Anime is not going to be japan exclusive forever

people make a lot of noise about what is and isn't anime but you need to realise anime is more than just this japanese exclusive thing.
in the same way how rap is now more than just some black exclusive thing and we have white rappers and we have korean and asian rappers bringing their own flare to the art form.
this is what happens with all good art forms they expand out into other cultures only becoming stronger and greater taking on new ways never thought of before.
there are already a lot of non japanese people who animate for anime and the industry already outsources certain production parts out to other countries.

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are you retarded

bad bait user

Anime is "Japanese animation". It's exclusive to the Japanese by definition. Now fuck off.

non just aware of the way the industry is going.
web gen animation was the flame that started to take anime in a new direction, as now foreigner web gen animators are working on anime productions more and more every year.

this years carole and tuesday and one punch man season 2 had a lot good handfull of web gen animators and also ssss gridman also had some too.

>ITT the jew fears the samurai
sloppy job mossad

that's not what anime means it just means animation. only ignorant people think it means "japanese exclusive" animation and don't accept it's real meaning of just meaning "animation" more specifically and aesthetic or ethos of animation production.

If you weren't a subversive newfag, you'd know "anime" is short for Japanimation.

Not only false but nonsensical. Natural language terms mean what people use them to mean. "Anime" is used to mean Japanese animation, or sometimes East Asian animation more generally.
The Japanese word アニメ means animation generally, but it's a different word in a different language.

That's just r/anime's definition of anime. Go back to plebbit, fuckface.

You must be the person who goes mad about the "native isekai" term.

>East Asian animation more generally
Fuck off and eat shit you gook/chink shill

>White rappers

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okay now you are baiting as if you weren't a newfag and looked deeper into anime production you would know a lot of anime productions also outsource work to korea as well for stuff like inbetweening. so then if it's this exclusive japanese thing then a lot of shows and movies that are not a 100% japanese production would be not anime including stuff like made in abyss as the soundtrack was not done in japan.

i'm not going to deny it doesn't have a different meaning used in the west but that is not the words real meaning so the real initial meaning should be held with more value then any other interpretation of the word outside of it's initial context.

If you weren't so young you'd know better plebbitfag. You should go back and get your stars or what ever social credit they give for being a faggot.

Shut the fuck up.

White and Asian rappers are though


Not how loan words work. "Anime" comes from 「アニメ」, but that's just etymology. It doesn't affect the meaning. There's no "real meaning" beyond what people mean when they use it.

Fine, I'll stop watching new anime and finally work on that backlog.
New anime is shit for the most part anyways.

A moderator will look at this thread and think "Yep, this is quality Yea Forums material."

Outsourcing the grunt work has been a thing for decades. Its the source, direction, production etc that makes a work what it is. Anime is inherently japanese but its art-form has been copied recently because of its success.
>thirdworld asian shitholes copy what is successful
I'm not surprised

anime is literally japanese animation, you literally need to be japanese to be able to produce anime.

well the japanese just mean all animation when they use the word so it can be deducted that is what it means is just "animation" nothing more nothing less.
if you wanted to talk about japanese exclusive animation they would say [日本アニメ] so by it's own anime doesn't mean japanese exclusive.

>in the same way how rap is now more than just some black exclusive thing and we have white rappers and we have korean and asian rappers bringing their own flare to the art form.
And its still degenerate negro garbage, no matter who particpates. You're not helping your case, David.

Again, you miss the point. 「アニメ』 and "anime" are different words. They do not mean the same thing. What Nips mean by 「アニメ』 is irrelevant to the meaning of "anime".

>anime is literally japanese animation, you literally need to be japanese to be able to produce anime.

hehe you don;t know about the french animators working in the anime industry in japan, or the outsourcing to korea, or the web generation animator freelancers like bahi jd,guzzu, and yen yen?

heck carole and tuesday even had the op animated by western animators in California for some parts.

I'm sure if japanese were to specify anime, they would specify foreign animation.
For american animation, I use the term cartoon. For foreign animation, other than japan, I would call it X cartoons, like british cartoons or french cartoons etc. Different cultures, different designations. Anime is the designation for japanese cartoons. Simple as that.

>What Nips mean by 「アニメ』 is irrelevant to the meaning of "anime"

nice bait!

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Grunt work see

>grunt work see

Fuck your mom now check this 5 retard

The fuck even is this crap

Fuck off Chinese fuck

This is a fucking bootleg, fuck off gook cunt

>no argument
You've embarrassed yourself enough already. Just go back, dialate and rethink your life. You're not gonna get your sheckels here.

This language is fucking disgusting

>the fuck even is this crap
anime with korean productions:

The gooks are fucking shameless, fucking dogshit sub human

>Hate Japan
>b-b-b-but copy their art style and cliches, tropes, stereotype is fine
LMAO what is a bunch of cucks

You've fundamentally misunderstood the point because you're operating under the assumption that anime is its own category, as opposed to being a subcategory of animated cartoons. We already have Chinese "anime" produced by Chinese studios, and certainly Japanese studios outsource a lot to studios in Vietnam, Korea, etc., but the unifying quality is the fact that it is is creatively Japanese. An "anime" produced (directed, written, etc.) by people of a different country would have distinct characteristics that set it apart from anime made in Japan, and the physical differences will be sufficient to allow people to categorise them separately and ignore them if they so choose.

I don't even understand the purpose of your argument anyway. Do you want us to watch and discuss "anime" that isn't made in Japan? Or do you want Japanese studios to train up foreign studios to be able to produce works with a similar artistic style?

>doesn't know the phrase a single picture speaks a thousand words, kek and in this case there is thousands of individual pictures making up movement

Thanks, final nail in the coffin for a shit thread

This is fucking flop Chinese crap, learn how to Google you fucking sub human

This guy gets it.

What word, some weeaboo shit produced by gooks? We already has plenty of these, see gook MMOs shit

>anime is not going to be japan exclusive forever
Then we should probably start calling anime "cartoons" to prove a point.

The fuck is Japan about this? Just a short cartoon drawn in Japan art style by gook with a disgusting language too boost

reeee all you want but anime isn't japanese exclusive and i'm only giving you a heads up in how it's going to evolve in the coming years

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And i'm gonna shit on your thread like usual, and you gonna deal with it like the fucking gaping faggot you are like usual

You fucking wish fag, like the fucking chink dog, gook shit you are

>anime isn't japanese exclusive
This is just playing musical chairs with definitions. If your definition of anime is "cartoons in the style of post-war Japanese animation", then that's fine; it's obvious that other countries are copying that style whether it's the Chinese, the Koreans, or Americans with RWBY. But it doesn't mean that we have to watch them, and we're quite free to continue limiting our personal definition to "animation produced by Japanese" with whatever additional boundaries we choose.

to the untrained ear japanese,korean, and Chinese all sound the same you do know this right? and gook is a racist word used on all asians even japanese, you do know this right?

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All Gook, chink and Western anime style is shit though