Boku no Hero Academia

Ladies and gentlemen, your League of Villains. (apparently now renamed "Meta Liberation Battlefront")
What do you think of this development?

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Other urls found in this thread:

She lost her eye forever :(

>Apocrypha confirmed qt

I hope so. Punished Toga is the new hotness

>Punished Toga
>Canute Geten
everything went better than expected

But she has a neato coat now

Is Shigaraki back to covering his face with a hand? I thought he's done with it

Why is Curious the only one dead forever?
It's not fair bros

>Both arms broken.
>Still does a straight up slide in for his introduction.

I love Twice and his tendency to pose.

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Oy vey

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Good, Punished Toga is way cooler

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Can we finally go back to Deku & posse now?

Looks more like he just wears it for recognition there for a moment, you see him on the right already taking it off again.

I hope not

Fuck off DeCuck

>Shiggy's got a new mailman quest from Ujiko.
>Dead Jeanist

>when you find a penny on the floor

Is Geten a girl? Or just a guy with long hair

>Dead Jeanist

We actually see the body?



The Liberation Army leaders dont look too upbeat here. I guess this wont go well for Shigaraki.

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>Dead Jeanist
Girl, it's why she had her face hidden all arc, so Hori can pull a Metroid

>Hawks fucking murdered Best Jeanist for real.

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Why is no one talking about Compress going back to his original outfit

Based, Fuck fujos

They’re gonna fuck over the league at a critical moment, just like how the league fucked Overhaul during the raid

No confirmed tits, could just be a Griffith looking fuccboi

Shit arc

God Toga looks soo fucking cool
Tho i wonder if she will remain blind in one eye cause that would mean that if she tranformed into somebody her scars would give it awat right away

BASED. Thought It seems blue bombshell didn't survive after all. Also hoping for noumu'd overhaul

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>Snuck its way into the top 10 by doing nothing
>Horikoshi kills him off immediately
If only Horikoshi did that to all the fujo characters

Someone post the spoilers here please

I love this man.

Nah, Shigaraki will get too powerful. Maybe redestro independently but not the entire thing.

When she turns into someone she completely turns into them, DNA and all

Its a fake body


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Yea but the question is if her injuries remain.

>Dead Jeanist
No way its true. Im sure they came up with some trick. Unfortunately hawk is too popular character to do something like this

I hope so. Shiggy now looks more dangerous than before

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>kills off one fujo favourite
>character assassinates another to do it
Hori gets more based with every passing chapter of this arc

>Just 1 arc to go from a guy who has to touch you some time to damage you, to a guy who can level entires cities in an instant

>gotta act cool
>gotta act cool
>gotta act cool

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Number 240 - Power

A week has passed since the battle at Deika City.
According to the news, the criminals were a group of 20 males and females who hated heroes (according to witnesses), and all of the criminals involved in the group died.
The League of Villains is stuffing their faces with sushi in a house in the suburbs. Dabi turns it down, saying he hates fish.
Twice is praying in front of a picture of a dead Toga copy, and his split personality is back. Chikazoku comes to call the League and he doesn't like that they're using the MLA's money to eat sushi, heal up, buy Toga a coat, etc.

Redestro starts giving a speech to his supporters in an auditorium in the building. Tomura is wearing a suits but he's got a hand on his face again and is bothered by the fur on his coat scratching him.

Tomura announces the new name of their organization. "Meta Liberation Battlefront" (超常解放戦線)
The former League of Villains comes on stage late, and them and the remains of the MLA's leaders are designated as 9 members of a Action Squad.
Amongst cheering supporters we see Hawks, and he's scared seeing the size of the "Meta Liberation Battlefront" He was too slow.

In a flashback, Hawks shows Dabi THAT person in the bag.

After announcing their new formation, Tomura gets a call from the Doctor that he has a power to give to him.

Hawks tries to learn more about this new organization, looking for where their back support is.

Hype text: A threat approaches... new developments in the next issue!

Did him and Compress do anything this arc?

He did it, deal with it and move on.

This is fucking stupid, but I like it somehow.

These speedreaders are something else.

That's not her in the picture, that's Geten

>every character with an eyepatch is "Punished [X]"
I want Yea Forumsedditors and only Yea Forumsedditors to leave

Thank you a lot

My dick don't care.

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I hope those two fuck together.

She was already feeling a little blue

Where is he wrong?

Where is Deku


You're right, they are correct

Nowhere to be seen and it should stay like that

so whos hand is that?

Do Hawks actually ruined his soul? Popularity drops to 0%


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Hana's most likely

It's a hand that can't be destroyed.

I feel bad for under-qualified Spinner, even Mustard and Moonfish would have gotten the tittle.

oh fuck yeah

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Is that Overhauls hand ?

If he leveled a city than he ad everyon else would be dead you fucking idiot

This nigga is fucking goofy

Pic please user... I can't take it anymore..

Imagine your quirk being just a fucking Lizard

I like the suit, but the coat is a little too extra for Shigaraki.

>They got their sushi
I don’t care about anything else this chapter is already perfect

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Wait, WHAT?

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yeah, he got a flashback which awakened his hidden power, still there's no denying the escalation is quite ridiculous

Hopefully killed off panel.

And here I though that Spinner would throw away the Stain look.

It survived Shiggy's quirk and the destruction without a scratch.

>he got a flashback which awakened his hidden power
Wrong again dipshit

So Toga is Big Boss. This means that Uraraka is Ocelot, and therefore, the traitor

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He looks like a kid splashing water on a pool, villain beach chapter when?

Did you get the idea from your father?

I actually see redestro’s old underlings plotting something whereas I think Redestro is already trying to think about the future and what the best steps are now.

No thanks

>Punished Toga in a swimsuit
I cant wait

Shiggy handsome

In case you don't know, wikis don't update automatically when spoilers come out.

You tell me

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I hope they will be the protagonist instead of Hero Academy

Even he thinks so. Someone was saying he’s complaining about how itchy the fur is.

Post the whole thing.. I beg you leaker..

>getting excited over a joke
The absolute state

what did hori mean by this?

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So is Re-Destro able to fight now? I mean, in one of his hulks modes he used his hands to move.
You figured it out user

>No Dekuck and the Babby Squad
The hype hasn't died yet, it seems

I know, I was just confused if it was Geten or the Explosive Woman who died but maybe not

Is that actually what it says or is that your guess?

Given how Hori treats anyone of danger to our protagonists Deku/Shigaraki in their roles of best hero/villain, these people are the antagonists. Including Mirio, Nighteye and Bakugou, yes

Who gives a shit?

Real talk. How is Deku and his gang supposed to defeat the neo-Villian league?

Do you know what fun is? Really helps in life

I think I want geten to have my babies

Not this arc that is for sure

I am sad that Suspicius was the only death


Through new quirks and asspulls, of course. Like it always does

A villain beach episode would be so fucking comfy I want it more than a students one. Like Spinner tanning on a rock, Dabi with a metric fuckton of sunscreen cause he burns easily, compress in a mask and top hat with some silly victorian era styled swimsuit, Toga being cute. Seriously I need this now.

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I wonder if we are gonna get an arc with high stakes with the kids, maybe with one of them dying (instead of character that was only introduced during the current arc)

Sugarman, Shoji, Sero, Ojiro and Anima are the obvious choices if Hori wants to kill a kid, the rest have too many fans to risk it.

Asspull quirks and punching harder, what else?

absolutely fucking pimping

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step one. get a fancy suit

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Come on, it's obvious it's some kind of copying trick.
But the fact that we were memeing about Jeanist being dead after Kamino and government hinding it, and now THIS happens just fucking creeps me out. Either Hori seriously lurks here or the meme magic us actually real, like with Geten

where is gigantomachia?

What's the cliffhanger of the chapter?

Hori doesn't care about the fans, he just killed bj.

wishing energy is real

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Using one of the Many quirks that Deky has

I miss Kurogiri bros. How's he even doing, he's the one who deserved sushi the most

I would say team work among pros (by forming the equivalent of the Justice Leaue) and also with the police going harder than now, either using their quirks or using harsher weapons designed by USA.

I feel like Hawks' undercover operation is becoming a lot more of a problem than it's even worth

The same way All Might beat AFO, going after them one at a time. There's basically no way to take all of them down together anymore considering how powerful each of them has become.
It will probably be ...
Deku and Bakugo vs Shiggy
Todoroki vs Dabi and/or Geten
Uraraka vs Toga
Iida vs Spinner
Kirishima and Mina against against AFO

Having a nice, long nap after knowing AFOs future is secured by the successor.

It is obvious that Hori is the spoilerfag.

he's teleporting small chunks of himself to sushi places and stealing it

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Deku will awaken a Quirk that strength the others


Why is shiggy still doing the hand thing?

Also smart for destro to use a tachicoma wheelchair. Now when hawks squeals he'll be able to say he's bullying a cripple or something.

He will summon the seven quirked Fox that live inside him

It's probably Nana's hand

>Did you hear about how many quirks AFO has?! OY VEY my adopted son can have all the shekles!

using the same method that is used to end terrorist cells inserted in society or ... as is more likely, hitting harder after a speech .

I haven't read a new chapter of academia for months now.

When will they get back to deku instead of this boring shit?

Why does merchandise have characters displayed front and center if they don't have a big part in in story arcs?

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The senior trio was important in that arc tho.

>Kirishima and Mina against against AFO
Really user?

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Is this real? It look like a parody?


In the middle of the crowd.

Yeah I’m betting the government is going to leave hawks out to dry if this all blows up.

This is the time hori makes Shouto take consecutive levels in competence with his quirk and make him equal to Bakugou in mastering his quirk.

Same with dabi.


What are the odds hori has her change up her throwing and stabbing style now that she has no depth perception?

nana's hand would be fucking brutal I hope you are right.

Right, why Momo? If I remember correctly, she's not relevant in any those arcs. Froppy should be there.

But when we had Deku Class arc than everyone was complaining that it was boring hmmmmm

I think they meant giga

>deleting your post out of shame
ara ara

>He killed Curious because he had this superior waifu hidden under his sleeve
Wtf I love Hori now

>In the middle of the crowd.
>MLA soldiers just nervously shuffling away from him inch by inch
that sounds funnier than it has any right to be

Because she's the face of the girls in the popularity polls now.

it would be cool if redestro could grow feet by using his quirk

Probably some sort of clone or mimic quirk then that jeanists live in physician has or something. If he's actually dead for real then unironic bravo.

>Moon Speak
Aight I’ll take your word on it then. Well who’s hand could that be then that it’s unaffected by his attack.

Mirio a cute
Mirio a best
Mirio a miracle of the universe

And Bakugou, Todoroki, and momo?

You know that’s not actually a bad idea.

That is big ARA ARA

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>I'll be your hero
We keep winning mirieribros

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Isn't Awk kinda fucked now? It was believable to sustain a double traitor job when we thought the League was still 6 hobos in a cave, but now they have the liberation network and spyware, he's not getting away with anything anymore.

there was something like that in smash


Ok but that's false advertising. Animeonlies will think Momo will be relevant or something.

>why are popular characters on marketing material
gee I wonder

That tea isn't hot Deku it's cold

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Anime onlys don't have a brain capacity to think

>a fucking stick

The whole thing just seems stupid and unnecessarily dangerous and screwy. And I can't take the government seriously if they really gave Hawks the go-ahead to "just kill Best Jeanist, bro".

Someone has to die to give Deku the extra boost against AfO.

>Giga just stands surrounded by normies.

The mental image of this. Like a even more obvious version of spotting the MC in a crowd.

Yeah I remember. Smash had great villain bits. The kurogiri bullying was always hilarious. Now that they’ve become more likeable I want an actual beach episode dammit. Maybe the designated filler episode of season 5 will.

>she has A STICK
i just can't

We need more Todo and Bakugou instead.

Re-Destro seems totally on board and eager to help so be can get his end. Unless shiggy betrays the ideals Re-Destro sees in him he'll still help.

I'm not so sure. The possibility is there and note worthy, but would they be willing to backstab destros blood heir, their friend, and former leader who is taking them on what he sees is the best route for the group's mission? Skeptic is fanatical to him and Apocrypha seems to view him as a father figure. If it was anyone it would be Trumpet from his loss reaction.

She'll have extra scenes in the season obviously.

AFO is the government

I miss Deku

I mean there’s been no indication that they’ve actually done that yet. For all we know he’s contacted the government and set up to use a double or something.

I do think that Mina can defeat and even kill Gigantomachia, she can control the strenght of her acid so she can probably melt him if she goes ham. She has one of the most deadly quirks in this manga. Even so, Gigantomachia is big, so she will either need to produce really high amounts of acid that would probably rival Todoroki's fire-ice generation, or small amounts of strong as fuck acid at strategic spots such as Giga's knees.

>Todoroki is only there for fujo audiences and out of context headcannon yaoi fangirl artists.
>Momo is the fanservice/ecchi bicycle for fandom porn which perverts need to draw as a ritual for some reason.

These two literally get mainstream exposure because their designs are more appealing to market to fans than their personalities and role in the story.

>A fucking stick

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She made everyone tea during the Gentle arc, how's that not relevant?
That's true

Can anyone fucking explain to me why in the world would the League accept number 2 hero and who in the world thought that making him a spy would be a good idea?

Toga and Ochako are going to duke it out, the battle for a man's penis. Deku and Shiggy will be resolved via talk no jutsu

I WANT TO FUCK Shigaraki so bad

Hard to find extra lizard hands is all.

Well I guess my thought would be that redestro’s underlings would want to restore Redestro to power and Redestro would be oblivious to their machinations until they actually try and enact them expecting him to just be on board with it and he’d be like “wtf are you guys doing?”

Spinner narrated the arc, revealed he's a rudderless retard, showed off his quirk, and did fuck all at the end of the day.

So Geten's definitely Rei's sister right?

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This is sad because it actually attempts the make shouto as plot relevant and important as the main 3(Deku, Baku, ocha) in the greater narrative and setting.

Why? Imagine how badly he smells

He's going to die, he will go full Icarus

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>Toga and Ochako have this intense violent fight
>Right next door Deku and Shiggy are talking out their issues together
That’s a fun mental image

That would be a really ham-fisted way to introduce a new member of the Todoroki family, but I can't imagine she'd just be some rando.


No, Geten is Touya

What if all cryokinetics and ice manifestors just have white hair like a inherent genetic condition

Having no legs would be quite stressful, no?


animeonlies are scum
who gives a shit what they think

Look, no matter how much you will try to force "main three", there is no such thing in mha. Ochako is not a part of some kind of trio, she is as relevant as Momo right now

>Geten really is a cute girl
Post cute Getens to celebrate

Deku Iida and Bakugo will speed blitz everyone and hit everyone in the back of the head.

They need a better name...

Aside from that, I'm good.

it's not like completely unrelated characters in this manga share characteristics
oh wait

I dont know man Toga as Ochako fucking murderd that poor woman

So if Toga transforms into someone can she see out of both her fake eyes then?
Is it permanent or temproary

Call me when Ochako herself does that
which means soon

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Are you saying Momo isn't Overhaul's sister???

Smash has some bizarre shit.

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Why is Dabi such a jobber, again? He even lost to the previous king of jobbers - Aizawa. Now he loses to his own aunt

No fucking way

Which one of you, retards, even came up with this in the first place? Todomomo shippers?

Is Geten blind? For some reason, her eyes give me that vibe.

>Now that they are filthy rich the League can afford a vacation
Virgin Islands arc soon

Isn't there one that makes it look like All Might fucked Deku

>Meta Liberation Battlefront

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>Metagross ReDestro

even better

would you guys be kind enough to share your best Nana porn pictures with me?

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she's just pupilless

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That also what i was wondering.
Will she have one fucked up eye always ?

user, if she can copy someone's quirk, I think it's reasonable to assume that she can copy someone's ability of sight as well.

Would Overhaul escape Tartarus and join them?

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Mystique had something similar where she had scars wolverine could recognize her at

So I like the idea of a shapeshifter having some flaw you can recognize them at that they have to hide
But it doesn't really work with an eye. That is a little too obvious.

Based Hawks

Why aren't the liberators smiling?

>Thats where you are wrong Skeptic, its not that i cant have robot feet! I just really WANT a excuse to use this fancy chair!

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>Meta Liberation Battlefront
That's a god awful fucking name, I bet Redestro came up with it

>New LOV in MHA
>Trial in Black Clover
This week is pure kino

Im assuming he is doing it to pinsh himself or something.

is black clover good again
I dropped it in the middle of elfs

>Most of their city destroyed.
>The Leagues rubbing it in by spending their money on outfits and sushi.
>Lost one of their own of the boss group.
>Now bow down to a neet in a suit.

They need a while to get used to this. Redestro atleast is taking it well.

Meta Liberation: Battlefront
Get your hand DLC now for the low price of your character development.

>all the fujos shipping Geten and Dabi just got shat on by Hori
Based and ice cutiepilled

Where’s Tsuyu?
Momo does jack shit in this arc.


Wishing energy and 70 quirks

>Toga becomes even more like Kaneki.
Fuck you Hori.

Great day

Why is your style so tumblr? Are you from there?

Bakugo could still singlehandedly defeat them
Without his quirk

Nah, the fujos are probably fine with it since they can selfinsert their whale selfs as Geten even if she got tits. Its the gays that are freaking out.

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On the other hand, fujos shipping Hawks and Dabi got blessed.
Hori may not be a smart writer, but he's a smart player

They brought Julius back from the dead, elves arc had no lasting repercussions

no sir

When is Haise Toga coming?

Eh.. so how is Giran?

1.get Yui
2.get Mt.Lady
3.get gun
4.make Yui make the gun big
5.give big gun to big Mt.Lady

Yeah, gotta hand it to him, he´s playing them like a fiddle.

>even more like Kaneki
Why even more?


No longer needed.

Should be nice and well, if not pissed about his hand.

You damn well know nobody in this universe comes even close to Bakugo

If Horikoshi wants to prop someone up then Bakugo can't be around.

Not just them. You too.
Look at the bunch of retards here, who only got their interest back again due to Geten being a cute hot girl

Lel, i would not be surprised if Hori kinda forgot

We got like 2 fucking pictures of the chapter how should we know

>fujos shipping Geten and Dabi
Geten is a girl.

And you're retarded.

kacchan is amazing

everyone except hand guy look like a bunch of fags
>t. tourist who hasn't followed since season 2 anime

That's the whole point, sperg

And Geten x Dabi would still be het.


fujos were shipping geten and dabi before the reveal, assuming geten was a guy

Look at my boy
I'm so proud

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Hilarious that and “Leave me alone I just wanna play my vidya” Shiggy were the best

>A Tales of Symphonia joke

Well that's something I didn't expect to see here. I had a laugh.

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>Shiggy destroys father hand in a cathartic moment
>2 chapters later he's wearing it again

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You need to sauce that up boy.

I doubt it, she is the same as Endeavor

Endeavor didn't even get an eye patch though

I’m giving the (you) for the dlc joke although I disagree with what you’re saying

> Canute
A trap, I hope not

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Where do you guys find stuff like that.

Hopefully eating sushi

Toga x Twice is cute and canon

that's because it's only cute when cute girls do it.

It's not his father's hand dumbass, lurk more

Fuck man wars must be wild in this world

true and also based

He loves baseball almost as much as liberation.

>Shiggy wearing his father's hand
>after he destroyed it
Do you really not see a problem with what you're saying here?

>that one waifufag drawfag got his wish
How do I achieve this level of wishing energy?

Tfw Ochako purposely makes a tabasco filled cream puff for Deku and he goes on and on about how sweet it is

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>hand isn't destroyed
Hana lives?

I mean, remember, we haven't seen parka girls tits. Could just be a girly man.

Magic and miracles do exist, but be sure not to celebrate a development until you can confirm it with certainty

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Canute Geten > W*m*n Geten

Shiggy looks so cool

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When Shiggy dies, will Deku remember him as the coolest guy?

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So is the hand Hana's? Is AfO laughing his face off as he grooms Nana's two grandkids to kill each other?

it'll be his time one day
just you wait and see

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Not when All Might exists

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The plot thickens...

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I thought he destroyed his hands?

You put effort and dedication into it, and it will eventually pay out.

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>Dabi is going to fuck his aunt/cousin
sweet home okinawa

Geten is not a Todoroki until she says Shoto's full name and then teleports away before he can react

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between this and femGeten, we're reaching levels of wishing energy that shouldn't even be possible

I’m kinda thinking it’s Nana’s and her quirk is what’s protecting the hand.

uh do people usually hate the MC in all shonens? I noticed not many are worried that gon/boruto/deku are gone from the spotlight in their respective series


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bros, what if Geten and Rei get into a lewd fight

To catch fujo interest. It will be funny watching twitter melt asking where the fuck is bakek and jobdoroki

Deku sucks

it's hard to wait compressbro

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Geten isn't a Todoroki, she's Rei's sister dumb dumb

You don’t need to hate the mc to be excited other characters get the spotlight retard

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>Endeavor gets graphically stabbed in the eye
>doesn't lose the eye
>Toga gets punched in the face
>instant blindness
Herospics will defend this.

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>It's Nana's
Yeah could be. AfO was the one who gave the hands to Shiggy, after all.

Shiggy and Kurapika both make better MCs than Deku and Gon. I can't speak for Boruto

With Boruto people like Kawaki and Sarada more.

So could Geten and Dabi together defeat Endeavor?

How do i uppvote Yea Forums comment

I've waited over 140 chapters
I can wait a bit longer

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It's Hiatus x Hiatus the fans are used to long periods of the MC doing nothing
Bless him he tries but he looks identical to Naruto.
BNHA has always been about the ensemble though I think the cast is too bloated

It might be temporary while her eye heals. That's not unusual.

Boruto is such an unlikable little cunt people would rather have Naruto back.

Plot twist: Toga didn't lose an eye, she's just wearing an eyepatch to look cool

getting hit in the face with a giant metal block can't cause eye injuries?

>Plottwist Toga is fucking Chuny and she watched to much anime durning her recovery

Endeavor and Shoto vs Dabi and Geten when

Geten and Dabi are going to get weird and oedipal.

>BNHA has always been about the ensemble though

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That really wouldn't be a plottwist

Oh boy I can't wait to see Deku get more asspull powers that will conveniently be able to counter whichever villain he fights next.

they can be eachother's mommy and daddy

>fire and ice working together
>man killed by his life's work

>He put on the suit



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Yea but he's gonna get MUH DRAWBACKS so the powerups ultimately do jack shit

>Going for the overhaul look

>the villains that love each other vs the heroes that barely have a functional relationship
would be pure pottery

If a shitty edgelord character like Dabi killed Endeavor I’d be pissed not gonna lie

Holy shit its accurate.
WHy didnt i notice that.

Man, I still can't wait for bakugou to get his quirk evolution, explosion kneecaps.

I want more power of friendship villain moments. They’re some of the best scenes and considering how hero society is shown to be about individual glory for the most part it’s a cool dichotomy

>The only character to die was the fucking head of Shueisha who specializes in making bombs

Based Hori biting the hand that feeds with no fear of repercussion.

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Well now I want Dabi to actually kill Endeavour just to piss off endeavor fags

>threads are better when there are spoilers they said
>shippers and shitposters get drowned out they said
Fucking LIES

Loyal Re-destro vs revolting liberation army executives when?

>Dabi is literally Oedipus
fucking kek

Geten doesn’t look too happy to be working for the LoV though

she will be after Dabi impregnates her

>She was also based on Hori's editor that he hates.

>Hori is still salty about Oumagadoki Zoo and Barrage

He already wants to kill his father so he was 50% of the way there.

The "leaker" won't leak shit so..

This is actually a pretty good thread. And the last two we had were ok as well. If you think this is bad you’re lucky

Dabi never looks happy to be working for the LoV either and yet here he is.

>Even in a wheelchair he slaps their shit down
Would be cool to see


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>Young adult blows fortune he just inherited on expensive outfits.

I know I'd do it lol.

>their child looks like pic related

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>Endeavor redeems himself and goes even higher in the polls
>Twitterfags kill themselves
Make it happen Hori

>Endeavor getting higher than All Might is homophobia

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Ok fair Endeavour btfo anti-Endeavour fags is great but the salt in these threads by the Endeavour fags if he was killed by Dabi would be so sweet.


Double dip the salt.
>Endeavor redeems himself to his family and they forgive him
>He's then immediately killed by Dabi afterward

How about Endeavor redeems himself in death, and climbs the polls a little further? The perfect amount of butthurt on both sides.

Well, he is a 20-year-old emotional stunted NEET. I would be surprised if he knew anything about proper financing.

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Tumblrfujos got shit on by assuming Getens gender. sweet justice

>Literally happens on the same page
>Dabi doesn’t even kill him with fire he runs him over with a truck
Make it happen Hori.

He just wants an excuse to kill homeless and still come off as important.

So long as it pisses off the bars posting Endeavour fags and the whining Twitter trannys I’m game

Spinner runs him over with a truck """ foxed that for you

>implying they haven't been secretly hoping for muh stronk womyn this entire time

That’s sad user. Hori wouldn’t be so mean.

>all the stronk women are villains
>Ochaco and Kendou are the only decently strong females on the heroes side and they just punch things

Nah Spinners on the top of the truck yelling “Vehicular Manslaughter!”


Yeah but Dabi is their go to fujobait twink husbando, two things they would never want is him having a cute gf, they wanted him to either get fucked by cocks or fuck their self insert

I think they can just delude themselves

Everyone with a brain would see that Momo is the most incapable useless character
All you need is other characters saying they're genius and that crowd eats it up and buys that Momo is a genius

A fucking pipe.

No, thats Spinner&Trumpets Ultimate Technique.

Well, we can see the exact cause of events to have Todoroki over-rate Momo's abilities.

It's all Eraserhead's fault. He literally "jobbed", that is to say, threw a match, to boost her self-esteem, but neither Momo nor Todoroki know that, so from their PoV Momo is some hyper genius who can solo veteran heroes with advanced keikakus.


Okay but we the audience know he jobbed (props for using that word correctly)
Fucking Recovery Girl confirmed it

>No sauce was posted

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>Spinner driving the car on a police chase.

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Actually, Ochako doesn't punch things. She throws things.

I know, I know. But it's tricky since Momo gets so much external validation and Hori isn't helping by ending a chapter on Todoroki's serious face saying "UNDERESTIMATE MOMO AT YOUR PERIL"

She's alive in our hearts
RIP terrorist waifu

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Do you forget that Deku and the gang have retardedly fucking OP quirks? I actually root for the villains because of this.

Cant wait for the inevitable shit storm when Momo defeats one of the villains.

>Defeating someone properly.

Not in this timeline.

I mean, she's not useless in a pinch. Every time the stakes are sufficiently high she rises to the occasion

>mfw AFO has a quirk that lets him see into the future
>mfw AFO knew that shiggy was going to be too much of a shut in neet to be able to survive on his own without help
>mfw it's revealed AFO killed Destro
>mfw AFO pulled some strings to ensure ReDestro would work to become a business savy millionaire in the name of his dead father
>mfw AFO orchestrated this entire fight and partnership between the MLA and LOV so that ReDestro could teach Shiggy about economics and truly take his place as heir
>mfw AFO is playing 4D chess with Nezu, and they're in a constant battle to see who can take over control of Japan

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AFO Keikau spans 1000 years into the future

I recall her defeating a few mooks in the USJ arc.

I would love it if Nezu had a bigger impact on the story than just "cute gag principle"

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Could he actually be Toga?

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I mean Deku and Momo are cool but what about fungus girl from class b
She is underrated baka

>and Hori isn't helping by ending a chapter on Todoroki's serious face saying "UNDERESTIMATE MOMO AT YOUR PERIL"
Which just makes pic-related ten times more hilarious after Momo's match concluded

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>Detnerat will build a giant mech for Shiggy to reign terror over Japan.
>Nezu unleashes his true power, piloting UA turned mech by Powerloader, Mei and Melissa to beat it down.
>Shinigami Coffee Table Flip

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not in a million years is she getting a solo victory

Yeah, it's sometimes hard to tell if Hori is wanking Momo for real, or just having characters wank her in-universe.

Well, she did come up with the idea to track the Nomu on the fly. Also USJ like that other user said. She was also bright enough to not get stuck in Todo's ice block at the beginning of the tournament race, using her stick to pole vault across it. Her downfall is her general naivety, but she can be pretty capable when she's confident.

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>one of the few beings to know OFA's secret
>Age Unknown
>only animal in existence that mutated a quirk somehow
>quirk is super intelligence
>holds a grudge against humans because of being experimented on in the past
>suspicious scar over eye
>is rodent-like in appearance, and the current conspiracy theory is that rats were originally used by the government to develop quirks years and years ago
>just happend to be the principal of the top hero school in the country
>seemingly innocuous and innocent personality with hidden sadistic side
There is no fucking way Nezu isn't going to play a major role in the series later on. He and AFO are the ultimate masterminds of this series.

Nezu was either operated on by AFO or saved by AFO unbeknownst to him and subconsciously dresses and acts like his savior.

I know i like her.

What I don't get is how Momo is wanked in-story as a genius, but then is shown in the most pathetic possible light, while Frog is nowhere near as touted, but tends to be shown as incredibly level-headed and competent

>Deku copying Bakugo
Cute as fuck.

I hope we don't.
The series is better like this.

I mean
What's to say that's not blood?

Everyone loves Luffy despite him being a dum dum

>apparently now renamed "Meta Liberation Battlefront"
And I thought League of Villains was a horrible name.

Is that a picture frame on the right side? If it isn't him and AFO bonding I would be very disappointed.

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They like him because he's strong and they vicariously share his dream.

Deku’s always cute

That actually strikes me as a relatively intelligent and leader like move. Change the name to accommodate the force you've just absorbed

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I hope we get to see AfO’s masterplan unfold. I need more smug AfO

Because Hori tries to make Momo look smart, while with the frog he just shows her as competent.

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both names are great though

Are you really this retarded? You put an eyepatch on an eye even if there is a slight injury because it heals better if the eye isn't irritated by light.

>Nezu was originally just a mouse that AFO tortured and experimented on when trying to learn and control his quirk
>He idolly gave Nezu super intelligence and then promptly forgot about him because his ototou was acting up again
>Nezu escapes and hatches his ultimate keikaku of revenge
>he's the one who told the 1st OFA user how to pass down his quirk

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Yeah, but he's an endearing kind of dumb in a world full of silly dumdums. He isn't toted as being actually smart.

But he doesn't have Momo come up with advanced keikakus that work like they do in Sherlock.

>tfw the best new character of the arc was Curious

pretty girls get overrated at everything they do no matter how they actually perform

The marketing team putting Deku following after Bakugou is cute. Small details like that is appreciated. I like that. Deku is cute too but I liked what they did even though the poster is trash.

geten looks so soft, nice contrast to her hardliner extremist philosophy

But Hori doesn't even do that with Momo.
Sherlock's wizardry is at least successful. We don't need to be told he's smart because he uses a lot of words and out-thinks people.
With Momo, she constantly fails and looks like an idiot, but Hori keeps insisting that she's smart.

I guess we should all get Ancap Waifus

it was about time we got a qt powerhouse in this manga

I think Hori changed his mind on her gender cause in her earlier scenes she was leaning so forward on the table, and eating like a caveman.

Male or female that behavior does clash with the pretty face

>I can't imagine she'd just be some rando.
That is because you lack imagination. Geten isn't related to To Todoroki's nor is Dabi. The whole point is that it is a mirror reflection of the Todoroki family, not that they are part of it. Dabi has stronger flames than Shouto but he can't use them to the max without suffering for it. So Geten will become his portable refrigerator. The two of them will as such match Shouto. They also mirror Shouto's father and mother, but unlike in that case their relationship will be good which will be ironic. Villains having a better "marriage" than Shouto's own parents. And that is it. Non of these characters are relatives. It is just a mirror thing.

Keep in mind that no matter what, Getens someone that fully skipped school to train her quirk. On a social level she has to be a downright idiot honestly.

Eh she can probably just get it back with her shapeshifting if she ever needs it

holy shit please no

You seem pretty sure of your theory. Don't get me wrong, I'd find that much more interesting than her being revealed to be a relative of Rei, but you may be overestimating Hori and his writing.

You’re just assuming that they’re going to be in a relationship because you’re a braindead shipperfag

>Geten is a 100% brute tomboy without manners who speaks like a dude but looks as soft and beautiful as an angel
holy fuck best girl incoming

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>Dabi powerslide
I love that autist

Let's not, and just say that we did

You mean Twice?

Why are those society fuck ups so much nicer than Deku's group? Deku is only kino when he's hanging out with AM or by himself.

One of the "oh my seven quirk" is the power to copy others quirk
And some retarded will tell that was foreshowed in the chapter where monoma tried to copy deku's quirk, calling speedreader others user who "scream asspull"
So deku copy twice's power and build an army of dekus to overwhelm the lov's army

I would love to see a villain friendship power up when fighting real heroes

Because Hori cant write teenagers in the slightest.

I'm in love with Shiggy, wat do?

she's already no1 in my heart
I love her

Fungus girl is the most op

>Geten is a QT
>Besto Jeanisto is fucking dead
>My Villain Academia: Revengeance
Meme magic is more real than wishing energy. Now all we need is for snail mutie to be the mastermind behind everything.

Tomura is looking more and more like AFO now with his "new" personality. I wonder if the doctor has something related to AFO? Low-key want to see Shigaraki get his power to counter Deku's SEVEN QUIRKS

Back off because he is mine

I like the contrast, dont see that too often properly.

She looks like she has albanism

>implying Dabi unknowingly fucking his own aunt isn't interesting or a classic storytelling device
You can have both user.


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>Snail mutie to be the mastermind behind everything.

I think you meant someone else.

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I'd have Shiggy and Dabi double team her.

>yfw work out with geten and watch her sweat

fug me

Momo went to save Bakugou. Frog didn't, hence why she is shit and unpopular

Can't wait for Shoto to have to roast his evil aunt

>it's like John and Daenerys again
>A Song of Ice and Fire

>Meta Liberation Battlefront

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Geten lewds with the guys of the LOV when?


Geten destroying Tokyo and killing everyone would be kino though

>She get's a gun
>Splattered blood can be slurped directly for maximum ghetto vibes

She didn't lose an eye. But as for your question, when she was transformed into Ochaco, it was shown that she was squinting with the eye that was injured. Her transform ability is just a disguise that she wears over her body and hides in, it doesn't change the inside of her body. How this works is questionable, but one user suggested that it worked somewhat simmi9larly to how the meatball quirk works. I.E the slime would wrap around Toga and crunch her body to fit inside of the disguise.

Of course this doesn't make a lot of sense and seems more fantasy Esq than actual science based... but well, it is Hori after all.
No, and if she did that would just mean that Hori is more of a hack than even his detractors make him out to be. Well, it would also prove that Hori really hates that people liked his villains and is doing everything in his power to try to make people like his heroes instead.
No, I know Hori is a terrible writer. I am just saying that the only way that Dabi or this girl was related to the Todoroki's, would be if Hori deliberately was trying to sabotage his own comic. I mean, he might be trying to make people dislike his villains in an idiotic attempt to make characters like Minetta get liked, but he isn't doing this because he wants to stop writing his comic.

>yfw Dabi's kid has a stronger version of half-cold half-hot

>pristine cutie with the mannerisms of a wild animal
Holy shit, I can only get so erect.

Hori being a hack as usual

>Dabis genes
a retarded weaker version

Hawks better at the very least inform that Hillary Clinton lookalike about this. I mean the government ought to at the very least be aware that the CEO's of 2 major companies and the leader of a political party are part of a massive villain group

>I am just saying that the only way that Dabi or this girl was related to the Todoroki's, would be if Hori deliberately was trying to sabotage his own comic.

Retard, there is actual reason to believe Dabi. The Touya hints were literally thrown in your face

A quirk which is weak to both fire and ice and is a single shot nuke which fry and freeze the user once activated.

>Next time Endy sees Touya he'll just try to hok him up with Getten without caring about anything else.

needs to happen

Yeah this arc meant to be serious. So yeah it did a good job with it, thanks for seeing that

>Only one mutant in the higher-ups
>He's standing in the back
What did Endeavor and Re-Destro mean by this?

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No faggot, I am basing this on Hori trying to mirror shit.
Only if you are a degenerate.
You mean how Endeavor doesn't recognize Dabi at all when then meet? They are not relatives. It is all just red herring.

you mean >ywn
imagine licking geten's ice cool abs

>You mean how Endeavor doesn't recognize Dabi at all when then meet?
Hori intentionally has Endeavor not being able to see him correctly. And on top of that the obvious of Dabi not looking like the kid he has in the flashbacks.

There IS a missing Endeavor kid who had a great fire quirk but body couldn't handle it. There are red herrings and there are hints.

The CRC did nothing wrong.

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Mutants are not the equivalent of quirk users, they are a racial allegory not a power allegory.

>I'm here to kill you father, now prepare yourself for-
>TOUYAAAAAAAA!!! Is the ice villian your girlfriend?!
>Uh yeah, anyway, prepare-
>Her ice quirk is incredible!! Bring her for dinner tonight!!

>They are not relatives. It is all just red herring.
Hori still has to account for Touya in some way though

>Geten's powers+Dabi's fire powers=Pyro from Marvel's powers
Not bad by MHA standards.

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>You mean how Endeavor doesn't recognize Dabi at all when then meet? They are not relatives. It is all just red herring.
not only is one of endeavour's eyes missing at that point, he wouldn't have seen touya in presumably years and dabi looks much different to how he does without the bacon bits
it's entirely plausible he couldn't recognise dabi as touya even if he was

Is lizard boy ever going to amount to anything in this group?

they need someone to go get the delivery food at the door and prepare the tea.

>the liberation army, numbering over a hundred thousand, at their disposal
>gigantomachia, who is approaching or is equal with all-might in strength, at shiggy's command
>twice, able to endlessly recreate members of the league thousands of times, finally rid of his mental block
what the fuck is going on here? this is the most overpowered shit we've seen yet, not even all-might would have been able to stop this

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It took me a minute to to figure that pic out. Fucking dying.

oh, I forgot:
>like a dozen high-end nomus, each one strong enough to fuck up the number one hero


>finally rid of his mental block
this is true, but he can't use sad man's parade unless all the twices have one absolute, overriding goal, in this instance it was protecting toga and the league from annihilation. it's not something he can bust out unless he's absolutely backed into a corner. still stupidly powerful though

>implying Endeavor can't recognize his son by quirk when that's what he saw him as
He didn't tell everyone (who the fuck would?) but he knows who that is.

I am glad Shiggy kept the face hand because the design is better and unique but I thought he destroyed that
Did Ujiko make him a new one?


i literally lost interest when that asspull happened

Hero society is massive and would win if it came down to a straight up fight, the lynchpin is the public and governments support being swayed.

How many children will they have?

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>now game of thrones
it CAN'T be a coincidence, it just CAN'T

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Shes barren

it was a hand that didn't get destroyed

the standard light machine gun for the JSDF uses 5.56
mt lady is 12.7 times bigger in giant form
if the gun and ammo were to be increased in size proportionally, it would be firing 70mm bullets
which is WW2 tank shell territory

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>I know Hori is a terrible writer
how exactly

Spoilers say it's the only hand to survive the decay

>dude awakening lol

todoroki will be able to cover half a city in ice
uraraka will zero gravity people without touching them
deku 7 quirks asspull and can introduce a new quirk in multiple fights

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Thinking it over, even if the LA is a cult where everyone does what ReDestro says, I realize the one person who might not would be Pet, Chitose's 'aide'. If he/she is still alive, being on the same team as Toga might be unbearable, and she/he might go to the police and spill everything. We'll have to see if we find out what happened to him/her.

Also, what happened to all the Twice clones. Maybe Shiggy's Decay blast caused all the clones including Toga to cease to exist.

We saw him standing while still having the one on the back of his hand, highly likely that its the one replacement for the destroyed one that survived the onslaught from there on as it went flying supposedly.

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you mean Nana's hand?

Have you read his manga?

Giga, Shiggy and Redestro killed all the clones
that we know of

>Endeavor being higher than Iida is peak homophobia


Chances are the clones got cleaned up in a combined effect of Getens ice, Giga rampaging and collateral from Redestros attacks&Decay.

yes, now answer the question.

This is like saying that if all heroes came down they'd be able to gang on All Might or All For One and defeat them, when they're clearly portrayed as unbeatable unless you're also on their level.

I told you folks, Twice infestations in the sewers of every city.

No, there was literally no reaction on his face man. Endeavor is a hot head. If Dabi had been his son, there is no way in hell that he wouldn't have thrown a fit.
He stood right in front of him and looked him straight in the face. The fuck are you talking about? Endeavor is a family man, he knows what his son looks like. Unless you are a complete retard it is easy to recognize your child even when they are grown up.

Twice may have the ability to goop any clones he's summoned, but there's no mention of him ever doing that

if he could do that his backstory would have never happened, he could just kill the clones when they turned on him

good point

Why are you here then?

Wow, yall weren't kidding when you guys said MHA is knock off X-Men.

Evidently just to suffer.

maybe he needs to join his hands or something

You know, no matter what I say here, there will always be somebody out there that will disagree with what I am saying, thus making it seem as if this fact invalidates what I am saying.

But lets go with the whole "Oh my 7 quirks" bullshit.

The problem here isn't that Deku had 7 quirks, but rather how it was introduced. The way Hori writes some of his things show us that he is bad at story telling.

The reason I said: "Have you read the manga" was because there isn't really a need for me or anyone to dig deep to see why he is a bad writer. Granted Hori has some good ideas occasionally, but he fucks it up seemingly on purpose as soon as the idea seem to make traction.

Hori is far to much of a fan of western garbage. This results in him not understanding that todays western comics are trash. he is fan of Star Wars, but he isn't a hardcore fan and actually like these garbage that are the Disney movies. In short, he is a man that thinks that the story telling in those movies was good.

In todays western garbage trash, the writers think that it is a good idea to have subversions of expectations just for the sake of subversions of expectation.

This seems to be the case with Hori here.

>the standard light machine gun for the JSDF uses 5.56
>mt lady is 12.7 times bigger in giant form
>if the gun and ammo were to be increased in size proportionally, it would be firing 70mm bullets
>which is WW2 tank shell territory
imagine....if Shiggy decided to gather a bunch of Villains with Gigantification quirks, stole Yui's quirk somehow, and passed around giant sized firearms to his new hit squad.

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You really haven't said anything specific or explained anything
I say that as someone who hates oh my 7 quirks

>But lets go with the whole "Oh my 7 quirks" bullshit.
Stopped reading there.

>The reason I said: "Have you read the manga" was because there isn't really a need for me or anyone to dig deep to see why he is a bad writer.
And this is why these threads ate so shit largely because of posters like these.

Twice´s power is great until you remember that his clones have free will.

I can't wait to see high quality Shiggy in suit

>actually like these garbage that are the Disney movies