Suzumiya Haruhi no yûutsu

Should I watch it in the chronological order or in the broadcast order? No spoilers pls

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haruhi dies at the end of the first episode btw

broadcast. That first ep only really works its magic if you go in blind.

Broadcast order is better

Either is fine but for a first viewing broadcast is better.

Theres a reason why it was aired out of order. Just watch it in broadcast, and then watch it in chrono if you want to see how the pieces fit a bit better.

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Watch S1 broadcast order + Bamboo Leaf Rhapsody + The movie.

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Nagisa dies in the end of Clannad

Redpill me on the Endless Eight.


Not really, there's not nearly enough of her ass to justify it

If this is your first contact with the series, definitely broadcast. The episodes are interleaved in a way that a new concept is brought up, then the next episode alludes to the concept without fully explaining it to you.

>people still don't know to watch shit in broadcast order after all these years
Generally there is a narrative reason when things are released in a certain order.

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Everyone is saying broadcast, so...

Haruhi snaps her fingers and then Mikuru doesn’t feel so daijoubu.

They all die in an arson at the end

don't watch it

To make the finale look like a culmination? Right, right.

Watch it 8 times.


>Still nothing come close to Haruhi as the best anime ever made
What went so right ?

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Watch only the 1st, 2nd and 8th episode. Which is really how they should have done it.

Don't listen to the retards It deserves to be watched in its entirety.

nagato's sammich


watch it