

Attached: a.png (759x419, 165K)

Because you just pirate anime and manga instead of supporting those japanese artists whose works resembled that 90s example.

>he unironically believes most Yea Forumsnons don't buy figurines from shows they like

Switch to digital animation, new people with different influences, different artistic sensibilities, and the fact that this is a generalization.

Soul and soulless

A bit unfair. The first one wouldn't have stood out that much in the 90's. Every anime looked like that back then.

If by most you mean MAYBE 1%

You believe that 1% (maybe) of the people on Yea Forums don't buy figurines from shows they like?

I believe that 1 percent do
99% do not

Then you should have just said "Yes, that's what I believe."

better digital techniques

Attached: 1555603605358.jpg (1440x1080, 1.19M)

resulting in worse character designs

good and uniform >>>>>> mediocre and diverse

No shit it's a generalization, Captain Obvious.
It's still pretty fucking accurate.

let's not forget the larger spectrum of colors

Attached: 1551711980496.jpg (1920x1080, 289K)

resulting in garish, disharmonious color palettes.

What will the 2020's look like?

Dull surprise CGI faces.

Old anime looked like that too. The colors just tended to get muted when they aired, which is why they all have that darker palette. Colors don't magically harmonize. It takes a good art director to bring it all together. There are anime today with great color direction.

Just saying that, compared to really memorable designs from the 90's like Slayers and Saber Marionette J, the left one is a bit bland, the same way the right one looks bland today.

Like this.

Attached: Ishuzoku-Reviewers-Key-Visual.jpg (640x908, 223K)

>worse character designs
are you sure about that? in most cases they are equally bad with the older being actually worse

>left: Soul
>right: Souless

I'm definitely watching this when it comes out

>equally bad with the older being actually worse
Do you understand what "equally" means?

Attached: a anime styles over time updated calarts.jpg (1671x445, 132K)

The kind of shows that look like that are flavour of the month garbage that are forgotten as soon as they finish airing. Good anime always have distinctive character designs - for example Madoka and Monogatari series

The colors just tended to get muted when they aired, which is why they all have that darker palette
Usually resulting in something that DIDN'T "look like that"

>Colors don't magically harmonize.
well you sure make it sound like they do.

>There are anime today with great color direction.
And they're the exception rather than the norm.


Well that's because they're both supposed to be average.

easier ways to animate and less focus on rougher drawings, like what said

Attached: __takatsuki_yayoi_major_league_baseball_and_etc_drawn_by_ekao__0daa53c1787c218ae0f13a9c07d50b1b.jpg (1000x1280, 1005K)

Because modern anime industry is a joke.
Two gallons weren't enough.

>for example *bad anime* and *bad anime*

>this is what Yea Forums believes

It's a fairly reasonable assumption.

>fat girls made entirely out of tumblr noses

Oh shit nigger, I didn't know that only good anime could have good character designs

Maybe if you extrapolate a 10 decades more.

What kind of bullshit non-sequitur answer is that?
Guess it was to be expected from a faggot who claims that Moodooka and Momogagari are good.

jesus all of you need a chill pill

>reading comprehension

anime looks like shit now.


Both are good. I bet you like generic harem shit

Hot take:
They both look like shit.

I want my skeuomorphism back.

>projecting this hard

Attached: 1527701541879.png (3084x2568, 188K)

Post something that looks good to you.

Yeah if youre retarded.

Perfection is achieved when there is nothing left to streamline

I don't like zoomer anime, no

>"if I use the z word then my argument works!"

Attached: Yikes!.png (120x120, 11K)

both are good, just different aesthetic

Attached: 61QAcT9sVEL._SL1500_.jpg (1500x1500, 82K)

Why do digital colors look so washed?


>that one jap who makes doujins of seasonal anime girls with 90s style

>while using the y word
I wonder what the x word is.

Imagine arguing about good old anime and not realizing you're also talking about exceptions to the norm.


there's now shut the fuck up

All the examples are completely wrong.


You didn't write the same answer he did. Try reading slower.

I unironically believe most anons have at least 1 piece of merch from an anime, am i wrong


nothing changes

Attached: v then v now what happened.jpg (2250x3186, 2.56M)

Because the quality of art didn't affect sales and otakus looked at animu characters like they were looking at dolls.
You can jerk off to your quality all you want but that didn't sell.

>still no vol 2

it hurts

Remember the good old days when anime had soul and wasn't just a corporate cash grab attempt?
God I miss the 80s. And to think I wasn't even born yet then.



Attached: fixd.png (759x419, 149K)

All I see is Ash Ketchum in a wig


Neither of those images are particularly good. There are many different styles from all over the years that look quite good in their own way. There's definitely more moeblob stuff today but you're dumb if you think everything new is just automatically bad.

dude yeah i too waste like 200+dollars for figurines

I just want the floofy hair back desu

>it's old so it's better by default
This meme again.
Now supported by Yea Forums.

Attached: Untitled.png (214x317, 72K)

New honestly just looks cuter. You know, i'm 25 so i'm still pretty young, and i strive not to grow up to be one of those people who cling desperately to the past. I don't want to be bitter 10 years from now while never watching any newly airing show and claiming that the entire industry is shit compared to how i remembered it. You gotta take the good with the bad, every era had good stuff and bad stuff that you just forgot about. Basically, get with the times granpa

>neotenous traits also exists in the animation
Wow, maybe we really do live in a memetic society.

The 90s example reflects the conception of "shit anime" I had in the 90s.
The 2010s one looks like bland shit I don't watch.

So snark would be easy but the answer to your question is probably a combination of CRTs and follow-the-leader market trends.

This but unironically.
It's too late to contain the infection.

This, kek. The worst thing about madoka is its atrocious character designs. I'll take generic over down syndrome square moeblobs. How could an artist produce something so unaesthetic?

I doubt countries outside Asia were ever a truly important market to anime or manga, especially in the 1990s. Whether they were buying a lot or pirating a lot likely had no effect on the success of failure of the properties.

I don't know about most, but I spend about $500 on figurines the last time I was in Japan. Packing them to take home was a bit stressful, I don't mind telling you.

>i strive not to grow up to be one of those people who cling desperately to the past
Everybody does, you aren't ready for what the zoomer's zoomers are going to bring.

Thank god

All i can do is hope to be better

and yet your example is very different from the current discussion.

Fucking idiot.

Mob psycho 100

What a ridiculous fucking thing to strive for. New actually looks less cute, you're fucked in the head.

You can't be better than them by striving to keep having worse taste than them.

It's not even about taste, its about being able to enjoy new things. To like the new just like you did the old. As i see it, its way more fun to be able to watch new anime and play new games with an open mind and at least trying to enjoy them than to be a bitter old person who only gets by on hatred and self-righetousness from believing that what you had was batter. I don't want to be like my parents, watching reruns of things they used to like or like my grandparents, unable to comprehend what a smartphone is. I want to squeeze humanity of all enjoyment it can provide me before i'm forced to leave this life.

Okay so it all stems from an irrational fear of being like people you happen to hate even if they happen to be correct.

Jeez I didn't see that coming.

Very much on the contrary, i love my parents and grandparends a great deal, and its why i wish they would learn to enjoy new things. You only get one life, its a shame to waste it without knowing all the things you might have liked had you given them the chance. I hope one day you can see this too.

The eyes are so shitty.