South Korea has abandoned its treaty with Japan.
This is a manifestation of the recent explosion of anti-Japan sentiment, which is due to Japan's withdrawal of the preferential treatment of excluding South Korea.
South Korea did not get the consent of the United States and abandoned the treaty.
What do you think about this?
Which do you think is wrong?
South Corea, Worst Corea
What is going on?
I think you should fuck off to /pol/
Lmao, who fucking cares? Honestly the parts of Asia that aren't Japan are just fucking irrelevant.
I think it's not anime or manga.
Not anime or manga.
Not anime or manga.
Not anime or manga.
T. a Jap
what's your opinion.
I think all gooks should die in atomic fire but that has nothing to do with anime or manga
I think Japan needs to apologize to Korea for raping and killing 6 million people.
North Korea will protect Nippon. Trump is buddy buddy with his rocket friend.
I don't know the eastern geopolitical situation (IE trade, border tension) well enough to comment on specifics but, in a general sense, the most important thing is unimpeded creation of loli artwork.
Japan paid and apologized in the past.
But Korea will ask for more apology and money…
Not anime or manga.
Not anime or manga.
Not anime or manga.
Not anime or manga.
Not anime or manga.
Not anime or manga.
>6 mil
First off Tojo's regime is credited with 5 mil. I know 6 mil is important to certain subversives, but exaggerations tend to make people believe less then they already do. Second Korea needs to stop playing both sides before America abandons them to the fate of North Korea, they aren't Israel, America isn't going to bend over for them.
Excuse me, captain autism
>the most important thing is unimpeded creation of loli artwork(including anime and manga)
Who is going to animate your in-between now?
Probably Taiwan or Singapore.
Did Koreans lose their freaking minds? Do they seriously think they can take over the world with fucking K-pop?
Japan often goes for Phillipines or Taiwan anyway and it doesn't depend that much on the overseas for the animation process. Burger animation is the one that had most of the process made entirely in Korea
Mods pls
Have you lost your mind? Not anime or manga.