purple on purpose. We're meant to see some sort of connection between Misato and Unit-01.

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Kaworu says he loves Shinji because he’s deserving of kindness, it’s not that hard dude.
He’s an ayy lmao god shota who has a million parallels to Jesus Christ.

Anyway the point of that episode isn’t what Kaworu felt, it’s what Shinji felt. And Shinji felt like he had just killed the first person who ever showed him love.

Someone hasn’t seen the new rebuild teaser.

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Ohhhh... Maybe I missed something

>yet she caressed his face in the final scene of EoE

He is bisexual from desperation only.

>Kowaru turns into girl (male)
>suddenly why boner

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Only unwashed pussies do. There is no sweeter smell than a qt fresh out the gym though.

If kaoru is the first person shinji ever loved than that means he doesn’t love Asuka, asukafags btfo lol

Women fucking smell when they’re sweaty, what are you talking about

>but Asuka Shikinami is cute, she really likes Shinji
Eh, I feel like she ended up losing a good deal of what made soryu interesting in how they developed her in relation to shinji.
I don't even mind the notion of her being more open, it'd be interesting if they had developed most of the rebuild characters as similar to their NGE counterparts, but able to overcome their flaws without a literal apocalypse having to do the brunt of the work. Would mesh very well with the message and themes of the original I think, while also being able to be distinct.
But of course, that's not what happened, and we got what we got. Rebuilds are such big missed opportunities, which only makes me hate them more

Just like every Yea Forums user

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From the beginning Anno said Asuka would be a side character in Rebuild because she wasn’t integral to the message he wanted to tell
See the CRC interviews

I agree. But seeing her getting her shit together was nice... To bad everything went to shit for her after that

Channers are beyond bisexual, they'd fuck anything that looks like a hole to fuck.

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That’s the point, she can’t stand who he is as a person but was able to understand him

True, but the story he wanted to tell ended up being fucking retarded, and I'm not even sure what message you can get from them at this point. Though I suppose It's not fair to fully judge that until 3.0+1.0 is out, even if I have no hope it will be better than 3.0 from what we've seen of it

3.0 was the best rebuild

Another user already adressed the clones issue.
>so all the terrible shit the Children go through
Care to elaborate? They are actually defending the Earth regardless of the hidden agenda.
Almost anything is justified when stakes are that high. Turning a couple of children into child soldiers is pretty tame all things considered.
>nothing but homos arguing over Shinji's sexuality
We have at least two Ritsukofags here myself included

I interpreted it beyond "I understand you" to more of a sign of affection, something Shinji longed for.
In fact, the whole series revolves around Shinji longing for some real affection of some sort, which he finally got in the last scene of the show. That was the point of the final scene, why that scene finished the series. It was the goal of shinji and he finally obtained it - someone finally cared for him.

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They're just bros you faggot

Misato will always flip every fetish switch I have

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>Reyfags BTFO

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says more about the other two than it does 3

How do fuck is caressing someone's face (not) a sign of affection?

>They are actually defending the Earth
They aren’t though. It’s because of Gendo that the angels are attacking in the first place.

Said no one ever

Actually I would argue that it's because of shinji/god.

Who the fuck likes mari apart from her being hot. One of the worst fictional characters of all time

Truly the Poochy of anime

No offense user but that’s the dumbest shit I’ve ever heard.
He got affection from Toji and Kensuke, Misato let herself get shot for this kid, and shinji straight up tried to kill himself in end of Eva because he had to kill Kaworu who had given him a buttload of affection (pun intended)
The final scene of the show was shinji realizing people don’t hate him and that he can love himself. Eoe’s message is more about connecting with others but it’s definitely not shinji receiving affection for the first time. It’s shinji confirming why he chose to leave instrumentality in the first place, to connect with others.
Stop samefagging.

You’re a lorelet, this whole angel vs. human shit started because SEELE and Gendo woke up Adam and caused the second impact.

>this kid
*her kid

Believing that shit is pretty surface-level of you, user.

She's not even cute compared to Asuka, Misato, Rei, Hikari, Maya, Yui, even Ritshitko is cuter. If Anno wants to give us fan service then he should kill that stupid bitch in the most brutal way possible in 4.0

>believing what is said in the show is surface-level
1/10 made me reply


considering he likes to give her scenes that used to involve other characters i wouldnt be surprised if he gives her the exact same brutality asuka got in eoe

Yeah, that would be the actual definition of surface-level.

I bet you believe the "lore" in Metal Gear Solid, too.

Nah, he'll make sure she will end up together with shinji.

Replying to an old post but you fucking poser, I bet you don't even remember the gaia hate.

It was more Shinji doing some which should normally cause a hateful response, a test of the feelings of Asuka.
Asuka responded with affection.

Never did that happen throughout the series until that scene. Instead, the only affection he got was rather incidental.
The end scene was more "I'll love you no matter what you do".

You’re an idiot if you think shinji never received genuine affection in the series, it’s why he left instrumentality in the first place. He wanted to see all the people he cared about again.

You don't understand.
This is affection in Shinji's eyes.
To us he received a heap of affection throughout the series, but Shinji is strange.

Shinji knew he was receiving affection throughout the series, that’s why he left instrumentality.
Asuka’s caress confirmed he made the right decision, that it is worth it to connect with others despite the pain.

He literally says he believes everyone hates him.

The point was never 'accept others even if you hate them.' She never truly hated others on a fundamental, genuine level.
It was more about her accepting herself by accepting and showing affection to Shinji. She 'hates' Shinji, Misato, Rei, etc. because she can't accept herself and projects her self hatred. Considering how similar and how much of a kindred spirit he is in that regard, she sees the 'real' Asuka in him and is constantly reminded how here whole persona is a fake. By accepting the weak and meek Shinji, she by extension accepts the 'real' her.

If anything she's more pissed at his actions in EoE, and for good fucking reason, but she doesn't 'hate' him anymore since it would imply she had no growth and is still projecting her self-hatred.

Rei represents emotional maturity and most anime fans are brainless.

>Who knows what he's plotting.
Anno makes it pretty obvious that Kaworu was 'good', but it was his unfortunate destiny to be an enemy of humanity.

>In what way? Shinji knows barely anything about Kaworu at that point
Kaworu expels confidence, is direct/straightforward, knowledgeable and handsome. To someone as timid and unsure of himself as Shinji, he would definitely consider Kaworu to be his ideal self.
At the end of the episode Shinji says Kaworu was like him, despite being polar opposites on the outside they both were just desperate for some connection and love.
Kaworu clung to Shinji because he wanted to show love, Shinji clung to Kaworu because he wanted to be loved.

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>Asuka’s caress confirmed he made the right decision
Probably, it's like he wanted cementing proof of it.

Kowaru was clearly made to exploit Shinji in his most vulnerable moments.
That's not very "good" user. In fact it's proof of him as a tool for something larger.

The exact scene he says this is then followed by people saying he only convinced and deluded himself into believing everyone hates him.

An interpretation disproved by Anno and the episode itself, try again and rewatch.

Kaworu reaching out to Shinji was something he did of his own will and his interest in humanity was something he developed by himself. Both things unrelated to seele's plan.

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What? If she still 'couldn't stand him as a person' then she wouldn't have accepted him. Shinji 'as a person' is literally Asuka without her defense mechanism repressing her feelings. The only thing she 'can't stand' is that he wacked off over her. If she still held such disdain for Shinji for being a mirror into herself then that would mean she had no character growth and never learned to accept herself, which is obviously not true

>kindred spirit
You wish, Asukafag

Attached: Smug Shinji.png (225x225, 63K)

>attacks one word that has nothing to do with the actual point of the post because he has no argument

Kaworu fags are SEETHING

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I'm not the person arguing with you, I just wanted to tease you user-kun.

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Heh you're alright homo-kun. Even if Kaworu a SHIT.

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Why does Rei consistently get rekt and BTFO?

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delet this right now asukabro

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Never ever

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I firmly believe only the mentally stunted can prefer rei, which is why her numbers decline year after year.

>2187 to 252
Ahahaha. Oh wow.

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why are kaworu and asuka so popular

>An interpretation disproved by Anno
Not by determinism though.

>redhead grills
>potential trap angels
Is it that big of a mystery?

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because they're best boy and best girl respectively

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>redditors are the asukafags

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Asuka is best girl so duh.
Kaworu I don't get. Toji or Kaji are 10x better. I like Shinji better too because of how much I empathize with him from when I was a virgin NEET loser. I just want to take him under my wing and help him start to enjoy life and make some goals for himself

Forgot to post cute

Wow I fucked that reply up

Meant for

Toji isn't very complex but he's a solid character for the screentime he gets, we never got any introspection on Kaji so we didn't really personally get to know or emphasize with him, he's a cool dude but this is isn't very good writing.
Shinji is of course the star of the show and meant to be empathized with, but he also does reprehensible things that we're supposed to condemn. He's not good or bad, he's just human.

Kaworu stands out because he's the final boss and everything the whole angel subplot (and Shinji's character development) was leading up to. We have these mysterious incomprehensible creatures showing up in every episode as the 'enemies' of the show, and then at the very end we see their creator is this cute boy who loves humanity despite being their enemy.
Kaworu turns so many elements of the show inside out in his episode, he reveals the point of the AT Fields, namedrops Lilith for the first time, gives us insight into what the angels were, and shows Shinji the very thing he wanted this entire time: love.
He does this all in like 10-15 minutes, of course people would call him best boy. He's the fucking game changer.

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So? They are still attacking.
What do you propose? Do nothing?

I just don't like that he's a literal deus ex machina. That's why I like the other 3 guys better, they are real and are human.

Yeah that's completely fair, I'm just telling you the perspective of people who see him as best boy. There's nothing wrong in not agreeing.

Wtf I love homofags now

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>She's not even cute
She has a pornstar-tier body.

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Either would be kino but the butthurt from MariShin end would justify her existence alone.

Comfy Eva threads where everyone gets along are the best Eva threads

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>Kaworu says he loves Shinji because he’s deserving of kindness, it’s not that hard dude.
>hey Shinji I just met you and this is crazy but LET ME LOVE YOU DEEPLY AND ETERNALLY
Super convincing. Rushed and underdeveloped homo is rushed and underdeveloped.

Good intentions often go against reality. Anno may have intended for him to be "good" but that's not the way he comes off to many people.

>Pursues the exact same path that her mother did professionally and personally
>Has to work harder than the mom and still remains overshadowed professionally by her
>Dedication to career basically turned her incapable of having healthy interpersonal interactions
>Electra complex

Familia she's the millennial self-insert

Kaworu is loving Shinji as a stand-in for humanity. This is a god we're talking about here, gods are usually portrayed as humans merely for being humans.
If they spent like 3-4 episodes on Kaworu and Shinji's gay shenanigans I guarantee the result would have been far worse. It's believable in how abrupt and brief it is.
The majority of people in Japan and the West see him as a good guy, that's why he's so popular, whenever I see people touting the 'Kaworu is evil' theory they tend to be people who are misremembering the episode or just straight up not paying attention.
It's Kaworu's destiny to erase humanity and live forever, but he uses his own free will to reject this fate and sacrifices himself so humanity can live on. Because in his own words, "they need the future more than he does".

>makes you jealous.

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Kaworu is "best boy" because Anno shit himself to force as many Maru Sue-ish traits into him as he could while Toji comes off as best boy effortlessly simply by the virtue of being a good but not a "flawless" person.

Lads... i can't stop thinking about him

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Go away Shinji

Kaworu is too fucked up to be a mary sue, he thinks death is the only answer because has no self-worth just like Rei and Shinji, which is a pretty big flaw in itself.

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Toji can't be best boy because he's an asshole to Asuka


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>It's believable in how abrupt and brief it is
>it's believable because of how unbelievable it is
Kawoshin simply sucks as a representation of an interesting interpersonal relationship. There is nothing humane or genuine about it, it's just the director using his characters as puppets to force a theme.

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He's a Goth Sue. Many Sues are portrayed as mistreated and suffering "pure beings" to force sympathy out of viewers/readers.

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This is a relationship involving a human boy and an alien god, I don't think Anno ever intended to portray it as human or relatable.
Shinji being able to form a connection with an angel that's deeper than his connections with other humans in itself means a lot.

That's exactly why he's the best. He doesn't take the piss from Asuka and actually puts up a fight instead of just bending over backwards for a girl who is a bitch to him just because she's "cute." Also didn't stop her from wanting his D in the EoE AU.

Except any sympathy we feel is for Shinji losing Kaworu, not for Kaworu himself. Kaworu's flaws stem from his nature as an angel and make sense within the context of the story.

Correct me if I'm wrong but mary sues tend to act perfect 'just because', there's no plot reason behind their perfection. Kaworu on the other hand needed to seem 'better' than Shinji because he is meant to be his ideal. However we see he's clearly not some perfect awesome being in the scenes where Shinji isn't there to drool over him. I don't think that qualifies as mary sue.

>yui and rei fags arent a united front

Same with Shinji though.

Is Toji's dick the first dick Asuka ever saw?

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This is the only romance I support.

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delete this post

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>Shinji being able to form a connection with an angel that's deeper than his connections with other humans in itself means a lot.
Not really. Angels don't have the most difficult traits of a human psyche so it's like forming relationship with a pet dog, it's easy and the dog loves you unconditionally. True connection with another human being will always be more profound exactly because of how difficult it is.

You mean the exact oppsite.

Very likely.

Ah Red vs. Blue has now become Red vs. Purple.

Misato is hot thats why. Also many more people want to hatefuck Asuka than there are people that are neutral to Rei and still want to fuck her.

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>Except any sympathy we feel is for Shinji losing Kaworu, not for Kaworu himself
This statement stands in direct opposition to reality if you take into consideration how many kaworufags obsess over him exclusively.

Read the post again, it says "Mary Sue-ish traits," not that he's a literal Sue.

Angels are paralleled with humans in the show because they share the same sentiments of loneliness and a desire to return to their mother's wombs.
Kaworu and Shinji's relationship was doomed to fail from the start because they were both equally desperate and lonely. Kaworu wanted to love and Shinji wanted to be loved.
Kaworu was able to see Shinji for who he was as a person, but was unable to see Shinji would be hurt by Kaworu dying.
Shinji put Kaworu on a pedestal and saw him as this idealized image of himself, and thus was unable to realize or convince Kaworu that he could live on instead of dying or destroying everyone via Lilith.

Misato is the best woman for sure and everyone who is over 20 and doesn't think this way is either a pedo or have strong tendencies through pedophilia and other psychological problems

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Kaworufags obsess over Kaworu for the same reason Shinji obsesses over him, it has nothing to do with sympathy.
If Kaworu had come into episode 24 being a complete asshole to Shinji and then fighting him like a mustache twirling villain no one would like him. People like him because he was kind to Shinji, among other things.

Almost like every eva fanboy since the 90's self insert as Shinji, am I right?

>Very likely.

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In that case the majority of people are pedos including all of Gainax.
t. Misatofag

Every character has at least one or two mary sue traits, it's an anime. It's how you use these traits within the context of the story.
You have a character like Mari, who is super unpopular and no one likes because her mary sue traits make no sense in the story. She feels like she doesn't belong there.

Angels lack the Fruit of Knowledge which makes them fundamentally different. Their psychology is much more simple.

Waifufags can relate to Shinji masturbating over Asuka
Fangirls can relate to Shinji falling in love with Kaworu

Shinji is the ultimate self-insert.

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Why wouldn't it be? She's modest and virginal outside of her attention seeking outer shell.

Go eat a dick, misatofag.

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>it has nothing to do with sympathy.
Calling bullshit on that.

Because people have taste.

Unironically relate to Gendo the most out of anybody desu.

She literally throws herself on Kaji's dick lol.

>including all of Gainax

Call me when your shitty waifu gets to at least 10% of popularity

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They're not as complex, but they're fundamentally the same in that both species want to return to the mother's womb.
Anno wouldn't have put in Arismael's desire to see his angel siblings again if he wanted the audience to just see the angels as one-dimensional beings.

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You think you're a Gendo but you're really a Fuyutski

Would you like Kaworu more or worse if he was a girl?

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>Every character has at least one or two mary sue traits, it's an anime.
And kaworu just happens to have abundantly more. You don't have to be so defensive because your husbando was designed to be perfect and flawless, or at the very least, much more superior to an average human being. Does the thought make you feel stupid because you took the carefully planted bait or something?

>paying attention to the polls
You feel pretty miserable because Misato isn't on top, aren't you?

And Kaji succesfully dodges her every time because he's not a filthy pedo.

I think saying he's perfect and flawless is inaccurate, Shinji saw him that way but no one else did. Misato even says Kaworu was 'wrong' in the end, and mary sues are never portrayed as being wrong.

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>Mysterious space homo boy or generic clingy cockhungry slut

Kaworu has to be a guy.

Nah, I'm good. I know why Asuka is on the top, and everyone knows how this generation loves tsunderes and want to date one.
But every man who ever dated a tsundere knows that the preferable kind of woman are the ones like Misato.

misato killed kaji


They are fundamentally the same just as dogs and cats are the same to us. They all want comfort of a mother's womb but their lack of complexity is the key element here. Shinji's bond with Kaworu is akin to a bond between a human and their pet who loves them unconditionally because that's just in their nature.

>Anonymous 08/23/19(Fri)00:13:21 No.192299
Have you guys ever thought that maybe shinji was actually bi?

>"Toji can't be best boy because he's an asshole to Asuka"

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Kaworu is a perfect perceived husbando in a similar fashion to Rei being the perfect perceived waifu. IRL they would never have worked but as a fantasy they are exactly what people react to most intensely.

In Eva, animals like cats and dogs are also lilin. So no.

A dog wouldn't be able to understand Shinji's heart and encourage him to connect with others, and a dog sure as hell wouldn't come to the conclusion that live and death are equal because they have no conception of self-worth.
Shinji's bond with Kaworu is akin to a bond between a human and an alien space god who loves him because he thinks humanity is worthy of existence.

What could had been.

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Perception doesn't equal reality.
Kaworu is inhuman, but he's most definitely flawed. And Rei is a huge bundle of flaws.
Waifufags try to make every character they waifu seem perfect, they do the same with Asuka and Rem and shit.

>KAWORU: Is there a piano somewhere around here?
SHINJI: I think there should be one in the lounge.
KAWORU: I have a startup test with Unit 02 tomorrow. Let's go tomorrow after that. Promise?
KAWORU: Well, I should be going.
SHINJI: Good night.
KAWORU: Good night––
Kaworu's face slides toward Shinji's.
Kaworu gives Shinji a kiss.
Shinji doesn't refuse him, he notices how naturally he accepts it.
Feeling strangely calm, he looks up at the ceiling light.

>every man who ever dated a tsundere knows that the preferable kind of woman are the ones like Misato.
You mean an alcoholic who will never truly connect with you and will dump you for some bullshit neurotic reason just when you started to get attached to them?

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>Yui above anyone

bullshit, rei is a souless clone with zero personality or freewill. Her existence is to be used as a sacrifice because of how easy it would b to replace her.


Would Anno dare? My God, pissing off BOTH of those rabid fanbases. He'd have to flee the country.

That is correct

>Perception doesn't equal reality.
That's my point. And Kaworu was designed to be appealing, attractive and on a surface level everything any person could love according to Anno. Kaworu was a consciously planted husbando bait by Anno and you and many others took it with a false sense of superiority despite your attitudes being not much different from an average waifufag. You're only pointing his "flaws" now to win an argument, but what I usually see kaworufags do is whiteknight him furiously and fawn and slobber over how perfect he is. There's also all the floating arguments about Kaworu being Shinji's (audience's surrogate) ideal self. Have some self awareness.

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He would unironically do that just to piss off the audience. And it actually makes a lot of sense, since Asuka hates him, Rei is an empty shell of a human and Kaworu is fucking dead.

>claims she doesn't like or care about him
>still can't get enough of his dick
Why is Asuka such a hypocritical slut anons?

>and Kaworu is fucking dead.
They can always make another clone.

That's how women function, user...

This, Toji needs some love

And men as exemplified by incels.

I'm saying this perfect and flawless side of Kaworu is required to present him as Shinji's ideal self. I think equating this to mean Kaworu is just some mary sue is kind of insulting to Anno's writing ability since it's all about the self actualization theory in psychology.
These traits of Kaworu have a defined purpose and reason within the story, it wouldn't work otherwise.
Compare this with other mary sues in Anime and even Mari from Rebuild, it's just not the same. Their perfect traits have no role in the plot nor are they used to portray a theme or psychological concept.

People can see Kaworu as a perfect husbando all they like, it doesn't change the fact that out of Shinji's warped idealization of him he's presented with flaws and being incorrect in the actual show. He's certainly not the only character the fanbase consistently gets wrong.

Shinji being bi implicates that hes also a faggot, otherwise he wouldnt be bi


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Everyone's a little bi, user. Are you suggesting everyone's a faggot?

Hopefully the last rebuild implies he got some from Hikari.

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He needs his imouto.

I bet she puts in 110% effort riding him on that hospital bed.

This. Toji deserves only the best

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Speak for yourself, miss me with that gay shit

It's been seven years since the last Eva work came out and these threads are still hitting bump limit every time.

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And how do you intend to prove that this isn't fake?

It's probably the same 10-15 autists doing most of the work.

>141 posters

It is inevitable

>it's not a Mary Sue if the story demands it
The story demands for Kaworu to be a fucking Mary Sue therefore he is one. You can dress it up in as much pseudo intelectual bullshit as you want but a perfect husbando bait is still a perfect husbando bait at the end of the day.
>insulting to Anno's writing ability
Anno wasn't above low brow fanservice shit even in the original TV run, so nah.
>it's all about the self actualization theory in psychology.
No it's actually about Anno's homoerotic fantasies. Everything else is fanwank.

I don't see what's the problem with Misato's approach to men. She doesn't need to be so self critical cause that's how most people are.