Why is he so angry at the industry?

Why is he so angry at the industry?

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Why aren't you angry about this proliferation of shitty isekai?

He is an old man.
Old people are always angry at things. Everything is degeneration. Everything is bad.

Yea Forums is browsed by many old people it seems.

How is that false in any way? Look around you. This industry is so bad that deranged individuals are courted as fan, who are unstable and self-righteous enough to outright cause the death of 30 some individuals

This, at least in part, for old people are powered by spite, should they run out of things to be angry about they will suddenly drop dead. You too can experience this power, let spite into your life, get angry at things and feel the energy running through your veins!

he saw the shitty 'le lose weight XD' /fit/ pseudo ""anime""

He's a closet lolicon.

So what?

The industry has been shit for decades. It shows no signs of changing anytime soon.

Years rather

>le everything is shit boogeyman
>still browses Yea Forums 10 hours daily

postt the miyazaki pasta

Decades. The industry has grown alot, the conditions haven't changed at all.
Are you retarded? Read slower next time. I'm not talking about the quality of anime, I'm talking about the industry.

he believes anime is only for children but anime evolved to cater to horny teenagers instead and the trend never went back

Everyone is. Even you.

He envies people and the industry itself because he can't accept himself for what he is.

He's been paying attention for the past twenty years.

he's a contrarian who believe his movies are deep.

you heard that on japanese tv?

Because he thinks he is the Kurosawa of animation when he really isnt.

Remember the disappointed looks you got from your parents? It's pretty much like that.

He's a closeted pedophile who has marketed himself and his works as wholesome/family friendly. But the anime industry is currently flooded with sexy little girls and now he's mad that he can't control his horny level.

They might not be deep but they have infinintly more artistic merit than your moeshit
Even pure action shows have more merit, toriyama at least tried to write interesting characters, can't say the same thing about any of the dead fucks at kyoani

Shut up you fat bitch.

He's an old man whom young people don't give a shit about anymore. Miyazaki is literally boomer personafied. Ever heard of the
>just talk to the guy in charge of recruiting, give him solid handshake and yuo'll have a job for life
boomer tale? That's Miyazaki for you. Just give people convincing handshakes and they'll give you the budget you need. The last television anime he worked on was in production for like 4 years and the first half had already been animted for 2-3 when it finally aired. Nowadays, the project would simply get scrapped.

Marxist Disney shill

You'd be surprised how many people in their 30/40's are on here posting cunny threads.
I would know... I'm one of them.

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>Why is he so angry at the industry?
I wonder if there is a Japanese version of this.

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"moeblob" problems
>parmenidean onhology and cosmology (Madoka)
>heideggerian problem of "sein" (Blend S)
>nietzschean question of emotions (Doremi, K-On!,Zombieland Saga)
>Shinto irl (Fun Fun Pharmacy)
>Leibniz's theoodicea (Girl's last tour, Zombieland Saga)
>Spinoza (Clione no Akari)
>Theology in general (Gabriel Dropout)
>Rousseau's theory of childhood (Mitsuboshi)
>Saint Anselm's ontological argument (Kemono Friends)
>Post human transgression of incest (OreImo)
>Masks, performance, society (Sartrean 'L'enfer c'est les autres') (Eromanga sensei)
>hypothetical epistemological simulations (Aho Girl)
>Rawls' theory of justice (Slow Start)
>Stanislavski's system of theatrical pedagogy (Shoujo Kageki Revue Starlight)
>Teilhard's writings on the noosphere and the Omega Point (Flip Flappers)
>Junger's Anarch in the context of late capitalist consumer society (Ramen Daisuki Koizumi-san)
>Spengler's predictions on Russia and its role in the emerging Eurasian Hochkultur (Uchi no Maid ga Uzasugiru)

shonen problems
>who's stronger
>whose robot is stronger

>spend all your life trying to turn anime into true art
>it becomes a fetishizing, reality escaping, money grubbing, worldwide joke of a medium
I like anime because it appeals to my degeneracy, but I'd be angry too if I were him.

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>spend all your life trying to turn anime into true art
Best be joking. Most of his production are popcorn flick MCU tier.

How is that true at all? Just because he knows how to grab your attention doesn't mean there aren't important values instilled into his works.

>important values
What a joker. Miyazaki has never even tried to address important issues that hadn't already been addressed by dozens of other people beforehand. Besides, the themes woven into his shows aren't even important. They are the delusional brainchild of an old man who doesn't understand the development the planet and its people have undergone. Nobody watches his flicks for themes or story. People watch them because they are well animated escapism. The thematic relevance is about as paperthin as it is in many other films. Let me guess: You're one of those people who'd argue for idolshows to not have anything important to say, despite some of them being significantly "deeper", thought provoking and appropriate for their time than anything Miyazaki has ever touched. Every single piece of animation has themes, messages or values. Your degrading attitude towards them doesn't change that. Naruto is more thematically complex than all of Ghibli's works combined, yet you'd laugh at it for being "muh battle shounen". Stop pretending to give a shit about the message.

>I'm going to call things that aren't moeshit moeshit to make my genre seem like it has more validity
No better than the isekaifags with their native isekai bullshit

He's angry at everything. Newfags like use that in order to give their stupidity some credibility.

>Miyazaki has never even tried to address important issues that hadn't already been addressed by dozens of other people beforehand.
It's almost impossible to be have original themes in this day and age. What's important is presenting those themes in a unique way, which Miyazaki is well-renowned for.
>Besides, the themes woven into his shows aren't even important. They are the delusional brainchild of an old man who doesn't understand the development the planet and its people have undergone.
You're saying things like family or environment aren't important? I'd say they are even more important in the modern age where our planet is gradually being littered and kids have smartphones in their hands before they can even read.
>People watch them because they are well animated escapism.
That's just your assumption.
>You're one of those people who'd argue for idolshows to not have anything important to say
That's a another big assumption. But I guess assuming is all you can do when you know nothing.
>Every single piece of animation has themes, messages or values.
Yes, but some films don't focus on them at all, which are what you'd call 'popcorn flicks', being your original argument.
>Naruto is more thematically complex than all of Ghibli's works combined
Naruto also has 240 hours of content. You're a complete retard for comparing them that way.

>spend all your life trying to turn anime into true art
>it's just a fairy tales for normies

nice deflection pedo

>it becomes a fetishizing, reality escaping, money grubbing, worldwide joke of a medium
Entertainement industry in a nutshell.

>What's important is presenting those themes in a unique way, which Miyazaki is well-renowned for.
Almost made me laugh, but not quite there yet.
>family or environment
Totoro is the perfect example of Miyazaki being unable to actually comment on the former. He is not a family member. He's not a father either. He's a typical Japanese who values his work more than anything else, hence why he was never able to provide any genuine insight regarding human themes. And how could he? He lacks experience since he never ever saw his own children grow up. If you need to get parenting advice from a Japanese workaholic, you're pretty far off, gotta say. His approach to environmentalism is, specifically why I stated it, not appropriate and the delusional brain child of an uneducated boomer who comments on topics he lacks any actual knowledge of. Listening to Miyazaki comment on enivronmentalism, economics, geopolitics, history or diplomacy is like listening to a drooling retard talk about rocket science. He's an ideologist. He has nothing important to say because his comment are detached from reality.
>That's just your assumption.
No, that's a fact. People don't go to the movie theater to have their children explore rich themes, retard. It's a vehicle for entertainment.
>That's a another big assumption
Of course it's an assumption. But instead of pointing out the obvious, you could simply deny it. Guess I was right.
>but some films don't focus on them at all
Neither do Miyazaki's. They are entertainment vehicles. You want to see what "focusing on themes" looks like? You watch one of Oshiis exposition films where the cast chains 5 minutes of straight monologue.
>Naruto also has 240 hours of content.
Completely irrelevant. You pretend to care about the message, the themes, the values taught. Naruto might have more time, but as a result it's also more multilayered and ambigious and its presentation. It's not Kishimoto's fault that Miyazaki can't fill more than 90min.

Looks like it's made by a fa/tg/uy. Just don't invite people to your house that don't want to play your shitty game. Or watch your shitty animu.

Is this a meme or actual moments of him being upset at current anime?

Old men yelling out how current generation is bad is not new, its old as time itself.

Have you seen his work compared to the rest of anime?

He has a right to be angry.

>Almost made me laugh, but not quite there yet.
If you're not going to seriously reply because your argument is full of holes then the discussion is over. Also, regardless of what your opinion is on Miyazaki, my point was to empathize with what he was trying to do. The fact that your first response is to criticize his films that just shows how much of an edgy autist you are.

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The only thing that matters is execution. Intention is something you merely assume. There's virtually no evidence for your worthless interpretation or some post-production interviews to be accurate assessments. If you seriously think Miyazaki did not structure his films to be entertaining first, and everything else second, then you're about as gullible as they come. But hey, you're welcome to believe for Miyazaki to present messages in unique ways. The fact that his first movie literally has the protagonist say
>we need to live in harmony with the ohms/forest/nature
proves you wrong, but who am I to judge. If that's unique to you, then so be it.

>The fact that his first movie literally has the protagonist say
>>we need to live in harmony with the ohms/forest/nature
When does Lupin say that?

A frequent complaint that many people from prior to the 2000s share is the ouroboros of inspiration, where the artists and writers of these series take more from existing series they like rather than non-anime series or even real life. By fitting the series strictly into an archetype, very little originality can fully develop as it goes on, if it does not get axed in the first ten chapters. Veteran VAs feel like newer ones could spend more time listening to real people speak, mangaka can tell when a character is too familiar and hard to distinguish, and anime directors find series that do not feature particularly inspired direction or original scenarios

I don't count franchise films. Fuck you.

How embarassing.

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Quite frankly, this line of criticism has never made any sense. Not only are the working conditions different than they used to be, people's lives are different than they used to be, but expecting original scenarios is just straight up retarded. There's a reason the entertainment medium has been stagnating for the past 10 years. Virtually everything has been done before. You want to do something that isn't safe? Better host a kickstarters since the investors are unlikely to hand you money otherwise. It's delusional to accuse the staff, when it's the old guard who has created the current conditions and never felt the need to counteract it. Look at Ikuhara. Nobody would give this mad 39 episodes of screentime anymore. Nowadays he has to beg for 11. Industry veterans tend to be quintessential boomers. People who believe that it was them who made things possible. Not the circumstances during which they entered the field.

He's a literal communist.
Getting angry at not being able to control what people say and does comes with the territory.


So does Yea Forums think that there should not be critisizism towards anine industry?

Bitch, he's been angry for 40 years, it's kind of his thing.

Why are you so angry at him, user? Because he insulted otaku? Because he was somewhat popular outside of japan? Search your heart.

Criticism can be uttered by people who are actually involved. Miyazaki makes 1 film every 5-10 years and sits in a bubble environment while doing so. He's in no position to comment.

based moechad

Consumers and companies ruined his market, much like what happened to the game industry.

You have absolutely zero right to comment then, since you make 0 film in all the years of your life.

Based, saved.

No, but I expect that if you want to talk about the industry as a whole, either negatively or positively, in anything kind of statement other than an opinion, then you must put effort in to quantify/prove that non-subjective statement. Before you even begin, you must the establish the definitions and base axioms from which you are arguing from. Once these have been agreed upon, you must take a complete (or statistically significant random) sampling of shows between time frame X and time frame Y and judge works solely based on the postulates presented previously. Only after this has been done can any statement regarding the overall quality of the industry be considered objectively proven rather than your, perhaps slightly credible depending on the topic, opinion.

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I am not sitting here criticising the animators/directors for doing a poor job. I am fully aware of the poor working conditions and struggles they face during production.

He's the living embodiment of the OLD GOOD NEW BAD memes.

But sometimes that's true. New things aren't always good and old things aren't always bad.

Did it ever occur to you that neither old nor new are good or bad, but that both are mediocre?

>one all rule for everything
It just depends. You have to judge everything according to its own merit and not by generalizations. I would say we still have good anime, but there is also a lot of trash too.

So exactly like the 60s-00s.

Some eras just have more trash than others, and other eras just have better stuff.

I am sure it you're right, Mr. Ironic-Weeb-Boomer.


Gee, I wonder

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>Saint Anselm's ontological argument (Kemono Friends)
I'll take this post seriously and ask it. How? There's nothing that can even remotely be connected to the ontological argument.

You're forgetting.
LITTLE GIRLS that I want to fuck but I can't admit it GOOD

He secretly is fascist and pro-imperialism

He's old and washed up.

why aren't you?
Look at basically the entire last decade

old man version of incel rage

It's weird that this thread doesn't agree with him, I wouldn't have guessed that.

I'm in some kind of bizarro Yea Forums

You seem to misunderstand. Nobody claims for anime to be good. The problem is him pretending that it ever was.

The age of the "Boomer" is over!

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>hypothetical epistemological simulations (Aho Girl)

Because everyone knows that he is right, but they still don't listen.

He’s just mad that he’s not the only lolicon.

Because he's Japanese Alan Moore.

Raised an industry and has the gall to complain about it as if he wasn't responsible. Typical boomer behavior, no self awareness whatsoever.

The most likely duo

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Because he's overrated