The day one should behold a the power of a thousand suns stabbing Kirino to death, that would be the splendor of the mighty one.
Why is this so much cuter than all the other incest stories?
Other urls found in this thread:
but it's not?
Based Sorachad.
It is much cuter than Yosuga no Sora.
Yosuga no Sora is great of course, but it isn't as light and soft and cute as Siscon Ani to Brocon Imouto ga Shoujiki ni Nattara.
And you!
Don't hate on Oreimo! It helped set the stage for a resurgence of pure love! It was a special and complex case at the same time via tsundere male and female leads and unreliable narrators that stem from that, not to mention the struggles it dealt with due to the law.
Sora's cuteness is the kind that will penetrate your soul and reside there forever. Uta is sweet, but by caking on enough frosting to give you a stomach ache.
I love Ore.Imo.
I just hate Kirino as as a person and semi as a character. The entire concept of Ore.Imo. is brilliant whereas the concept of this is bland but it suffered too much executive meddling.
Also this series does not tease the ship forever and only at the end lets it sail but just lets it sail quickly and then focuses on their love-life which is something new I guess.
>Only focusing on the girls
Incest is two parts of a greater whole. Uta and Sora are tied, but Ritsu >>>>> Haruka.
Sora is less cute than Uta OR Ritsu. Yosuga no Sora is just a less cute world than the world of Siscon Ani to Brocon Imouto due to being more serious, and the style reflects that.
Compare the rivals for instance, Ami to the slut being humped in your webm. While Ami is a rival, she isn't really a threat and actually works with Ritsu to help him pamper and show his love to Uta. Sure, Nao is a good person too and in both Nao's and Sora's arc they show it, it is much more serious in representation than the relatively light, soft and cute way it is shown in Siscon ani to brocon imouto.
I know you'll deny it, but that is because Sora is you're waifu.
>Ritsu >>>>> Haruka
Why is he so perfect?
I suppose what I would say is that Sora is more moe, which is more subjective in its nature, while Uta and her story is more objectively "cute" in style.
I suppose people may have different connotative views on cuteness which could cause disagreements and I don't want to see that happen. I'm sorry.
He's not only not a beta, but is very active in the realtionship, even going so far as to sacrifice his own desires for his sister (which she slaps him down, which only makes HER better too).
They're interactions together are like an infinite source of purity that they take from one another.
Ritsu is so great it makes me sometimes wonder if this is supposed to be a self insert for imouto that wish they had a perfect onii-chan instead of the other way around.
I can't wait to see what he'll do for Uta on White Day!
That's the nice thing about this story; it doesn't do this "faceless p.o.v. character" stuff. Both characters are as much p.o.v. as the other and indeed the phantasy works in both ways.
It blame it on the mangaka being a girl. She knows how to make a cute imouto appealing, but at the same time writes the ideal but believable Onii-chan too.
One of the things I hated about Imo-Imo and dislike about many similar stories is that they don't do that. The imouto is amazing, but the other part of the pair is an awful, miserable sack of shit that makes it hard to see why the imouto cares so much.
Anime when? Will Abe allow it in light of the Olympics?
I don't know if it can ever get an anime. I don't even know how it is able to get this far. I know it gets away with some of it due to being a webmanga but I know it has volumes for sale too. Are they only for sale online and thus avoid the law? Or are they sold as ADULT ONLY?
Wait a second. I just realized
>Uta is a cat
>Ritsu's costume has mouse ears
Oh no!
Look out, Ritsu!
Miyuki is the cutest
Super weird proportions.
don't mock the superior yotsuba genes
It's ok user, I was the one who misunderstood what you meant. We should just keep posting imoutos.
Uta a cute!
D'accord — often the work by female authors that has males as a target group or in reverse is the best.
Also see for instance how "Boku ha Imouto ni Koi wo Suru" has the problem that we have this complicated, byronic, interesting, bisyounen male sibling but the female sibling is super bland.
how hard is dad gonna disown Ritsu once he finds out he's been porking his cute daughter?
Oh yeah I forgot; Tokyo actually has this obscene law that prohibits the selling of stuff that glorifies incest to teenagers.
What is wrong with these people? this is one of the most innocent and wholesome stories out there but it's incest so it's bad. I can at the very least on some level understand that Aki-Sora fell victim because that comic more or less taught one the wise life-lesson that rape tends to have a favorable outcome but this?
Who would you rather fuck your daughter, some random man who might not care about her or hurt her or your son who definitely cares for her and will never hurt her?
You're a good man and a good person. I'm sorry to have bothered you.
>Wanting someone other than your son to pork your daughter
the one who can pass down my bloodline without deformities
Kek. That scene gave me a good laugh.
But your son is also your bloodline. Thus it passes it down without any dilution.
Uta is a fucking moeblob, that's why. Even when it gets lewd, she looks adorable.
In o.p.'s case dilution is needed to keep the deformity to a bare minimum.
Say it again.
But ritsu and uta are already perfect. Clearly they should breed enough to make a football team so that way they can create a line of incest powered super beings that will lead humanity into a new age of cuteness.
Years of Bogdanoff research into successive lines of inbreeding has finally yielded fruit.
Behold the gigaimouto; the perfect little sister designed to lead us against Bill 156.
We are all witness.
>Uta Lap Pillow
>Manga about a perfect imouto that wants to marry her perfect brother and nonstop thinks of mating with him
Yeah, I wonder who could be behind this.
Abe is getting desperate.
No! The warnings said it was impossible!
I have to say though this author's shtick of the siscon replacement fetish working both ways is working on me.
Hell I'm male but I would præfer to be the imouto in this story.
Also in Ore.Imo. but that's just because I like beating people up and getting away with it and also because I like to not be beaten up by someone else who then gets away with it.
>Don't hate on Oreimo!
Oreimo was shit, I'll hate on it all I want
It wasn't super bad; it merely deserves it not to be the poster boy of siscon especially because it's actually super atypical and made it a point to avoid many of the clichés.
I feel the reason it's the poster boy and why it got so popular was because it was trying to dogwhistle and hide from the casual viewer that it would obviously grow full Alabama whilst also whistling to the siscons that they could expect that ending. I keep seeing a lot of upset fans being surprised for whatever reason that it got a full incest ending and I can't see how they saw that not coming but that's what it was trying to do I guess to attract more viewers despite the controversial præmise so the real siscon fetishists feel it delivered not that it set out to.
>I keep seeing a lot of upset fans being surprised for whatever reason that it got a full incest ending and I can't see how they saw that not coming
>That one tripfag who was so sure ayase would win and that it was a story about a brother and sister coming together and growing closer that he recommended the series to his own little sister and watched it with her
I could not even make it up.
Imagine if ImoImo wasn't shit.
Yeah exactly that shit. I if it hadn't ended on an incest ending that would be a purposeful fuck you to the audience but for whatever reason a lot of fans were really surprised that they actually went full Alabama and I feel they deliberately did that.
A lot of fans got angry at the ending and the show feeling that it pissed all camps off and that all the moralfags that would be disgusted by incest had tuned out long before that but I'm not so sure. However much it ruined the show for the actual siscons I think the executives made a smart commercial decision in toning it down and dogwhistling to appeal to both camps and increase viewer numbers.
At least the novels continue. Pure imouto moe degeneracy, in other words perfect
Does the MC become less awful though?
when it comes to the other girls he is as dumb as always but with Suzuka he is slowly falling for her for real
Yes, but is he less of an annoying loser or does he actually start to deserve her affection?
There are some anons that always like the first girl regardless if it is a harem and no one is going to win. On the flip side, there are anons who always cheer against the main girl even if she is the title character.
Like I have seen at least one user who think Ami has a chance to beat Uta in these threads.
Can confirm this is exactly how it works
I believe it.
Too bad they grew up to be fucked in the head.
>Like I have seen at least one user who think Ami has a chance to beat Uta in these threads.
If Uta lets her guard down for even ONE moment, Ami will win Ritsu AND Uta!
Why people who are prudes about incest in media would watch an anime whose title roughly translates to "I want to fuck my sister" is beyond me
>title roughly translates to "I want to fuck my sister"
Uh, the title is
>My little sister CAN'T be this cute!
Can't be this cute. Not CAN be this cute. Bullshit false advertising.
In your fucking dreams. Gyaru belong to either their sensei or their senpai.
Where can I find all the raws for this?
Cute Uta
Perhaps, but other people's onii-chan belong to gyaru!
Because it translates not to that at all and as said the execs played a masterful game of letting the moralfag have his deluded belief that there were no incestuous tensions by making them all ambiguous and vague enough.
>He wouldn't fuck Haru
Only if he grew his hair out and pretending to be Sora.
When can an imouto marry her onii-chan?
They can already in certain places.
Yes, but at what age?
Doubtful, especially given its origins in Kyousuke x Rin doujins.
Uta is peak imouto, literal perfection, and a miracle of the universe.
When Tokyo bill 156 gets abolished
Then we can finally have Oreimo Season 3
Interesting thought experiment: Would the world sooner grow sane enough to discard the incest taboo enough to allow this or sooner grow sane enough to just do away with marriage altogether?
>sooner grow sane enough to just do away with marriage altogether?
>Mustapha Mond
Yeah sorry Uta but if one care about that crap one is surely a faggot.
Lol Uta is a faggot.
When will that happen? Ever?
Jap still has laws against showing genitals, what chance does the purest form of love have?
>2 people can be together as long as they love each other. Love conquers all and it's beautiful.
Explain this.
Because the fact that the love blossoms against mainstream opposition makes the love even better
I can't.
If it was legal everyone would do it.
>Wanting to NTR Sora
I think she's had enough!
Common law marriage should apply to imoutos
But most people live with their imouto for long enough to be common law married.
>live long enough to be common law married
>already have each other's last name
imoutos confirmed for bypassing bill 156 and already being married to their onii-chan
Marriage is about two people becoming family.
Brothers and sisters are already family though.
They don't need to get married, they're already married.
>He's not Sora
Uta is such a good imoutowife
>Implying Sora might not be in this thread RIGHT NOW trying to get people to fug their imoutos/onii-chans
I bet their mother and father are also brother and sister, and his father will give him a pat on the back.
kys,Yea Forums
>kys, Yea Forums
You want you kiss?
It's sweet. In fact, it's too sweet. The artwork itself gives me diabeetus.
Newfags must leave
Anyone knows what happened to that user last year whose sister moved in with him, and she was all over him, constantly?
kys means kiss your sister in imouto threads
Don't die, user-chan!
>those thighs
good lord uta is ready to be bred
Why are even the warnings in Japan so based? Something in their drinking water?
Holy shit she looks like a ghost, that's such a creepy picture
>those thighs
>good lord uta is ready to be bred
You mean ready for bed?
I think she's already in bed in that picture though.
>those hips
>that thigh gap
No, I meant Uta is ready for Ritsu to impregnant her womb and rear his children
That's because this series is meant to be educational, about the trials and hardships someone that pursues such a forbidden love can expect to face.
It's not illegal if it is educational, right?
Don't forget those plump assfangs.
Just look at them.
>Uta is ready for Ritsu to impregnant her womb and rear his children
It's funny how Uta is the one with the lewd mind about things, while Ritsu is relatively pure and innocent in comparison. Uta tends to have a more active imagination.
>Holy shit she looks like a ghost
There literally nothing wrong with that, faggot. Sorry for non-imouto.
What does the disclaimer say? Is it an aarinfantasy type "The author does not condone incestual behavior..." reminder?
It's cute.
>muh bill 156
They literally got married and kissed on the first page of chapter 1
>Why is this so much cuter than all the other incest stories?
Because they did not fuck and they know that their relationship is wrong.
Incest sex is pig disgusting
>Incest sex is pig disgusting
Hm, no wonder I also like bestiality.
It has been a pretty sexless marriage then unless Uta's been secretly riding Ritsu in the night.
They're pretty kinky even if they haven't gone all the way
I can't hover filename on mobile. The middle part gets cut.
Sometimes the story is pure smut
You mean this is a way I can bully phoneposters?
nothing wrong with ghost imoutos, they all deserve brother love
get a room fags
Somebody post screens of that Twister chapter.
I feel like this fell into a holding pattern.
>mai imouto is cute!
>i want to marry onii-chan!
>but this is forbidden love
>What does the disclaimer say? Is it an aarinfantasy type "The author does not condone incestual behavior..." reminder?
Anyway, no. It basically says that the author and editors don't take responsibility if blood-related siblings start loving each other after reading the manga but that they will support you if you do
Ritsu is thinking about the future now and how he is going to live with Uta and provide for a family. Really it depends on how long they are going to milk it, this could easily go on for over 100 chapters or end in 50.
>get a room
Sorafaganon's love belongs forever to Sora alone and I would never want to get in the way of that!
He's a good person and a good husband to his waifu and Yea Forums would be better with more people like him and less like me!
Occultic;Nine was fun
Stop it!
Will Uta ever run out of smug?
Wholesome chapter this month. Author constantly complains about health on twitter, guess his 50 part time jobs and this manga are too much
Uta's smug can't stand up to Ritsu for very long.
Smallest imouto is by far best imouto in that one.
I haven't catching up with this manga lately.
Purple > Brown > Other Brown > Pink
Right, Yea Forums?
too bad only two episodes looked fine while the rest were pure QUALITY
Little sisters are the best
A damn shame, it could have been something great. Now it is forever doomed to be known more for its QUALITY than its top tier imouto.
Deformity fags still seething.
What about older brothers?
Bathing together chapter when?
Why do people that hate Kirino always pretend to be retarded.
That's fucking gay
Not if you're an imouto.
then kyb
What the fuck are you trying to say, you stupid ESL?
But this imoutoge is far better.
Y'all need some Onii-chan Control in your life. It's got cute but the imouto is kinda yandere and wants her brother to fuck her until she can't walk.
onikiss soon
picked up
Android usere here, i can read it.
Kiss your sister
Post results.
Remember to tell her how much you love her!
Onikiss is DOA at this point.
Good. Fuck Sol Press. Just give me my imoutoge.
I remember reading Onii-chan control before. Even posted it on Yea Forums a couple of times. I think I only followed it up to chapter 15 or 20 or so. Whatever was translated at the time. The imouto and onii-chan had ended up together by that point, so I didn't see much more point in following it anyway.
Its translated to 31. I liked it just for the crazy imouto who was ready to skin the competition alive and bury them in the mountains
According to baka updates, it ends at chapter 31. Are you implying it is a canceled ending?
From what i see it ends at 31 when they end up together
Nevermind then. I read too much into how you phrased "its translated to 31"
Poor imouto.
This manga is golden so far. Thanks, user, you're a good person.
isn't onii-chan control another nothing happens in the end manga? is futaba kyoudai ever coming back?
When Uta gets cute, all that happens is that her mouth goes higher up on her face.
I mean, the brother and sister end up together and fucking halfway through, what more could you want?
But Uta is always cute.
Unfortunately they don't fuck in onii-chan control, but it's still a great read for how crazy the imouto is imo
What, really? I swore they did. Must be misremembering since it was some 7+ years ago that I ready any of the chapters. Perhaps I was just thinking about them kissing and becoming a couple and mixed in something else as well. Odd.
What does it feel like, on his neck?
they don't fuck and it ends with both of them agreeing not to date anyone else while not dating each other either, kinda like oreimo
Thank you for the warning about Onii-chan controller. Sounds like another of japan's infamously bad endings.
Hopefully Brocon ani to siscon imouto will continue bucking the trend by being amazing from start to finish.
What are some Incest VN's that are actually good?
And have good Porn?
It won't. Just enjoy the ride.
I like it because siblings have good relationships at the start. I hate stereotype that all siblings hate each other. I have good relationships with my elder brother and my twin sister. Of course I wouldn't fuck them.
I'd say it depends
>Of course I wouldn't fuck them.
Of course.
It isn't fucking when it is your sibling, it is making love
>Being the odd one out sibling when her sister and her onii-chan are mating like mad
>Doesn't even know yet
That's so sad user-chan. I'm sorry.
>Hopefully Brocon ani to siscon imouto will continue bucking the trend by being amazing from start to finish.
Since the author is a huge incestfag, she'd do it. Even if she's not allowed, she could just make pseudo-ending chapter then discontinues the manga and creates a new wincest series.
Put them on life support until they do OniGyu too
I only support their imoutoge releases. I'd pirate everything else.
Their relationship in the beginning is adorable and close without really crossing the line into something unhealthy like co-dependance. They just really, really love each other as both friends and family.
She's sweating? Is Uta afraid of heights?
She is pretty short.
They continue fucking in OreImo though
Only on the downlow due to legal concerns of the publisher.
It's fucking bullshit, really.
My relationships with my twin sis is really similar. I guess hating siblings is just American thing.
I wonder how she feels about it.
You should recommend this series to your onii-chan and sister for that reason.
She only interested in berserk and other manly anime.
Same, my imouto is a couple years younger than me and we grew up watching anime and playing videogams together so we get along fairly well most of the time, but for some reason the USA thinks siblings close in age need to fight all the time.
I'm more of a loner type, it's she who always wants to play together or watch something.
Ritsu is great and very manly.
Americans look down on young adults who lives with their parents. It's like they can't comprehend that some people just want to stay close to their family, and not because they can't afford a one-bedroom apartment.
I used to be extremely close with my older sister to the point that she wouldn't mind me slapping her ass or snuggling to her. She'd even walk around fully naked every now and then despite it being kinda awkward.
But a few years ago (2014 I guess) she started veering left politically and now she's absolutely insufferable, seems like everything about her life is now related to politics and she just has to tell everyone about it while doing her best to try and humiliate anyone that has an opinion contrary to hers. She's not that bad when she's not talking about politics but she just can't help but talk about it all the fucking time and shit on just about everyone while doing so.
Quite a shame since she used to be one of my very few close friends but I can't do a thing about trying to revert to what she was. If anything she's becoming ever more Intolerant with how politics are going locally and worldwide.
My sister is a pediatric endocrinologist and she don't have any time for politics.
>Company probably not going to do anything ever again because of their retarded marketing
I'll pump your kid sister full of hormones, sure.
If you want to convert her to be less annoying, do it slowly. Like accept some of her opinions that you think they make sense logically and do the same with her opinions that you think they're illogical. Don't forget to critique the right side, so that she thinks you see everything on neutral side. After that slowly make her think that relating everything with politics is unhealthy.
I'd successfully make my leftist mom to stop talking about politics using this and talk everything else instead. Well, she's still leftist but at least she wont correlate everything with her believes.
The crux of the matter isn't her political opinions per se but the way in which she discusses politics. She just shits on absolutely anyone that disagrees with her. She even goes as far as to call my parents misogynists to their face despite them having raised her to have a good education so as to not have depend on any man. Yet she practically spits on them on a regular basis accusing them of the worst shit ever.
Unfortunately for me she knows I'm extremely into politics and have been for longer than her so it wouldn't really work to play it as if I turned into a centrist and even if I did she probably would care as my parents are way more center leaning and she doesn't give a damn about what they have to say.
Maybe what you suggested would have worked a few years ago before she got radicalized but nowadays I fear she's too far gone. My only hope is that it's just some weird phase in her life and she'll grow past it.
She does have a job but unfortunately she has a shit ton of free time to act like a bitch.
Wear a maga hat and fuck her brains out. That'll convert her back.
Apparently it's the author's birthday today
It kinda is in the fandisc aftersory. There's some more heavy moments at the start depicting their friends' mixed feelings about their relationship, but most of it is just Haru and Sora love-dovey flirting in their own way.
Actually yes. For one thing he never pussyfoots around and makes it clear he has no romantic feelings for any of the other girls. He also almost got a LN of his own published so he keeps getting closer to what he thinks is being Suzuka's equal too. He also basically confesses to her in front of the entire school the moment he gets worried she might have a boyfriend (in the sense that he is never going to accept her having a boyfriend).
Good old Fire Emblem.
Is she the golden standard for incestual imoutos
Did they get married?
Possibly. She is cute, smug and lewd at the same time
I think their ending if you pair them up is both of them being the rulers, the incest is implied
Are they canon?
Also is FE series a continuation or something?
I just want to start the series and all
It's optional, you could pair them up with other people, but why do that when you can go for the incest ending. They did have to add dialogue denying the incest in the gacha game because they are known for the implied incest, so you could say it isn't "canon"
It's a bunch of games mostly unrelated to each other or only related with another game or two so you can start almost on any game except the few games that are actually sequels, also the nes games got remakes so you can ignore them.
>They did have to add dialogue denying the incest in the gacha game because they are known for the implied incest, so you could say it isn't "canon"
That's an american translation thing actually (They even changed the stage title from "Siblings Love" to "Sacred Bond".) The japanese version only has Ephraim express confusion about the rumours while Eirika is embarassed because she knows exactly what it's about. Not to mention FEH deliberately doesn't actually confirm or deny ships one way or another from any game because the entire draw is that the player can pair the characters as he wants in the games.
Ironically the translation became a meme that made people think of them as even more incestuous than before
God this was so good. It was the Barbra Streisand Effect where it only made people want to push it even more.
Kirino is so perfect.
The hiatus was supposed to be over some months ago.
Uta a shit.
Alright, thanks user. I'd read the fe8 since it seems to be one of the best jrpg games in 3ds and I just bought used 3ds recently.
Say that in my face and not online, see what happens.
Uta a cute
Change that name to that of your sister and tell it to her instead, see what happens.
But I don't have one. What do?
Do you still have a fertile mom or dad? If yes you know what to do.
They are divorced and my mom is still single. What do?
what that?
share story pls desu
Hmm, todcon... delicious.
You meant the K-word?
>Uta ended 4th
>1 place short of a special reward
Fug, and by a fairly big margin too. Still, she's popular enough for a 4th place so that's something.
I really liked Imoimo. Shame about the QUALITY. This season it affected Cop Craft, while oddly not being able to touch Retry or Machikado.
I dropped it after a couple of episodes. Full of viewer-insert implausible rapey harem shit power phantasy that it makes one cringe.
Also the animation quality makes Captain America throws his mighty shield look good.
>genuine love for each other
>focus isn't on sex but rather their emotions
>treated like any other kind of romance
>consequences are very much part of the plot and not handwaved away
>overall just cute and wholesome with hints of drama because it's necessary for such a relationship but not too much that it becomes a downer
Although I wish there was a bit more physicality to their romance.
>night time imouto posting is people complaining about america
What, really? And you tell me now?
Today today or japan time today? Did I miss it?
>implausible rapey harem shit power phantasy
Did you get these words from twitter or something?
Yes, we know the animation quality is bad.
I don't know about that, since Uta's level of cuteness and devotion wouldn't work for every story. It works here because the world itself is generally cute and nice, with even her rival supporting her, and her brother is equally cute and devoted, if not more so. Context is key. An Imouto like Uta with an onii-chan like Volume 1 Kyousuke for instance would be miserable to see since she deserves better.
>sora and haruka crossdressing as each other
There must be such a pic somewhere.
They're both played by girls though
>she plays the Grub
>she's one of percy's subordinates
>They did have to add dialogue denying the incest in the gacha game because they are known for the implied incest
That's only the western version, and the added dialogue makes it seem more suspicious.
>Oh hey Ephraim, how is it go-
>Ephraim this is a battlefield
>Ephraim you're scaring me
>ephraim please
FE4 is the really incestuous fire emblem anyway, with the plot, story and gameplay mechanics involving incest at both an overarching and character level.
It's one of the more popular ones and since they have remade FE1, 2 and 3, remaking FE4 is the next logical step, especially since some of the more popular mechanics in new fire emblems comes from it. I wonder how it will turn out considering the subject matter.
Spics ruined Yea Forums
They are too malleable as an audience, probably due to their low IQ (
Every thread that has potential to have meaningful discussions about something just gets turned into a spamfest of extremely low quality shitposting (a very common practice in spic groups from facebook) or extremely shit normalfag tier opinions that are completely disconnected from Yea Forums's culture (spics who come from twitter or reddit tend to do this).
I'm not saying spics are the only reason YnS threads (or any other imouto/okaa-san/loli/CGDCT thread) get turned into a shitfest, there are other reasons too (like the massive influx of newfags after all the publicity Yea Forums got in the last 12 years), but I think spics are a major factor in this disgrace.
Lurk more.
The singularity should really come as soon as possible. Imagine your parents not only getting rejuvenated, but also being able to make you an imouto.
Who beat her?
The QUALITY was too much for me, which is a shame since it had one of the best imouto in ages.
Uta a Cuta
>I wish there was a bit more physicality to their romance.
Bathing together chapter WHEN
Girls from other manga on the platform.
Imagine sitting in a bath together, face-to-face and then taking a mikan and biting it together with the juice spilling out.
Oh no, someone used a trisyllabic word — what horror befalls my poor soul.
>All those tweets about the big tiddy NBR fake imouto(Cousin) from SAO
No, NO! You promised me that she was in the blood related camp Yea Forums!
>Ending has the parents reveal to Uta and Ritsu that they are cousins
>Uta and Ritsu are shocked but happy and get married and start having kids
Epilogue has the parents wondering if they did the right thing
Parents talk and mention that it is true that Ritsu and Uta ARE cousins...
but also brother and sister too
I feel like there wouldn't be all those joke "it's not actually legal to marry your blood related little sister but you can't out law love" type warnings is it was just going to be NBR.
Not to mention the warnings are explicit about them being blood related.
>full incest ending
What the fuck are you talking about? It was all a charade, after the 'kiss' in the chapel with the mock wedding it was over.
Isn't there a legal requirement for all incest character to reveal nbrness (and for all underage characters reveal that they are short 20 years olds)
They did say they got inspired by FE4 for three houses and you can fuck your grandmother who made you into a clone of her mother so the incest essence is still there
If there is for the former, I feel like I would've heard as much by now. Of course, the whole OreImo thing makes that incredibly unlikely to be true. And there obviously isn't for the latter. There's laws about depicting underaged smoking and drinking, but that's it.
All these NBR works have warped anons' fargile minds and led them away from the truth.
The Tokyo Bill 156 also makes it not illegal as much as illegal to sell to customers under a certain age.
Truth be told no one ever got why Aki-Sora was published in a magazine targeting teenagers; even without the incest with all the nudity and rape that would probably be 16/18+ in most places — not that I approve of those rules but just saying that Tokyo isn't particularly extreme in that regard and was rather so particularly loose till recent.
Yeah, I think so.
Once human gene editing of fetuses becomes commonplace sometime in the 21st century there will be literal 0 detriments to incest (between consenting parters)
I highly doubt it‘s going to be NBR when this is a tagline
Yeah I also noticed first getting into it that it was pretty clear in the poster about "this is not some weak n.b.r. crap; this is the real shit."
I have a massive problem with it in that it just kinda skips to lovey dovey but still spins its wheeles
It's what Oreimo should have been: have the siblings hook up early and develop their relationship while dealing with the consequences of their forbidden love instead of 12 volumes of will-they-won't-they, with only half of the last one dedicated to them being actual lovers
>he doesn't know
imagine working for the company that created the ship you love and drew fan for, she's living the best life
Disturbing, yet surprisingly wholesome.
The manga already states that it's for adult so it's fine to be published. It's as legal as incest eroge.
>The manga already states that it's for adult
In the website IIRC.
Nothing disturbing about it, old chap.
Look for the volumes on Amazon, no adult or 18+ warning anywhere. Same goes for the app.
You fell for that?
Sugu is a blood related cousin though
>He doesn't know
That’s what I said. Cousins are barely incest, and trying to pass them off as something more is shameful and a cop out. Even in this manga uta and ritsu claim to be cousins and no one cares.
I think I can speak for everyone here when I say I wish I had a onii-chan to pamper me.
Fag isn't using Firefox with scripts enabled addons and Yea Forums X installed.
Agreed — but a live in best friend that acts the same way would be just as good to be honest.
That's also one of the other reasons that this particular comic is so cute. It's also a story about best-friends-turned-lovers-that-still-act-like-best-friends. It has that Gosick-esque quality to it where one gains the impression that even if they wouldn't be lovers they'd still be best friends.
It's always been my lifelong dream to have a cool onii-chan.
On that thought why isn't Gosick more popular? Reconstruct that from the fragments of chaos for me — it seems surprisingly little is spoken thereof.
How many children will Uta bear?
I can't wait for the drama when they can't avoid having their friends meet with their parents
Clover user here, I can see everything
Disturbingly wholesome?
Incest is bad.
Does Uta know that Ami knows the truth?
>Getting three threes with three words
This is the power of GET!
How Many Breads Have You Eaten In Your Life?
Uta is cUta!
How can something this pure and wholesome be bad?
Think about it rationally, they know each other in a way no one else can, there's no relationship that can be more intimate than this
Well it is like how the old saying goes: if you don't like incest then you can kiss my ass
Not that we've seen
Sibling relationships work the same way as childhood-friend relationships. They indeed know each other very well and have been close friends for a long time.
This is completely not the case in Ore.Imo. where they were different men when they last were close and the series start out with them not really knowing each other at all so it has a totally different feel to it.
I am afraid that since it's serialized and set in present Earth Japan they won't go through with it. I want to see them happily married and with children, not in hiding nor having broken ties with family and friends.
>But ritsu and uta are already perfect
Unironically, birth defects only happen because most humans have shitty genes and with a very similar gene pool between mates the shittiest ones have more chances to manifest in the offspring, so it comes that if both got perfect genes then there are no risks and rather it should be encouraged for them to breed.
What is it about Uta's design that makes me go doki doki everytime I look at her?
It's the way she looks at her onii-chan. She's so full of love and affection. You want to be her onii-chan so it's natural for that to affect you.
>rather it should be encouraged for them to breed.
Dammit Abe, I know that's you.
>this kills the incestfag
It won't happen. NBR was not an option from the very start.
Who cares about this labelfag marriage stuff — it's always such a dissonance to see in these incest stories that they actually care about that.
If they can happily live together that's fine enough for me and they can also just adopt.
In Aki-Sora It was eventually revealed that all three siblings are part of a prior incestuous breeding pond and they had no birth defects
Adopting isn’t the same as having a real family. It’s just pushing the nbr colour to the next generation.
>Who cares about this labelfag marriage stuff
Uta deserves to have a wonderful wedding and celebrate with family and friends.
>they can also just adopt
No, fuck you. Uta deserves to know the happiness of making love for the sake of procreation, being impregnated, giving birth to her beloved's child and having her genes passed down. They deserve cute children that look like them.
Meh, the only reason I hate n.b.r. is because there always needs to be some dumb exposition to establish it. Also >unironically breeding
>Uta deserves to have a wonderful wedding and celebrate with family and friends.
Are you telling me that those marriagefags actually don't care about being married but really care about a wedding only? — my world is truly shocked!
Regardless one can always throw a meaningless party and call it a wedding and do it again the next year if one so want. Ask me and I'll say that as far as parties go weddings are some of the most boring ones where one just sits in a chair and watches something very boring happen.
>No, fuck you. Uta deserves to know the happiness of making love for the sake of procreation, being impregnated, giving birth to her beloved's child and having her genes passed down. They deserve cute children that look like them.
Ah — you think being pregnant and giving birth is joyous eh?
>grow sane enough to just do away with marriage altogether?
>unable to find value on the bow and institution of marriage nor in childbearing
You faggots need to be put down.
"institution" — get real: 99% of those that get married are completely unaware of the actual legal pseudocontract they're entering into; they get married for the sentimental value and the label and have no goddamn clue what they're legally getting into — fools, all of them.
Apart from that there's considerable human overpopulation on this planet and the quality of life for those living today would increase if fewer were born. A man competes over several scarce resources with his fellow man.
maybe they want to be able to say that they're married without the guilt of having lied to their friends also tax benefits.
Yeah so they care about the label — also what civilized country still offers tax benefits just for being married?
>Apart from that there's considerable human overpopulation on this planet and the quality of life for those living today would increase if fewer were born.
You can thank East asia and Africa for that. They are popping 10 babies while starving in africa without any concern for the future. They are literally a drain on the enviroment. Cutting foreign aid would be first step because you can't help a person who don't want to help themselves.
>You can thank East asia
East Asia's birth rates are the lowest in the world, idiot
maybe somethings are more sentimental to others than they are to you
>also what civilized country still offers tax benefits just for being married?
if abe wants those birth rates to go up then Japan will
Yeah or one can do what I suggested and adopt instead?
Human beings are an environmentally polluting product and should be excised accordingly. Levy taxes on births to encourage adoption: One can have one's polluting homebreds as one as one pays one's extra share in exactly the same way one pays one's extra share for taking a car instead of public transport.
Oh, fuck off.
Birth rates have nothing to do with marriage. Marriage is a dumb label that has no place any more in the modern world. Japan needs no births but children and those can be adopted from places where there is a surplus instead of breeding.
If anything the problem is that the Japanese are having a hard time finding love and Japan's œcosystem is entirely built around two-man parentage. Rather they should have better facilitation for adoption as single parents if they want to increase population growth.
>get real: 99% of those that get married are completely unaware of the actual legal pseudocontract they're entering into; they get married for the sentimental value and the label and have no goddamn clue what they're legally getting into — fools, all of them.
You are fucking stupid if you think people are unaware what it legally means to be married. Just fuck off with your anti-family mentality and muh over populated word. If you care so much about the population, then please by all means kill yourself
Yeah so as I said, adopt from Africa.
What part of "adopt" do you keep missing?
>they are popping 10 babies
Well yeah that's what happens when you don't have access to family planning such as condoms and birth control, it's one way to curb overpopulation. Also with the way it's getting expensive to raise kids, overpopulation isn't a concern when you realize how under populated itl become.
Can we go back to imoutos instead? Post some imoutos who deserved a better anime adaption.
abe doesn't want babies out of wedlock, it will only cause millions in tax money to help the single mom to raise the baby or the government benefits to help the mom afford food for her kid because the dad is a deadbeat who spends their money on alcohol
I have a better solution: stop feeding explosive breeders.
At least she got to fug her onii-chan, I think that was anime original. The rest of the show is mediocre.
I can smell the starch on your fedora
They will surely breed _more_ should one feed them less.
It's certainly quite obvious how much breeding negatively correlates with prosperity.
Correlation doesn't mean causation, brainlet. Their life expectancy should be so low that their numbers shouldn't matter because of how poor their quality of life is. I'm not that other user, but not supporting their problem sounds better than ignoring your own and adopting theirs. Especially when your stance is anti-family. What are you even doing here talking spouting this drivel in an imouto thread? Fuck off
Imagine raising your children with love and care and then see them falling in love with each other. Disgusting.
Mogambo and Umfufu have ten hellspawn.
They don't have enough to feed their entire family because Mugabe kicked out everyone who could manage a farm.
Without help:
Eight of those kids die and therefore won't breed in the future. Mogambo Jr. and Umfufu Jr. survive long enough to have ten kids, probably with each other because funnily enough it ain't whites that are committing incest the most exactly. However, of those ten kids eight will starve to death again, leaving the effective number of children at two. This means the populaiton is stable, as two from generation 1 are replaced by two of generation 2, who in turn are replaced by two of generation 3, and so on.
With help:
Since they all have food thanks of the valiant efforts of morons who have never heard of teaching a man to fish, all ten kids are fed and survive long enough to have another ten kids. This means that two from generation 1 are replaced by ten from generation 2, who in turn are replaced by goddamn fifty from generation 3. Not only that, instead of feeding 2 parents and ten children now you have to feed ten parents and fifty children, quintupling the amount of food needed each generation.
And again — like I said a thousand times: adopt that shit.
Take 9 of the 10 hellspawn away instead of breeding your own; problem solved.
Why are people discussing africans in a thread about imoutos?
There are not enough single mothers to adopt at all those children. And as much as I enjoy the irony of forcibly relocating africans as a sign of virtue signaling, good luck getting that to happen.
agreed blacks ruin everything
Okay, now we have ten niglets for each nip.
In a generation, those ten niglets per nip will still be there and have bred 50 more, while Africa's population has already recovered. Now Africa remains overpopulated and Japan doesn't exist anymote. What's your next step?
Don't argue with the niggerlover, he's trying to derail the thread. Report and ignore.
Cute cat
>Girl who had 7 copies of herself loves her brother
God damn is he one lucky motherfucker.
>Not breeding with your sister/brother
You must be an only child or something.
That doujinshi series is great, I'm glad it is getting continued translations.
Imoutos are cats.
It's not fair.
Little sisters are truly the best.
Not better than older brothers.
Little brothers whom you can rape and force into crossdressing and who do all your house chores for you are however the crème de la crème.
Bros, where do I get all the raws for this?
No. Little brothers are best when working hard to be manly to take care of their onee-chan.
Your terrible taste gives onee-chans a bad name.
I want to see more interaction of Ami and Uta. I think it could be very interesting. Mostly we see Ami interact with Ritsu, but Ami is a strange character and I'd like to see how she interacts with Uta more, especially since Ami knows more than Uta does.
Fuck that shit — any good onee-tyan rapes his trappy otouto with the warmest sense of affection and care and gets him to cross-dress convincingly and fucks him up the Ferris wheel with others watching.
Affectionate, tender raping is the sweetest thing ever.
Fuck off.
This manga looks cute and I think I'll pick it up. Give it to me straight though: Am I gonna be heartbroken?
No. It's incredibly wholesome. If you want drama I'd suggest any other manga. There is a bit of an underlying "This is forbidden" note going on underneath it all, but that's the spice of incest and only makes the manga better because it never really overshadows the romance between the brother and sister.
Sweet, tender, incest rape is the best thing.
Perhaps but the crossdressing garbage has no place in it.
And everyone knows that it is much more cute if the imouto is the sexually aggressive one. Gap Moe.
We've seen several times that Uta is much lewder and more aggressive than Ritsu
Thanks, sounds great user
How much longer until Uta ravages Ritsu, Yea Forums?
Be warned: It is super, duper cute.
I want to cut off Uta's ahoge!
Lay off the em dash. How fucking autistic can one shitposter be?
>Perhaps but the crossdressing garbage has no place in it.
I disagree — it's cute; it's like an imouto but with a dick.
> And everyone knows that it is much more cute if the imouto is the sexually aggressive one. Gap Moe.
And being sexually aggressive works better should one have a dick. Raping without a dick simply lacks a certain je-ne-sais-quoi, though admittedly Nami's raping Sora out of rage for lacking a dick was the best thing ever.
Ritsu is too old to still keep playing pretend with his imouto.
Ami end soon Yea Forums!
Are you ready?
Every morning she drains him before he can wake up.
I don't care—pretty sure you're a faggot.
Imagine helping them raise a little crowd of grandchildren who are you grandchildren in both ways,
Imagine if this actually was drawn properly.
All those doujinshi that will never be.
>Imagine helping them raise a little crowd of grandchildren who are you grandchildren in both ways
This family tree needs more branches
Even sans the shitty animation quality this show was extremely bourgeois. Have one truly such desire to combine implausible, rapey harem and siscon at the very least one should have the decency to staff the entire harem with siblings.
Top tier imouto despite everything else. One of the best in recent years.
Drama is interesting, but supportive parents are the best.
It seems there is a manga adaption going on right now.
Three volumes on going, but the translation seems active. Might have to pick this up.
Excessively supportive parents are funny.
This one was cute but damn I wanted more.
>overflowing with sadness
How so? Sure, there were a few rough moments, but it's been pretty wholesome so far
Wise words from a good imouto.
>A love comedy about blood-related siblings, overflowing with sadness
That's a joke translation, right?
Yeah, the cousins and the rest of the cast were cute too, but I'd read a whole manga about dorky sibling mating.
Uta's thread will hit the bump limit!
Agreed, shame about the oniichan wish he had enough of a spine to outright reject the other girls. Making your imouto worry is wrong it should be the imouto making the oniichan worry.
>overflowing with sadness
probably just a joke, no sadness so far just cute siblings doing cute things
Bumping Utas womb!
>Making your imouto worry is wrong it should be the imouto making the oniichan worry.
A good imouto would never have her onii-chan worry.
true it's an ideal situation for the imouto to not worry her oniichan, but if anyone was to worry the other the only one with that right is the imouto
Thank you!
The ideal situation is an onii-chan worried about his imouto and an imouto worried about her onii-chan, but with neither wanting the other to worry and working to solve the worries of the other instead of their own.